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Posts posted by Samotokika

  1. On 1/22/2021 at 4:17 AM, MrSpasybo said:

    The early Ether investor says he realized an average of 14,900% in long-term capital gains on his cost basis. At 27, the early Ether buyer says he is now financially independent and plans to buy a house for his parents later in the year.

    Earlier in January, another Redditor revealed that he had sold all his Bitcoin (BTC) to pay off his parents’ mortgage. Another Redditor also liquidated MOON tokens earned on the platform to pay for rent.

    Arrticle: Early Ether investor sells all his ETH, plans to buy parents a house

    I really admire early investors in projects like Bitcoin & Ethereum, because they can see the future of the crypto market, while we just spend money on pleasures.
    What's even more amazing is that they can continue to hold millions of dollars worth of crypto assets until now instead of having sold them in 2017-2018 or in late 2020.
    And thank God, they were successful in crypto world!

    Have you ever regretted that you didn't enter the crypto market earlier, didn't keep your crypto assets longer for greater profits? As for me, I missed the opportunity to buy a house for my parents 😞

    Yes dude at sometimes when I see the graph of cryptocurrency and their values are very much high as compared to before sometime so I think that it's not good to be not aware of cryptocurrencies because at that time investment will give you lot of profit for now

  2. On 11/14/2020 at 1:14 AM, Michar1 said:

    How about friends, I know that there are different applications to earn cryptos totally free, but sometimes we wonder which ones really pay and how much they pay.
    In this opportunity I want to invite you to share your best applications to earn cryptocurrencies or if you have some that are to win paypal they also count.
    Share your apps and maybe someone will be interested in registering a greeting and see you soon.



    Yes dude there are a lot of free apps that are mention in Google Play Store but most of them are scams and you get nothing from them. Because it is very hard to find a legit app so try to focus on legit platforms which provide you alot of information regarding cryptocurrencies and give you good earnings too

    • +2 1

  3. On 3/12/2020 at 5:01 PM, Nezar said:

    Several hours ago, the supervisors presented a golden opportunity to all members who stopped paying and this is very beautiful, therefore every person who has been stopped from paying has to review this existing link with the best of luck 


    Oh dude it's a good opportunity for those users who have stopped their payments and it's good to listen the step taken by the supervisor. The members will be happy to see this news. 

  4. On 10/24/2019 at 5:16 AM, mecaniques said:

    We are here discussing how to help, warn and educate. Newcomers to Crypto, about how to minimize the risk of falling victim of crypto scammers. That's all we do. 

    Yes dude there are lot of scammers in crypto world who are using people information and trap them and steal their money. And it's very urgent to be safe from such gangsters by providing and sharing experiences of safety 

    • +2 1

  5. On 9/17/2020 at 8:38 PM, BraveHeart01 said:

    Hello friends as you all know that there is compensation plan by the forum where you can earn btc too for your posts and they started paying too but the issue is they don't pay full 20 Posts per day, they pay like 5 or 7 posts per day while in talk token the payment is for 20 posts. What is the reason ?

    Dude this is the policy of the Forum that you will get btcs on just positively reacted posts but talk tokens are for all selected post. So don't worry just try to make useful content to get maximum reputations on each post

    • +2 1

  6. On 3/18/2020 at 4:40 PM, johant123 said:

    This is madness (look at the screenshot) ... can the admins just delete duplicate topics please? It looks like everyone just keeps repeating the same info over and over again.





    Yee dude I have also seen this problem as there are a lot of topics which are interrelated with each other and they have the same theme, 

    well it is not good in anyway and this topic must be deleted to avoid wastage of our same comment on such topic

    • +2 1

  7. On 1/15/2020 at 3:11 PM, bitcoin-shark said:

    I noticed that the captcha obligation was introduced to be able to write posts, did the team do it to slow down the frequency of posts or to make a profit? What do you think about it?

    Dude maybe at that time there would be a captcha on writing posts but now there is nothing like this and it's good to not having because it's too too much irritating but maybe at that time there would be some issue regarding safety

    • +2 1

  8. On 1/12/2020 at 3:24 PM, PiroSense said:

    For the past few days, we have been experiencing some downtime in the server, especially on specific times. Though one way to find out if you're the only one having problems in connecting to the server is through this site:




    You could type "" and press the Check button to check if the server/website is really down for everyone that wants to access it, or the problem is only within your device (like a firewall problem or internet censorship on your country).


