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Posts posted by Samotokika

  1. On 10/23/2019 at 2:14 PM, hexwin said:


    What do you think about it?
    Looks like a nice idea that could be implemented in future.
    Ledger would be double size and no more double spending issues 

    no I don't think so that many people agree with it may be some disagree to consider a new coin but if it works and there are a lot of projects regarding the Bitcoin mining so if it works then it's a good idea.

  2. On 1/24/2020 at 8:02 AM, Afrizal rahman said:

    Today I lost a lot of my posts, all of them numbered to 60 deleted and not counted on YOBIT, even I also did not get notification from every post that I made.  Even when I get a Reputation, I don't get the notification.


    Do you guys experience the same thing as me.

    dude it's sometimes happens that the number of posts are deleted  in a large quantity because people are making useless post and when we comment on it then our post also got deleted with them so try to make useful content on useful post according to the rules of the forum and if you don't get notification then change your setting in your profile

    • +2 1

  3. On 12/4/2019 at 10:32 AM, gha92 said:

    Many of you involved in the Cryptosphere or considering investing may have heard of the term Masternode and be wondering what a Masternode is?

    In these articles I hope to open your eyes to the world of Masternodes, explain what they are, how they work and how to avoid the bad ones. None of these articles should be considered as investment advice however and you should always DYOR (do your own research).

    What is a Masternode?

    Before I explain what a Masternode is its worth spending a little time running through the different types of blockchain out there and which ones support running a Masternode.

    Blockchains, in broad terms, break down into three types. POW (proof of work), POS (proof of stake) and a mixture of both.

    Each of these blockchains must have a mechanism for processing transactions which allows the blockchain to function.

    POW blockchains, such as Bitcoin, are underpinned by ‘miners’ who process transactions by ‘mining’ blocks which are then added to the blockchain. Without going into the technical detail in too much depth the mining of a block is achieved by the miners ‘rig’ (which is a computer specifically designed to process data at a very high rate) guessing the answer to a puzzle. The first mining rig to guess the answer to this puzzle correctly wins the right to mine the block. Once a block is mined the miner is also rewarded with, in this case, Bitcoin. Unfortunately POW systems are very energy intensive and the crypto industry is slowly moving over to an alternative, more energy efficient, type of blockchain called POS.

    POS blockchains are underpinned by Masternodes. These are computers which process transactions on the blockchain and as a result are rewarded with coins from the blocks being created. Nodes sit on the blockchain, normally within a queuing system, and when they reach a certain position in this queue can be selected, at random, to be rewarded for participating within the network. As a result of this rewards can appear at different intervals but usually average out over time.

    Why should I run a Masternode?

    Masternodes provide the opportunity to invest in Cryptocurrencies with the added benefit of earning guaranteed extra coins in addition to gaining exposure to the large potential increases in value that can come within the Cryptosphere and owning cryptocurrencies.

    These coins are awarded through running a node and as covered later in this article these rewards can also be used to generate rewards on top of your rewards. Great eh?

    So, what can go wrong?

    Well, as with any investment there are risks and these can be significant within the Masternode world. Since the beginning of 2018 there has been an explosion in the number of Masternode coins and unfortunately this has also attracted a fair number of scammers to this space.

    Therefore this article comes with a word of warning. Be very cautious of any Masternode coin offering very high ROI percentages — anything in the 1,000% or above bracket really needs to be treated with caution and any coin that does not have a utility as well should be avoided in the early stages of it’s life. I will go into more detail of the steps I take to minimise the risk of choosing a scam coin and what to look out for in my next article.

    thank you so much for your detailed article regarding the master node as I am also just hear the name of this term and doesn't know much but you post really help me and also many members of the forum to understand his technique and I think it is the most essential part of the blockchain technique.

    • +3 1

  4. On 3/5/2020 at 1:35 PM, Rush00 said:

    Recently heard about the deep web, how it uses bitcoin and how the transactions made there are anonymus. to my current understanding of bitcoin every transaction is written in the blockchain and is known and can be seen by anyone. so my question is where is the anonymus transaction written?

    I don't know much about the deep web and I am also interested to learn something about it your post really helps everyone to learn many new things from the senior members I think it is that complicated system and where money laundering is common.

    • +3 1

  5. On 1/11/2020 at 4:25 PM, kingsbtc said:

    Is satoshi nakamoto still alive, I wonder why he/she will still be hiding after giving us this great opportunity to make money with digital currency he created  

    nobody knows about the physical existence of that person may be he is alive or dead or maybe he is just hiding his identity to be safe from people because as there are lot of well wishers of his and lovers of cryptocurrencies there are also some enemies.

    • +2 1

  6. On 9/12/2020 at 1:09 PM, Guru2050 said:

    Bitcoin payment is here again for a specific time, apart from the TALK COIN we receive as a reward for daily postings. Temporary payment in BTC is added now to compensate members till when the new coin trading will finally be open, which is set to take place on 15th of next month. This temporarily payment count on likes (positive reputations) giving to your postings. 

