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Posts posted by iStaff

  1. OK is multi chain and open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls OK and everyone can take part.
    Okcash is a decentralized and established hybrid cryptocurrency that started on Nov 24th 2014. 
    OK was mined (PoW-Scrypt) and evolved to be stake-able (PoS-LTSS-Sha256).
    Okcash is not a security, it never had an ICO, nor any kind of funding rounds. 
    OK is self sustainable and is fully supported by voluntaries (Just like Bitcoin).

     ★ English ★ Spanish ★ Chinese ★ Russian ★ Italian ★ Portuguese ★ Ukrainian 

    Okcash• OK
    Latest Wallet:
    *New (23/11/2022) - OK core - code name: "Space Monkey" version v7.0.0.0
    Latest Releases Notes + Downloads


    What are the Stake Rewards or Staking?
    In easy Terms is the process where you keep your coins in your OK wallet and keep it open(online), your coins will start to "stake" (trying to solve blocks, like mining), meaning after some hours your wallet will start to mine for more coins according to the number of coins that you already have in your wallet, at different rates (% changes, like halvings ) and without the need for special equipment or high energy bills. 

    You only need to keep the OK wallet running and some Coins in it to start mining/earning more coins 
    These nodes help maintain a decentralized, secure and fast network, hence why they get the rewards for supporting the network/project.


    Join the OK Community Discord.
    Everyone is free and welcome to integrate/develop new applications with/for Okcash and profit from it, OK is Open Source!
    OK [Logos, images and vectors] for Markets, Exchanges, Games and Services

    OK Specifications
    Name: Okcash
    Symbol/Ticker: OK
    Algorithm: SHA256
    Released: Nov 24th 2014
    PoW Ended at block: 33,186
    Total coins at the end of Pow/Pos Hybrid Period: 36,297,000 OKCash
    Max Cap: 105,000,000 OKCash
    Full POS started: Dec 9th 2014
    POS Min Stake Time: 8 hr
    Transactions: 10 confirmations
    Stakes: 69 confirmations
    Block Time: 72 seconds average block time.
    Rpcport: 6969
    Port: 6970
    Test ports: ( RPCport 7979 ) ( Port 7980 )
    LTSS POS Block Rewards: 15 halvings
    LTSS POS version: v3 hybrid

    Also for the Internet of things
    Okcash ROKOS OS for IoT (Internet of Things) devices (Full image):
    How to compile Okcash on Raspberry Pi, Pine64, etc. (Tutorial):,2025.0.html

    Okcash POS White Paper: okcash-whitepaper
    Okcash LTSS White Paper: okcash-ltss-whitepaper

    *POS - Proof of Stake.
    *LTSS - Long Term Sustainable Staking.
    *LTPoW - Long Term Proof of Work.

    OK came up with a solution to empower the system and secure LTSS. 
    Bitcoin has LTPoW lasting till the year 2140. OK LTTS (staking) will be lasting till the year 2148. 
    Making Okcash the best PoS partner for Bitcoin and Micro Transactions.

    Following the Original schedule of expected distribution proposed on the V1 LTSS WP, and based on the past performance of the OK Network / Users / Staking for the first 5 years of Okcash, 
    we have improved and refined the LTSS System by fixing the halving periods based on past performance and future expectation of the Staking Network Percentage in the system to match the original Proof of Stake expected growth.

    Economics: As part of Okcash's coin issuance, miners/stakers are rewarded a certain amount of Okcash coins whenever a block is produced (approximately every 69 seconds).
    When Okcash first started, 2000 OK coins per block were given as a reward to PoW miners. After the block number 33,186 PoW evolved to LTSS PoS and halvings have been ocurring at different time schedules taking in consideration 501,257 blocks per year, the block reward halves and will keep on halving until the block 27,589,135 (last halving approximately by year 2070).
    As of now, the block reward evolved [Semi-static block reward + predictable network growth no matter net staking percentage, achieving Bitcoin predictability under Okcash unique LTSS PoS System.(The most energy friendly)] and is now under the LTSS PoSv3hybrid system at a rate of 3.9+ coins per block and will decrease to 2.3+ coins per block post halving.

    For more halving info visit:

    * 501,257 blocks per year average.

    Last OK coins to be PoS mined expected around the year 2148.


