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LetsExchange Partners With Swing.xyz for Liquidity Boost


LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, has partnered with Swing, the leading liquidity aggregator for decentralized applications (dApps). The partnership will enable LetsExchange to access liquidity from over 100 blockchains, bridges, and decentralized exchanges (DEXes) through Swing’s platform.

LetsExchange will be able to offer its users more options and flexibility for swapping coins, as well as faster and cheaper transactions. Swing will be able to expand its reach and exposure to new markets and audiences, as well as showcase its innovative technology and solutions.


Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are very excited to partner with Swing. This partnership will allow us to make our service more stable in terms of liquidity and provide our users with even faster swaps at better prices. We believe this partnership will help us achieve our mission of making crypto exchange easy and accessible for everyone.”


This collaboration represents a thrilling chance for Swing to highlight its flexible and dependable cross-chain aggregation capabilities. Swing is committed to facilitating smooth cross-chain transactions, offering the best price swap execution, a diverse range of assets, and accelerated token conversions, enhancing the experience for LetsExchange users.” - Viveik Vivekananthan, CEO at Swing.xyz 


Swing is the unified cross-chain liquidity routing platform that connects dApps to multiple sources of liquidity from over 100 Blockchains, Bridges and DEXes. Swing’s smart routing algorithm finds the best prices and routes for any exchange, minimizing slippage. Swing also offers a range of tools for dApp developers, such as Swing Platform, Swing Widget, Swing SDK, and Bridge & Swap API.


LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub that saves users’ time and money by offering a full range of exchange services on the best terms. LetsExchange allows users to swap 4,000+ coins and tokens (including cross-chain), the biggest number of assets in the market. One can also buy and sell 200+ cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies on LetsExchange.io, use DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, earn from profitable affiliate programs, and more.

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eCash Was Always Unique in Its Value Proposition – Interview With the eCash Team


eCcash is a unique project that combines the best of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash with a novel Avalanche consensus layer. This allows eCash to offer faster, more flexible, and more secure transactions than ever before.

In an exclusive interview with LetsExchange, the eCash team outlines upcoming upgrades in their roadmap, including Avalanche pre-consensus, Chronik integrated indexer, Aliases feature, and staking rewards. They believe these enhancements will contribute to eCash's scalability, efficiency, and user experience, making it an attractive option for developers and businesses. They also share their views on the challenges and opportunities of crypto regulation, KYC, and AML.


LetsExchange: As of today, there are over 10,000 coins listed on CMC. While XEC remains in the top 100 assets, many new cryptocurrencies have shown active growth recently. How does the eCash team envision its place in this overcrowded crypto landscape?

eCash team: In general, many token projects exist, but most of them do not innovate or maintain their own infrastructure. Many of which do not have their own blockchain and are created on top of other smart chains. If we reduce the number of projects to actual blockchains, we already find ourselves with far less. And if we further compare these networks, only a few of them focus on being scalable p2p cash systems which remain fully censorship resistant and with no corporate backing and even less retain a proof-of-work consensus. From those that are left, we make the case that eCash is a superior, more robust, and innovative technology.

Especially from a technological standpoint eCash was always unique in its value proposition. It is a highly scalable blockchain, with a clearly laid out roadmap to achieve mass scale (5 million tps capacity), all while remaining a layer-1 proof-of-work blockchain. Scaling the base layer has been our mission since 2017, while many other projects went along with the common notion that proof-of-work blockchains can’t scale, trying to scale through second layers or being highly reliant on custodians. In that regard, we are already differentiating ourselves from most of the space, and you can say we have a head start in Layer1 scaling if you will.

eCash is also among the most innovative networks, as you can see by our dual consensus integration (Nakamoto + Avalanche). Another thing that makes it unique among altcoins is that it is a continuing Bitcoin-fork with its transaction history going all the way back to the 2009 genesis transaction, making it a relatively well distributed coin.

Strong arguments for eCash are that it remains trustless while it is scalable and among the fastest in terms of transaction settlement. Its miner funding policy ensures resources for development and maintenance of infrastructure without relying on corporate funding. This is an issue many projects don’t even have on their radar, leaving them often with no incentives to create or maintain infrastructure and ecosystems or to innovate.

And of course, it is simple to use with guaranteed low fees in the entire space, which is what our project is known for since 2017.

It may be hard to see on the first glance, but from a tokenomics, technology, and security standpoint, we are sure that developers and businesses working with our network will quickly see that the eCash development team has built a network with a certain quality to it.

Low fees, reliable, and instant transactions will also be practical benefits every user will recognize as such. We are also the only Bitcoin implementation that offers staking rewards based on our Avalanche integration.

LetsExchange: What does the future roadmap look like for eCash? Are there any exciting developments or milestones that users can look forward to? What new features are you planning to implement?

eCash team: The eCash roadmap stands since 2017. It is a technical roadmap and a guiding document for the entire project, focusing on making the network the most secure, most scalable, and agile network there is. You can see the entire list of items on https://e.cash/roadmap where you can see which are in planning, in development, or already live.

As for upcoming upgrades, we have quite a few in the pipeline:

  • Avalanche pre-consensus

Our Avalanche integration is certainly the biggest upgrade. Development has just prioritized working on the next milestone, Pre-Consensus. This is a fundamental item on the roadmap and a great technological achievement that will enable transaction finality within 2 seconds and make the network more agile in many ways. Please note that this implementation is not connected to the AVAX blockchain, which simply uses a similar implementation of the Avalanche protocol. Rather, we combined both technologies that BTC and AVAX are using, integrating them from scratch into eCash.

  • Chronik integrated indexer

The Chronik project integrates an indexer directly into the node software. Creating a reliable indexer is something that has been proposed for Bitcoin several times, but was never able to come to fruition. Integrating the indexer into the node will result in simpler logic and reduce its workload for an overall more efficient service. Chronik also empowers developers and services building on top of eCash. Rather than having to manage two programs, they can just run their Bitcoin ABC node and activate the indexing functions they want.

  • Aliases

The Cashtab.com app development team is doing the beta testing on the upcoming Aliases feature, which allows users to bind userhandles to their eCash addresses. This upgrade will roll out in two phases. In phase one, you can buy your ‘userhandle.xec’. And in phase two, you will be able to buy and sell these aliases in the form of eTokens, very similar to Ethereum’s namespaces.

  • Staking rewards

We also implemented staking rewards last December. Stake proofs are part of the Avalanche protocol’s Sybil resistance mechanism, which leads eCash to be the only Bitcoin implementation to offer staking rewards. If you run a well-connected Bitcoin ABC node along with a valid stake proof, you will receive about 14% APY as of yet, while keeping full control over your coins. The APY is subject to change based on how much XEC is staked. The minimal staking amount is 100 million XEC, which is quite low compared to other staking networks. You can learn more about it on avalanche.cash and our staking guide.

LetsExchange: eCash has introduced an Avalanche consensus mechanism. How does the Avalanche consensus layer work, why did you choose it over other solutions, and how does it improve the security and scalability of the eCash network?

eCash team: The Avalanche protocol is a breakthrough consensus protocol that achieves decentralized consensus efficiently and quickly in a trustless manner. Using Avalanche consensus alone comes with a downturn, namely the inability for new nodes to bootstrap and sync to the network in a trustless way. This is where eCash leverages its already existing proof-of-work consensus to retain the ability for nodes to join the network trustlessly. eCash is the only blockchain that has integrated Avalanche consensus in this complementary combination, leveraging the benefits of both Nakamoto and Avalanche consensus and negating their weaknesses.

In addition to rapid consensus, Avalanche also offers advantages like streamlining future upgrades without requiring hard forks and, most excitingly, the ability to extend the network through subnets. For example, eCash plans to integrate an EVM subnet for interoperability with other smart chains. Avalanche also introduces staking, providing unique benefits compared to all other Bitcoin implementations.

