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About Ewerest

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    Brand New
  1. There is a plan to develop the coin only there is no money for development
  2. what do you think will shoot at the moon
  3. someone is holding back the rate and not giving growth
  4. Сколько вообще монет yone?
  5. the right glass is empty.strong growth probably will not be
  6. Those who want to sell, put on sale for 100, I will buy back today or tomorrow
  7. Do you think it will fall again or is it all the bottom
  8. Before it's too late you can invest in YONE and earn good money while it is slowly being bought up
  9. who thinks how yone will develop who thinks how yone will develop Let's raise yone together
  10. how do you think the wall will be disassembled for 130?
  11. YONE Doge above 128 to gain a foothold grew again YONE Doge above 132 gain a foothold grew again will
  12. We see a week of correction and then growth again
  13. Growth in sight not will wall much
  14. Ваш код: u6e8u6rpf - Спасибо бирже Yobit и форуму CryptoTalk за возможность зарабатывать деньги за каждое сообщение!
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