    Some of the OK history

    Okcash is a new Cryptocurrency that got released in November 2014. Since the start, OK has shown a unique interest in the end user and tried to make the coin accessible and easy to use for the community. The launch was a success and a lot of miners participated in the pools that were mining the coin.
    The mining PoW process lasted 15 days without halving to make it fair for every miner no matter when they started with the coin. After these 15 days of mining, Okcash became a full Proof of Stake coin, fulfilling its goal of hybrid initial distribution. It started a new era in the cryptocurrency environment, where coins continue to be created and distributed via Proof of Stake, which is a more long-term sustainable system and much more energy friendly than Proof of work.
    Okcash started a new tendency in the cryptocurrency world, by injecting a positive vibe into its design and code. A lot of new coins started to get created following these ideas and see OK as an example. 
    Okcash have been traded since Nov 2014 and the community continues to grow in all aspects, on social networks, in markets, in use, and with its Open Source Decentralized group dedicated Devs, it's been building a solid decentralized infrastructure that's directly reflected in the coin's efficiency and speed, with presence in more than 42 countries. Okcash is one of a handful of coins that has not presented any issues with its blockchain, working perfectly since the day it was released. 
    The initial motivation behind Okcash was to create a really efficient and fast coin aiming to "improve things" or "make things better". After the success of getting added to the first exchanges, and with the community interaction and feedback, it was decided it was time for the coin to evolve and communicate the real philosophy behind its work. The community and environment itself were the driving forces behind this evolution, which is meant to provide end users "the community" with a cryptocurrency they can trust - with a name aimed for the mainstream - and with the following qualities: speed, efficiency and ease of use accompanied by a dedicated and personalized working design.
    The "OK" name got selected to represent the brand as it reflects properly the coin's goals and attitude. OK is one of only 2 words in the whole world that requires no translation at all to be understood, giving it the potential for mainstream adoption without the problems of trying to integrate the new name to different cultures. "OK" is understood the whole world over.

    OK reflects a positive outcome, speed, and empathy. Security and user experience are the first thoughts behind any update or code modification. The addition of the word "cash" was made to give it direct inclusion into the financial sector and to communicate the whole concept in a word: "Okcash".

    Anybody who hears this word gets an overall concept or general idea of what it is about. OK is the technology while Okcash is the first application of this technology, being the coins we can send or put in our wallets for saving, spending or sharing.
    Okcash has been referred to as "The future for Social Payments" and it has one of the strongest social presences in the cryptocurrency environment. You can actually send Okcash anywhere in the world by the easy use of the Discord and/or Twitter Tip bots. This makes it possible to send OK to anyone in the world, even if they have not yet installed and downloaded the Okcash wallet.
    Okcash is also one of the few currencies that do not fight BTC. On the contrary, OK complements and supports Bitcoin and aims to create events around the world to teach people about cryptocurrencies such as BTC and OK: how they can get the advantages and how they differ from traditional fiat systems.
    OK complements BTC, with its speed and Proof of Stake system OK works as a currency but also as an earning system. If you keep your wallet open, you gain a % of the coins you hold in your wallet as interest. This system incentivizes the network growth and security as well and is one of the key aspects of OK as it doesn't require special equipment. It is a more energy-friendly way to sustain the whole network, reducing the carbon footprint considerably against Proof of Work technology.
    Since the start, Okcash has provided constant updates, a dedicated site for them and has delivered in time and form.
    OK is the first cryptocurrency to hold cross-promotions between different cryptocurrency communities and everyone can visit and download the "ROKOS" project as well, a Raspberry Pi OS with full Bitcoin Graphical Client and node ready to plug and play, OK client/node ready for use, distributed for free by the Okcash Developers to support Crypto adoption and the integration of cryptocurrencies with the Internet of Things technology (IoT). Download ROKOS
    The OK community continues to create giveaways for more crypto communities and constant contests with the addition of faucets and resources to give more users the chance to have fun and get to know, test and use Okcash (OK).