Integrating this revolutionary protocol was a logical choice due to its speed, security, and agility, aligning with our goal of achieving secure, instant, and feasible transactions on an extensible network at mankind scale.

LetsExchange: How do you measure the success and adoption of eCash? What strategies do you employ to broaden your user base? What are the key metrics and indicators that you use? 

eCash team: At eCash, we are focused on technology development for the long term. Currently, eCash is mainly used for speculation, with a few research projects and a regional payment service in Saipan. While the network is live and has high capacity, we are still in early development stages. Our priority is to improve the technology to be reliable, fast, and feasible for all users. We have seen that the success of other networks like BTC and ETH was limited by their low capacity. 

We also understand that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Merchant adoption and ambassadors will be a priority in later stages. That being said, we already have a passionate community, especially in the global south, which benefits from our p2p cash network. In Nigeria, merchants have already adopted eCash and are promoting it on their own initiative. Our social metrics include activity and engagement in chat groups and social media, self-initiated projects, staking nodes, staked XEC, and, of course, the exchange rate of our coin.

LetsExchange: Cryptocurrencies are often targeted for fraudulent activities. In light of recent security breaches in the crypto space, what measures has eCash implemented to ensure the safety and integrity of its network?

eCash team: The eCash network is fundamentally a Bitcoin network. Its Nakamoto protocol is powerful in its simplicity, which is why you do not see the usual breaches on Bitcoin or eCash. 

On top of that, the Avalanche integration actually makes eCash’s security model the most complete one of all other Bitcoin networks. So, while our network and node count is still small, we are already multiple times more secure than BTC and protected against 51% attacks. The eCash team is also known for its sophisticated devops, never missing their deadline on bi-weekly incremental updates and bi-yearly hard-fork upgrades. The relatively small developer team is churning out quality code and is ranked somewhere within the top 10 development teams in terms of commits on GitHub. This activity gives you a good overview to compare the overall health of a coin on a technological basis or the quality of the code. You would be surprised to see how little development or innovation actually exists on some projects despite them being well-established.

Security breaches, “pausing” of networks, missing records, and hacks are symptoms of smart chains, corporate-controlled chains, and generally more complex technologies. One key aspect of eCash is that it retains its simplicity and robustness. Usually, this comes with a less agile blockchain, but our engineers cleverly worked around this with our hybrid Nakamoto and Avalanche consensus. As you can see, everything comes back to this technological achievement that lets things just fall into place neatly. The Avalanche integration is also completely optional, which was an engineering decision driven by similar security risk mitigation concerns.

LetsExchange: Given the European Union's introduction of the MiCA framework, how is eCash preparing to align with these regulations? What impact do you foresee MiCA having on eCash and the broader crypto market?

eCash team: Our base protocol and infrastructure is completely trustless, and the ecosystem is generally built with regulations in mind. This does not mean that we go out of our way to comply, but rather that our network is built in a way to make it exempt from compliance laws.

In general, as a Bitcoin-Fork, all rulings that are made for BTC will at least in all likelihood be applicable to the eCash network as well. We are not a corporate-funded token, we did not have an ICO, and everything we implement is decentralized, permissionless, and non-custodial at its core, including our staking rewards feature.

Having read through the MiCA laws, nothing changes for us significantly, as these regulations are explicitly aimed only at custodial service providers and issuers of security tokens, which does not apply to us or the eCash network.

LetsExchange: KYC and AML are pivotal in legitimizing cryptocurrency operations. Can you discuss eCash's approach to implementing these procedures while balancing user privacy and regulatory compliance?

eCash team: KYC and AML are part of regulations for custodians and financial services. There will be no KYC at the protocol level for either users or node operators, as eCash is a fully permissionless and trustless network. Nodes can connect to the network in a peer-2-peer fashion, and users can do too. Since all participants are self-custodying their keys, there is no need for any of these procedures.

It is a strategic decision to have eventual privacy features remain optional and not built on the protocol level, which right now is becoming a problem for other privacy coins to stay listed on exchanges.

For example, we have a Cashfusion coin-mixing protocol, which is a coinjoin implementation, but it is fully non-custodial for the specific reason of not breaking with compliance. The trustless nature of the infrastructure and ecosystem that we build makes them generally exempt from regulatory laws. 

This allows exchanges to list eCash without the fear of compliance issues, as the base layer is a transparent ledger, just like Bitcoin.

LetsExchange: A question to the Bitcoin ABC Team. How has your experience as the creators of Bitcoin Cash influenced the development strategies and vision for eCash? What key lessons from the development and growth of BCH are being applied to enhance eCash's trajectory?

eCash team: Our experience with Bitcoin Cash imparted several valuable lessons on what’s needed to make a cryptocurrency successful and some pitfalls to avoid.

The problem that led to the formation of eCash was the lack of sustainable development funding within the Bitcoin Cash community. Over the years, several proposals were made, but this never led to a sensible and sustainable solution to the developer funding problem. Lavish sums were spent on some areas within the ecosystem while core infrastructure languished. Bitcoin ABC had to spend considerable time and energy seeking resources, which distracted from the core function of producing software.

Another related issue is the need to maintain focus on the core mission, in this case, creating peer-to-peer electronic cash. In BCH, money and attention flowed around to various hot topics (like smart contract, tokens, etc.), while progress on the core roadmap was slow. This continues to this day, as BCH, which is still quite good and functional as electronic cash, hasn’t really made any advances on that front since Bitcoin ABC shifted to work on eCash. Meanwhile, the eCash roadmap continues to progress towards instant transactions with Avalanche pre-consensus, the addition of an indexer into the node, and various other improvements.

Overall, eCash is now in a very good position, with continuous and sustainable progress towards the key mission of creating a freedom-promoting electronic cash system that can provide an alternative to Central Bank Digital Currencies.

LetsExchange: In your opinion, did Bitcoin developers anticipate such a future with institutional investments in cryptocurrencies, thousands of projects solely focused on “Number Go Up”, ETFs, and more?


eCash team: While it’s impossible to know for sure the motivations of the Bitcoin developers, it does seem like a shift occurred starting around 2015 when Bitcoin blocks started to become full, and fees became high. Prior to this, Bitcoin had been promoted as a good way to make payments online, and a flurry of companies such as NewEgg, Steam, and Microsoft, plus many smaller companies such as VPNs and Internet service providers, began accepting Bitcoin payments.

However, once blocks became full, the payment experience became slow, expensive and unreliable. The “small block” movement took hold in Bitcoin, and it became clear that the block size wouldn’t be increased. This meant that the narrative around using Bitcoin for payments didn’t make sense anymore. As a result, it became popular to promote Bitcoin as “Digital Gold”. As this narrative took hold, it became commonplace to view Bitcoin as more of a reserve asset rather than a payment medium. In this context, it’s not surprising that the focus shifted to using Bitcoin as an asset backing various financial products and as an investment vehicle.

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Companies Wishing to Integrate LetsExchange’s Solutions Can Rely on Blaize



Blaize, a blockchain development firm with more than six years of experience in this field, has joined LetsExchange’s system integrators list and will integrate B2B solutions for crypto-related businesses and companies wishing to add or extend crypto exchange and processing capabilities.


LetsExchange, the instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, offers a wide array of B2B solutions, including API for developers, exchange widgets and buttons, a branded Telegram bot, and white-label products.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained: “Our B2B solutions can be easily integrated into external services, apps, crypto products, and businesses. We provide all the necessary technical support for integrating our solutions successfully into any platform. However, companies or businesses opting to outsource the integration tasks can rely on Blaize, one of our trusted partners. The Blaize team has the technical expertise to complete any LetsExchange integration project with top-notch quality on time. That’s why we unreservedly recommend their services.”