    From my side this is a welcome development and it will in long way boost and enhance participation of members, but by putting in to consideration, I will like to iron out 2 to 3 items which are as follows:

    - Beginners view 

    - spammers action

    - General effect


    Beginners in the sense that, they are new user's in this forum, first take your time and finish the free 100 compulsory post constructively as expected, they should not be too worried, or feel devastated to rush 100 free post NO. because it's crystal clear and obvious that your post needs to capture minds to attract likes, and so it's a great challenge to you to double your efforts and post only quality, constructive and useful contents to gain the likes and also enjoy from the BTC payment.


    Spammers action

    With the coming of this temporary payment of Satoshi for the mean time again, old members in particular needs to be watchful and be more active in the forum purposely to report any mischievous act related to spam rating to favour each others.


    General effect

    In this side it will affect both all the members irrespective of levels because were one may likely choose to post his/her comments and the traffic their is too low, there is possibility the post may not be given positive reputations despite it's useful one. We need to go extra beyond and be circulating in various sections to give likes to deserve post.


    ALWAYS BE & REMAIN A GOOD AMBASSADOR OF CRYPTOTALK AT ANY TIME, ANY WHERE YOU ARE....Together we shall all succeed and make it...



    you are hundred percent right and thank you so much for your detailed information no doubt the payment system of today is very much better than before and people are now more getting interested towards the post and there would be more upgrading in this forum.

    • Useful or interesting 1
    • +3 1

  7. On 3/27/2020 at 12:43 PM, Upright said:

    As we know here on the Crypto world, that when a coin is on a mooning rise of prices we tend to see more and most people having to be an owner of such coins as by then the best bidder who bought at it's lows will definitely be the user who gains more profit from this price pump. And as we know Crypto has a characteristic basically o their market value and which has turned attention on  how, this can help people from such activities of wanting Crypto. Since in economics Wants are what we desire, and obviously we love to be able of being owners of coins especially when they are of value.

    True or false


    yes dude  I agree with you that people rushing towards the coin which has higher value and they stop using it when it has less value which is form of important thing is to be vigilant towards the rise and fall of the currencies

    • +1 1

  8. On 11/26/2019 at 5:49 AM, kizz said:

    Chirstmas is an holiday where mostly who has jobs they are having their bonus, like that. Do you think the value of market at christmas will rise? or not then why?

    I think that in this type of holidays people are free and they want to spend quality time with lavish things so they need money and withdraw their money from cryptocurrencies to fiat so maybe the price goes down or remain constant but there would be no rise at all in my opinion

    • +3 1

  9. On 6/11/2020 at 7:46 PM, Freddieian16 said:

    Im new to cryptoworld. Since lockdown I started watching video to understand how to earn with crypto currencies. By watching videos, I learned the basic. Unfortunately I had bad experience already as I scam twice by "doubler your invest". Both I saw from Facebook group. I tried cause I want to double my money. Off course I tried with small capital. 


    The first one by using my wallet and sent to his/her email. Totally heard nothing. The second one is a telegram bot called @cryptoflexbot , the first invest (small amount) the next day I received my money back. So after that I invest more cause thinking its legit. But then on the group his saying if you want to withdraw your money invest or send 0.0005 BTC then he will send all back what you invested plus the earning. Which is a red flag now on me. The next day the account from telegram deleted.

    We all learned from our mistake. I know its my fault as I want to earn quickly through this. Now Im very careful. Im new on this group and Im thankful cause now I can check from this forum if the website is legit to invest or to earn crypto currencies.



    There are lot of scammers and we should be aware of them it's really sad to hear the loss but  every person learnt from his mistake and we should get some experience from  our mistake to be successful in future

    • +3 1

  10. On 12/30/2019 at 6:46 AM, Stefan7 said:

    The biggest question I ask myself all the time is why Satoshi Nakamoto has specified the total number of bitcoins that are to be in circulation. He just has to make it unlimited as ETH. And it's even safer and more relaxed. So can you please tell me, why did he do it like that?

    you are right but the number of Bitcoins are not fixed and after every having there is changes that composed and  the quantity is not fixed in this changes.

    • +3 1

  11. On 12/23/2019 at 10:29 PM, SuperCrypto said:

    Telephony is one of the most popular scams by which individual investors and speculators in the crypto field are defrauded. It includes an attacker who summons the target phone service provider and uses social engineering to access his account. From there, they transfer the victim's phone number to the SIM card they control, then they can control the phone number.
    Once the attacker has the phone number in his control, he can begin resetting passwords that rely on two-factor authentication, such as email and crypto-exchange accounts.
    Fighting this attack after transferring your phone number is very difficult, especially since everything can happen before you know it happened.

    Has any of you been exposed to this kind of fraud?

    It's very hard to expose such kind of fraud and scam people and telephone is becoming a very wide source of scamming just we should take precautions and we feel safe from such scammers and don't give anyone our personal detail.