  2. 1EfBbRX.png


    Hello enthusiasts — we’re announcing the launch of our DeFi product and our governance token Token (CASINO)


    • Fair launch — $.001 starting price on 02/10/23
    • The casino will launch with several games with more to come later. Roulette, Craps, Slot Machine, Blackjack, Dice, and Coin Flip.
    • token (CASINO) — a revenue generating governance token governing the CasinoCronos protocol on Cronos.
    • Casino Pit token (xCASINO) — Deposit CASINO tokens to the Casino Pit to earn rewards. Every swap includes a .30% liquidity provider fee which is sent to the Pit Breeder, converted and used to buyback CASINO token, and raise the ratio of CASINO to xCASINO.
    • — A unique mix of Defi products including ViperSwap, Bao Finance, and Uniswap. also boasts an online Casino where you can fairly gamble your earnings.
    • On launch Casino with single player games like Blackjack, Craps and Roulette.
    • Casino features a unique burning mechanism that sends 50% of proceeds to a burn address and 50% to the Casino treasury, ensuring constant upward pressure.
    • Yield farming — stake WCRO/USDC, WCRO/CASINO, WCRO/ATOM, ATOM/CASINO, (please see below for future pool release schedule) The yield farming system incorporates a 90% locked / 10% unlocked token unlocking schedule.
    • Emphasis on future pools for pairs with high volume on the Cronos bridge.
    • Future development of multiplayer casino games including poker & craps
    • Rewards start at block 6898882 at roughly ~4:00AM UTC 10th of Feb 2023 — Please farm responsibly
    • Join our Discord Channel to connect with the community and the team:


    1,000,000,000 max token cap with 90% of rewards initially locked. Tokens will slowly release starting approximately February 2024 over 1 year. We’ve built 4 treasuries to help development on


    • Casino Fund— 5% of the tokens will be sent directly to the Casino to provide liquidity for Casino winners.
    • Development — 4% of the tokens minted will be used for development (grants, bounties, and technology advancements).
    • Liquidity Fund — 3% of the tokens minted will be used for additional liquidity for new pools and buy back/burns.
    • Founders Reward — 2% of the tokens will be used for incentivizing the founders.

    Pre-Mint CASINO tokens

    The treasuries have their own unique unlocking schedule. In order to provide initial liquidity and a smooth Casino experience we will pre-mint 80 million CASINO tokens.

    In addition to the 80 million CASINO tokens minted, we also have the option to mint an additional 80 million in the event of a CASINO liquidity shortage.


    • 10,000,000 tokens for Development Treasury
    • 30,000,000 tokens for Liquidity Treasury
    • 40,000,000 tokens for Casino Treasury

    Emission Schedule

    The base emission for CASINO is 8 CASINO/Block which is 115,200 CASINO tokens per day before any multipliers.

    90% of CASINO rewards are locked up until February 2024 and will slowly release over 12 months. Due to the lockup schedule, we are implementing a high bonus rate for early adopters and to help distribute our tokens.

    The initial multipliers are as follows:

    Week 1: x64 multiplier = 5120 CASINO tokens/minute

    Week 2: x64 multiplier = 5120 CASINO tokens/minute

    Week 3: x64 multiplier = 5120 CASINO tokens/minute

    Week 4: x64 multiplier = 5120 CASINO tokens/minute

    After the initial release month, the multiplier gradually decreases.

    The multiplier schedule is on a week-by-week basis and can be updated and to fit the needs of the project.

    Withdrawal Fees:

    • 40% fee if the user withdraws in the same block. (blocks ~ 2 seconds)
    • 25% fee if the user withdraws under 1 hour.
    • 15% fee if the user withdraws under 1 day.
    • 5% fee if the user withdraws under 3 days.
    • 5% fee if the user withdraws under 5 days
    • 5% if the user withdraws under 2 weeks.
    • 3% if the user withdraws under 4 weeks.
    • 1% if the user withdraws after 4 weeks.


    Games — Multiplayer Poker, Multiplayer Craps, Baccarat
    Analytics site — Shortly after launch we will launch an analytics site where liquidity positions can be tracked.
    Casino NFT’s that players can set as their avatar in multiplayer games.
    Pool Release Schedule & Point Allocations

    The schedule of the new pools are as follows:





    + more pools to be announced depending on bridge volume

    Tables of Allocation Pools are below:

    WCRO/CASINO — 55
    WCRO/USDC — 5

    WCRO/ATOM — 10


    WCRO/ETH —10
    WCRO/BTC — 10
    ETH/WBTC — 25

    CASINO/DOGE — 15
    CASINO/ADA —10
    DAI/USDC — 2

    LINK/MATIC — 15

    Smart Contracts

    Our smart contracts forked mostly from ViperSwap & Uniswap

    * UniswapV2Factory.sol, UniswapV2Router02.sol, UniswapV2SubGraph and other helper libraries

