[ANN] [BTCU] Bitcoin Ultimatum - a new-generation Bitcoin fork - Coins / Tokens Announcements - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

[ANN] [BTCU] Bitcoin Ultimatum - a new-generation Bitcoin fork

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BTCU Ultimatum

A new-generation Bitcoin fork, combining the best ideas and achievements of the crypto world!

A decentralized ecosystem with smart contracts, LPoS mining algorithm in conjunction with PoA, private transactions and other technologies at the heart of BTCU!






*** Team and blockchain ***


The team of the company for the development of innovative blockchain solutions - Prof-it Blockchain Ltd. - led by CEO Nikolai Udianskyi, set the task to create a unique blockchain protocol and implement a solution that would meet all the requirements of the modern crypto community. That decision was the BTCU blockchain.

The BTCU blockchain provides for the presence of 20 transaction validators in the network, 10 of which will be determined by the project team (top exchanges and leading crypto companies will become validators), and another 10 validators will be determined by the community. The blockchain includes smart contracts, anonymous transfers, native atomic swaps and the ability to expand throughput to 10,000 tp/s.





*** The principle of supply initial distribution ***


The first event at the start of the fork will be the accrual of Airdrop to all users of the Bitcoin network on wallets identical in the BTCU network in the ratio of 1: 1 to the BTC balance on the fork block! In other words, after fork, all users will be able to find in our network the same amount of BTCU coins as in the BTC network at the time of branching. And most importantly, to use them you only need to log on your own address in the BTCU network. Everything becomes as simple and convenient as possible with BTCU!






*** The main advantages of BTCU ***



01 The principle of validation and mining


The regulators, distributors and validators in the BTCU network will be authoritative advisers, blockchain companies, and crypto exchanges, which will gain control over the master nodes. This decision was made to unload the network, and to avoid classic, extremely energy-intensive mining. That is why the BTCU blockchain will be based on the LPoS mining algorithm combined with PoA, where LPoS will be used for mining by users, and PoA for transaction validation.


02 Coin sales principle


When the fork is launched, an airdrop will be conducted to all users of the Bitcoin network to wallets identical in the BTCU network in the ratio of 1:1 to the BTC balance on the branch block. After branching, all users will be able to find in the BTCU network the same amount of BTCU coins as in the BTC network at the time of branching. And most importantly, to use them you only need to log in your own address in the BTCU network.


03 High bandwidth


Using the PoA protocol to validate transactions will increase the bandwidth of the blockchain and get a speed of 200 tps with the ability to scale up to 10,000 tps. It is important to note that current bandwidth of the Bitcoin network is about 3,8 tps, which creates additional inconvenience to users when carrying out transactions.


04 Private transactions


It is worth remembering that the first and most important element of any blockchain network, especially in the matter of transactions, is anonymity. If a person, for some reason, chooses crypto payments as an alternative to the classic, then anonymity interests him no less than the absence of commissions and intermediaries. To keep BTCU users anonymous when making transactions, the development team added the ability to conduct private transfers within the network.


05 Smart contracts


The BTCU team sets itself the task of developing the direction of smart contracts and implementing atomic swap technology natively to the blockchain protocol to allow carry out transactions not only within the framework of a single blockchain protocol, but also interacting with other protocols, which will globally expand the possibilities of this technology. To make secure transactions, the BTC Ultimatum blockchain will use smart contracts that will save users from having to look for intermediaries or other ways to protect themselves from scammers.


*** Futures ***






Post-quantum cryptography


Even though current, publicly known, experimental quantum computers lack processing power to break any real cryptographic algorithm, we are designing new algorithms to prepare for a time when quantum computing becomes a threat.

It will be based on currently post-quantum cryptography research is mostly focused on six different approaches:

Lattice-based cryptography

Multivariate cryptography

Hash-based cryptography

Code-based cryptography

Supersingular elliptic curve isogeny cryptography

Symmetric key quantum resistance


Atomic swap


One of the best features of cross swap is the removal of intermediary tokens. Eg. if you have LTC and want to buy BTCU in a normal exchange, you will have to sell your LTC for BTC and then buy your BTCU. Via atomic swaps, you can get this trade done in one go. Is no more necessary to use other services for exchange.

Atomic Swaps has the potential of completely revolutionizing the money transfer system in the crypto world. To put it in simple terms, atomic swaps will enable people to directly trade with one another wallet-to-wallet. As we have stated earlier, can either be conducted on-chain or off-chain. On-Chain swaps take place on either currency’s blockchain. In order to do this though, both currencies must:

Support HTLC

Have the same hashing algorithm


Advantages of Atomic Swaps


Interoperability between the different assets is a huge problem right now in cryptocurrencies. Atomic swaps are going to bring users of all these different coins together to help them interact with each other.