We are thrilled to establish a strategic partnership with LetsExchange. This collaboration enables Blaize to elevate the quality of services we offer to our customers to new heights. LetsExchange's industry-leading B2B solutions, combined with our deep expertise and 6+ years of blockchain development experience, create a powerful synergy that will unlock new horizons for our clients.” – Sergey Onyshchenko, Blaize CEO & co-founder stated.


Blaize is a blockchain development firm focusing on customers’ business objectives and dealing primarily with their business goals. The firm focuses on custom blockchain development solutions, having vast experience in this industry for a long time and deep expertise in every part of the blockchain ecosystem. As a blockchain development team, Blaize provides a wide range of outsourced blockchain software development services. These services include building blockchain ecosystems, smart contracts, and dApps, and integrating blockchains and enterprise solutions.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 4,000+ cryptocurrencies. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Trustee, Tonkeeper, SwapSpace, SwapZone, HAI by Hacken, Nano, Yellow, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.

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LetsExchange Has Added the FIO Token to Its List of Supported Cryptocurrencies


LetsExchange, the instant exchange supporting over 4,000 cryptocurrencies, has started collaborating with FIO Protocol, a decentralized, open-source usability solution helping wallets hide the complexity of blockchain transactions across all blockchains. As a result, the FIO Token (FIO) is now available for trading on LetsExchange and LetsExchange partners’ platforms. The crypto community can swap this asset for thousands of other coins and tokens through an easy-to-use widget at competitive rates on LetsExchange.io in numerous wallets, dApps, and web services with integrated LetsExchange widgets or APIs.


LetsExchange and FIO Protocol are also planning several co-marketing activities to increase the visibility of the FIO Token. These activities include ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions, promotional codes, etc. LetsExchange provides marketing support to all newly listed cryptocurrencies to boost their popularity and attract investors.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the cooperation with FIO Protocol, a solution that greatly eases cryptocurrency transactions by replacing complex wallet addresses with human-readable formats. We are certain that listing the FIO Token on our platform will set the foundation for more comprehensive cooperation in the future. Many of our customers will surely be interested in this token as an investment opportunity.”

Wayne Marcel, Head of Growth at FIO Protocol stated: “'With our goal to make using cryptocurrency easy and fuel adoption with the FIO Protocol, a vital part of that is our FIO token, for both using the protocol features and participating in governance. Our partnership with LetsExchange is exciting because it opens up the ability for many people across the world to acquire the token with ease and simplicity.”


FIO Protocol is a decentralized, open-source usability solution that enables easier cryptocurrency transactions on all blockchains by replacing complex wallet addresses with a secure, customizable, censorship-resistant, and human-readable Handle, which replaces a user’s all public wallet addresses on all blockchains. It’s also an NFT that is entirely in the user’s control and allows using many of the features of the FIO Protocol. The FIO Token (FIO) is a utility token that powers the FIO Protocol and its ecosystem. It is used to pay all on-chain fees, including registration fees for FIO Handles and domains. Also, it incentivizes ecosystem participants to act in the best interest of the Protocol.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,000 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and onramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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LetsExchange enhances XDB CHAIN coin (XDB) accessibility and provides exchange solutions for the ecosystem wallet

Partnership-between--XDB-CHAIN-and-LetsExchange-1.thumb.png.500667bae4213c76fec3dfffb7144268.pngXDB CHAIN, a protocol layer blockchain empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow, and LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub, agreed to enhance XDB CHAIN accessibility and empower the XDB CHAIN ecosystem wallet with the LetsExchange crypto swap functionality. 

As a result, XDB CHAIN users can now seamlessly swap 4,500 cryptocurrencies directly with XDB coin on LetsExchange.io and in LetsExchange partners’ wallets and widgets.

Additionally, XDB CHAIN is adding to its product roadmap  the integration of the crypto swap functionality into the ecosystem wallet. After finishing this process, XDB wallet users will be able to swap all other supported assets with XDB coins  directly in the app.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the cooperation with XDB CHAIN, a platform supporting the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded coins. We are positive that XDB CHAIN wallet users will appreciate the efficiency and simplicity of our crypto swap functionality. At the same time, we are sure many of our customers will welcome the XDB listing, which represents another great opportunity to on-ramp into this project.”

XDB CHAIN  (XDB) is a protocol layer blockchain “empowering brands and consumers of tomorrow”. The platform was created to support the fast and affordable transfer of consumer digital assets such as branded tokens (BCO), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), stablecoins and more. XDB CHAIN introduces a deflationary system called buyback and burn (BBB) supported by the tokenomics of branded tokens (BCO Focused on security, privacy, and global accessibility by brands and consumers, it is the natural choice for those seeking cutting-edge blockchain solutions aligned with Web3 values.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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Fasttoken (FTN) Is Now Available for Trading on LetsExchange


LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub listing over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has added Fasttoken (FTN) to its list of supported crypto assets. Now, the crypto community can swap FTN for thousands of other tokens and coins through a user-friendly widget at competitive rates. In addition, FTN will be available to users of LetsExchange partners who use ready-made crypto exchange solutions.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted with the listing of FTN on our platform. Making FTN available on LetsExchange opens up a new investment opportunity for our customers and increases this coins’s accessibility for the crypto community worldwide.”


LetsExchange offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to help coin teams boost the visibility of their crypto asset. Additionally, a dedicated team provides marketing support to any newly listed coin on LetsExchange, contributing to the asset’s adoption and success in the crypto market.


Fasttokken (FTN) is the native cryptocurrency of Bahamut, a layer 1, public, EVM-based blockchain solution with a novelty consensus called Proof of Stake and Activity (PoSA). It serves as the gas unit for Bahamut, enabling staking, block creation, validation mechanisms, and cross-chain operations. FTN is a utility coin used on multiple online websites, including gaming, iGaming, and e-commerce. It is also integrated with 10+ payment providers, including MoonPay, Alchemy Pay, and Simplex by Nuvei.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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Users Can Now Swap the Radix (XRD) on LetsExchange


The crypto community can now swap Radix (XRD) on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies. The listing of this crypto asset is part of a partnership between LetsExchange and Radix, a Layer-1 smart contract platform built to create a Web3 future for everyone.

As LetsExchange is committed to contributing to fostering the visibility and accessibility of all newly listed coins and tokens, the platform and the Radix team are currently planning a co-marketing campaign. The campaign will include Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sessions, promo codes for the Radix community, quests, and more. 

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the listing of XRD on our platform, which expands the investment and trading opportunities for our customers. Our new partner, Radix, has brought several innovations to the blockchain industry, empowering everyone to navigate the Web3 landscape easily. We look forward to joining forces to benefit the crypto community worldwide.”

Radix is a Layer-1 smart contract platform that provides radically better user and developer experiences for everyone to use Web3 and DeFi confidently. Radix has built a highly optimized stack of custom technologies that tightly integrates wallet, programming language, execution environment, and consensus algorithm. The Radix Wallet allows using Web3 and DeFi with human-readable transactions, transaction guarantees, native assets, and more. Radix's Scrypto programming language empowers the building of secure, production-ready dApps in a shorter development time. XRD is the native token of the Radix Public Network.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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Step App Has Integrated Crypto Swap Functionality Powered by LetsExchange


Step App, a blockchain-based ecosystem that rewards users for working out, has integrated crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange into its Step Wallet. This way, users can most conveniently swap FITFI, the Step App governance token used to fuel the ecosystem’s fees, and user rewards in KCAL tokens for thousands of other cryptocurrencies supported by LetsExchange.