    * ViperSwap: Pit.sol, PitBreeder.sol, MasterBreeder.sol







    Deployed contracts

    Smart contract code is available at:

    Deployed contract addresses:

    GovernanceToken (CASINO): 0x95ac4a86c0677971c4125ACe494e3C17a87a4C61

    MasterChef: 0x81b5118bF8A720B19FEC6F3078d2b555790cb0AB

    Casino Pit: 0x2c7e38eeB92F5402A6B43520a4d92F0fe4Cad1B1

    PitBreeder: 0x0851a7fc0c60Eea48c74Cf64Fa8498d0B8642c96

    UniswapV2Factory: 0x570aA1E0aa3d679Bc9DaAA47564ed3Daba1208FE

    UniswapV2Router02: 0x6c41f8d6366937c8680ad783281ce4b1C4E50571



    Developer Treasury: 0xb837ca785b526037c572DCB98D77930115eC2d9D

    Casino Treasury: redacted for security

    Liquidity Treasury: 0xB0B5Aa9faB7186B7bB3986Bb7325007816F08Ed6

    Founders Reward: 0x06e5f56652432E4aECfb568ca5ed9d7AE30A1BbA



    Jericoin Project

    JeriCoin is a proof of stake coin, a blockchain with masternode as the second layer. With permanent Masternode collateral and variable reward structure. JeriCoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network.

    Coin Specs
    Algorithm : sha256csm
    Ticker : JHL
    Pre-mine : 100,000
    Max. Supply : 700,000,000
    POW Blocks : 1 - 30,000
    Block time : 60 Seconds
    Maturity : 100
    Ports : 31357(p2p) - 31358(rpc)


    Hosting Store using JHL as payment method

    Use your JHL coins to pay for hosting services like domains, vps, semi-dedicated and dedicated hosting, we provide you several Data Centers to pick.



     THOSE PEOPLE WHO PROVIDE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE TO THOSE who need it do not always follow through 
    the exchange,because of that both are hesitant to share personal contact information. When there is an intermediary between them, 
    people who need knowledge pay more and people who provide knowledge get less because of the profit of the intermediary. 
    There is a way around it – advance payment – but it requires trust. There had been no applications efficient enough in the market to tackle 
    this problem until blockchain technology appeared. Its transactions are borderless and do not require an intermediary. 

     Our blockchain based application called Dequinox is designed to assist people all over the world with knowledge and experience 
    exchange transactions. This cutting edge application with its automated payments through the operations contract allows to monetize 
    video and voice calls and does not require advance payments or a complicated setup. In order to advertise their services, knowledge 
    providers can place a QR code or a direct link on any their social media platform. When the rate per minute is predetermined and set by 
    those who provide knowledge.

    This application will help people around the world, especially those without access to the banking systems, exchange knowledge more efficiently. 

     WE PRESENT A PLATFORM BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN that people can use to call each other and makeaudio/video calls. Those who need knowledge 
    pay when they call, the rate per minute is set within the application by those who provide knowledge and experience. Dequinox blockchain are used for this 
    exchange. The exchange of knowledge gets simplified which adds value to the consulting industry.

    Knowledge Provider can display their availability and not be
    afraid to receive fraud or marketing calls when they share their
    direct call links.

    Knowledge Seeker can save costs because they contact
    wanted person directly and only pay for the actual call time.

    Third Party Services obtain another way to monetize their
    client base. 


