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Posts posted by Ponnnu

  1. Yes it's a good suggestion, I've seen some irrelevant and repeated topics in this forum. This should be removed and replaced with good and informative content as soon as possible to make this platform more knowledgeable and informative. I hope the moderators will find a way soon to tackle this situation. And we all should support them by posting only informative content related to cryptocurrency topics, so their jobs will be made easy. 

    • +1 1

  2. Yes friend, its our duty to work for the betterment and well-being of this platform. This platform is not like any other sites, it is unique and it offers good working platform to gain knowledge and earn money. I am grateful to be a part of this forum. So what we can give back to this forum is good quality and reliable posts. We should make more contents and the reputation of this forum will increase. We should adhere to the rules and regulations of this forum. 

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  3. I recommend this platform to my friends and family, because this is a good opportunity for us to learn more about cryptocurrency as this topic remains unknown to most of us. Through this forum we will be able to gain more knowledge in this field, it will help us to deal in cryptocurrency in future. And the best part is, here we dont have to pay for the knowledge we gain, instead we get paid for sharing our knowledge. There are many users in this forum, so we have a lot to learn from others experiences and opinions. This is a good platform which offers knowledge and earnings. 

    • +3 1

  4. Hi friend, cryptotalk and yobit exchange works in partnership to provide us our payments. We make posts in cryptotalk and its linked with yobit. So you can withdraw or check your payment information through Yobit. You will be paid on the basis of eligible posts count and the likes you get for your posts. All the posts you write wont be verified, only good quality content will be approved for payment. 

    • +1 1

  5. Yes, this is a good method to remove unwanted posts from this forum. Being a member of this forum, we are responsible for making quality content. They banned those countries because, they were not properly following the rules and regulations of this platform. So let us dont make such a situation again in future. We shouldn't break any rules, these rules are for the betterment and well-being of thia forum and its users. 

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  6. Yes mate, these points are right. The main aim of this forum is to make this platform the best source of reliable information about cryptocurrency and cryptoworld. This forum encourages good members by giving them payment for their posts and removes unwanted posts. This is platform which helps to spread knowledge about cryptos to its users.  So we are responsible for making this forum better by contributing the best from our part. All the points you've mentioned is very important in this forum. 

  7. Yes, you are right, it is best to search before posting a content, to avoid repetitive posts. I've seen many repetitive posts in this forum and I used to think, why cant people take effort to search whether it is a repeated question? So always make sure to post new relevant posts to make this forum better each day. And one thing to be noted is that, some questions have to be repeated as the answer will change by the passage of time, example: value of any cryptocurrency. 

    • +2 1

  8. Yes friend, you can comment whenever you want, there is no time restrictions in this forum as this is an online site which works 24 hours everyday. So choose a time according to your convenience, I always try to finish my work in the afternoon session as I will be completely free by that time. 

  9. Yes, this forum is very important for the future of bitcoin as this forum helps people to understand and learn more about cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency still remains an unknown topic to most of the common people, but this platform helps them to learn more about things they dont understand. This is a forum which maintains only good quality content, people can rely on this platform to learn about this, so they will have confidence in using bitcoin. 

    • +2 1

  10. Hey mate, its easy to identify which post you have commented and have not commented. You just have to check the colour of the sms symbol near to each topic, if the symbol is black it means you have already commented it, if its grey it means you just commented on it, and the white colour indicates that you haven't commented on that post yet. This is a useful information for everyone, especially the beginners wont know this information. 

  11. Yes friend, we have to make a good plan and work according to that plan. You have to be patient and maintain perseverance inorder to achieve success in this field . And by becoming successful you will be able to make a good life and kick poverty out of your life. To become successful in you should be dedicated and determined. This platform will benefit you in many ways. 

    • +3 2

  12. Hey friend,  obviously cryptocurrency will replace the money we use now, because technology is getting advanced day by day. So people are  always attracted to use what is more secure and convenient for them. But government restrictions will make this difficult to achieve. Because some countries wont legalize cryptocyrrency. If government is ready to remove such restrictions it is possible that cryptocurrency will become the future money sooner or later. 