Furthermore, listing both tokens has made them available for easy and secure exchange by users from all over the world on the LetsExchange.io website and LetsExchange partners’ services and apps. This means that the Step App ecosystem can receive significant interest from the entire cryptocurrency community.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are delighted with our new partnership with Step App. Our crypto functionality will significantly enhance the trading experience of Step App users.”

Pauline Shangett, Chief Growth Officer at Step App, commented, “We have been looking for a perfect service to provide our user base and community with secure, fast, and convenient swaps for FITFI and KCAL for ages. LetsExchange ticks all the boxes for us – we have already seen excellent feedback from our community. Excited to see what the future brings!”


Step App is a project based on the Step protocol for Fitness Finance (FitFi), where users complete fitness quests and player-versus-player (PvP) challenges. Through Step App, users can earn crypto rewards by walking, running, competing with friends/app users, chatting, and exploring the metaverse or the real world. This ecosystem utilizes two tokens: FITFI as a governance token and KCAL for rewards and to fuel the ecosystem’s economy. Step Wallet, the ecosystem’s crypto wallet, allows users to easily store, buy, sell, or transfer their FITFI and KCAL.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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LetsExchange Has Listed the SKALE Token (SKL)



LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has listed the SKALE token (SKL). Users can now swap this crypto asset for thousands of other tokens and coins through an easy-to-use widget and on third-party services and apps that use the swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the listing of the SKL token. We continuously expand our coin offering to offer more possibilities for profitable trades and investments. We are certain that many of our customers will show interest in this token.”


SKALE is a modular blockchain network designed to bring scalability to Ethereum. It is a limitlessly scalable, fast, on-demand app-chain network with zero gas fees, allowing quick deployment of interoperable EVM-compatible chains without compromising security or decentralization. The SKL token serves four main functions within the SKALE Network: staking, rewards for validators and delegators, developer subscription fees, and governance.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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LetsExchange has listed the UFT Token



LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub listing over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has listed the UniLend token (UFT). As a result, the crypto community can now swap this token for thousands of other coins and tokens through LetsExchange’s user-friendly widget. Additionally, LetsExchange partners using ready-made crypto exchange solutions can allow their users to swap UFT on their platforms.


Users exchanging UFT tokens for other supported cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange.io can benefit from market and fixed rates. In the first case, the platform will automatically select the best rate among all liquidity providers. With 20+ liquidity providers integrated with LetsExchange, users can expect the best market rates when exchanging UFT tokens directly for other cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, the fixed rate will allow UFT users to receive the amount specified for a specific cryptocurrency pair. This feature is really useful in today's volatile crypto market.

LetsExchange also plans to launch a marketing campaign with the UniLend team. The campaign aims to foster the visibility and adoption of UFT through activities like Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sessions and interviews with UniLend team members.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “Listing the UFT token on our platform expands investment and trading options for our customers. So, we welcome the addition of this digital asset and look forward to further cooperation with UniLend Finance.”


UniLend Finance is a multichain permissionless lending and borrowing protocol for all ERC-20 tokens, contrasting with other DeFi protocols that support only ~30 assets. It is the world’s first permissionless lending and borrowing protocol for ALL ERC20 tokens. UniLend is developing a futuristic base layer for all DeFi applications. UniLend enables anyone to list any ERC-20 asset on its platform, making lending and borrowing functionality accessible to every token. Users can easily lend and borrow any ERC20 tokens, and enable their token’s functionality for lending to earn an interest rate. Anyone can create a dual asset pool for lending and borrowing for any pair of assets in a permissionless manner. UniLend's mission is to unlock the full potential of digital assets for their owners. The UFT token is primarily used to facilitate governance of the UniLend protocol. UFT Holders will get benefits while using the platform such as priority access, lower fees, higher yield on selected pools.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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Our users can now swiftly exit the matrix of legacy financial systems – Interview with the Tonkeeper team

The Open Network (TON) project has been on the front pages of the crypto media in recent weeks. Among the numerous updates, it is worth highlighting the launch of the USDT stablecoin on the TON blockchain. This creates new prospects for the project development, ecosystem, and community.

LetsExchange listed USDT-TON ASAP to enable users to benefit from all the advantages the TON network offers. Users can now swap USDT-TON to 4,500+ other cryptocurrencies and buy/sell it with fiat money on LetsExchange. LetsExchange partners can also make the asset available for their users to swap within services and apps using LetsExchange crypto processing.

With our partner Tonkeeper, a wallet that allows users to store, receive, and send Toncoin on The Open Network, we shortly discussed thoughts and ideas about the future of the Tonkeeper ecosystem, its benefits, and its potential.


LetsExchange: Can you assess how USDT on the TON blockchain will impact the Tonkeeper community and the project?

Tonkeeper: Tether USDT is the world's leading stablecoin, and thanks to low fees on TON and Tonkeeper's convenience and security, it has become super-easy to use for a broad audience. "Tethered USD," or USDT for short, is a hugely successful financial project that brings a relatively stable unit of purchasing power to the world of volatile cryptocurrencies. USDT on TON will definitely add more stability to the TON ecosystem.

LetsExchange: Obviously, all these events will positively impact Tonkeeper.

Tonkeeper: Well, yes. Tonkeeper becomes the ultimate super-wallet for the entire planet thanks to its super-qualities:

  • Self-custody: You own all your assets directly without any intermediaries or censorship.
  • TON is the most powerful, ultra-scalable blockchain network, guaranteeing high throughput and low fees for billions of users.
  • Tonkeeper Battery: A new service that pays all your blockchain fees automatically.

LetsExchange: What benefits does the Tonkeeper wallet offer to USDT TON holders?

Tonkeeper: With Tonkeeper, you can easily receive USDT on your personal device, pay for any service that accepts it via a QR code or TON Connect, swap for other tokens, and recharge the battery to cover all the network fees without ever signing up on any centralized exchange.

To be clear, the Tonkeeper Battery feature makes Tonkeeper the best way to use USDT. You hold tokens on your device, and with the Tonkeeper Battery, you can pay with USDT without worrying about gas fees or your TON balance. We would say Tonkeeper users can exit the matrix of legacy financial systems with full speed and luxury! You can install the Tonkeeper today and enjoy TON USDT with LetsExchange!

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DOPE token lands on LetsExchange


LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, and Dopamine, a mobile app providing decentralized finance, have entered a strategic partnership.

In particular, LetsExchange has listed Dopamine’s token, DOPE, for trading on its platform. The crypto community can now swap DOPE for thousands of other coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io. The DOPE token will also be available on other platforms and apps with crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.


Using LetsExchange, users can swap DOPE at market and fixed rates. By selecting the former, users will benefit from the best rate among the 20+ liquidity providers integrated with LetsExchange, ensuring the most profitable rate when swapping the DOPE token for another crypto asset. Users who prefer to avoid market volatility can opt for a fixed rate, which guarantees the rate quoted at the beginning of a swap remains unchanged until its completion.


In its turn, Dopamine has integrated LetsExchange’s API. This way, users in the Dopamine ecosystem can enjoy expanded crypto swap functionality in the Dopamine app. As with all newly listed coins, LetsExchange will provide the DOPE team with comprehensive marketing support to increase the visibility of this digital asset and foster its adoption.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are certain that many of our customers will also welcome the listing of the DOPE token, which expands the options for profitable trades and investments. Likewise, we are positive that Dopamine users will appreciate swap functionality, powered by LetsExchange.”


Dopamine is a non-custodial, secure, and anonymous cryptocurrency mobile app wallet. Furthermore, it offers a variety of features that help any user navigate the cryptocurrency market. The DOPE token is the native token of the Dopamine App. Holding this utility token enables users to access premium features within the app. For businesses, the Dopamine token serves as a license to power innovation.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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The ICE token is now listed on LetsExchange


ICE, the dynamic token driving the Ice Open Network (ION) ecosystem, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies.


