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[POC]Lava - A Root-of-Trust and Top-level indexing for global storage

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- A Root-of-Trust and Top-level indexing for global storage

What is Lava?
Lava is a digital and cryptographic infrastructure based on Proof-of-Capacity (PoC). Also, it embodies Root-of-Trust and Top-level Indexing mechanism for the global storage space.
PoC is a consensus mechanism with high security but low energy consumption, and of great fairness and openness. It is therefore conducive to building a stronger trustless on- chain ecology and assembling a wider range of consensus and value. Lava has adopted an improved PoC mechanism, namely Lava- Firestone, greatly relaxing the hardware barriers set to maintain a decentralized network, and making it easy and cost- effecient for anyone to utilize handy but idle storage devices to participate in block forging.
The whole ecology is designed for a complete close loop: Lava builds consensus from global storage space, and in return gives feedback to the space with the trust-value gained from consensus. The concept of “building” comes from the PoC consensus mechanism adopted by the main chain. It requires a large and distributed storage
networks to contribute “capacity power” to create Root-of-Trust on the blockchain. And the trust-value feedback, based on the decentralized trust facility, Lava, is widely used as a general and core open protocol for indexing and mobilizing global storage resources by third-party applications and services through such proven mature technical solutions as cross-chain extension, virtual token coloring, and distributed content-addressable storage networks.


About Lava
Consensus from Space
Lava Blockchain operates on Lava-Firestone, a Proof of Capacity (PoC)-based consensus mechanism. You prove to the network the storage capacity you hold, participate in the competition of block forging, and maintain the security and credibility of the whole decentralized network. As a permissionless and threshold-free consensus protocol, Lava enables you to participate in our consensus by contributing storage capacity wherever you are and whatever storage devices are in your hand. Lava is featured by such protocols of great openness that in return makes itself infinitely scalable.


Green Mining
PoC mining in Lava Blockchain does not consume electricity as in stereotypes. Rather, it relies on statically stored data, with no high-powered computing devices required. One percent of power consumption merely will be enough for PoC protocol network to achieve security equivalent to that of PoW. What is more, as PoW will inevitably go ASIC, which as a result weakens the degree of system decentralization. PoC protocol, however, has naturally bypassed such problems by working on mining blocks with storage devices.


Meaningful Storage
Lava Blockchain has all the way been refining and presenting a powerful consensus practice from global storage space and become a trust infrastructure for distributed social collaboration. But it doesn't stop there: Thanks to the growing maturity of cross-chain communication technology and the ever-increasing scale of distributed content-addressable storage networks, Lava can come with decentralized storage applications that help feed trust value into social value. In the future, Lava will in stages build a master protocol based on Layer 2 Embedment and Underlying Indexing, and support all distributed content-addressable storage networks to be embedded into the Lava mainchain in the form of Layer 2.



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Lava Specifications
Mining alhorithm:Shabal
Blocktime:4 min
Max Supply:332,800,000 LV
Block Reward:640 LV if a Firestone is consumed by the miner, or 320 LV if not; Halving period: 260,000 Block Height (which last approximately two years);
Lava mainnet officially launched:28-Aug-2019
·Tech team 2%;
·Community development start-up fund 2%;
·Lava Foundation, for mid to long-term ecology development 3%;
······Total 7%

Lava Mining



Lava Plotting & Mining Instruction:https://github.com/lavafy/testnet/blob/master/Lava-Plotting-and-Mining-Guide-EN.md
Lava Full Node (Lava Core) Guide:https://github.com/lavafy/testnet/blob/master/Lava-Full-Node-Guide-EN.md
A Guide for Lava Firestone:https://github.com/lavafy/testnet/blob/master/Lava-Firestone-Guide-EN.md
A Guide for Lava Binding Mechanism:https://github.com/lavafy/testnet/blob/master/Lava-Binding-Guide-EN.md

Wallets & Downloads
Linux full node wallet:https://github.com/lavafy/testnet/releases/download/lava-v0.3.4/lava-linux



Lava’s Open Source丨A New Era of PoC Ecology Development


In 2009, the Bitcoin came into the world. Its creator, Nakamoto, wanted to develop a new decentralized payment system that frees a centralized accounting unit thereby enabling everyone the right to do the accounting. The entire process is completely open and transparent. That’s how the concept of “decentralization” has arisen.

Nakamoto also opened the Bitcoin project code in the community, and Bitcoin became the first open-source blockchain project in history.