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  13. People make mistakes due to lack of experience and knowledge, so we shouldn't criticize or blame them. Especially the beginners will have do many new things to learn. So let us help each other to learn and grow. Dont degrade others as it will demotivate them to work here, instead of that correct them and show them them what is right. Moderators will do their work , they will delete a content if its not upto the standard. This is done to make this forum more reputed and reliable source of information. 

    • +3 1

  14. Hey friend, i use telegram and other social media to get more referrals and some of my friends use blogs to do this. And we can take help of our friends too. And make your content attractive and interesting, so people will be giving you more reputation. Make reliable content which is related to cryptocurrency and dont deviate from the topic. 

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  15. Hey, I found this platform very helpful for me to earn some coins, by learning and understanding more about cryptocurrency and its functioning. I am student and this a very good opportunity to learn to new things as I am sitting idle at home because of this pandemic. I am so interested to work in this forum. 

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  16. Thankyou for sharing this information, if everyone working here followed these rules this forum will become more and more reputed. Along with the growth of the forum its member will also be benefited in terms if knowledge and money. Especially beginners should understand each and every rules and conditions of this forum to stay here and to keep posting. If you choose unknown topics and write whatever you want, its obvious that your account is not safe. 

  17. This forum has helped me to gain knowledge in various aspects of cryptocurrency. I feel that I should have joined this platform earlier itself as I could have learned more by this time. Through this forum we are able read and understand other members perception, opinions and experiences. Without this platform, we cannot share our knowledge and and clear our doubts so easily. And the best part is we can earn from this. If anyone wants to know about cryptocurrency, they can easily access this site and understand more about cryptocurrency. 

    • +1 1

  18. Hey friend, I came to know about cryptotalk from a friend of mine who is a member of this forum. But I was late to join, as I didn't know anything about cryptocurrency. But I came to read a small article on cryptocurrency and  I became interested in this topic. So I decided to join this forum. And I am so satisfied with this platform, as it is giving me a chance to learn and earn. 

    • +1 2

  19. Its true, now we are able to earn money by staying at home itself. This pandemic has affected our world so much and it has reduced many employment opportunities. Many people have lost their jobs or they are working from home. And this forum, cryptotalk is paying us for the job done even though this is not a full time job. This is a trustworthy site which gives its payment even in this pandemic situation and this so helpful for meeting my expenses.

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  20. Hi friend, i started working year this year and I am a beginner now. I know i have far to go to achieve more reputation in this forum, I am spending time to enhance my knowledge on cryptocurrency and its working. I joined here to earn money by doing some work. But when i started to work, I felt so connected to this forum and its members because each one of us here is helping each other to gain knowledge.

    • +3 1

  21. Bitcoin does not have an organization or body to control its price. It is a decentralised system. And its price is completely dependent on supply and demand factors, that is the holders of the crypto determines its supply, demand and price. And there is no mechanisms to understand how the price fluctuates in the market. 

  22. Hey friend, thankyou for sharing an information i didn't know. Its a good option available for us to delete posts. Till now i haven't had the need to delete any posts. As I post only after rechecking my content, if in future i want to remove a post, this information will be useful. And I would suggest you to make posts with good connection and read once again before posting. So you won't have the need to delete posts. 

  23. Hi friend, this is a platform which will help you to earn money by posting good quality content. Before starting to post, make sure you understand the rules and regulations of this forum and how this forum works. Your payments are based on your yobit account, cryptotalk and yobit are connected to give your payments. You can check you earnings details in yobit account. To make your payments active, first you have to make 100 eligible posts for no payment. 

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  24. Yes  I agree to you my friend, knowledge is vast like an ocean and a single human cannot know everything in this universe. So we should learn from others, in this forum we can read others coments and understand more deeply about a topic . It also helps us to understand other members point of view to certain topics. I always read reputed comments and enhance my knowledge. 

  25. This is one of the most useful posts I've got from cryptotalk, thankyou for making everyone here aware of the rules and regulations. Even though  I knew these rules, its good to read and make sure that I follow them regularly. All of us should abide to the rules of this forum as this is a platform which helps us to gain knowledge and money, its our responsibility to be faithful to this forum and all the members. If everyone follows rules and regulations, there wont be any useless posts and this forum will become more reputed .

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