The crypto community can now swap ICE through the exchange widget on the LetsExchange website and partners’ platforms using ready-made crypto exchange solutions powered by LetsExchange. When swapping ICE using LetsExchange functionality, users can choose between a market and a fixed rate. The first one allows the exchange rate for a swap to follow market fluctuations, which might benefit the user and lead to slippage in some cases. LetsExchange automatically selects the best exchange rate among 20+ liquidity providers integrated with its platform to provide the best conditions for users choosing this option. Users selecting a fixed rate can avoid slippage, representing a helpful feature in the volatile crypto market.


To contribute to fostering the visibility and adoption of the ICE token, LetsExchange and the ION team are planning joint co-marketing activities, including an ask-me-anything (AMA) session and an interview with members of the ION team. LetsExchange and Ice Network will announce these events on their social media channels.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled to announce the listing of the ICE token on our platform. We are certain that many users will welcome this investment and trading opportunity. We hope this listing opens the door for further collaboration with the Ice Open Network team.”


Ice Open Network (ION) is a Layer-1 blockchain engineered for high performance, facilitating fast, scalable, and unrestricted digital interactions, ensuring user freedoms and robust network integrity. Ice Open Network is also building a dynamic ecosystem for seamless decentralized application (dApp) development, with a platform designed to be censorship-resistant, empowering individuals worldwide to create applications that prioritize user privacy and autonomy. The ICE token powers the ION ecosystem and can be mined through a groundbreaking tap-to-mine app launched in July 2023.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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LetsExchange has integrated TUSD


LetsExchange, the one-stop crypto exchange hub, has integrated TrueUSD (TUSD), a leading USD-pegged stablecoin, into its swapping ecosystem. As for now, users can exchange TUSD in ERC20, BEP20, and TRC20 standards for over 4,500 crypto assets across more than 300 blockchains on LetsExchange.io. Cross-chain swaps, e.g., TUSD-BEP20 to TUSD-TRC20, are available, too.

Numerous apps and services that use LetsExchange’s crypto processing functionality can also offer their users trading pairs with TUSD.


Additionally, the TUSD team is investigating the range of B2B solutions provided by LetsExchange, which are designed to offer communities of various coins and tokens convenient cryptocurrency exchange tools. These solutions encompass API, customizable exchange widgets, and a tailored Telegram bot.

Alex J, Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “We are excited to collaborate with TrueUSD, a project at the forefront of financial innovation. The integration of TUSD into our platform empowers our users with even more flexibility and stability for their trading activities.”


Yvonne Chia, Head of Communication at TUSD, agrees with the significance of the partnership: “Ensuring accessibility has been a cornerstone of TUSD's mission from the outset. With our listing on over 80 exchanges and DeFi protocols, we consistently aim to make TUSD widely available. Our collaboration with LetsExchange offers our users a remarkable range of tokens and flexibility, and we are thrilled about the possibilities this partnership holds for our community."


TrueUSD is renowned for its commitment to transparency and security in the stablecoin arena. As the first USD-pegged stablecoin with live on-chain attestations, TUSD provides a reliable and trustworthy stablecoin for transactions and hedging against market volatility. TUSD further enhances its transparency and reliability through Chainlink’s Proof of Reserve technology and MooreHK’s daily attestation services. The stablecoin is natively deployed on multiple networks, including Ethereum, TRON, Avalanche, and BNB Smart Chain, and is bridged across several others, ensuring widespread accessibility and liquidity.


LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub recognized for supporting the largest number of crypto assets in the market. The platform allows for secure and reliable crypto exchanges at favorable rates across more than 4,500 crypto assets on over 300 blockchains. With various services, such as buying & selling cryptocurrencies for over 60 fiat currencies, DEX, Telegram bot for crypto swaps, and lucrative affiliate programs, LetsExchange stands out as a versatile and comprehensive solution for crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

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LetsExchange has listed DYDX


LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 4,500 cryptocurrencies, has added DYDX, the L1 protocol token for the dYdX Chain, to its list of supported cryptocurrencies. The ethDYDX token is also available for swaps on LetsExchange.io.


The crypto community can now swap DYDX on  mainnet and on the Ethereum blockchain to thousands of other cryptocurrencies using the widget on the LetsExchange website. DYDX is also available for trading on platforms and apps that integrate crypto swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.


The platform also supports direct cross-chain swaps between mainnet DYDX and ethDYDX.


When swapping DYDX with LetsExchange, users have the flexibility to do it at either market or fixed rates. Opting for the market rate ensures the best exchange rate among over 20 liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, maximizing gains when exchanging DYDX for another cryptocurrency.


Alternatively, for those preferring stability amidst market fluctuations, the fixed rate option locks in the initially quoted rate until the swap is finished, shielding the swap from unexpected changes.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are confident that our customers will embrace the addition of the DYDX to our listing, broadening the avenues for lucrative trades and investments. We also expect to expand our collaboration with dYdX in the future.”


dYdX is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) supporting perpetual trading. dYdX has officially released dYdX Chain, its Cosmos-based appchain. dYdX Chain is a fully open-sourced and audited appchain that can handle up to 2,000 transactions per second (TPS). It is also fully decentralized, meaning that dYdX Trading will not manage the infrastructure behind the chain or earn trading fee revenue. The chain's operations and deployment will be entrusted to the dYdX governance community.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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The USDD stablecoin has landed on LetsExchange


Decentralized USD (USDD), the first over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, a crypto exchange platform that supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market. Users can swap USDD on TRC20, ERC20, and BEP20 blockchains for over 4,500 coins and tokens using a LetsExchange widget, Telegram bot, or through third-party platforms and apps integrating crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.


When swapping USDD for other cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange, users enjoy the flexibility to choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. With the first option, the system automatically picks the best rate among the 20+ liquidity providers connected to LetsExchange, ensuring the most profitable exchange conditions despite short-term price fluctuations. Users who prefer to avoid slippage caused by volatility can opt for a fixed rate, which locks the initially quoted value for the swap until the operation is completed.


Since USDD circulates on multiple mainstream networks, users can seamlessly transfer USDD across different blockchains using the LetsExchange widget. For instance, users can swap TRC20 USDD for ERC20 USDD or the way around with a few clicks. More blockchain networks that support USDD will be available soon.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, welcomed the listing of USDD and remained confident that many users will adopt this stablecoin. He commented: “Listing USDD on our exchange platform is the first step toward more comprehensive cooperation with this project. The USDD team will study our B2B products to assess the possible integration to boost the visibility and adoption of their crypto asset.”


Decentralized USD (USDD) is an over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin launched by TRON DAO Reserve, the custodian of USDD, and guarantees its price stability. This stablecoin’s value is pegged to the US dollar. USDD is secured by over-collateralizing multiple mainstream digital assets such as TRX, BTC, and USDT. The total value of collateralized assets is significantly higher than that of USDD in circulation, with the collateral ratio set at 120%. The USDD protocol aims to provide the blockchain industry with the most stable, decentralized, tamper-proof, and freeze-free stablecoin system, a perpetual system independent of any centralized entity.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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Uquid has listed the LetsExchange widget for crypto swaps


Uquid, the biggest Web3 e-commerce platform, has listed the LetsExchange widget for crypto swaps as a decentralized application (DApp) in the ‘Swap’ category. LetsExchange is a leading instant exchange platform supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market.


The above listing makes LetsExchange part of the most extensive Web3 shopping infrastructure, enabling Uquid users to benefit from unique crypto swap and payment options. In particular, users can exchange 4,500+ coins and tokens, buy and sell crypto for 60+ fiat currencies, perform cross-chain swaps, swap crypto on a DEX, and more.