    Note: The online tool might provide an inaccurate result, since the website might intermittently be up or down, and so you could always refresh the page for the tool to recheck its availability.

    Thank you so much for your help and I'm also facing  this problem and want to check if this problem is only with me or everyone is facing so this thing would help us and we can easily check it from using this. 

    • +3 1

  9. On 10/3/2020 at 10:04 PM, erikson90 said:

    A trader buys and sells financial assets (stocks, bonds, currencies, options, etc.) while monitoring market price movements in real time in order to generate profits from a certain capital.

    The trader can be self-employed, using their own money, or salaried, using the money of others. You can specialize in certain assets or markets and certain styles of trading: binary options trader, commodity trader, high frequency or scalper trader, Forex trader, oil trader, or day trader.

    + Since the rise of the Internet, independent traders who trade with their own money at home are more and more numerous, since access to the markets is now much easier.

    + The companies that employ salaried traders are mostly financial institutions but can also be private listed companies whose main business is another.

    Yew dude Trader is somehow have to face  risky things and we must have proper research  about it before Trading and invest your money and trade them on the right time to get maximum profit

    • +2 1

  10. On 8/28/2020 at 5:41 AM, Froshk said:

    Let's have a compilation of what you have benefited from these forum or perhaps what the forum have benefited from you as a member... 

    Yes dude beside of earning talks and btc from this platform we can learn a lot of information and knowledge regarding cryptocurrency and how to improve our skills in interacting people and English language and also  about trading and investment in digital currencies.

    • +2 1
    • +4 1

  11. On 11/6/2020 at 9:58 PM, Emma William said:

    How to explain Bitcoin to those who do not know it ?

    It is a complicated thing in most cases and the reactions are very different, in some societies ideas are accepted very openly, and in some others you feel that you are explaining your ideas to one of the doors of the house and the topic may be embarrassing for you.


    I will offer some ideas that can facilitate the way you explain the digital currency project to them

    • The digital currency is intangible ... but it can be converted into tangible money (metal money - paper money)
    • Bitcoin is like fiat currencies or coins .. But the difference is that Bitcoin is stored through electronic devices or wallets
    • With regular money, you always know who you are with. But with cryptocurrencies you do not need to know who the person is, you just need to connect to his wallet address
    • With regular money, you have to pay high fees when sending money because the money has to move from one bank to another and those banks charge fees. With crypto money, you don't need to pay exorbitant fees because the money goes directly to the other person's electronic wallet
    • In order to withdraw and deposit regular money, you need banks ... But using digital currencies, your bank is on your mobile phone or on your PC.
    • With digital currencies, you can do without work! Because the digital currency project provides you with many ways to make you self-sufficient and do not need work! (By investing - mining - trading - gambling)
    • Through digital currencies, we can buy many things (video games - books - clothes ... etc.)



    Dude it's very difficult to understand and telling them about digital currencies and making their interest in it. Because even they don't know the word of cryptocurrencies but we can try and made such different things to help them understand this

    • +2 2

  12. On 12/31/2020 at 7:20 PM, Abuabdullahi said:

    Good day all members of this forum. Am newbies and I want members to guide me. After I completed my first 100 trial posts the next is 20 posts par day. When I gathered this money and to to know the best time to withdraw it to my personal bank. Your response is highly needed and will be appreciated. Thanks as you contribute to this.

    Dude you made a good post and I advise you withdraw your money when the rate of BTC is high or currency in which you want to withdrawa. I personally do this thing because in this way we have maximum withdrawal money

    • +1 1

  13. On 1/4/2021 at 9:44 PM, Abuabdullahi said:

    Hello everyone here. I have observed that most posts don't get much like compare to topic. People react much on topic than post. If you have much topic than post then the money you will make will be higher. Do tag people in your post to gain more money. Best of luck.

    Do if you want more reactions then you should make useful content so more people attract towards  your content and give you positive responses and also it's our duty to give reactions to the deserved post. 