     Name:  DEQUINOX 
     Ticker: DQNX 
     CoinType: Masternode/PoS 
     Block Distribution : Masternodes 90% STaking(POS 10%) 
     Max Supply: 50,000,000 
     Premine: 300,000 DQNX 
     Blocktime: 1 Minute 
     Coin Maturity: 10 Minutes 
     Port: 27058 
     Rpc: 27059 



     Q1 - 2023
     PROJECT LAUNCH -completed
    WEBSITE LAUNCH -completed
    DQNX COIN MASTERNODE PRESALE - ICO -ongoing (ENDS February 23 2023)
    BOUNTY LAUNCH -completed
    DNQX COIN EXCHANGE LISTINGS -Listing February 24 2023 (Time TBA)

     Q2 - 2023

     Q3 - 2023

     Daily Raindrops/Airdrops 
     Discord Invite Bounty 
     Community Level/Ranking Bounty 
     Twitter Bounty 

     Total of 60 masternodes on sale 
     PRICE PER NODE - $350.00 

     - Buy 1 Masternode and get 10% bonus of DQNX. (Total Bonus 300 DQNX )
    - Buy 2 Masternodes and get 20% bonus of DQNX. ( Total Bonus 1,200 DQNX )
    - Buy 3 Masternodes and get 1 Masternode as bonus. ( Total of 4 MN to receive. 

     Listing on February 24 2023 - Time TBA 



  5. 1.jpg


    Energy it's fundamental source of live, this is base source which feed our body human and is source our movie and live.Sun - its source of energy all around, making energy of live. Plants making energy by photosynthesis. What is human body energy source and what is making energy? how much and volume? Human body is energy station possible recycle power to energy name by ATP on the decentralized network by FITONIKA


    10000000 active users. 5,000 companies and a huge market built on a digital autonomous decentralized platform covering over 10,000 billion in turnover (see statistics) with opportunities for growth and development in the global economy and the crypto industria 

    Blockchain Data is in Our DNA activities


     FYM - Third-generation blockchain platform based by proof-of-stake and proof-of-work and working by FPC cryptocurrency with different Various 
     Platform functionality included offers for decentralized manufacturing marketplace, stake pool operation, transaction metadata, native tokens, 
     service and payment and more..
     Platform is a tracker-protocol unifying fitness community, provides a sandboxed environment for continuing progress activities target industry, 
     harnessing the power of community to mining fitness tokens and transformations in FPC coins used 
     to improve specific industry as mutual settlements



     Benefit from big data fitness activities insights and automations without handing 3 side over your data or your customer's - fitness community
    a unique consensus algorithm based on key industry features, the security of which can be proven using first and the one of a kind mathematics of computing unique heart data during active exercise providing super high security level.
     Working this way to help as many participants as possible interact for specific targeted interests. It can also be used as a more general platform
    for any kind of paid community that can clearly define the sides of the desired interaction or in the market for the sale of services and goods in the sports industry


    Our platform will allow the creation of custom associations. These associations are activity pools, both single and group associations, for the production of fitcoins. After joining the platform, the user will be asked to provide personal data. This data is encrypted and will be used for the user profile as one part of the phytonics network key in order to grant the user a share of the union.

     Fitonika  - Solutions for Take Payments fitness Everywhere powered by Autonomous blockchain, and artificial intelligence Solutions-platform using ATP token can be used to payment gateway from power applications in decentralized finance transaction supply chain trade making and business smart contract.  
    ATP this is unit of energy particles of energy produced in the process of human life, converted into a settlement unit 
     Ecosystems to any stake pool operator, fitness users or commercial partner who can to join in to building the Autonomous Economic can be used to transform existing and systems creating new reducing challenges associated with conventional, centralized mediating processes in industry sports and fitness where possible get Profit From Your FITNESS LIVE.
    Mining ATP energy points, becomes possible in process you train daily routine or fitness actifities by means of a uniq key of you activities and data HR - you create new blocks. Connection to pool and when your level activities during of moment time have achieve of a certain level consensus protocol 
    and when you starting produce new ATP points which that shape the awards for Fitcoins.  ATP shares will by compound in the block and createing Fitness Power Coin Energy - FPC - Cryptcurency only Fitness Community with Infrastructure for business favors service and more possible
    Registered gadjet and smartphone application signede special key based on the your uniqe HR data give a chance everybody people become of bricks decentralized protocol consensus have and thanks to only uniq self HR data activities which will be block in the chain by Fitonika network