LetsExchange ensures the safety and integrity of customers’ funds during the exchange process. Moreover, thanks to the implementation of AML verification, users can be sure that only legit crypto funds are transacted on LetsExchange. When flagged as suspicious, crypto funds are returned to the original wallet.


Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled by the listing of our crypto exchange on Uquid. We are positive that users of this e-commerce platform will appreciate our various services that will undoubtedly contribute to having the best Web3 shopping experience. This listing will also boost the adoption of the coins and tokens available for trading on our platform, making it more attractive for coin teams striving to increase the visibility of their assets in the crypto space.”


Uquid, established in 2016, focuses on developing an outstanding Web3 shopping infrastructure with millions of physical and digital products to serve 50 million users by 2027. This company has become the world's favorite e-commerce platform with the best Shop-to-Earn experience. It features verified merchants, exclusive deals, cashback, and Payin3 with Crypto on 165M+ physical products, 224k+ digital products, and NFTs.


LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the largest number of crypto assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell modes are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.

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    • Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for 01 – 05 July 2024 EUR/USD: Inflation in the US – Everything is Going According to Plan   Last week, specifically on Thursday, 27 June, the dollar received support from positive macroeconomic data from the US. The Department of Commerce reported that according to the final estimate, the US GDP grew by 1.4% in Q1, against the forecast of 1.3%. (According to the current Fed forecast, the country's real GDP will expand by 2.1% in 2024). Labour market statistics were also optimistic – the number of initial jobless claims in the US amounted to 233K, lower than both the forecast of 236K and the previous figure of 239K. Durable goods orders did not disappoint either, rising by 0.1% in May against the forecast of a decline of -0.1%. Against this backdrop, the DXY dollar index rose to 106.10, approaching April highs, and EUR/USD dropped to 1.0685.   However, the main events of the week were scheduled for Friday, 28 June, the last trading day of Q2. It is worth noting that the cash flows typical for the end of the quarter and the adjustment of trading positions at this time usually increase market volatility and can even cause chaotic movements in major currency pairs. Additionally, intrigue was added by the fact that on this day, the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the USA was to publish data on the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) index for May. This indicator is the Fed's preferred inflation gauge and therefore influences decisions regarding interest rate changes.   According to preliminary estimates, the markets expected that the core index would decrease from 2.8% to 2.6% year-on-year and from 0.3% to 0.1% month-on-month. If this forecast were to come true, it would have strengthened expectations of an imminent easing of the American regulator's monetary policy. On the eve of the publication, market participants predicted that the first Fed rate cut would occur in September, with another one in November or December.   However, there was also an alternative scenario. On Wednesday, 26 June, Fed Board member Michelle Bowman stated that if the disinflation process in the US stalls, the regulator would have no choice but to resume tightening policy (QT).   The actual figures matched the forecasts exactly – core PCE decreased from 2.8% to 2.6% year-on-year and from 0.3% to 0.1% month-on-month. It is obvious that this result was already priced in, so it did not produce a "wow" effect on market participants, and after a brief dip, DXY returned to current levels.   The dollar was also supported by the President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, Mary Daly, who commented on the PCE data: "The Fed has not yet made a decision, but the PCE data is good news. [...] There is evidence that policy is sufficiently tight. [...] It takes more time for the policy to work. [...] If inflation remains stable or decreases slowly, rates will have to be raised longer."   As for the European Central Bank (ECB), unlike its overseas counterpart, it has already started the easing process (QE). At its meeting on 06 June, it already lowered the euro rate by 25 basis points (b.p.) to 4.25%. And as ECB representative Olli Rehn stated on 26 June, the market forecast for two more rate cuts in 2024 seems "reasonable". These words from Rehn signalled tolerance towards inflation spikes in the Eurozone, which is a negative factor for the common European currency.   The final point of the week, month, and quarter was set by the EUR/USD pair at 1.0713. The analyst forecast for the near future as of the evening of 28 June is as follows: 65% of expert votes were given for the pair's decline, 20% for its growth, and another 15% remained neutral. In technical analysis, 80% of trend indicators on D1 sided with the dollar and turned red, while 20% preferred the euro. Among oscillators, 75% were on the dollar's side, with the remaining 25% taking a neutral position. The nearest support for the pair is located in the zone of 1.0665-1.0670, followed by 1.0600-1.0615, 1.0565, 1.0495-1.0515, 1.0450, and 1.0370. Resistance zones are found around 1.0740-1.0760, then 1.0815, 1.0850, 1.0890-1.0915, 1.0945, 1.0980-1.1010, 1.1050, and 1.1100-1.1140.   The upcoming week will be rich in macroeconomic statistics. On Monday, 01 July and Tuesday, 02 July, preliminary data on such an important indicator as the consumer price index (CPI) in Germany and the Eurozone will be released, respectively. Speeches by ECB President Christine Lagarde and Fed Chair Jerome Powell are also scheduled for 01 and 02 July. In addition, on Monday and Wednesday, business activity indicators (PMI) in various sectors of the US economy will be known. But this is not the end of the flow of important information. Late in the evening of 03 July, the minutes of the last FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting of the Fed will be published. On Wednesday, 03 July, and Friday, 05 July, we will be flooded with statistics from the US labour market, including the unemployment rate and the number of new jobs created outside the agricultural sector (NFP). Traders should also keep in mind that 03 July is a short day in the US, and 04 July is a full holiday as the country celebrates Independence Day. And looking a bit further ahead, we remind you that early parliamentary elections will be held in France on Sunday, 07 July, the result of which could greatly affect the common European currency.   GBP/USD: Focus – On 04 July Elections   General parliamentary elections will be held not only in France but also in the United Kingdom, scheduled for Thursday, 04 July. Announcing this event, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that he is proud of the "achievements of his government [Conservatives]". "Economic stability is the foundation of any success," he added, noting that the UK economy is still growing and inflation has returned to normal levels.   Despite Sunak's assurances, in May 2024, the monitoring company Ipsos reported that 84% of the population are "dissatisfied with how the government is managing the country". Current election forecasts based on public opinion polls show that 21.3% may vote for the Conservatives, 41.9% for their opponents, the Labour Party, and the rest for other parties.   It must be noted that the government of Rishi Sunak has several real achievements. On 19 June, data on consumer inflation (CPI) was published, and overall, the picture turned out to be quite good. The consumer price index month-on-month remained at the previous level of 0.3%, lower than the forecasted 0.4%. Year-on-year, the CPI decreased from 2.3% to 2.0%, reaching the Bank of England's (BoE) target for the first time since October 2021. The core index (Core CPI), which excludes volatile components such as food and energy prices, also showed a significant decrease from 3.9% to 3.5% year-on-year.   According to the report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), presenting the final data on 28 June for Q1 2024, the UK economy grew by 0.7%, higher than the previous value and forecast of 0.6%. Year-on-year, real growth was 0.3%, exceeding the previous value and expectation of 0.2%. This was the best dynamic since Q4 2021.   