Since then, Bitcoin and PoW (Proof of Work) began to enter the public attention. While due to the waste of resources and centralization of computing power shown by the PoW mechanism over time, it became increasingly unfit for the current environment. Luckily, with the continuous exploration done by many blockchain practitioners, projects centered on the PoC (Proof of Capacity) mechanism have emerged.

In 2014, Burst embarked on the PoC (Proof of Capacity) consensus mechanism. The strength of this consensus is that it only requires the equipment of lower cost and enables everyone to participate in the forging by using idle resources. By doing so, Burst followed the spirit of decentralization and sharing, where he made the source code of the project available for all. Though the project did not achieve substantial success in the traditional sense due to the economic model it adopted, the code sharing has provided inspirations for many latecomers.

On Oct. 16th, 2019, Lava officially opened its source on Github, a platform with more than 9 million global developer users, in order to involve more people to participate in the project and promote the development of PoC and even the blockchain as a whole. Lava is there committing to building an open-source, inclusive, and decentralized ecosystem.

What does open source mean to us?

If you compare the blockchain technology to a super-large ledger that everyone can view, then such a large ledger will naturally require multiple parties to participate and collaborate. But how to quickly establish mutual trust in the process of collaboration? Perhaps the best way to do this is through the open source.

First, the code is kept wholly transparent. The whole blockchain ensures the trust of the network and data through increasing the number of participants. Only when the whole network is transparent and open-source can it attain such a level of real trust.

Besides, more technical talents will be involved. The diversity of the community after the open source needs more global blockchain enthusiasts and co-builders, which to some extent can also help increase the innovative ability of the project.
Moreover, the efficiency will be improved with lower code error rates. With a multi-party supervision, the team will pay more attention to the code quality of the project and minimize project vulnerabilities, thus lowering development costs in some way.

Finally, the development of the whole blockchain industry will be boosted. In the future, all the public chains are expected to be more closely connected. Only by opening source, can we effectively reduce those repetitive work and achieve the real high-speed development of the blockchain as a whole.
It is worth mentioning that among the many PoC projects, Lava was the first to propose opening the source at the beginning of its project. Lava's core development team is made up of a group of tech-loving blockchain geeks crazy about challenges and sharing. Opening source on Github means that Lava will face global enthusiasts and co-builders of the industry in a more open and fully-fledged way in the future. Also, it means that Lava starts to pay more attention to external feedbacks, which will in turn urge Lava to build more standardized code and constantly improve project security and usability.

Through opening source code, Lava demonstrates its rigorous technical foundation and exploration of decentralized ecology in front of global technicians and blockchain investors. If there is someone claiming that PoC is nothing more than the underlying model of Bitcoin, which only replaces PoW with PoC. Lava definitely is going to rock his mind.

The reason is that apart from optimizing the PoC consensus mechanism, Lava also creates the unique "Binding" and "Firestone Mechanism." The following are the highlights of these two mechanisms.


1. Binding


"Binding" is a computing power allocation mechanism innovated by Lava. It allows users to bind the computing power of their own hard disk capacity to another user, so that both parties' revenues are transferred to the bound address. This can help miners to flexibly switch and combine computing power while maintaining existing Plot files, which at a certain point blurs the boundaries between miners and non-miners. In the future, "Binding" will also support more diversified organizational forms of mining pools. It will also extend the expansibility and operability of the Lava ecology in some way.


2. Firestone Mechanism


The "Firestone Mechanism" is a Lava-specific on-chain proof used for representing the user's contribution and share of economic rights. Currently, it is mainly generated by freezing or mortgaging Lava, and you can also obtain double mining rewards by consuming "Firestone". Through this " Firestone Mechanism", Lava has carried out the Staking mining philosophy and is trying to strike a balance between the supply and demand of miners and tokens in a decentralized way.

Instead of designing it as a mere reshuffling process, Lava hopes to create a more moderate, stable and sustainable development model through its original Binding and Firestone Mechanism. The Lava team wants to do something that brings value to society, which is committed to building a PoC-based, decentralized, and global generalized storage space-based Root of Trust and Top-level Indexing.

In addition, Lava has released the Lava Improvement Proposal (LVIP) for the open source, which is similar to Bitcoin BIP mechanism. The LVIP refers to maintaining and managing Lava through texts or files. Through this mechanism, users and developers can propose any improvements to the Lava-related processes. There are two types of LVIP mechanism: one responsible for the improvement of Lava protocols (protocol type) and the other responsible for the improvement of aspects other than the protocol type, such as the use and mining by users. The two types also demonstrate different result orientation and process flow.

