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Everything posted by kafkas78

  1. BTFD (Buy the F * cking Dip): Drop a coin whose price is falling due to panic
    gain from the point.
    Bullish, Bull: It is the price that tends to increase.
    Cloud Mining: With items such as server hosting, electricity costs
    By purchasing processor power from companies that do this job for you
    It is the name given to the type of mining performed. Its former popularity today
    has lost.
    Cold Wallet: To store cryptocurrencies offline without connecting to the Internet
    used electronic wallets.
    Confirmation: Transactions are confirmed by miners and transferred to the blockchain.
    successful and safe addition. Different confirmation of each cryptocurrency
    duration and different number of approvals required.
    CPU: It is the name given to the computer's processor. Some cryptocurrencies
    It is used in mining. Now for BTC as the difficulty level has increased
    is not preferred.
    Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency.
    Cryptography: Unwanted access of information
    It is the encryption technique used to prevent. Cryptography, crypto money
    provides confidentiality, security and accuracy in its transactions.
    DDoS: Attacks frequently encountered by crypto money exchanges. Attacked
    It may cause the service to be blocked by consuming the resources of the server

  2. BTFD (Buy the F * cking Dip): Drop a coin whose price is falling due to panic
    gain from the point.
    Bullish, Bull: It is the price that tends to increase.
    Cloud Mining: With items such as server hosting, electricity costs
    By purchasing processor power from companies that do this job for you
    It is the name given to the type of mining performed. Its former popularity today
    has lost.
    Cold Wallet: To store cryptocurrencies offline without connecting to the Internet
    used electronic wallets.
    Confirmation: Transactions are confirmed by miners and transferred to the blockchain.
    successful and safe addition. Different confirmation of each cryptocurrency
    duration and different number of approvals required.
    CPU: It is the name given to the computer's processor. Some cryptocurrencies
    It is used in mining. Now for BTC as the difficulty level has increased
    is not preferred.
    Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency.
    Cryptography: Unwanted access of information
    It is the encryption technique used to prevent. Cryptography, crypto money
    provides confidentiality, security and accuracy in its transactions.
    DDoS: Attacks frequently encountered by crypto money exchanges. Attacked
    It may cause the service to be blocked by consuming the resources of the server

  3. Bear, Bearish: It is the price that tends to decrease.
    Bid Price or Highest Bid (Bid Price): Located at the top of the buy table
    gets. It is the highest price determined for purchase. If a higher buy order comes
    it rises to the first row of the table. The offer price of the asset also varies according to this data.
    Bitcoin: It is the first decentralized and open source cryptocurrency. Abbreviation
    BTC and its Symbol is ". Many cryptocurrencies in the market depend on BTC parity.
    treated as.
    What is Bitcoin?
    Block: Block data packets carrying transaction and confirmation data in the blockchain.
    is called. Today, apart from the Bitcoin chain, different blockchains are also
    started to be used.
    Blockchain: Blockchain. All transactions of the relevant cryptocurrency are kept
    kind of accounting book.
    What is Blockchain?
    Block Explorer: All transactions happening on the blockchain
    It is the name given to the websites that can be monitored. For example https: //
    BTC transactions can be tracked via blockchain.info/.
    Block Reward: The reward given to miners when a block is resolved.
    The block reward can vary depending on the cryptocurrency. Every 210,000 blocks for BTC
    when removed, the difficulty level increases and the block reward is reduced by half. That
    At the moment, 12.5 BTC is awarded for each block.
    Breakout: The hard break of the price stuck in the formation.

  4. The fact that we can briefly say 'Encrypted and Unchangeable Recording System' for Blockchain, but this does not make much sense for a person who is far from technology, right? You're right :) Then let's tell a little bit more simple story about this technology called Blockchain. Let's go back years ago; When we go to the grocery store with a credit book and buy something, the grocery store would write this shopping both in its own notebook and in our notebook. The reason for this two-sided writing process was to prevent one of the two parties from doing a recording or deletion without knowing each other. Here is the working logic of the Blockchain system, the record entered into the system is kept simultaneously with all users in the system, and when a user tries to change his / her information without the consent of other users, it will not be accepted by the system because it will not be the same as the records of other users. To be specific, Blockchain technology allows us to keep our data in an immutable and secure way. In addition, one of the main reasons why this technology is so valuable is that it does not need a center. Many world giants such as IBM, Walmart, Unilever and Nestle have already started to use this technology. In addition, Georgia has now begun to test this technology in title deed transactions.
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