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Posts posted by maarcoferrer

  1. This is very true as the post says, volatility is our friend in all types of markets, we must also be aware that as it goes up it can also go down, it is necessary to have the right education to be able to see with structure is fulfilling the pair that is being operated. The BTC almost never complies with any strategy or structure, so it is advisable to be patient.

    • +1 1

  2. Threat as such is not, because cryptomonies are not going to overthrow banks by force. I believe that the mentality of the people should change and to be able to take advantage of the crypto currencies in favor, only that many people and but the great industries do not think equal. But if they wanted to, they would be able to make a great change in humanity by working together.

  3. The truth is that yes, as long as one works from love and from the teachable mode anything we do will be in the right frequency and we will work with passion. Surely one is going to be more effective at the moment of working this way with respect to any type of market, the important thing is to do it professionally to obtain teachings and faster results.

  4. This is totally true, people who walk in because they hear a news story and start buying BTC anywhere, or start getting into Pyramids just because they want to make some quick money, don't know how much they are risking. The best way is to know well what you are doing, work with someone you trust and above all study, study is the key to losing less.

  5. The dominance of cryptocurrencies in this present is unique. I believe that many banking institutions, as well as any other type, should take the plunge and evolve, take advantage of this Digital era and take advantage of it, as the only way to grow and move forward is to risk doing new things. that will help us improve our technological life, as well as improve mentally with respect to everything new.

  6. I think one of the reasons why Satoshi Nakamoto never showed up, is because he knew what it would take to be a public figure with respect to what he had created, he could go to jail, he could be accused of many things. Since at first Bitcoin was used for a lot of bad things on the Deep Web, he knew everything that was going to happen and is a super-intelligent person who I think is the best decision of all to never show his face.

  7. These posts bring a lot of value to people starting out in this world, the truth is that sometimes we don't know that it is the little things that lead us to greatness. In the world of cryptomonies and trading it is important to start the journey, after you start enjoying the process and have a lot of patience. And most importantly, always be a teachable person.

  8. The truth is that I believe there is no better or worse. What I believe is that there are some that serve more in some countries than in others. At least I use TrustWallet and it works for me, as it does for many other people. That's why the best thing is that you can use the best one in your country and not be charged so many commissions.

  9. Wowww I really didn't expect a post like this. I think it is very important in this Cryptotalk forum, not only to talk about cryptomonies and trading but also to meet each other, to create a friendship because the work we have been doing as a team is great. We must continue working like this, recommend the platform and make other people benefit from what we are doing. If we can help someone, we should do it, not for our own interests, but because we are people who express what we want through love and gratitude.

  10. The increase in Bitcoin is good in many ways, both socially and economically. Since people are beginning to realize the giant potential behind King Cryptcoin, this will help people to awaken their technological area and become familiar with the whole subject. Since the only thing we humans have to do is to advance and evolve, the person who does not grow literally dies.

  11. The truth is that in these times it is very important to know how to invest in cryptomonies, because in fact most people will want to know about this subject and will want to know what to do. But the most important thing is to know how to invest and have the right education in some kind of academy.

  12. The truth is that yes, all platforms basically have different commissions at the time of making transactions. But the important thing is to do it in some confidence and know that you are going to get what you are doing. Because sometimes we usually get into something because they call you low commission but it turns out to be a scam.

  13. This information is very valuable. The truth is that it is not difficult, everything is difficult in reality when we do not have the right education and when we follow the wrong people. It is true that the market for crypto currency is a little more complicated since it almost never follows a similar structure and does not comply with a specific strategy. But studying them and being aware of where you are going is a great step to start taking advantage of cryptomonies.

  14. The truth is that this comparison is very interesting in that new people who are getting familiar with BTC and cryptomonies can see how many times Bitcoin has gone up and how a decentralized currency is having so much success and increase this year. What's important is that most people get into it with a good education.

    • +2 1

  15. I don't think that this will happen for at least a few years, because the truth is that with the benefit that they can bring, I don't think that they will throw away the crypto currencies of their enemies, on the contrary, I think that everyone will think about taking too much advantage of it and will work in favor of seeking development both technologically and mentally so that people will assimilate the change.

  16. Most likely, a possible regulation of bitcoin will be sought so that governments will start to take advantage of it, but this will take many difficult measures to implement. So for the moment it is better to focus on studying the markets well so that we can begin to take advantage of them. And as for Bitcoin, expect a good setback to buy and profit from it!

  17. I believe that this fight of the banks against crypto-currencies will continue until they realize that in reality what works best for all the banks in the world is to make the most of them, when they find themselves in the need to use them. But the only thing left to do is to discredit them. Although, if they have the strength to unite, they can make cryptomonies lose their importance in my opinion.

  18. These are the posts that beginners and novices really need. Many times people think that they are going to win in Cryptomonies, Forex or Stocks just by buying and selling, when in fact it is the opposite. It is a learning process where we will have to be very patient and above all start with someone you trust so that no inconvenience occurs.

  19. In my opinion there are many in which you can invest without problems. But I recommend you to use Zuma Fx, you can deposit in Bitcoin, Skrill and many other currencies. The truth is that I recommend it a lot because the support is very good, they respond quickly and the truth is that I feel very confident with the people who work with it. So this is a good option.

  20. The truth is that this kind of thing makes people question themselves, so if I start studying the post and I don't see anything flashy I prefer not to jump into any of this, I feel that my time at Cryptotalk is valuable because I know that what I'm doing is going to be seeing the profits. So the truth is that I don't support this type of post without a more explanatory knowledge and explanation.

  21. In fact, I think that when I'm at my peak with the cryptomonies, I'll never be separated from them. Of course, having the right information and knowing that the money I am going to invest is not the money I depend on. Because that happens to most people, they invest the money that they depend on and that is why it becomes an emotional trading, we must be clear that we must invest with much intelligence.

  22. The truth is not because I have not wanted to, it is because I have not had the opportunity to develop in that market. But like everything else, I've been taking advantage of the stock market and the Forex market, the broker I used didn't have Bitcoin and therefore I wasn't investing in cryptosystems. But I know that soon I'm going to go all over the markets, that's for sure. With the right education

  23. Bitcoin is dominating and I think it will be for a long time. It has been doing it for many years now and the growth in these last months has been abysmal. It's up to us to decide if we are going to take advantage of it or not. But first of all the best thing is to study, to know where to invest, to have the right knowledge to be able to give it everything and take advantage of it as much as possible!

  24. As expected in this pandemic. The internet grew up with respect to making money digitally. Cryptomonies were benefited by what obviously many people increased their interest in it. The problem is that many of them only want to buy because bitcoin went up, without first having studied or studied the subject a little. This, as well as being good, is also bad because many people are in a hurry. My advice is that everyone should study and Cryptotalk is one of the best ways to learn.

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