    How it works


     Thanks to the use of the Fitoniks function, which identifies and extrapolates the levels and indicators of the activity of users of the decentralized space in the equivalent of ATP tokens, it is possible to create associations, and each association on the platform will earn a certain share of the Fitcoin. Certain users will be included in the phytonics pool through secret keys and will be identified only based on the unique parameters of their activity and a unique indicator of heart rate levels from their fitness tracker, which is individual and unique to every person on the planet. Thus, the functions of the Fitmarket will create the polarity of the fitness industry market - the corresponding services according to the extrapolation of data from pull consumers and the proposal of the sports industry market by representatives of pull trading companies, managers, and advertising agents.
     Tools and infrastructure Fitonika openning wide poosible to enable a decentralized digital economy for fitness industrial, artificial intelligence lab, is building a decentralized machine learning platform based on a distributed ledger, that enables secure sharing, connection and transactions based on any data globally used fitness application On this network, a series of software AI agents analysis data received blockchain ecosystem and direct act on behalf of their owners. autonomous agents using big data consul energy points change to Fitcoin and provide an optimized service across a variety of ecommerce  ecosystems, to the benefit of both suppliers and consumers of service fitness industry. This allows without intermediaries solve hard target all-in any task


                       The Fitonika Network & the FYM


      Fitmarket will implement an external interface using information from big data that will allow Fitonika users to search for profitable associations in various fields, combined with different interests in sports activities. Users can get what they want; only relevant offers for consumers will save market suppliers millions of dollars spent on finding the target audience. In the flow work, they will be delegated and provided with ungrouped lists of associations and target communities in the field of marketing.


     Users of pools will pay a certain fee to connect to associations, The number of consumers will not be limited to the number of participants in associations. Members of the association will be able to communicate using private channels, reminiscent of Slack's interface, trade, as well as invent and connect their applications Any user will also be able to become the owner of the association and receive dividends from the production of the Fitcoin received for the activity of its members.


                       Fitcoin Road Map


                       Fitcoin Team



    Find more information about our platform and project in the ICO website:

    Fitcoin PRE-ICO will take place in the 28 of Jan 13:00 GMT 2023 and last for 28 feb 30 Days


     We believe our first and early supporters should be rewarded for their support
    With that notion in mind, we decided on the twinly rewards - Its One-time direct rewards for you subscribers or any buyer, which will dependence on Audit score any social (respectively)platfor - Facebook, Twitter, Instagramm or any other. and procentage of your refferal link
    For further details (terms and bonuses) please read our rules paper page -  Bounty Page:

    We always open for new partners and we also looking for bounty managers campaing our offer box is open for cooperation. We glad wait your suggest via - email



    The world of masternoding continues to expand and evolves it's great aspects as for node enthusiasts
    or for new commers. Insigthing the great possibilities in one platform to make masternoding life easier
    and top notch accesibility. Every single one of us has the whole right to have the right tool with straight 
    forward point of funcinalities

    We unite for the mission of the platform, all might think it is just a platform to make money, but for us it is 
    more than the money that is involved on this part, we honestly want to be bold when it comes with the 
    project's mission, digging more on the mission part it is all about the community comfort in making their 
    assets to grow in a not so complex or complicated way, we want as much as possible to find you ways or 
    better said to maximize your profits from multiple assets and managed in a single platform.



    CoinName:  OWLCoin
    Ticker: OWLC
    CoinType: Masternode/PoS
    Blocktime : 60 seconds / 1 minute
    Max Supply: 38,000,000 OWLC
    Premine: 150,000 OWLC
    Staking Age: 1 Hour
    Coin Maturity: 10 Blocks
    Masternode Initial Collateral: 1000 OWLC
    Masternode Share: 90%
    Staking Share: 10%
    Port: 21091
    Rpc: 21092


    visit to view reward scheme and premine distribution



  7. coinballer-small.png

    Greetings and many happy returns for the new year.

    In this game, up to 100 players are gambling on who has more resources.

    Players can make a bet or raise their bet at any time.

    The game ends when 144 bitcoin blocks have passed without a raise. This will take appoximately one day.

    The player who has contributed the most money to the pot at the end of the game wins the whole pot, minus a 2% fee for the host.

    In the case of tie, funds are distributed equally and any fractional remainder is left with the host.

    My host can be found at as well as a link to the source code.

    We hope you enjoy!

  8. hammer-small.png

    Greetings and many happy returns for the new year. is a simple auction website where 98% of each bid for the prize is added to the prize.

    Each auction ends after 144 blocks have passed without a bid.

    In the case of a tie, funds are distributed equally to the winning bidders and any fractional remainder is left with the host.

    We hope you will enjoy the auctions.