The process map of lvip

Lava hopes to manage the community in a planned and traceable way through LVIP. By paying enough attention to the suggestions made by developers and presenting the developing process of these suggestions in a written fashion, it helps users and developers to better speak their minds and participate in the project construction. This mechanism will build a stronger consensus for Lava and provide institutional guarantees for the long-term prosperity of the project and community, thereby attracting more industry co-builders to participate into the development of the PoC ecosystem.

Lava's open source and the launch of the mechanism this time adhere to the spirit of rigorousness, and strictly follow the principle of decentralization. It is never a groovy-sounding gimmick under the "decentralization" name, but one that really wants to do its bit for the construction of PoC ecology. In the future, the Lava team will continue to dive deep into the exploration of technology, and we welcome all blockchain enthusiasts and co-builders around the world to join us!


Lava Chinese community online interview


In this period, we will interview the developer of the Lava core development team, Uncle ZHONGBENYING, on some related issues the community is now very concerned about.
Q:What about your team’s recent development progress?
Currently, the Lava technical team is focusing on developing two projects. One is the Cold Firestone we mentioned before. By this far, an alpha version has been fully developed and used in conjunction with mining pools. Yet since the Cold Firestone is complementary to the rest elements of the entire Lava development blueprint, using the Cold Firestone before the development of other elements are completed will unavoidably bring about some flaws in the business (we will talk about this later). Meanwhile, however, the development of the Cold Firestone is the most fundamental part of the entire development blueprint. That’s why the Lava technical team eventually decided to give priority to the development of the Cold Firestone in the whole process.
The second is the Symmetric Cross-chain Atomic Switch which has not been talked about before (the official name has not been decided yet). I guess you might think this is a very obscure name. In fact, the Symmetric Cross-chain Atomic Switch functions in a very simple way, that is, to achieve decentralized and trustless Bitcoin and Lava cross-chain transactions. Imagine how convenient and exciting it will be when Alice holding BTC immediately completes a transaction with Bob holding LV through our switch without any intermediary or the need to recharge BTC, purchase LV, and take LV through exchanges, which otherwise will require a huge sum of transaction fee and trouble users with the worry of exchanges being stolen.
At present, the Lava technical team has completed the technical verification of the Switch and is gradually advancing subsequent development and tests. I believe that in the near future, we will be introducing the design and use of the switch to the community in great detail.

Q: What is the Cold Firestone, can you tell us about its origin?
As we said in our previous live broadcast that the Cold Firestone is the key to our entire development blueprint. Also, it complements other elements. Then how should we understand the Cold Firestone? We shall start with explaining the reason why it was needed, which involves two known defects of the current Firestone.
The first is about private key being leaked. I believe everyone has found out that if you want to use Firestones in finding a block, you have to deposit your private key in the full nodes of the block. However, for those average users, the full nodes are exposed to a network that is not that secure, where you cannot create a firewall to protect your own host like when you are dealing with Firecoins. Some users of huge computing power consumption may put their nodes on the Alibaba Cloud, which in fact is just relatively safer than their own PCs. Even if your storing platform is as strongly credible as the Alibaba Cloud, there is still a possibility of your coins being hacked. There is a man in the community who suffered a painful loss of 50,000 LVs when forgetting to exit the program after logging in the Alibaba Cloud.
The second is the issue of trust crisis. I don’t know if you have seen that the purchase of Firestones has actually developed into two modes. One is that miners buy Firestones for their own, and the other is that token holders buy Firestones for miners and they privately make agreements on dividing the gains of finding blocks (in fact, it is like renting Firestones to the miners). Though both these two modes are actually what we hope to see, the technical team still has some concerns about the latter.
Technically speaking, a token holder buying Firestones for a miner is the same as the token holder buying Firestones for an address that does not belong to him/her. This will cause a problem, that is, mortgage funds will nevertheless be released by the very address regardless of whether Firestones have been actually used for finding blocks or just expired. The decision is never in the token holder’s hands. This also means that the token holder has no choice but to trust the miner address, or in other words, he/she has to face trust risks. We can’t ignore the existence of such risks because we haven’t seen terrible things happening. We need to be clear in our mind that there is no unbroken bottom line in the blockchain world, which may imply that sometimes our loss cannot be covered by our gains.

