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Posts posted by Yousefsaker

  1. Let me, my friend, add the phrase / Trust yourself / to your topic  because if you are confident with  yourself, you will not look at any  good work of  other people  jealously. On the contrary, the success of others will be an incentive for you to progress and develop. Focus on your goal and work hard with good intention 😊 .

  2. اتمنى الافضل للجميع. بالتأكيد سيعود إليك العمل الجيد والإخلاص عاجلاً أم آجلاً. أعط معلومات مفيدة وساعد الآخرين ، ستحصل على خير بعد ذلك. في هذه المنصة ، يحتاج الجميع إلى بعض منهم ، لذلك إذا كنت بحاجة إلي ، فأنا هنا من أجلك.

  3.  I think cryptocurrency trading is dangerous. Any limit, especially for beginners, because it depends on the fluctuations in the exchange rates. My friend advised you to search and gather enough information before you start trading. Good luck to everyone.

  4. In order to get a prize for the best publication, the content must be meaningful and educational that interests everyone, in addition to using an easy vocabulary so that everyone can understand it and thus you will receive a lot of likes and be one of the best publications.

  5. It is the ideal wisdom for any work you do and therefore you will face difficulty in the beginning and even here in this forum do not give up my friend you will achieve what you aspire for but be patient and be determined, trust yourself and your journey 😉💪

  6. Certainly, it will be a global power and will be adopted in many official commercial exchanges. I believe that due to the tremendous and rapid increase in the use of Bitcoin and the ease of its circulation. Each country will seek to create its own digital currency, and Bitcoin will be the basis for the exchange market.

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