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Posts posted by JesusFries

  1. This forum is for everyone who wants to learn and become knowledgeable about cryptography and cryptocurrencies. Through this platform you are paid for every post you make but you have to complete the first 100 post, those post were free and you cannot earn tokens from it. After completing such posts, you will earn token for every useful you subject you create. Always be sure and check every information you share in this forum. Keep in mind that every post you make should be useful and helpful to the members and to the platform itself. Lastly, be mindful of what you share in the platform and always adhere to the guidelines in the forum. 

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  2. Since, almost everyone are staying home due to the occurrence of global pandemic. It is an opportunity for us to spend our time in the forum, we can read and be knowledgeable about different things concerning cryptography and cryptocurrencies. In my case, I usually spend my time reading and learning in the platform if I don't have anything to do. I suggest that each of us should explore the forum more so that we can gain more ideas about such things. 

    • +5 1

  3. This is really true. I believe that everyone in the forum should do their part through posting meaningful and useful topic/post about cryptography and cryptocurrencies. We should be mindful of what we are sharing in the platform because it will truly reflect the real you. Always check/verify your information first before posting it in the forum because you might be wasting your time in composing your subject as well as you are wasting the time of the other members. 

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  4. This forum became more active compared before is that opportunities opened to beginners/users who wanted to learn and earn at the same time and it is continuously growing each day as new accounts were registered. As what I've read, the new payment method will presumably be active again on September, this is another opportunity for us to continue and to keep on posting useful/meaningful contents in this platform. 

    • +1 1

  5. With the recent update of the forum, it is truly amazing in a sense that they kept the anonymity of the user who reported someone's work that is unrelated or useless in this platform in order to be away from "revenge". Let us not be scared of expressing what we truly feel if a certain topic/post is truly worthless. We should also consider if the post truly deserve negative feedback or not. Keep in mind that one can be better or improve himself/herself. 

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  6. The forum is continuously growing as the day passes, we must remember that not all registered accounts are active. As an active user, it is a must that we should be doing and playing our role in this platform. We must create meaningful and useful topic/post and we should all be worthy of the benefit that the forum is giving us. Remember that all of us should always adhere to the rules and regulations of the forum. 

    • +1 1

  7. I believe that forums are essential because through this we are able to express our ideas, opinions, and thoughts about a certain subject. Usually, forums were made in order for the members to exchange their knowledge and experiences about different kind of topics. This forum (Cryptotalk) is very essential to the people who decided to engage themselves with Cryptography and Cryptocurrencies through this, they were able to learn and be knowledgeable enough about Crypto World. People here are learning and earning at the same time which means that it is a great opportunity for us. 

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  8. As an active user of the forum, we must be responsible enough with our part in this platform. Researching for more knowledge and sharing that certain learning in the forum is essential. One should be creative enough in posting such unique and useful topic/post in the forum. Try researching first and check your post whether the same content as yours was already posted then try to expand and revise your ideas more and lay down other information as well. 

  9. This is true, our account may get banned if we failed to follow all of the guidelines provided in the forum. As a beginner, we should always keep in mind the rules and regulations of the forum and always consider it. Always create good and meaningful topic/post and always check what you share in the platform. I believe that if we followed the rules and regulations really well then rest assured that our accounts are safe from being banned in this platform. Be creative and be mindful of what you share in the forum. 

    • +1 2

  10. Thank you for giving us an idea about different crypto businesses. Well, I don't really have favorite crypto business in mind. But, I heard that Binance is a legit platform for trading cryptocurrencies and if given the opportunity I will surely try that platform and witness if it is really good as what I've read and heard before. 

  11. I appreciate your for sharing this kind of suggestion to us in checking the price of cryptocurrencies. With this kind of bot, we will save more time to check the updates of the current price of such cryptocurrencies. In my opinion, in checking the price of cryptocurrencies we should use two or more websites for more references. 

  12. A friend told me that there is certain way to identify if you already commented to someone's topic/post is that, if the chat indicator/signal located at the left side corner of a certain topic. If the chat signal/indicator shows only one black chat signal, it means that you haven't commented in that certain post yet. While you can identify that you already replied to the topic if the chat signal/indicator indicates two black chat signal. I hope that this will help you and the others as well. 