Q: Can we understand that the Cold Firestone is actually providing us with a safer and more decentralized Firestone lending mechanism?
You may say so. Given the security and trust related issues that we previously described, the Lava team felt it necessary to provide a safer choice for our community users, and that’s how the Cold Firestone came into being.
In using Cold Firestones, you do not need to have your private key stored in block nodes, and it is not necessary to directly purchase Firestones for users of great computing power consumption. Users can directly purchase Firestones to their own addresses and process Firestones into Cold ones by using some new functions (this step only requires the user’s own private key, so it can be operated in an offline environment). The data packet serialized by the Cold Firestones can be transmitted to the users of great computing power consumption (the transmission process can even be through WeChat, mail, etc.). Then users load the packet into their own block nodes based on their received Cold Firestone data and wait for the block generation and the Cold Firestone CRIT. We can see from the whole process that users of great computing power consumption no longer need to import their private key into their block nodes. Also, users do not need to buy Firestones to the address of others. Thus, released LVs will directly return to the purchaser’s address after the Cold Firestone CRIT, eliminating our aforementioned security and trust issues.
Of course, the current Cold Firestone is definitely without flaws:
1. There will still be 320 LVs entering the address of the blockers (the above-mentioned users of great computing power) after the Cold Firestone CRIT, the proportion of which needs to be determined by the two parties through negotiation.
2. The Cold Firestone data packet may be intercepted or stolen by others. Although the release will eventually return to the buyer, the 320LVs after the Cold Firestone CRIT may be siphoned off by hackers.
These flaws will be gradually resolved and finally perfected after the rest elements mentioned in the blueprint are launched.


Quarterly Inventory & Review by Lava China


Quarterly Development Report by Lava China Tech Team:

8.28    Launched the mainnet and released the full node wallet (Stable Version 0.3.1).
9.1     Released the LightWallet (Version 1.0.5).
9.7     Released the full node wallet (Stable Version 0.3.2) and fixed the double spending of Genesis Block.
9.15    Joined to 168pool and B3pool and provided technical support for them.
9.25    Launched Lava Android Wallet (Version 1.0.5) officially.
9.27    Developed the Scavenger mining software.
9.30    Submitted Scavenger code to Github.
10.9    Launched Gui Wallet V0.1.
10.16   Opened source officially and published specific rules for LVIP.
10.16   Released the full node wallet (Stable Version 0.3.3) and developed new functions by:
1. Adding a 15000-height Checkpoint to prevent computing power attacks;
2. Modifying the submitnonce interface to support wallet mining in an encrypted state.
10.18   Provided technologies for Zettapool and Onepool and assisted the launch of mining pools.
10.22   Proposed the concept of “Cold Firestone” and submitted it to LVIP0002.
10.30   Completed the design of the Cold Firestone structure, realized the functions of the Cold Firestone, and passed the internal test on the test network.
11.1    Joined to mining pools abroad, such as Foxypool.
11.5    Finished a design draft (LVIP0003) for cross-chain Atomic Switch.
11.10   Passed the internal review of the cross-chain (BTC to Lava) Atomic Switch implementation plan.
11.22   Finished the cross-chain Atomic Switch code and prepared for internal test.


Quarterly Report by Lava China Community:

