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Posts posted by JesusFries

  1. Like and dislike features are present so that we can give/show our reaction in someone's post. Through this we are able to express our feelings about that certain post, if it's good then give the like reaction and if bad then go for dislike. We should be mindful of what reaction/reputation we will give; think and comprehend first if that post really deserve dislike/like reaction. We must be wise and keen enough to use this features. 

    • Useful or interesting 1

  2. With the recent update of the forum, we can really say that this is no joke at all. This is a lesson for us, we should not plagiarize someone's work aside from the fact that it is against to the rules, plagiarism is a crime. We should do our best to play our part in the forum, make sure to share useful and meaningful posts/topics, always follow the guidelines to keep your account from being banned. Always be mindful of your decisions. 

    • +5 1

  3. It is a nice suggestion by the way, but there's always downside to it. Yes, we can create our own topic/post but it can result to repetitive content of such post/topic. Another thing is that we are not sure if forcing/enforcing such suggestion is healthy to the platform, there is a big possibility that we can create useless and unrelated topic/post in the forum in order to fulfill the requirement. In my opinion, the most effective way is to encourage and inspire every active user to create good and useful topic/post in forum. 

  4. There is a reason why your posts were deleted, maybe you broke some rules or posted unrelated topic in the forum and received multiple warning points. Be mindful of what you share in the platform next time and always make sure that the topic/post you will create is useful and meaningful in the platform. Lastly, always be aware and adhere to the guidelines in the forum. 

    • +1 1

  5. It is normal if you fear something from the very start and if you don't have any idea/knowledge about it, that's why we have the time to study and learn about it. We must be brave in facing challenges, there are only two outcomes when taking risks, it can be win or lose (in trading/business, profit or loss). If we failed, we must not think that it is the end the world there is always tomorrow to try again and do better. Let us think of the brighter side in that situation because of that experience we will learn something from it. Remember that there is always room for improvement. Spread your wings and achieve the goal you wanted. 

    • +1 1

  6. I appreciate your effort for sharing this information. Watching educational videos about BTC will help us learn more about it, this video is very helpful to us (beginners in Crypto World). This video gave us more knowledge about BTC, how to handle it, the ups and downs of the currency and such. I will follow this youtuber so that I can learn more about BTC. 

    • +2 1
    • +4 1

  7. This very informative and the keypoints are well laid down. One should not be afraid if he/she shared a topic/post that is useful, has quality content and followed the guidelines of the forum, I believe that you will gain positive reaction from it. While getting bad reputation points is normal, it means one thing, something is wrong with the post you made and remember that there is always room for improvement. All of us want to have positive reaction with our posts and that will be our motivation to share good and useful information in this platform. 

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  8. Congratulations for reaching 200 good reputation points! As a beginner, your achievement is an inspiration to us and to do our best in this forum. I always believe that if you put your heart in something that you are doing, you will surely reach your goal. Though your hardwork, appreciation, and of course, sharing useful information about cryptography and cryptocurrencies, you will achieve such good reputation points too. 

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  9. Hello! Welcome to Cryptotalk! As beginner, you should read the guidelines first. Also, you can explore the different sections in the forum so that you can have an idea and knowledge about this amazing platform. Avoid spamming, copying and pasting someone's work, and always adhere to the rules and regulations. Remember that if you failed to follow the guidelines; your account might get banned, so yu have to consider and abide to the rules and regulations of the forum. Lastly, you should always share posts/topics that are good, unique, and useful information in relation to Crypto World.


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    • +1 1

  10. This post is really helpful to beginners like I am. As beginners, we should always read and comprehend with the guidelines given in this forum. Also, we have to make sure that the information we share is true and meaningful. We should be mindful of what we share in this forum and always abide to the rules and regulations in this platform. 

    • Useful or interesting 1

  11. You are right about that, one should search first before posting his/her topic in order to avoid repetitive posts. We should create a good, unique and quality topic/post that can benefit the user and the forum itself. Lastly, we should also consider the fact that there are some updates/changes with the state of cryptocurrencies and such. Just always be mindful of what you share in the forum. 

  12. You can have a good reputation points if you are sharing topics/posts with good and quality contents. For you to be able to have a good reputation, you must consider different things when sharing such topics/posts. Think about a good topic/post that will catch the interest of the active users and you should make sure that this is useful to the platform and to the users as well, you will surely gain good reputation points from it. 

