Do you think cryptocurrency is the money of the future? - Page 54 - For Beginners - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

Do you think cryptocurrency is the money of the future?

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I think it will be an integral part of the money in the future, paper currencies will remain, but cryptocurrencies will also be present, well cryptocurrencies are not just money, but rather a large area that we have to know with all the details.

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My friend, you can use the search in the forum to find many answers to your questions regarding cryptocurrencies.
After looking at the answers, you can know from the profile of the commentator whether he is a beginner or an expert.

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It is a really good question, in my opinion I think YES it would be! every thing is going to use new tech, I believe it is a need not just an option.

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yes my friend the future is always about cryptocurrency or Digital currency generation we are living in 2021 things which change gradually with the passage of time.

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I was thinking about this question .en un plazo no muy lejano sera de uso cotidiano .it can be said for now .it means there will be a great opportunity to earn for investors and teaders .



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I think, my friend, cryptocurrencies have a very bright future and over time they will replace banks and you in the long run when they are accepted by all the people in this world.

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Crypto currency can only be money for the future in the whole world if all the countries can adopt it and the world bank will need to agree with this because they control on the distribution of money but I don't think they will accept especially as they can't control crypto

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Certainly, I expect that digital currencies will be very popular in the near future, despite the obstacles they face, but they contribute significantly to facilitating commercial transactions.

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Yes, in my opinion, I think that cryptocurrencies will be usable in all areas of life and will be dealt with more and more with the passage of time, so it is wonderful to be here and gain these experiences and information.

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Cryptocurrencies will certainly be the currencies of the future, but the occurrence of this requires the acceptance of dealing in cryptocurrencies by governments, and therefore, dealing with encrypted currencies will be safer.

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I think without a doubt that more and more people are realizing that this is the right choice, my friend, for them to stop stealing money and that cryptocurrency will not replace money, but we must complete it and make it more transparent and secure, and I think that it is the future.

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Yes my friend we can say it as the money of future. As we see now a days that cryptocurrency is being popular all over the world day by day and due to its popularity many countries are in thinking that how we can control its reputation which is increasing with rapid rate. That's why it is the future of the world .Most of the countries arr investing in it to get profits for there country. I hope that i will also be benifited from this amazing and wonderful digital currency.

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That this matter depends on the extent of people's confidence in cryptocurrencies and the safety of cryptocurrencies in the future, but the current indicators of demand for cryptocurrencies are increasing, where cryptocurrencies are the most widespread.

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In my opinion, it is difficult to become cryptocurrencies instead of local currencies anytime soon, as governments still do not accept dealing in encrypted currencies, and some governments penalize those who deal with them.

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Yes, of course, cryptocurrencies are the future of money in the world

 This is what we observe from the increase in the number of companies that have actually started adopting cryptocurrencies in order to sell their products, so we must try to enter significantly into the world of cryptography from now on.

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The conventional monetary structure that rules our lives today, FIAT, is about 50 years old and has brought us from crisis to crisis without solving the problems of the majority of the population; cryptocurrencies have just 10, so why not offer it a try?

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I think that cryptocurrencies will have a big role in the future and will be promoted because of their features, ease of use, and others, but there are obstacles to that, including the policies of countries that have banned their use in their countries.

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Yes, I think so, note that the cryptocurrency market is in a continuous and rather rapid rise, we do not know where these currencies will be in the coming year, but I think it will be a very profitable thing for us.

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My friend, due to the wide spread of cryptocurrencies all over the world, I think it is the future of future generations because of the profits and investments they make.

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For me, my friend, I think that cryptocurrencies are the money of the future because we are living in an era of technology and rapid development. All countries are advancing and I believe that most countries will become dependent on currencies.Encrypted It has a bright future 

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On 10/3/2020 at 10:21 PM, Yarling Alvarez said:

As I have commented previously in the forum, we are in a changing world and with monetary policies many times wrong, any incident in the central banks of the most important powers in the world, would weaken the economy as it is known, at that moment is where Cryptocurrencies could come into play, since a substitute will be needed, being they the most suitable to supplant it. Currently there are many more people who use Cryptocurrencies for their usual use, this adds more knowledge and leaves the classic system behind. That is why I consider that Cryptocurrencies do have a great chance of being the currency of the future.

That's great,  in start I don't have idea about future cryptocurrency . But now my doubts are clear . Thank you for sharing such valuable information about cryptocurrency.  It's inspiring for us. Thank you once again 

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Hello my friend
I am a newbie to this forum
But according to my experience and information, yes, I think that the financial future depends on cryptocurrencies, as they are easy to trade, fast and safe, and the Corona pandemic proved to us, as the price of most cryptocurrencies rose at the time.
Good luck to you

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Really because with the little money can get from crypto currency forum, honestly if you can invest into other investbox you can easily gain some profit, I think with this you can become reach in future.

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 course it is the future in the world will soon begin to rely on it to pay and buy to shop and pay many of the famous sites, which increases the acquisition of these digital currencies and trading in them, people will gradually begin to engage in the trading markets and search for currencies and this of course will raise the price of many of those currencies And the stock market and trading boom.

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In fact, no one can deny the widespread growth in the field of cryptocurrencies, especially since some global companies such as Amazon and Alibaba accept trading in digital currencies. But I don't think cryptocurrencies will replace fiat currencies, at least in the near future.

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