1. Community building: The number of community users has exceeded 7,000 in 12 weeks since the launch of the mainnet.
2. Network capacity: As of now, the computing power of the network has exceeded 700p.
3. Mining pool ecology: Several mining pools both at home and abroad have officially launched Lava to jointly promote Lava's ecology development.
4. Support policies from Foundation: In order to fuel the development of Lava's decentralized consensus, the Lava Foundation authorized the Lava China Community to provide LV lending services to mining pools, so that those new mining pools can obtain the initial funds for the purchase of Firestone, thereby lowering the threshold of joining Lava mining ecology.
5. Community token airdrop: By this far, 500,000 LVs have been distributed to the community as rewards, including testnet airdrop rewards, community activity rewards, and volunteer rewards.
6. Lava peripheral support: The Lava China Community has distributed a total of 367 peripheral products to community users and media of strategic cooperation.
7. Foundation address announcement: The Lava Foundation has announced its address, and members of the Lava Community can check the address through Lava Block Explorer.
8. Overseas market development: A preliminary cooperation consensus has been established with overseas mining pools, overseas online forums, overseas media, and overseas communities.
9. Media influence: A long-term strategic cooperation has been reached with a number of mediums. So far, 297 technical essays have been posted with more than 1.58 million views.
10. Lava announcing Plotter Bounty plan: Lava officially announced the details of the Plotter Bounty plan. The Lava Foundation decided to offer a reward of 1BTC and 50,000 LVs to activate all PoC ecosystem participants to develop new P-disk software. New P-disk software approved by the Lava tech team will be open-sourced for free for PoC developers to have deep exploration and learning, thereby promoting the development of the PoC ecology.
11. Strategic cooperation with WUJILIAN Tech: On August 25th, 2019, Lava announced that it has officially reached a strategic cooperation with WUJILIAN Technology, a blockchain hardware equipment supplier and also a company dedicated in both constructing and escrowing mining fields. Lava will receive hundreds and thousands of investments from WUJILIAN Tech, who is very optimistic about the prospects of the PoC ecology. Also, WUJILIAN decides to promote the transformation of the mining machine and mining service business from the pure PoW model to a “PoW + PoC” dual track and make use of its own resource advantages in the field of mining and data energy services to vigorously promote its business layout in the PoC field by focusing on supporting the development of such high-quality PoC and storage projects as Lava.
12. Lava project rewarding attackers targeting loopholes in testnet with Bitcoin: According to official news, a “future timestamp” attack had occurred during the internal test on Lava testnet. Attackers could gain the computing power advantage by modifying the system timestamp. At present, the problem has been well fixed, and the Lava project team decided to reward attackers with 1BTC reward.



learn more link:
Telegram: https://t.me/lavatech
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LavaStorage

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This coin provides storage service securely, and their roadmap lasts until 2021 and they cannot be judged from now, but there is a strange thing that the Twitter page they place on the site does not exist. While there is another page still running that is strange.

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Seems super interesting and stoked about it as I have bunch of old 1TB hard drives laying around, so I might try to get into that PoC mining. Tried similar projects in the past but with no success. Has anyone had any experience with Lava yet? How is the mining profits?

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Lava is a digital and cryptographic infrastructure based on Proof-of-Capacity (PoC). It embodies Root-of-Trust and Top-level Indexing mechanism for the global storage space. PoC is a consensus mechanism of high security,but relying on very low energy consumption. Great fairness and openness.

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Lava has an excellent response time of 4 minutes and the supply is quite consistent, not many tokens were created to avoid its value being below what was planned.

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Well, this token does not look like a scam project, you need to learn more about it.What's with the lava now?
New tokens are always a risk, I usually look for them on a professional service that tracks scam projects itself. I use the Spy user list for these purposes, it helps a lot.

Such tokens can bring a good profit, of course, the risks are high, but if you carefully analyze the project, use the aforementioned service, then the risks, although not reduced to zero, will be significantly minimized