If the UK parliamentary elections on 04 July and the inflation report on 17 July do not bring significant surprises, the markets predict that the BoE will start lowering rates at its nearest meeting on 01 August. According to ING bank strategists, "we still forecast that the Bank of England will start lowering rates in August and will begin to signal this in its speeches as soon as the general elections on 04 July are over". In their opinion, the likelihood of rate cuts by the Bank of England is much higher than those by the Fed, which will put pressure on the pound sterling. TDS company analysts, on the other hand, give the following forecast: "We believe a rate cut of 15 b.p. is expected in August, and about 50 b.p. in total for 2024". In several other market participant forecasts, it is also mentioned that by November, the reduction could be around 30 b.p.   GBP/USD ended the past five-day period exactly where it started – at 1.2644. The analyst forecast ahead of the parliamentary elections is unequivocal – 100% side with the dollar and expect the British currency to weaken. Regarding technical analysis on D1, there is also a clear advantage on the dollar's side. Trend indicators are in favour of the dollar at 65% to 35% red to green. Oscillators are 100% pointing south, with 20% signalling the pair is oversold. In case of further decline, the pair's levels and support zones are 1.2610-1.2620, 1.2540, 1.2445-1.2465, 1.2405, 1.2300-1.2330. In case of the pair's growth, it will meet resistance at levels 1.2675, 1.2700, 1.2740-1.2760, 1.2800-1.2820, 1.2860-1.2895, 1.2965-1.2995, 1.3040, and 1.3130-1.3140.   As for the events of the upcoming week, all investor attention is focused on the elections on 04 July. The next important event, as mentioned, will be the publication of the fresh inflation report in the United Kingdom on 17 July.   USD/JPY: Another Peak Conquered   Last week, 75% of analysts expecting new currency interventions voted for the USD/JPY pair's retreat south, while the remaining 25% pointed north. The minority, as is often the case with the Japanese currency, turned out to be right: no interventions occurred, and the pair reached another peak – 161.28.   Frankly, there's nothing to comment on here – everything has been discussed dozens and hundreds of times. The problem of the yen's weakening lies in the ultra-loose monetary policy of the Bank of Japan (BoJ). And as long as it does not decisively turn towards tightening, the national currency will continue to lose its positions. Of course, for a while, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank can support its exchange rate with currency interventions. But spending billions and billions on something that disappears like ripples on water after a few days – is there any point in that? Can this be called monetary policy?   If inflation falls in major competing countries, in Japan, it rises. According to data published on Friday, 28 June, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Tokyo for the year ending in June rose to 2.3% compared to 2.2% for the previous period. The core CPI inflation (excluding volatile food prices) also increased to 2.1% year-on-year, which is higher than both the forecast of 2.0% and the previous value of 1.9%. Another core CPI index for Tokyo (excluding food and energy prices) decreased in June to 1.8% year-on-year compared to the previous value of 2.2%.   Of course, these are not jumps that warrant sounding a loud alarm – all indicators are "hovering" around the target 2.0%. This allows Japanese officials to pause, without changing the vector of their monetary policy, and to limit themselves to verbal "interventions". Thus, Japan's Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki once again stated that he is "deeply concerned about excessive and unilateral movements in the Forex market" and expressed hope that "trust in the Japanese currency is maintained". Suzuki's colleague, Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi, delivered almost the same speech word for word. However, he added that the authorities "will take appropriate measures regarding excessive currency movements", hinting at another currency intervention.   This hint from Yoshimasa Hayashi scared 60% of experts who voted for the pair's southward movement and yen strengthening, 20% pointed north, and 20% took a neutral position. The opinion of the indicators is unambiguous, as they have never heard of interventions. Therefore, all 100% of trend indicators and oscillators on D1 are green, although a quarter of the latter are in the overbought zone. The nearest support level is around 160.25, followed by 159.20, 158.65, 157.60-157.80, 156.60, 155.45-155.70, 154.50-154.70, 153.60, 153.00, 151.90-152.15, 150.80-151.00. The nearest resistance is in the 160.85 zone, followed by 161.30 and 162.50.   In the upcoming week, the calendar highlights Monday, 01 July. On this day, the Tankan Large Manufacturers Index will be published. No other important macro statistics regarding the state of the Japanese economy are planned for the coming days.   CRYPTOCURRENCIES: Causes and Consequences of "Black Monday" on 24 June     Monday, 24 June, presented investors with a very unpleasant surprise – on this day, bitcoin's price fell below $60,000 for the first time since 03 May, reaching $58,468 at one point. Ethereum, in turn, fell below $3,250. Analysts highlight several reasons for the active sell-offs, noting that they reflect overall instability in global financial markets and uncertainty about monetary and regulatory policies in several leading countries, especially China and the US. However, there are also more specific factors that contributed to the development of the bearish trend.   In mid-June, the German government began selling off a huge amount of bitcoins (about 50,000 BTC) confiscated in January. Panic sentiment sharply intensified after the announcement on 24 June that creditor payments for the bankrupt crypto exchange Mt.Gox would begin in early July. The total amount of funds to be distributed among former clients is 162,100 BTC, roughly $10 billion. Bitcoin responded to this news with an 8% drop. It’s no surprise – such a volume of coins flooding the free market can seriously knock down prices. In the derivatives market, long positions worth $177 million were forcibly liquidated, and the total financing rate for futures contracts turned negative for the first time in June, indicating that sales exceeded purchases.   It is precisely on the expectations of Mt.Gox debt payments that the flagship crypto asset's quotes reached the lowest level in the past eight weeks last Monday. In this situation, two things are encouraging. Firstly, the deadline for repayment falls on 31 October, and it's possible that payments will be made in parts over four months rather than all at once. And secondly, there is hope that not all creditors will rush to convert their bitcoins into fiat, but will hold onto them, hoping for price growth.   In addition to the above, BTC miners exerted some downward pressure on the market. It became known that their coin reserves reached a 14-year low, as they had to sell a significant amount of BTC due to the April halving to cover operational expenses. Recall that the cost of mining bitcoin, according to JPMorgan analysts, is $53,000. Historically, this cost level is a strong support for BTC/USD. However, even in March, JPMorgan did not rule out that after the halving, bitcoin could temporarily fall to $42,000.   In the absence of positive signals, the demand for spot bitcoin ETFs continues to decline, major market participants slow down their activity, and start to take profits. This also pressures the prices. CEO of investment company CryptoQuant Ki Young Ju calculated that over the past two weeks, bitcoin whales and miners set a record by selling coins worth $1.2 billion.   According to 10x Research, all last week, US spot BTC ETFs recorded investor outflows, and on 21 June, net outflow exceeded $105 million. 10x Research believes that bitcoin will now need to find a new price range to stabilize the decline and then find growth catalysts. In the medium term, according to 10x Research analysts, it is not worth expecting BTC to return above $70,000.   Popular analyst Matthew Hyland noted that the combined bitcoin balance on centralized exchanges reached a multi-year low. In theory, this could be seen as a bullish signal, but the crypto market leader is not yet eager to show an upward trend. Naturally, the publication of key US economic data could serve as a vector for further cryptocurrency movements. If the Fed takes its first step in easing its monetary policy in September, it could support risky assets, including bitcoin. According to Cryptology experts, the chances of bitcoin reaching a new all-time high by the end of September are quite high, and what is happening now is a phase of accumulation.   Despite the current decline, many investors remain optimistic, citing the cyclical nature of the crypto market. They also do not forget about the US elections. For example, former Goldman Sachs CEO Raoul Pal predicted significant bitcoin and cryptocurrency market growth in Q4 2024. In an episode of The Wolf Of All Streets podcast, the financier noted that risky assets like bitcoin usually rally against the backdrop of US presidential elections. "The final quarter of an election year is a real 'banana zone' for all assets. It always is," Pal optimistically stated, noting that the "banana zone" for cryptocurrencies in autumn is much more pronounced than, for example, for the Nasdaq index.   