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  13. This is completely true, I believe that there is no such free in Crypto World. Keep in mind that no website will give out cryptocurrencies if they don't gain something from you, there is always a certain task/goal to be done in that website. I guess this is just another marketing tactic in order to attract more people to join that certain website. 

  14. Usually, investment scams are using polished and effective tactics just to get our money. Once that it offered you "too good to be true" deals that is one signal that you are talking with a scammer. Then if they are pressuring you with "limited time offers" and are guaranteeing you with specified return since we all that no one can predict or give you a specific return in stock market. Keep in mind that no stock market return can be guaranteed. I suggest that all of us should be mindful and careful with what we are associating ourselves. Be wise enough in choosing what investment company you will trust. 

    • +2 1

  15. In my opinion, we should be honest in expressing ourselves in every posts and be brave enough to stand your point with that certain topic/post. Be true to yourself and remember that not all opinions are the same. As a human being our opinions may be different from each other that are clashing from each other, well you shouldn't say that you agree even though you truly dont. Lastly, do not be discouraged if you received dislike it is alright maybe that someone found something wrong against your post just put in your mind that you can be better and improve yourself. 

  16. As a beginner, I found your post really informative. We should be wise enough what kind of sites we will trust in depositing/investing our money. We should not trust mining, faucets, and other platforms that are too good to be true and always remember that most of these wbesites are scam and fraudulent. Always be mindful and keen enough in dealing with this kind of situation. 

    • +2 1

  17. Thank you for sharing such informative topic/post. As a beginner, I cannot really say that I am good enough with trading but with great efforts and continuously checking the current market state and contemplate /decide whether you will go for trading or not. We should always ponder and be brave enough to decide for ourselves, it's a matter of profit or loss anyway. 

  18. You create such meaningful and useful posts in the forum and I really appreciate you for sharing your knowledge and experience in this platform. Well, the reason why I am here is to become knowledgeable enough about cryptography and cryptocurrencies and on how to become an expert in Crypto World someday. Lastly, I am happy that I am a part of this forum and I am lucky enough because I am learning and earning at the same time. 

    • +5 1

  19. Thank you for sharing such informative post. There are multiple ways on how to earn money, the ways mentioned were all beneficial and essential ways to earn money. If you have the wit and patience you will surely succeed in any field that you will choose in order for you to earn money. Remember that through your hardwork and patience in Crypto World you will achieve you desired goals. 

  20. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the creator/creators of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. The name Satoshi Nakamoto is synonymous with Bitcoin, the person who own that name has never been found, which made the people believe that it is an alias/pseudonym for a different person or group of people who wish to remain anonymous as of this moment. 

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  21. If you're really eager to work with legit online job without investing I suggest that you should stick in this platform. I believe that if you will be patient and hardworking enough you will earn so much more in this forum just make sure that you will share good and useful contents. Anyway, if you really want to work with other online jobs, you just have to search for it in the internet but always be careful in choosing what website you will work with because most of it are scams. I recommend that you should go for survey sites but you will hardly earn from it. 

  22. Hello! Cryptotalk was first introduced to me by friend which is also a user of this forum. From the very first time that my friend told us (my friends and I) about it, we already believe her because she will never fool us and she told us that through this platform she was able to pay our educational fees since we're still college students. I suggest that you should encourage them more, show them proofs, and do your best if you really want to help them. 

    • Useful or interesting 2

  23. Indeed, one should always remember that there is no shortcut to success, it is a step-by-step process that requires a lot of your effort, patience, and time. Keep in mind that in Crypto World there is failure too, but you shoud not be discouraged because of it, instead you should do your best and expand your knowledge through researching and reading informative materials about cryptography and cryptocurrencies. Through your hardwork, efforts, time, and patience, you will succeed in this field. 

  24. This is a great idea by the way since shortage of useful topic/post is present. As users, we should be responsible of our part in this forum, sharing useful, unique, and knowledgeable posts/topics in relation to cryptography and cryptocurrencies is a must. We are getting paid with every post we make, let's do our best in making quality content for the forum. 

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