New Altcoins like Spacemesh, Gram and BAT are they as good as 0x and Stellar? - Coins / Tokens Talk - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

New Altcoins like Spacemesh, Gram and BAT are they as good as 0x and Stellar?

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Hello everyone, welcome back for the latest analysis of Spacemesh and Gram, the last two coins that have passed the strict selection criteria from Coinbase. We’ve had some absolute whoppers so far in this series, but I’m looking forward to these last 2 coins a lot.

Spacemesh just sounds awesome, and yes I’m just talking about it’s name lol, I’m also expecting good things from Gram as well, due to it being so publicly debated with an estimated $1.7 Billion from its token sale, that’s plenty of money to play with, let’s see if they put it to good use or not.

Plus I will also be looking over at Binance US as it has also offered its clients some new crypto assets as well, and whilst these aren’t super brand new, it’s worth looking at them as they have passed the US SEC litmus test and has been approved for sale over there.


Yesterday I did a recap of some of the biggest points to note so far, if you want to quickly read that before continuing here, then click on these two links and read the opening summary:

Otherwise let’s get into these two new juicy coins and see what they’ve got:




Well there’s plenty of outreach with Twitter, Medium, Github, Telegram. They also amazingly offer Gitter and e mail for direct access to the developers as well.

If you don’t know what Gitter is, Gitter is a open sourced chat and networking platform that helps to manage, grow and connect communities through messaging, content creation and discovery.

I checked it out, it’s a very attractive looking website/ networking community.

Here take a look:


It’s trusted by some pretty impressive big hitters in the tech space, but up until now, I’ve certainly never heard of it. Definitely a community for the well versed in tech of the Silicon Valley, I bet it was started there and got passed around between each other, before we get to hear about it? 🤔

I would investigate but I’m more interested in this coin for now...


With the social media aspect out of the way, WTF is up with this website? Lol it’s like Avalanche as it’s super basic, but it’s got some crazy Alison in Wonderland/ The Matrix 😎 twist to it.

At the bottom of the first page it has white_rabbit$ in lower case text, did you see it?

If you click on team, it gets even weird-er...


When you click on The name of a person pops up with a link to articles and publications, and these are super hard core coding/ programming publications as well.


That’s the white rabbits card link clicked and the name Iddo Bentov revealed itself, I clicked that link it took me to this site with all these super hardcore publications/ discussion articles...Wow!


The weird and wonderful website doesn’t end there either, there is a little switch at the top right hand side of Every website page, so I had to click it and then this happened:


LOL, it’s a light switch, I guess? Or a white switch, there is no more information when you hover over it or click it, it’s just there and turns it dark and light. Cool and weird...

Fortunately when I clicked FAQ, I finally got something sensible and normal from Spacemesh, not that I’m complaining, but I do need some answers about their project, aside from the theatrics. 👏🏼😁


Spacemesh has 3 problems it’s wants to solve:

  • To create the world’s most fairly distributed and decentralized cryptocurrency.

  • To create a cryptocurrency that is completely usable as a means of payment between any two people in the world without any possibility of censorship.

  • Enable technology that easily scales to the masses to fulfill the promise of the Blockchain. The idea is to enable creators, writers, artists, journalists and merchants to automatically enforce payment contracts, ensuring that they get paid for their work.

They have a few sub layers to these 3 mission ops as well. As they see current PoW and PoS models as inefficient and ineffective due to waste or energy consumption.

They do explain everything in good detail on their website, but it gets quite technical and they go into great detail, which makes it unsuitable for print here, but these 2 screenshots are worth looking over:


It’s worth mentioning that they haven’t quite worked out all of these answers yet, but they are committed to the task and seem ultra focussed, they have incredible knowledge of the current cryptocurrency limitations and want to fix them all, as it is the only way to succeed, at least for them.

They sort of remind me of Bitcoin founder Sasatoshi Nakamoto and their white paper. They’ve noted all the weaknesses and are in the process of working through them with the answers they currently know and will continue to work on.


Definitely the most in depth, complex coin I’ve looked at so far, but one that could be revolutionary just like Bitcoin was to the Fiat currency world, is what I see Spacemesh doing to the current Cryptocurrency economy!

With no advertising of the investors, all I can say is that it has got Coinbase attention and the mission objectives of this coin are completely SEC friendly, at least for now.

It’s combining your hardware to provide cheap easy PoW mining, with a decentralised cloud layer and a more improved coin than any of the current technology they know of.

So, that’s Nervos, Dfinity and Filecoin pretty much all rolled into one! Haha

No wonder the website is made of code...they are neck deep in code all day every day, probably for the rest of their lives lol. Good luck guys and girls or avators are whatever you are 👏🏼💪🏼👍🏼😃

Phew! Next - it’s Gram!

Gram - TON

Telegram Open Network (TON)

NO Website

NO known investors - 2 closed funding rounds in Feb and March 2018

NO Social Media Channels except for 3 Posts on Twitter...

Well this episode is really turning into a follow Alice in wonderland down the rabbit hole!🕳

Gram has even more secrecy than Spacemesh, but instead of hiding behind playing cards and strange animals, they have somehow managed total radio silence, despite being such a big new coin/ tech coming to market.