  9. Website  |  Twitter  |  Discord  |  Telegram  |  Github  |  Wallets  |  Explorer


    » Price is calculated with several factors:

    • Demand market for good POW coin
    • Speed of our chain (which is bigger than most other Ethereum forks)
    • Presence of software for mining Ethash algorithm
    • Quality of project (crew experience, legal company presence, other chained projects with AVES)
    • Block reward which is 3 AVS per block (and 5% going to Eco funds, that mean block reward is 2.85 AVES)
    • Also if the price is under a minimum of 2 dollars there will not be any earnings for miners

  10. SeNJzml.png

    Help a cause together with the community.

    We are planning to arrange polls periodically with the help of the Smart Contract to determine 
    what the raised funds are used for. Shape the purpose of the token Yourself.

    Voting on the blockchain

    This is the first token to use the decentralized approach to organize the whole voting procedure. 
    We plan to make this approach adoptable to any real life application that needs voting to be secure.

    With the immutable behavior of the blockchain, all the procedures happening within the Smart Contract ensures transparency and security. 
    This Smart Contract implementation helps us to defeat manipulations of the voting to give every poll option and participant a fair and even playing field.
    We don't have to rely on a third party implementation of storing the data for voting, 
    the blockchain controls everything and even the procedure of the voting is hard coded, can't be modified after launch.

         • Anonymous voting
         • Votes are stored decentralized on blockchain
         • Votes are stored immutably
         • Vote results are stored immutably on the blockchain
         • Vote results are stored historically on the blockchain
         • Votes are counted after the poll is closed to avoid manipulations with the holdings

    Vote counting begins immediately after closing. 
    Every wallet address can participate in the voting, but the Voting Power calculations are happening at the counting.

    Voting Power

    Every wallet address with a vote has a Voting Power which is calculated from the Deopto holdings of the wallet. 
    The Voting Power calculations are happening after the poll is closed.

    To successfully participate in the voting, wallets need to have at least 0.001% of holdings. 
    With this amount of holdings the wallet has a voting power of 1. 
    The system rewards wallets with more holding on a square root based scale, 
    so early on you get much more Voting Power with a certain amount of holding increase 
    but it slows down approaching the ceiling. 
    For the maximum effect the ceiling is at 1% holdings with 300 Voting Power 
    and after 1% the Voting Power is NOT increasing anymore staying at 300.


    Learn more about Deopto on our website

    Tokenomics and Transaction Fees



    Official Links

    ℹ️ Website:
    ℹ️ Whitepaper:
    ℹ️ BscScan:
    ℹ️ Discord invitation:

  11. In this particular YouTube playlist everyone can follow what progress with upcoming SpaceXpanse: Sol Metaverse platform pre-alpha development we've made so far: 


    So if you're wondering what to mine after The Merge, why not give SpaceXpanse ROD a chance before its official release

  12.    Get 5+3 Early Access slots for SpaceXpanse: Sol Metaverse 

     You will be one of the first to explore the alpha version of  SpaceXpanse's virtual Solar system. 
    Do the steps below to be among the winners. And come back every day to increase your chances.  

      Giveaway Prizes:  
     5+3 Early Access Slots 

     This giveaway is open to anyone worldwide. 

    Official Rules:

    1. All participants' entries will be verified by us.
    2. If for any reason, the SpaceXpanse team believes entries were attained through fraudulent activity or throwaway accounts, they reserve the right to withhold prizes.
    6. SpaceXpanse reserves the right to terminate this campaign at any time.

    What does SpaceXpanse do?

    SpaceXpanse is Next-Gen Trustless Blockchain Metaverse and NFT Platform, tailor-made for development of games and other complex decentralized applications /dApps/ but also for a convenient creation of immersive user experience, so it can:

    ● Create, store and transact ROD coins, the main SpaceXpanse digital currency.
    ● Allow creation of Trustless Accounts - record and transfer names in the blockchain.
    ● Provide secure storage of Data in the blockchain.
    ● Create Virtual Currencies - allows minting and trading of tokens.
    ● Create other Virtual Assets (NFTs) - storage, ownership and management.
    ● Much more to come..

    Bitcointalk ANN:
    For much more info, go to our website:
    For our current progress, check out our YouTube channel:  SpaceXpanse ROD
    ..or come on Discord to stay updated:

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