    • +3 1

  12. On 12/16/2019 at 1:56 PM, Lubruselu said:

    Since you were started to use the cryptocurrencies while you were think it might be scam, do you believe cryptocurrencies is still scamming till today? And why you think tha

    Yes dude before joining cryptocurrency I think that it is not much cost for but I don't consider it a scam but when I joined and entered in this digital world I found it very reliable and if  we are very vigilant towards of our work so there would be no chance to get scammed.

    • +4 1

  13. On 1/21/2020 at 8:13 PM, Karani said:

    It’s rare for different crypto assets to drop in price together. The more the asset classes you invest in, the higher the possibility of deriving excellent returns from one of them.

    Yes dude we should be Very vigilant on this thing and can check the prices of the coin before making mind to invest in it and yes more than one assets would help you to recover the loss if happens,or gets you to good profit.

    • +2 1

  14. On 1/20/2020 at 11:37 PM, Moustafa said:

    South Korea imposing a 20% tax on cryptocurrency transactions.
    In your opinion why does south Korea do that and how it will effect the South Korean traders? 
    And do you think that in the future more countries will do that or not?

    it is not a bad thing to impose taxes on crypto currencies  but its percentage must be less 20% is such a big quantity people would be very dishearted  from them and they would left with less money in this way.

    • +3 1

  15. On 10/23/2019 at 9:06 PM, Keith700 said:

    When we talk about the slogan "too good to be true", it applies to any area of life but if we take it to the cryptocurrency area, oops, there you are going to have to fight with many addictive or tyrosic themes.
    At present, in the recurring cryptocurrency ecosystem, there are infusions of warnings and environments that are very falsified only for obtaining capital from society.
    Many ads or proposals are scams or simply are hooks for the newest, never fall into that trap or any plot that involves giving your money to someone or conditioning it for very exaggerated returns daily, in the crypto world or only good is its educational cause and its positive adjacencies.

    Yes it is very common that now many things seems good are actually not good for us and its scamming so we should be aware of such projects which will ends up with a lot of losses.

    • +4 1

  16. On 10/24/2019 at 3:12 AM, XiongMengLee said:

    Malta, the Blockchain Island of the Mediterranean, has one of the most pro-blockchain systems ever created. They certify distributed ledger platforms; they regulate smart contracts and have frameworks for launching ICOs.


    The most logical next step would be to have a master’s program in there as well.


    The University of Malta is beginning its inaugural semester of their Masters Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology. This course starts this October, with around 35 students that have enrolled. This marks the only DLT-specific master’s program in the entire island nation, and one of a handful of programs around the world.


    This is the latest step in an all-out charge Malta has been doing for the past two years to embrace anything and everything Blockchain.


    Back in April 2017, Joseph Muscat, Malta’s Prime Minister, unveiled the plan for Malta to become a heavyweight in the Blockchain. The exact words of the Prime minister were “global trailblazer.” This is the unpopular choice nowadays with DLT, with most of the world governments lagging behind, or outright going against DLT as a whole.


    The Maltese were quick to jump on the DLT train, with their Lawmakers quickly passing blockchain-friendly laws. Naturally, this caught the industry heavyweights’ gaze. Binance, the world’s largest per-volume crypto exchange, and OKEx both announced they would relocate to Malta.


    Under a year of Malta making this move, and it’s already giving them a lot of profit. Crypto firms across the globe were packing up and coming to Malta, with more business on the way.


    Joshua Ellul, Masters Program Direct and head of Malta’s Digital Innovation Authority, talked to the press about the matter. He stated that there was a high demand for his DLT students. Ellul elaborated that 15 companies have already contacted them, with high demand in the government-backed blockchain contracts, projects, and initiatives as well

    it's good news that people are now more motivated towards cryptocurrencies and countries are started their digital study in the form of degree in universities and if these initiatives are being taken on a scale then no doubt the world progress very much.

    • +2 1

  17. On 12/10/2019 at 5:32 AM, Delgboke said:

    I have been watching eth since over two years now and it has been struggling between $300, $200 to $180 and just drop below $150 early this month, what is actually happening? 

    Yes at that time it falls but now it is the most powerful coin after Bitcoin and its value is very much higher so that was the time to make struggle in the market and now it's a good  coin considered..

    • +3 1

  18. On 12/12/2019 at 12:32 PM, MD. Rabiul Islam said:

    It hold the highest market cap in crypto industry. Also it use very advanced and secured technology, Block chain to operate. Lots of people's use bitcoin as a investment factor. This cause to maximize the capital of Bitcoin.

    But how long Bitcoin will survive in this industry ? Because lot's of government try to manipulate and control the crypto currency industry via introducing new regulation. As a country some one can do vast harm to bitcoin. We saw some of in past. If Bitcoin fail in this industry it will be a biggest financial crisis in this century.

    Dude as long as people are showing their interest in Bitcoins and they are utilising in investing in Bitcoin so nobody can stop Bitcoin to be flourish and government can also do that thing in this way

    • +2 1
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