Atomic swap makes the crypto ecosystem more “currency agnostic”. Because people with different crypto holdings will now be able to interact with each other, it is pretty likely that people will be more open to diversifying their holdings instead of just depending on a few coins.

Atomic Swaps will open the doors to trustless and fee-less decentralized exchanges.

Central exchanges are centralized and hence open to a host of attacks. Atomic swaps remove the need for having a 3rd party and makes the trade as direct as possible.

External attacks aside, centralized exchanges are also suspect to internal maintenance issues and corruption. Wallet maintenance” or disabled withdrawals are especially two big problems. Atomic swaps are going to give you complete control over your money.

Direct wallet-to-wallet trading epitomizes decentralization in its purest form. Exchanges are constantly targeted for regulation purposes which makes the whole trading process increasingly centralized.

Since atomic swap directly connects two wallets to each other, it removes all the steps and confirmations required by centralized exchanges.



*** Media about us ***








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We are enormously proud to announce the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) team will take part in the upcoming Babylon Project by the World Blockchain Hackathon — a 100% community funded global organization.

The 3-day global virtual event will take place from October 9th -11th, 2020, with over 3000 participants and contributions across 50 countries. The Babylon Project aims to democratize access to global innovation with blockchain technology: towards developing a new generation of diverse leaders in the crypto community within the next 5years.

Key takeaways of the event:
- Community-focused, protocol-agnostic blockchain hackathon with more than 3000 global participants
- Focusing on diversity and inclusion, with international 'Supernode' representatives
- 200 international mentors, investors & tech community partners

The team's participation will involve presenting innovative developments, products and solutions that are of significant importance to the blockchain community and their opinion as experts in blockchain development solutions. As developers of BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) - the team will introduce the much-expected Bitcoin Fork to the blockchain community, investors and developers.

Taking part in this prestigious event points out how enthusiastic the cryptocurrency community is ready for the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) fork happening on the 27th of October 2020.

Make a date, & do not miss the Babylon virtual event


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In the last few months, we have been working to present the ultimate Bitcoin solution the cryptocurrency world has been awaiting- BTC Ultimatum (BTCU).

The big day has finally come, and we are excited to announce 27th of OCTOBER 2020 as the designated date for the fork!

BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) combines the most advanced technological solutions while maintaining all of Bitcoin’s useful characteristics. It is the latest Bitcoin fork introducing a new mining algorithm - Ultimatum PoS (UPoS) - based on Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS), provision of smart contract and implementation of atomic swap, including the ability to conduct private transactions within the network. It will offer high transaction speeds, cheap and stable commissions besides full decentralization with anonymity as a privacy right to users!

The time has finally come, and we invite every cryptocurrency enthusiast to get ready to become a part of this history!


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Bitcoin Ultimatum (BTCU) is a new fork of Bitcoin from the Prof-it Blockchain development team.

The Prof-it Blockchain team, faces a serious challenge. The developers are working on improving the Bitcoin blockchain and creating new technologies that would solve the main problems of the crypto community.

The concept of BTCU is similar to the concept of the second cryptocurrency by capitalization - Ethereum. Like Ethereum, the Bitcoin Ultimatum blockchain provides smart contracts in the blockchain protocol as one of the important functions for the implementation of transactions and DAPP applications. The BTCU team sets itself the task of developing the direction of smart contracts and implementing atomic swap technology natively to the blockchain protocol to allow carry out transactions not only within the framework of a single blockchain protocol, but also to conclude smart contracts interacting with other protocols, which will globally expand the possibilities of this technology.

More information in article on Cointelegraphat the link: https://cointelegraph.com/press-releases/btc-ultimatum-a-new-fork-of-bitcoin



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Video presentation Bitcoin fork - Bitcoin Ultimatum!


An interview for the Digital Week Online Live Stream channel with the Bitcoin Ultimatum (BTCU) cryptocurrency ambassador.

(start of interview from 3.15 minutes).

Despite the short duration, this is a rather interesting and voluminous presentation.

Only about 15 minutes of your time and you will know absolutely everything about the Bitcoin Ultimatum project (BTCU) and get all the answers to the questions that interested you about this coin.


Link: https://youtu.be/3pg_226gMdQ

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Introduction of Bitcoin Ultimatum (BTCU) at the World Blockchain Hackathon!


Presentation of Bitcoin Ultimatum at the World Blockchain Hackathon from the COO of BTCU.


