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What is your main goal... ?

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Thank you, my friend, for this useful information. Actually, many people enter this forum with different goals, including those who enter here in order to earn money. There are people who enter here to gain knowledge, but I prefer to earn money and know at the same time, but I am still a beginner and try to collect  The most information

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My main goal is to get an earning of my own. This forum is much helpful in that case . I came to know about crypto through my friend and I would like to say that through this forum we could earn, learn and experience many things . These are my goals for joining this platform.

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Yes you are right the first main role is education so I learnt how to work in the cryptocurrency market and the profit gain and getting experience is our good thing here in this forum and learning in my opinion

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Hello my friend, I agree with you in part of your words, not all of them, for sure we must not make the taps and airdrops a primary goal in the long run. I am personally in the stage of collecting capital from the taps and sites to be able to achieve my long-term goal, which is to enter the platforms and start trading.

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Hello dear. My main goal is become a successful freelancer.  I want to make money. We can gain knowledge and earn money by this. It help us to comfort and easy our life.

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Hello everybody i am new here and i am glad to be here and have the chance to learn from this forum , i hope it is not hard for me to learn

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If you don't know when to buy or sell and when to sell, I signed up for this forum to read and learn more about crypto. I’ve read more than commented so I can grow and the lectures here are worth a bit. However, this gap will increase over time, so that the goal is to increase the difficulty over time.

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I was looking for making some friends and learn from them , also i believe that this site may help me with information i don't have and the rules to follow

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16 minutes ago, Messi02 said:

Goal is very important in our real & virtual life..Every one should their own goal. Here my first goal is to make & submit my 100 comment here..By this i can increase my knowledge & earn money

@Messi02 I see that you already have more than 100 comments that ask to start paying, haven't you been paid yet? It is important that you receive positive reactions so that they pay you for that, a friend told me to tag people so that they see the notification and can react and thus help each other,
you have to learn from those who have time here to do a good job.

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You dedicate a lot of time to this site, and I appreciate what you write. Take as much time as you need to learn everything there is to know about crypto currencies or the Crypto Environment. Think of it as an investment in yourself to become a good crypto businessman.

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Yes i agree with you.all the posts we make and share in the community are to help the people of our community and in that way we earn money.if i understand correctly you want to achieve around $ 900 * with free money.

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Well, saying my friend

  We all here at first we have provided payments and cases encrypted for investment, trading and harvesting money to live a decent life and help ourselves in the study

I think the physical poverty

It is what we came here

But many of us and I first

After you came here and gained

And invested invested

I love culture

I love increasing knowledge and experiences


I want to learn a lot and a lot about encrypted currencies

I think it is experienced, science and hard work

You will get you easily

What is impossible

good luck to you

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This is a wonderful and valuable information, because must of the members of this platform more precisely we the new members of this platform don’t know how to set or even differentiate between long and short term targets or goals. Thank you very much dude for sharing this useful information.

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I think everyone entered this forum with thought of earning money but later on realized that this forum is far more than just earning . We get lot of knowledge from this forum about digital currencies and get lot of experience by working on this platform . My goal is to gain money as well as lot of experience and knowledge.

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My goal is to learn to trade at a high level. I also need to invest at least $ 8000 to start trading. I think I will reach my goal soon. I also want to learn PHP programming language

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Well .. in whatever work you do you must love your work in order to be successful .. and through work comes money .. My goal in this life in general is to live and accept the vicissitudes of life and continue with the future .. The future is cryptocurrencies and I aspire to be mine. Experience in this area .. Thank you

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This is an important information to learn about for me as a new member , my main goal is to work here and learn from the expert about crypto currencies

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my main aim to this forum to become a expert crypto member that have complete information about its all feature like trading because i know trading is the best way to increase our profits.

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My goal is to gain knowledge of cryptocurrency, learn business and gain experience in investing. So that I too can take advantage of cryptocurrency and make a profit.

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I have so many goals I have in the cryptocurrency world as well as the cryptotalk platform, but the main goals are, I really want to learn about the cryptocurrency market from this platform and be successful in that field and also want to earn free income from the cryptotalk platform.

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Dear, my main goal is to learn and then to raise money in order to start buying and selling in digital currencies, of course, trade

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My only goal here is to learn all about crypto currency and also to gain and become a good communicator because my communication skills is not too good as I Express my each condition i English so I think this online forum is the best platform where we can learn and earn together without investing a single penny.

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Assalam 0 Alaikum dear friends my main goal is earning online and support our families and those people who are hand to mouth. Spaccially on family in my close relatives. My uncle is passed away last few month ago and I am support his family. 

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 Very nice question my friend ... For me .. My goals are many and modest.. First, I want to become a successful person in society .. Wan.I don't need anyone's help, but I do plan my future without anyone's help .. And to have my money .. Helps me handle my needs .

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