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    • ♦️Биржевой аналитик Bloomberg Эрик Балчунас заявил о переносе даты запуска спотовых Ethereum-ETF на 2 июля после получения эмитентами комментариев по формам S-1. По словам эксперта, комментарии «довольно простые, ничего серьезного». Поэтому Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) ожидает обновленные формы S-1 через неделю. 🔻«Примечание: наша предыдущая ожидаемая дата [запуска ETH-ETF] — 4 июля, так что это небольшой сдвиг. [Ранее] мы начали чувствовать, что это займет больше времени, так что это хорошие новости», — пояснил Балчунас. 🔺У него также спросили, сколько нужно времени на запуск торгов Ethereum-ETF после одобрения форм S-1. По словам аналитика, обычно это происходит на следующий день. 13 июня глава SEC Гэри Генслер отметил, что ожидает окончания бюрократических процедур для старта торгов Ethereum-ETF до конца лета. источник:https://forklog.com/news/analitik-soobshhil-o-perenose-daty-zapuska-spotovyh-ethereum-etf ——————————————————— ОБМЕНЯТЬ  / ПОМОЩЬ  / БОНУСЫ  / ОТЗЫВЫ
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    • Президент Сальвадора, выступающий за биткойн, Найиб Букеле предлагает создать в стране частные инвестиционные банки, которые в случае одобрения будут предлагать биткойны. Это облегчит доступ инвесторов к финансовым услугам и уменьшат ограничения по сравнению с традиционными банками.   «В рамках нашего экономического плана для Сальвадора мы предлагаем создать BPI, Банк частных инвестиций, где мы сможем диверсифицировать варианты финансирования, предлагаемые потенциальным инвесторам в долларах и биткойнах», — написала посол Сальвадора в США Милена Майорга в своем сообщении. Сообщение от 14 июня на X. «Президент Букеле приступает к работе в новом сроке с новым законодательством о создании Биткойн-банка», —  добавил в тот же день старший советник по биткойнам Букеле Макс Кайзер, отметив прогноз генерального директора Ark Invest Кэти Вуд о том, что реальный ВВП Сальвадора «может вырасти в 10 раз». в два раза в течение следующих пяти лет» стало лишь «более вероятным». Найиб Букеле недавно был приведен к присяге на второй пятилетний президентский срок. Источник: Президентский дом.   Это произошло всего через две недели после того, как Букеле был приведен к присяге на очередной пятилетний президентский срок после убедительной победы на выборах в феврале. У Банка Частных Инвестиций не будет всех тех же «запретов» в банковском законодательстве По данным El Mundo, BPI не столкнется с такими же строгими законами, как традиционные банки, такими как ограничения на взаимодействие с зарубежными банками или финансовыми компаниями, «связанными со своими акционерами или бизнес-группами». Ограничения по кредитам также будут сняты. «Инвестиционные банки также не будут подвергаться запрету «предоставлять кредиты или принимать на себя риски более чем на 25% своего фонда активов в отношении одного и того же лица», — говорится в отчете от 14 июня . В случае одобрения новые частные инвестиции «должны быть созданы» с минимальным акционерным капиталом в 50 миллионов долларов и требуют как минимум двух акционеров, которые могут быть иностранцами.   Было подтверждено, что BPI сможет работать с любым законным платежным средством, включая доллар США и биткойн, и даже получать разрешение на то, чтобы стать поставщиком цифровых активов и услуг биткойнов. Министр экономики Сальвадора Мария Луиза Хайем предложила реформу Комиссии по технологиям, туризму и инвестициям под руководством Букеле. Однако оно еще не утверждено. «Реформа не была одобрена; Законодатели еще не согласились пригласить чиновников для ознакомления с целями проекта и не поставили его на голосование в Комиссии», — добавили в нем.
    • Власти Нигерии сняли ряд обвинений с исполнительного директора BinanceФедеральная налоговая служба Нигерии сняла налоговые претензии с исполнительного директора Binance Тиграна Гамбаряна и его коллеги Надима Анджарваллы.Тем не менее паре по-прежнему предъявлены обвинения в отмывании денег со стороны Комиссии по экономическим и финансовым преступлениям Нигерии. Рассмотрение дела должно возобновиться 20 июня.Семья Гамбаряна продолжает настаивать на фиктивности предъявленных ему обвинений и требует его освобождения, особенно, на фоне проблем со здоровьем. Известно, что 23 мая один из топ-менеджеров Binance потерял сознание прямо в зале суда. Врачи диагностировали у него малярию.Адвокаты подсудимого заявляют, что в настоящее время состояние их подзащитного ещё больше ухудшилось. При этом тюремные власти отказываются предоставлять информацию о самочувствии заключённого.Несмотря на постановление судьи Эмеки Нвите немедленно отправить Тиграна в больницу, тюремным властям потребовалось 11 дней, чтобы доставить его на краткий осмотр. Тюрьма не разрешает передавать результаты этого обследования в больнице его семье, адвокатам или посольству США.В марте Надим Анджарвалла сбежал из-под стражи в Нигерии, используя свой кенийский паспорт. Позже его выследили и арестовали в Кении, теперь ему грозит экстрадиция в Нигерию.