Over 20 minutes of detailed and useful information about the ideas, structure and concepts of the BTCU project.



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One of the best features of cross swaps is the lack of need for intermediary tokens. Meaning that if a user has LTC and wants to buy BTCU, under current exchange options, the user will have to sell their LTC for BTC and then buy BTCU. When using atomic swaps, users can conduct such trade directly without any intermediary services. Pic 1 shows the principle of the atomic swap transaction.

Atomic swaps have the potential of completely revolutionizing the money transfers system and shifting it into the crypto arena. Atomic swaps will enable people to directly trade with one another on a wallet-to-wallet basis. As we have stated earlier, can either be conducted on-chain or off-chain.


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Information about how the masternode technology will be implemented in our BTCU network.

The BTCU network is two-tiered.
The network is composed of the first staking tier, which all BTCU holders can participate in through staking their coins. The second is the more exclusive masternode tier. Masternodes are a set of incentivized nodes on a network within the BTCU network responsible for the handling of particular specialized tasks. The functions carried out by BTCU masternodes are fundamentally similar, however, to those of other PoS coins. As such, these nodes are an integral part of the BTCU digital ecosystem, and necessary to network functionality.

The Masternode network fulfills a range of functions independent of staking nodes. These distinct functions are limited to Masternodes, and cannot be completed by a standard staking node. These responsibilities are distributed across the Masternode network, and no Masternode has power or authority in excess of others in the network.



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We would like to inform the BTCU community and general public that the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) fork which was scheduled for 27th of October 2020 has been postponed to 12th December,2020. The decision was made to give our developers ample time to deliver on the ultimate Bitcoin fork the cryptocurrency community has been anticipating.

We understand this change in events may cause great inconvenience for all parties concern, and for that, we sincerely apologize. The BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) project is still in the final phase and this period will be utilized to get everything underway for the 12th December launch.


Additionally, we would like to thank the BTCU community and the public for their enthusiastic and strong support for the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) project.

Stay safe, and we will be in touch with more information soon.



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The BTCU community and the public are hereby that the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) fork has been scheduled to Thursday, 21st January 2021.

🚀 This decision was made following the ongoing final testings and evaluation of the BTCU project.

🙏 We apologize for any inconvenience this change of events may have caused. And greatly appreciate the unwavering support.

Thank you for your patience and understanding


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A review of BTC Ultimatum was posted on the popular YouTube channel about cryptocurrencies - Mister Sayler (113 thousand subscribers).

Just 5.5 minutes of your time and you will receive most of the answers to the questions that were of interest to Bac about our Bitcoin Ultimatum!

Link to video: https://youtu.be/LlQyLH8wbDI (Video in Russian).


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A review of BTC Ultimatum was posted on the popular YouTube channel about cryptocurrencies - Prometheus (106 thousand subscribers).

Watching the video "БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ МОНЕТЫ - ФОРК БИТКОИНА BTCU" (Video in Russian) will take Bac only 5.3 minutes of your time. During this time, the well-known video blogger Ruslan Sokolovskiy will explain everything you wanted to know about Bitcoin Ultimatum!

Link to video: https://youtu.be/CqEAm_YD4xg


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We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have a new ambassador — Ivan V. Ivanov (Founder Uvecon.VC Hong Kong).


An entrepreneur, investor, mentor. Partner ABRT VC, Founder Upstudy.ru - one of the leading education marketplaces in CIS. Expert in business development, networking, marketing and investors relations. Former Managing director Yukuma Group (Hong Kong, China, UK), co-founder of the European real estate marketplace EE24.com (Estonia). Moved to Hong Kong in 2015, and developed a huge business network in the APAC region.


Blending over 15 years of experience in diverse industries. He mentors several projects to help them with international expansion, investors relations, and businesses.


The introduction of Ivan to the BTCU ambassadors will help us with numerous opportunities in our next stage, including commercialization and international growth.


It is with great pleasure that we welcome Ivan Ivanov to the BTCU Project



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We are proud to announce that Konstantin Vaksin (Senior Consulting Engineer @Cisco Systems) has joined the BTCU project in an ambassadorial role.

Over a decade at Cisco, Konstantin has extensive knowledge of Cisco Unified Communication products from technical perspective and technical pre-sales perspective. Experienced in Cisco Pre-sales, Cisco IOS, Cisco Call Manager, VoIP, Telecommunications, Cisco Technologies, Contact Centers, UCCE, Routing, Technical Support, QoS, CCNP, H.323, CCNA, SIP, Presentations, and Network Design.

The communication expert has plans to focus on helping BTCU expand its network, especially in the telecommunication industry where the technology can positively make impacts by delivering broad varieties of applications.