    • +3 1

  14. On 1/8/2021 at 8:22 AM, Mir Hamza said:

    Hello everyone!

    As we see in this platform, most of the reactions are found on topics. And then as we can usually see that whenever there is a first post under the topics, there are the most reactions. So you should whenever you see a new topic, first go and post it there. In this way, you will be able to get a lot of reputations. 

    Are you agree with me or not?

    Yes dude I totally agree with you and I have seen that the first comments on newly made topics are getting lots of reactions and they are on focus of other. So it's good to make fast comment on new topics in order to increase your reputation. 

    • +2 1

  15. On 12/14/2020 at 4:41 AM, zagzag said:

    Today is a special day because it's been ten years since Satoshi Nakamoto's last public event.

    BTC has been considered the best performing asset in 10 years and is showing no signs of slowing down, especially in the current environment of a global pandemic and the potential for a serious financial crisis.

    The interesting thing is that 10 years ago today, the person who started it all (or a group of people) Satoshi Nakamoto; He left the last public message before his disappearance and was never seen again.

    Satoshi Nakamoto is the anonymous creator of the Bitcoin network. Many people want to know who this person (or group of people) could be.

    What we know; On December 13, 2010, Satoshi was most recently seen active in a forum in a discussion about the network's resistance to DoS attacks. Since then, the mysterious creator of the most popular cryptocurrency has never been seen. So far, there is no public and verifiable information that definitively identifies Satoshi Nakamoto.



    Satoshi Nakamoto.jpg

    Yes dude he is a mysterious character and he hides his identity and he don't make any statement anymore till that last one. I think as cryptocurrencies are very popular now so he hides to be safe frok scammers as his appearance will be risky. 

    • +3 1

  16. On 10/21/2019 at 1:19 AM, Lubruselu said:

    Someone PM me on telegram and ask for help he told me he has 6 btc in crypto exchange site but he say not eligible to withdraw them due to his country has block bitcoin so he ask me to open account to that exchange the he transfer 6 btc to me and he told to help sell them and give him back to credit card and he told me will pay me 0.6 btc. So when I'm ready to help him I've tried to withdraw them but it say I must deposit 0.006 to activate account. Then I told him what happened and he tell me I send all money to you so I dont have any stock then he told me to deposit my money and he'll pay me 0.9 btc. There I couldn't agree with that I ask him are scammer then he told me "hah you are blackmailer you want to still my money god see you" then I told him I'm expert of that you can not scam me I'm gonna report you then he block me first. Be aware of scammers like that. Goodluck

    Dude  it a lot of scammers nowadays so it is very much important to be safe from them and don't talk to anybody who is unknown for you because they just want to steal your money in any way. Thank you so much for your explanation and sharing your experience

  17. On 11/20/2020 at 6:43 PM, BrolySSJ said:

    According to an article posted on Coindesk, it appears that the bitcoin may be increasing in price due to the devaluing of the US dollar that we have seen lately. In the recent month the US dollar has lost a considerable amount of its value, in comparison to the rest of the year, and according to Morgan Creek, this is the reason that bitcoin is increasing in value. 


    As we all know, since the value of bitcoin is often given in terms of the US dollars, an increase in the price of the US dollar is seen by a decrease in bitcoin price and vice versa. Mark Yusko, the founder and CEO of a capital management company says that in order for the investors to combat the inflation prices caused by the devaluing bitcoin, they should invest in bitcoin and gold. 


    It is with this thinking and mentality that the demand for bitcoin has gone up and with the weakened dollar, we have seen great increases in the price of bitcoin. This to me, makes a lot of sense and if those that choose to invest in bitcoin now, may see the rewards later on if the value of the dollar does not regain its position and strengthen. It can be a great way to combat the inflation as is indicated in this article. 

    Yes dude the Bitcoin price is always fluctuate because it isn't fixed and Anything could happen at any time and it really depends upon US dollars and something depending upon each other value. 

    • +1 1

  18. On 1/8/2020 at 7:51 AM, kingsbtc said:

    Will Yo token over take bitcoin? The way I am seeing it now, I think that is what is about to happen

    Dude I think  nobody can take  place of Bitcoin as Bitcoin is the topmost Coin & Currency of digital world so all the alt coin depends upon Bitcoin and no one can take over the control of BTC

  19. On 12/6/2019 at 1:34 PM, Lubruselu said:

    Is anyone here never met with the free bitcoin faucets that's are most recommended to verify KYC in order to claim faucets?.