Until this week even it’s just been little leaks of information here and there from reputable crypto websites like Coindesk and Coinsquare, but confirmed with Twitter links that I’ve found.

So what we know so far is:

  • Gram coins will operate on the TON Blockchain
  • Mobile messenger payment service like Wechat is the goal, micro payments initially then scaled up to bigger purchases
  • TON tokens will come with a Wallet built by Telegram Open Network
  • With over 180 Million users of Telegram, they believe they have an instant community and network that can use this new service
  • October 31st is the proposed LIVE date

Credit to reliable information comes from the 2 twitter posts that they have managed:


And this super cool video, that I highly recommend watching:




So that’s it for now on Gram.

Definitely the most hyped coin on this whole series for sure!

If I had 180 million users + I’m sure I would hype it up and keep it secret until it was perfected, as the first impression is so huge on the internet itself, but on an instant messaging service, it could be over for Gram before it’s started, if they don’t get it right.

2 Twitter posts since Jan 2018 and No website or real social presence means they are hard at work on something, let’s hope it brings the masses into crypto like it certainly has the potential to do!

That brings me finally onto BINANCE US


Let’s just briefly skim over what these coins main objectives are and see if they match up with what we’ve seen from Coinbase and then I will investigate further tomorrow.


Cordano comes complete with a wallet that allows staking for holders, as this is a PoS coin.

  • It is being built to run advanced smart contracts

  • The goal is a Faster payment service than Bitcoin and Ethereum


It looks like a complete coin/ tech as it solves PoW issues, aims to beat eth on smart contracts and offers its holders rewards for staking, which creates a community appeal.

Good coin, definitely an easy one for the SEC and Binance to say Yes to, they had better hurry up though as those new coinbase coins are either just as good or better!


BAT tokens run on the Ethereum blockchain and want to enable a better future for users, advertisers and content producers.

Brave is the open source browser that sorts out better deals for everyone by monitoring your attention and serving you better Ads, content etc. The Brave browser anonymously monitors user attention, then rewards publishers accordingly with BATs, sort of like a but browser mode only.

Brave is ready to go now as well, tomorrow we will find out if it works as I will try it out 👍🏼😃

Sounds like a better internet experience for everyone then, BATs are a utility token rather than a store of value so it’s only a trade-able asset if you like to trade, they condone trading as they prefer adoption instead.

Cool! Sort of a good use case scenario, definitely needs further investigation to see if it’s a real solution. As their coin is a utility based token means it’s very SEC and US friendly, because it’s not a currency alternative as much as Bitcoin.



Ethereum Classic is a general purpose blockchain that runs many more types of applications than Bitcoin can. It is quite a simple concept as it runs smart contracts and uses gas as well, just like Ethereum. Many people have created a wallet for it as it’s been around for some time.

I think this coin has been added by Binance as it is quite a stablecoin compared to Ethereum and Bitcoin as it doesn’t pump and dump hardly at all.

It still has some hardcore fans ever since it split with Ethereum many moons ago, so should give Binance some decent volume.

Plus it’s not a currency alternative or store of value coin so it’s very SEC friendly.



I totally forgot you can send XLM stellar lumens for a fraction of the cost of ether and bitcoin. It helps people send money across borders and I’m talking Dollars to Euros for example not bitcoin to dash.

That is a real use case isn’t it as normally to send money from one country to the next takes ages, costs a lot and requires a lot of ID and documents taken to a physical establishment. So much effort and cost compared to XLM isn’t it, no wonder they power IBMs world wire which represents 47 currencies in 72 different countries.


Great use case, IBM is on board, so it’s a nobrainer for Binance US and SEC as it’s helping a big blue chip corporation gain with blockchain tech.


I’ve always wanted to hear more about 0x as it’s surfaced on the media a few times but never long enough for me to follow up on it, till now. It’s got a couple of different and cool features:

  • It offers an exchange to purchase or trade cryptocurrency
  • wallet to wallet trading with no deposits or withdrawals
  • Runs smarts contracts like Ethereum
  • It’s been built to allow you to run your own smart contracts on the network


It’s got some other benefits that make it a very safe coin, it’s a network or protocol and not a store of value, plus it offers developers a chance to build on their network and receive gas as payment.

This is the basics of a business, so it’s good for the economy in the software/ tech department where the US scores massively on.

Another safe bet for Binance and with wallet to wallet swaps, it makes it easy for new comers to enter the crypto market who don’t want to go through the hassle of exchanges and deposits and then trade and withdraw etc.


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Thanks Phabulu, I put all my articles on Steem first and resteem the best articles I bump into on there on my blog page so anyone stopping by can get a lot of value from it 👍🏼😁



In regards to BAT, I think your right! The browser tech is awesome. Really noticeable speed difference compared to anything else, so I can see a lot of retail investors getting on board as they try this FREE browser out. 


I did notice that ZRX has about a million (lol) different ERC-20 token exchanges on its website though. They will do well if they can satisfy demand with good pricing from lots of liquidity as no middle man is good if there’s plenty of people willing to swap. 

Not sure why but 0x is going NUTS today! It’s at over 20% in just one day! What a move 👍🏼💯🤩


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At the moment you are right! 0x is out performing all those other alts. It’s a great platform, I didn’t realise so many awesome coins are actually ERC-20 tokens. 





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