It is with great joy that we welcome Konstantin Vaksin to BTCU!


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We hereby inform the BTCU community and the public there has been a slight delay regarding the launch of the BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) fork, that would have taken place on Thursday, 21st January 2021. The fork has now been scheduled for Friday, 5th February 2021.

This brief delay is as a result of the final preparation currently underway for the launch of the fork.

We regret any inconvenience this change of events may have caused. And greatly appreciate your unwavering support.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.



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Meet The BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) Leadership Team CreatingThe Next-Gen Blockchain Based on Bitcoin Fork

Meet the great minds and experts in blockchain and crypto behind the BTCU next-gen blockchain. Key members of the executive team include CEOs Nikolai Udiansky and Eric Ma, COO Bohdan Prilepa, Strategic Development Officer Dinis Guarda; Business Development Officer Juliet Su; CTO Andriy Saranenko and CMO Vadim Yarmak.

More: https://bitcoinultimatum.medium.com/meet-the-btc-ultimatum-btcu-leadership-team-creatingthe-next-gen-blockchain-based-on-bitcoin-fork-c77eed9251f8


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The BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) Team is pleased to announce the appointment of Eric Ma (CEO Bione Exchange) as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Ma, being an active crypto entrepreneur and global business leader, brings a wealth of leadership experience and a passion for positive change within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. As a former core member of CoinMarketCap, he understands the importance of community as the foundational layer of a successful project and looks to position BTCU as an industry-leading project.

Eric Ma holds B.S. degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1998–2003). He worked as Community Manager at CoinMarketCap (Oct 2018-Dec 2019) and went on to develop Bione Exchange.

His leadership will guide the BTCU project in its mission to foster vibrant cooperation with diverse industries to expand the practical adaptation of blockchain in real sectors of economies, social and business processes. With emphasises on efficiency, transparency and consensuses-building.

Please join the BTCU team in welcoming Eric Ma to our community!


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World-renowned author, academic, serial entrepreneur and leader in 4IR, AI, Fintech and Blockchain — Dinis Guarda has joined the BTCU project as a Global Advisor for Strategic Development. Dinis has over 20 years of experience in international business and digital transformation, ranked among the most influential people in Blockchain by Cointelegraph, top AI influencers by rise.global and top Fintech thought leaders by Onalytical.com

As a strategic development officer, he will work across all areas of our team supporting strategic planning, business development efforts, growth & innovation initiatives, and advancement of BTCU's environmental, social and economic sustainability priorities, to translate this work into actionable strategies and scalable investment or partnership opportunities.

Joining the team will expand the project's visibility through his frequent participation in international blockchain and crypto events that he attends as a keynote and chair.

We are thrilled to welcome Dinis Guarda!


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We invite you to read the article published in the Newsbtc (https://www.newsbtc.com) under the heading "The Brilliant Minds Behind the BTC Ultimatum Project, and Their New CEO, Eric Ma".

    BTC Ultimatum (BTCU) has been created for the development of innovative blockchain solutions – Prof-it Blockchain Ltd.
    BTCU is led by globally recognised experts in blockchain and crypto, featuring founder Nikolai Udianskyi, top ten crypto industry leaders at the World level; and CEO Eric Ma, a former core member of CoinMarketCap
    Key members of the executive team include COO Bohdan Prilepa,
    Dinis Guarda, a leading blockchain and digital assets personality joins as Team Advisor Strategy and Development;
    Juliet Su founder of Digital Week Online joins as Business Development Officer;
    CTO Andriy Saranenko and CMO Vadim Yarmak
    They set the task to create a unique blockchain protocol and implement a solution that would meet all the requirements of the modern crypto community.

More: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/company/the-brilliant-minds-behind-the-btc-ultimatum-project-and-their-new-ceo-eric-ma/


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Thanks for sharings this information. I am new on crptotalk. I have not any experience  i do not know about this. I have never used this type bitcoin. But i have learn all the comments. I try to understand it.

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Dear friends,Bitcoin is a currency I have ever joined today, due to which I do not know about the bitcoin,I will try to understand it.According to me bitcoin is a currency which is very famous in the world.

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We recommend reading an interesting and useful article "BTCU Ultimatum blockchain tech product update On The Ongoing Testing And Improvements" published in our corporate blog.

After reading this article, you will learn a lot about the BTCU project and find answers to all your questions.

Link: https://bitcoinultimatum.medium.com/btcu-ultimatum-blockchain-tech-product-update-on-the-ongoing-testing-and-improvements-a756d55f719a


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