  13. As a beginner, we usually tend to think negatively about things that are new to us especially if we don't have sufficient knowledge about it. I believe that no beginner immediately climbed up to the top, we are doing everything to have the knowledge about crypto world but we cannot avoid difficulties to arise. During my stay in this forum, I faced difficulties about things that I don't understand specifically about topics that I wasn't aware of and I always ended up doing some research and read articles about that certain topic. I know that this is not going to be easy but I will do my best to learn more about Cryptography and Cryptocurrencies.

    • +3 1
    • +5 1

  14. Yes, Cryptotalk saved and is saving lives especially during this time that global pandemic is present. Many of us wasn't able to go to work and such and we don't have any means to provide/support our needs. Cryptotalk is here for us during this trying times and I can really say that this forum helped a lot to the members of this community. 


    • +1 1

  15. We, as users of this platform and other websites, we should keep our accounts secured so that scammers won't easily access our personal account. We should always remember that scammers are everywhere and staying safe and away from them is a challenge to us but we can always avoid them. You should never share your personal email address to someone you barely know, try to create unique and strong combination of password, and stop talking to someone you don't know online specifically if they discuss about something that is too good to be true. Stop clicking with the links sent to you because these links might be dangerous and may put you into bigger mess. Lastly, be aware, be keen and always remember "think before you click" . 

    • +2 1

  16. Way back in highschool, my teacher always tell us that experience is the best teacher, it is indeed true because life is like that. Learning from your experiences and someone's shared experiences will surely gave you an idea about what certain thing is for. These experiences may be victorious and failure but we can still learn from it. Let us not be afraid of failing since it is a part of our lives and has a big impact in our lives. We can try and do our best again and again to achieve the sucess we wanted in the first place. 

    • +1 1

  17. It is very helpful to read the different experiences of the other members in trading. We should do some research and study first before engaging ourselves in trading because if we don't have any idea what we are into surely, we will fail. Let us not be scared of failures, let's put in our minds that failing is normal and part of our lives. Failures in trading give us lesson what and where we made a mistake and always remember that we can be better and improve ourselves.

  18. I love how you stressed the important things that we should consider and remember as beginners in this platform. It is indeed necessary to talk about cryptography and cryptocurrencies since this forum is made for it. As a beginner, I will do my best to do my part effectively and responsibly in the platform. 

    • +1 1

  19. I am a college student who just joined this forum few days ago and I really hope that earning cryptocurrency will help me pay my unpaid tuition fee and other school project that requires payment. According to my friend who is a college student as well, it really helped her a lot and she was able to pay our educational fees. This platform really helped the old members who are students based on what I've read and heard before. Lastly, this forum is good opportunity for us to be knowledgeable about crypto world and it is a good source of earning extra cash to support our studies. 


  20. It is alright if you experience panic attack at a certain period of time. Panic is an extreme emotion of anxiety/fear that makes you act without thinking reasonably and logically. One thing that I learned when I experienced panic attack is that I do breathing exercises and after I calmed down, I think about strategies /ways that can elongate my patience to assess the issues/problem I faced especially in crypto world. Think logically and strategize what things would be effective with that problem. Be patient and be mindful of your decision-making in crypto world. 

  21. Indeed, Cryptotalk is here for us during this global pandemic which all of us are experiencing. I am very thankful that I am a part of this growing platform through this we can earn money to support our needs especially that we don't have any means since we are on lockdown. This forum also kept us away from getting anxious about things during  this time since all of us stayed home and it helps us manage our mental health through writing about things which keep us away from all of the stress and issues that this pandemic made. 

  22. We can make this forum better by helping each other especially by following the rules and sticking to what is allowed to be posted in this platform. As what I've heard and read before, the forum is getting better through the efforts that our admins and moderators are doing. We should not just focus with the money we can get but we should turn our attention on how to make this platform better. Let us all do our best and do our part in this forum. Let us all be responsible! 

    • +2 1

  23. There are instances in our lives where we can say that we are patient enough to handle problems/challenges but can we really say that if we don't have any idea how our patience would be tested? I always experience this one, one time I am the most patient person I can be, then the next moment I'm not. Still, I can say that I am patient enough to face challenges that can affect my patience because life taught that being patient is a blessing. Since we are here in this platform, we should learn on how to be more patient since not everything comes on our way instantly. Be patient enough because it is for our own benefit and I believe that "patience is a virtue"

    • +4 1

  24. I usually read and comprehend what the topic is all about then I do some research first before I give my comment about it. I always choose topics that I am already familiar with and for some topics that are new to me, I always read various articles first before giving my reaction/comment with that certain topic. We have to make sure that what we share is 100% true and we should be always mindful of what we post in the forum. 

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