hasanmera - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About hasanmera

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    Brand New
  1. I would like to thank you for sharing this useful information Many beginners find it difficult to find unread topics By doing this, it will be easier for them to activity in this forum
  2. Welcome to come between us, my friend Of course everyone should abide by the clear rules of this forum Because any breach of these rules exposes the owner to a ban, or at least to receive warning points This is what we never wish to happen because we all know the benefits of this forum
  3. I advise you, my friend, to approach your goals cautiously and slowly to avoid making mistakes ... You must be aware of all the difficult steps that you may face during this ...
  4. You are right, my friend, I have noticed that through my activity in this forum that proper reading of the content of the posts makes it easier to understand ... All members should work on that by paying attention to whether that content is meaningful or is it just synonymous words behind each other
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