    • Добро пожаловать в Cryptoflow.cloud - Ваше решение для криптоплатежей! 🔹 Поддержка множества криптовалют Cryptoflow.cloud поддерживает самые популярные криптовалюты, включая Биткоин, Монеро, USDT и Трон. Теперь ваши клиенты могут оплачивать покупки удобным для них способом! 🔹 Легкая интеграция с API С нашим удобным и понятным API, интеграция криптоплатежей в ваш онлайн-магазин или сайт станет проще простого. Быстрое подключение и минимальные усилия - это реальность с Cryptoflow.cloud. 🔹 Быстрое подключение магазина Начните принимать криптовалюту уже сегодня! Наши решения обеспечивают быстрое и беспроблемное подключение вашего магазина к нашей системе. Получайте платежи в криптовалюте без задержек и сложностей. 🔹 Высокая безопасность Безопасность ваших транзакций - наш приоритет. Мы предлагаем надежные методы защиты данных и предотвращения мошенничества, чтобы вы могли быть уверены в безопасности своих средств и информации. 🔹 Эффективная обработка транзакций Наслаждайтесь мгновенными платежами и быстрыми подтверждениями транзакций. С Cryptoflow.cloud ваши клиенты получат наилучший опыт использования криптоплатежей. Присоединяйтесь к нам и откройте новые возможности для вашего бизнеса с Cryptoflow.cloud! 📩 Свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации и начните принимать криптовалютные платежи уже сегодня!
    • Австралийская фондовая биржа одобрила начало торгов биткойн-ETF VanEck 20 июня.   Крупнейшая фондовая биржа Австралии — Австралийская фондовая биржа (ASX) — утвердила свой первый спотовый биржевой фонд биткойнов (ETF), торги которого начнутся 20 июня. Инвестиционная фирма VanEck будет эмитентом спотового Bitcoin ETF — VanEck Bitcoin ETF (VBTC) — согласно пресс-релизу VanEck. Это произошло всего через несколько месяцев после того, как 11 января фирме было одобрена торговля спотовыми биткойн-ETF, VanEck Bitcoin Trust (HODL) в США.   Главный исполнительный директор VanEck в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе Ариан Нейрон подтвердил, что спрос на биткойны растет.в Австралии, особенно через «регулируемый, прозрачный и знакомый инвестиционный механизм». «Мы понимаем, что Биткойн — это новый класс активов, к которому хотят получить доступ многие консультанты и инвесторы», — сказал Нейрон.   «VBTC также делает биткойн более доступным, управляя всей внутренней сложностью. Понимание технических аспектов приобретения, хранения и защиты цифровых активов больше не требуется», — добавил он. Хотя это первый раз, когда спотовый биткойн-ETF был одобрен ASX, за последние два года в Австралии было еще два случая запуска биткойн-ETF.   Недавно Monochrome Bitcoin ETF (IBTC) был одобрен и начал торговаться на второй по величине фондовой бирже Австралии, бирже Cboe Australia. Monochrome Bitcoin ETF начал торговаться, когда 4 июня открылись рынки на бирже Cboe Australia. Источник: Джулиан Фарер В Monochrome заявили, что активы IBTC хранятся в автономном режиме на устройстве, не подключенном к Интернету, и с помощью решения для хранения криптовалюты, которое соответствует «стандартам австралийского институционального регулирования хранения». В апреле 2022 года Bitcoin ETF Global X 21 Shares (EBTC) стал самым первым продуктом Bitcoin ETF , дебютировавшим в Австралии.
    • Уважаемые, пользователи, добрый день! Нас добавили в мониторинг E-mon Ждем Вас за новыми обменами!   С Уважением, Финансович!
    • В Турции хотят ввести налог в размере 0,03% на криптотранзакции   Правительство Турции готовится провести реформу бюджета и ввести новые налоги, в том числе налог на криптовалютные транзакции в размере 0,03%. По мнению экспертов, этот шаг позволит властям страны решить проблемы с дефицитом госбюджета, которые возникли после масштабного землетрясения 2023 года.   По данным Bloomberg, введение налога на транзакции в криптовалютной торговле может обеспечить «значительную непредвиденную прибыль в сложных экономических условиях».   Министерство рассматривает возможность введения налога на транзакции в размере 0,03% на торговлю криптовалютой, которая стала популярной среди розничных турецких инвесторов, стремящихся застраховаться от слабеющей лиры и безудержной инфляции. Согласно официальным прогнозам, этот шаг принесёт до 3,7 млрд лир в год.   Пока изменения в налоговый кодекс находятся на рассмотрении парламента страны. Ожидается, что из-за нововведений возникнут политические разногласия. Однако правящая партия президента Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана, имеющая парламентское большинство, скорее всего, одобрит налог на криптотранзакции в размере 0,03%. Источник - https://ru.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/article-2435670
    • Добрый день ,уважаемые пользователи ! 😄 Рабочий график Каждый день, с 10:00 до 22:00 МСК (UTC+3) 🏪 Постоянный онлайн ,быстрые и приятные операторы. 👑 Выгодный курсы . 🔐 Полная анонимность  Желаем Вам продуктивного вечера и хорошего настроения! С уважением, BBA  🔔 Напоминаем,что у нас действует акция. Оставь отзыв и получи 5$
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