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Posts posted by mar123

  1. I play mostly on PC, because I don't have a console, however I like the strategy and detail a lot, World of tanks is one of the ones I'm playing in this quarantine, apart from being anxiously waiting for Cyberpunk, the advertising video they made with Keanu Reeves makes you want to have it now

  2. I think the first thing is to invest only that what you are willing to lose, to have a lot of discipline, not to be carried I have knowledge of the existence of cryptocurrencies since 2014, however I saw it as something distant and out of reach, and that was wrong, so since the beginning of this year I started with them

    • +2 1

  3. I will never leave cryptocurrencies, for me represents economic independence, knowledge, cross borders, are the currencies of the world, have no nationality, do not discriminate, are inclusive

  4. It is the future, and perhaps they do not know that this technology began to be developed in 1991, however it took notoriety in 2008 with the arrival of Bitcoin, and the fact that all the information recorded in the blocks is immutable and perpetual will be a technology that came to stay

  5. I particularly support the idea that there are more ways to buy bitcoin, for example in cash. That you hand over the money and the seller transfers your bitcoin to your preferred wallet, perhaps a safety measure could be that only small amounts could be purchased, in a certain time

  6.  На мой взгляд, у игры большой потенциал. Карты сделаны очень хорошо, и после их внимательного изучения я вижу много возможностей игры, меня беспокоит то, что пакеты можно получить только за эфир. Рост цены эфира не обязательно будет идти рука об руку с удорожанием карт, и это затруднит ранним последователям возврат первоначальных инвестиций.

    • Useful or interesting 2

  7. For about 5 years or so I had heard about cryptocurrencies, but I saw it as something far away, as if it was destined only for the elite, but I discovered that I was very wrong and that they are very inclusive. I hope I never stop using them

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