    If you've not see site like that as you are faucet claimer! What's would yoy do if you met with faucet like that.

    Dude I don't believe on faucet because they're just waste of your time and energy they give you less money or even sometimes they are totally scam and fake so it is better to avoid them and to be a part of legit site

  20. On 12/3/2019 at 1:52 AM, noman said:

    If you dont have any electricity source in your village what will you do with your cryptocurrency.

    Will you convert it to fiat ?


    will you keep it ....(for profit or something else?)


    Yes if for some situation like this occurs so I collect my cryptocurrencies and save them so I can convert them into fiat currencies by going to somewhere where there is electricity and withdraw my money on high prices. 

    • +4 1

  21. On 1/2/2020 at 12:28 AM, kimberly24 said:

    I collected free coins in Yobit but mostly are not even listed nor I can invest it in yobit investbox either. What are the other ways to swap or to convert it to bitcoin instead.?

    Yes dude some coins are useless because of their dead and they don't have any trade volume anymore so it is just a waste of time to collect the coins to trade or convert them. 

    • +3 1

  22. On 12/6/2019 at 7:32 PM, maricans said:

    CoinPot - Cryptocurrency microwallet: Changes to bitcoin core wallet withdrawal limit and fees.


    As you may know, due to recent significant improvements to the bitcoin network the current mining fees are extremely low and appear to remain so for the 
    foreseeable future.

    Therefore we are very happy to announce that we have made the following changes to CoinPot bitcoin core wallet withdrawal limit and fees...

    * The minimum withdrawal limit has been reduced from 0.00025 btc (25,000 satoshi) down to 0.0001 btc (10,000 satoshi).
    * Withdrawal fees have been completely removed! Previously there was a 0.00002 btc (2,000 satoshi) fee for withdrawals of less than 0.001 btc (100,000 satoshi).

    PLEASE NOTE: If the network mining fees rise again then we will of course have to review this and we may need to re-introduce withdrawal fees and/or 
    raise the withdrawal limit again.


    Yes dude most of people  faced with the problem of high withdrawal feesbut your post really help them and they are now happy that they can withdrawal their moeny with the less amount of fee and there would be no issues then

    • +2 1

  23. On 11/30/2019 at 9:52 PM, teminalibug said:

    I was juts reading Forbes news and I found this news about a guy called Virgil Griffith, who was arrested for teaching about cryptocurrency.

    Man! I thought The US had accepted crypto in 2018 at least that is what i was told, then what is this?


    According to the aritxcle maybe The US has not fully accepted crypto juts like China. you can read more at



    The man was arrested for teaching crypto in north Korea, But he was arrested by the US authorities, brings another question, why would they arrest him, I mean he had no permit to travel there and do all that but still.


    Dude I think that this is just a rumor and the reason behind his arrest is something different but portrays it in a different way of teaching cryptocurrencies because no one can be arrested on this base, I think he violate some laws. 

    • +1 1

  24. On 12/3/2019 at 7:21 AM, Digicoin said:

    There are many 2 factor authenticators online. Which one is the safest?


    1. Google 2 factor authenticator

    2. Microsoft 2 factor authenticator

    3. And many others (you can tell us if you consider any as the best)



    Dude I think Google two-factor Authenticator is the best one in this way you can access your information and it is much more safe and you can back up your account details also from it.

  25. On 2/13/2020 at 10:36 AM, Upright said:

    I recently had an encounter with those scammers, the story which they tell is so connecting in a way which you can fall for it. He sent me a link to try it out, and he sent me funds to that account, wanting me to withdraw them, since he said the site doesn't withdraw in China. So I searched for that site and it shows its not even registered, looked on YouTube still nothing of it.

    Then talked with the support, they say the site started since 2017. But as checked there are not even valid.

    Then he showed me his passport but it was clearly expired. Then from there he went offline

    Yes dude scammers are now very much active mind that they makes  trap for you and you think that they are not fake and you just lost your money so we should be safe from such scammers and do your own research with open mind. 

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