Bitcoin was also supported by billionaire Michael Saylor. His company, MicroStrategy, is one of the largest bitcoin holders in the world, with 205,000 BTC on its balance sheet. Despite the negative trend, it increased its reserves by another 11,931 BTC (over $700 million) in the past month alone. Saylor is convinced of the first cryptocurrency's ability to grow to $10 million with support from China and other factors. He believes that in the future, governments, especially China, will fully embrace the first cryptocurrency and integrate it into the state infrastructure. The entrepreneur declared all pre-bitcoin economic instruments obsolete. "Before Satoshi Nakamoto, economics was a pseudoscience. All economists before Satoshi tried to develop economic laws with shells, glass beads, pieces of paper, and credit instruments," the businessman wrote, calling bitcoin a "perfect asset."   In previous reviews, we already wrote that the launch of exchange-traded spot ETFs on Ethereum could give a certain boost to the digital asset market. On 25 June, SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairman Gary Gensler noted that the registration process for new ETFs is "going smoothly," and the approval date depends on how quickly applicants submit adjusted S-1 forms. Bloomberg analysts call 02 July the expected approval date for new products. Reuters, citing anonymous sources, reports that a consensus has been reached between fund managers and the SEC in negotiations, and only the "final touches" remain.   Co-founder of venture company Mechanism Capital Andrew Kang stated that after the approval of ETH-ETF, Ethereum's rate could correct by 30%, falling to $2,400. In his opinion, at this stage, the main altcoin attracts much less attention from institutional investors compared to bitcoin. Based on this, ETH-ETF will attract only 15% of funds compared to what BTC-ETF received at the start.   Kang noted that to increase Ethereum's attractiveness among investors, its ecosystem needs to be positioned as a decentralized financial settlement layer, a global computer, or a Web3 application store. At the same time, it will be difficult to sell new ideas for Ethereum's application to funds, as the asset is perceived by investors as an overvalued stock of a large technology company.   Significantly more positively views the future of Ethereum Matt Hougan, CIO of Bitwise, a company managing cryptocurrency funds. In his opinion, the appearance of a long-awaited exchange product is undoubtedly a positive factor, and the net inflow of investments into ETH-ETF over the first 18 months will amount to $15 billion. In his analysis, he relies on the experience of Canada and the EU, where in similar products the inflow ratio for Ethereum and Bitcoin is approximately 1 to 4 (i.e., 25%). In other words, if in the first quarter of work for spot Bitcoin-ETF the total inflow was $26.9 billion, for Ethereum it is expected to be at the level of $6.7 billion. In this case, in three months of work, the leading altcoin could rise to $4,400-5,000.   CEO of SkyBridge Capital Anthony Scaramucci believes that the price of Ethereum could rise even higher, reaching $10,000-12,000. Regarding bitcoin, the entrepreneur allows for its growth to $170,000-250,000. The main driver, in his opinion, will be the further institutional acceptance of cryptocurrency. Scaramucci called the approval of spot exchange ETFs an important regulatory barrier breakthrough for attracting new capital. Thanks to this, in his opinion, the share of digital gold in the portfolios of major players will soon be about 3%.   As of the evening of Friday, 28 June, BTC/USD is trading at $60,190, and ETH/USD is in the $3,390 zone. The total crypto market capitalization is $2.24 trillion ($2.34 trillion a week ago). The bitcoin Fear & Greed Index (Crypto Fear & Greed Index) has dropped from 63 to 47 points over the past 7 days, moving from the Greed zone to the Neutral zone.   In conclusion, here is another observation from Matt Hougan. The CIO of Bitwise presented three reasons why long-term investments in both bitcoin and Ethereum are more advantageous compared to investing only in bitcoin. These are: 1. portfolio diversification 2. the opportunity to earn on very different ecosystems and 3. economic benefit.   Considering the difference in the capitalization levels of bitcoin and Ethereum, Hougan believes that 75% of the capital should be invested in BTC and 25% in ETH. According to calculations, over the period from May 2020 to May 2024, the yield of such an investment portfolio is 3% per annum higher than one that only contains bitcoin. However, Hougan acknowledges that in the shorter term, a portfolio including 100% BTC outperforms a diversified one. Moreover, investing only in bitcoin carries fewer risks due to its higher market capitalization and features such as limited coin issuance and a phased reduction in the inflation rate to zero.   NordFX Analytical Group   Notice: These materials are not investment recommendations or guidelines for working in financial markets and are intended for informational purposes only. Trading in financial markets is risky and can result in a complete loss of deposited funds.   #eurusd #gbpusd #usdjpy #btcusd #ethusd #ltcusd #xrpusd #forex #forex_example #signals #cryptocurrencies #bitcoin #stock_market   https://nordfx.com/ 
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    • В 2024 году уменьшаются запасы долгосрочных холдеров BTC. В мае долгосрочные инвесторы продали 160 000 BTC на сумму 10 млрд$. В июне было продано 40 000 BTC. Также продают майнеры и держатели спотового ETF BTC. Рынок находится в стадии угнетения и большинство инвесторов начинает задумываться о выходе с помощью обменника cryptonet.pro
    • Скоро начинаются листинги по следующим проектам!                                   HAMSTER COMBAT - топ1 тап-приложение (более 150 млн. пользователей). Листинг в июле BLUM - это инновационная биржа в Telegram, созданная экс-топ-менеджерами Binance. На платформе доступен механизм активации фарм-токенов. Накапливаем максимальное количество токенов будущей биржи до листинга. GRASS - Проект предоставляет возможность заработка за счет использования пропускной способности вашей сети. Нужно верифицировать аккаунт через почту и подключить кошелек. Дроп ожидается в конце лета CITY HOLDER - это новая стратегия в Telegram, где нужно создать и развивать свои виртуальные города, одновременно зарабатывая игровые токены $CITY. HERE WALLET -  встроенный кошелек в Telegram, где можно добывать токены HOT. Накапливаем максимальное количество токенов до листинга. ZAVOD - приглашает вас погрузиться в мир производства и заработать поинты ZP. Подробные инструкции по участию доступны по ссылке TapSwap - В игре уже более 30 миллионов пользователей. TapSwap планирует выпустить токен $Taps. Листинг вначале июля.  ClydeTap - новое Tap-2-Earn приложение соединяющее в себе лучшее от Hamster + Notcoin MemeFi Coin - это увлекательный и простой кликер, в котором вы можете зарабатывать токены MEMEFI. Присоединиться можно по ссылке. PixelVerse - является улучшенной версией таких проектов, как Notcoin и Hamster, предлагая более разнообразный геймплей, включая PvP и систему античита. Планируется листинг на таких биржах, как Bybit, Gate, MEXC, KuCoin и OKX в июне. Yescoin - проект выходит с ранней стадии: реализован автобот, который каждые 12 часов автоматически собирает монеты. Опубликована дорожная карта.
    • В видеоролике, опубликованном в сентябре 2014 года исполнительным председателем MicroStrategy Майклом Сэйлором, Ассанж называет Биткойн «самой интересной интеллектуальной разработкой в Интернете» с момента создания сети в 2009 году. Спустя годы после этой речи такие страны, как Сальвадор, и такие компании, как Strike, начали использовать биткоин в качестве инструмента для отправки и получения дешевых и мгновенных денежных переводов по всему миру. Более того, биткоин и криптовалюта стали ведущими инструментами для финансирования глобальных гуманитарных движений.   Однако, по мнению Ассанжа, это даже не одно из основных преимуществ Биткойна. По его словам, одним из лучших качеств сети является ее способность «защищать себя или людей, которые ее используют, от всей мощи любой сверхдержавы». Биткойн нарушает изречение Оруэлла Действительно, биткоин неоднократно использовался как инструмент для обхода санкций, введенных национальными правительствами — к лучшему или к худшему. В 2022 году канадская колонна дальнобойщиков, протестующая против общенациональной вакцинации, обратилась к биткоину для сбора средств, когда традиционные платежные платформы, такие как GoFundMe, заблокировали пожертвования. Сам Ассанж обратился к криптовалюте в качестве источника финансирования после того, как его посадили в тюрьму в Великобритании, в том числе получив более 54 миллионов долларов в ETH через AssangeDAO .
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