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Everything posted by Friendo1983

  1. In my opinion, the idea of giving most coins to the investors, instead of miners, is just plain stupid. This is not the proper way to distribute a currency. It is not fair.
  2. So if you are all wondering what the devs are working on -- I'm working on a new BiblePay miner.Just to explain the situation a little more, a year ago when people asked me about possibly separating the miner program from the core wallet, I didnt really like the idea because I felt we would be on track for continually modifying the mining algo to be impossible to run outside the core.� However, I feel that our POBH algorithm has matured to the point where its no longer changing - so as to reduce the risk of someone trying to port it to GPU or ASIC, I feel this is a good time for us to make the move - to make a standalone miner - and give any new devs out there the chance to enhance POBH.� This will also allow us to add stratum support and standardize our pool to be p2p/stratum compatible.� The bbp-miner.exe must be outside of the wallet primarily to fulfill the stratum protocol request (as putting stratum inside the core wallet violates the code of conduct for exchanges).So, I decided to go a...
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