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Posts posted by Mike1515

  1. welcome to this world its a little bit difficult to go with it and it requires a lot of work to identify that key that is very helpful and wonderful to it there are solution one gets , but the whole story you want to get in this place is that crytpo talk assures you you get the best out of everything

    • +1 1

  2. Those who do anything in this forum , do so in that they are trying to make sure that they make some quick entry and exit so to me  its really important that we are able to value the good solution to it , then its important to keep on working as hard and put together that power to it , we need to follow strategy that is much easier to value than any other, the most important thing right now is to know where to stand.

  3. One of the greatest sites to work in this internet right now is the use of cryptotalk forum and the truth is the growth will depend on how we are able to stand on this stand, the whole idea of those who are trying their best to build on something substantial that is very important, very very important we need to enjoy looking for something that is going to work well for us

    • +3 1

  4. I think most people are not doing what others are doing they are not working the way other people are working and right now we need to develop that right to it , we need efforts that are easy to work and build on , there is a structure to it and be good to what we are able to work with , there is a lot of effort to it and we can value that same structure 

    • +2 1

  5. I usually use a desk top and then when sometimes the internet is lost or when we do not have that stand to what is happening right now and we lose the lights , then the browser is able to save everything and I will come back and find it still there waiting for me to submit or continue with the posts, I really recommend people to go and take a look at the Microsoft browser that is really important

    • +2 1

  6. I think fluency and building a case is really important this would help anyone who is able to understand what is happening right now we need to build on that and put together that power to it, there are a lot of people out there that we are able to produce that great gesture that is going to make us grow , we need to keep on putting up with a lot of effort and building on that 

    • +3 1

  7. You will never be punished when you are not around the forum because of one thing, the truth is you need to keep your growth going because when you are not in this forum there is a lot of work to be done, because then you are able to follow such a structure , there is a lot of work to which we need to grow in , you can go and leave for example I have not worked in the forum for about a week now and this is not because of anything but I was not feeling so well.

    • +3 1
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  8. Cryptotalk is a center and a base for what we need to grow with , because right now we need to find out where we can be able to grow in, this is a information center , all based in only crypto currency , this is really important and we need to keep on growing and putting together every single strategy working properly. You get any information here on crypto currency .

    • +3 1

  9. I never used to be very pragmatic with crypto currency because there is a lot of work to which one is able to build our work on , the right thing is to really be able to understand what to do right now , we need to understand this things and really fast because we have value to what is going to be a reason to why we are working right now

    • +4 1

  10. Every part of crypto currecy is said to be a way to which one is able to grow with it there are so many ways to which we have to value that power to it , there is alot of good things that are suppose to be sure to currate such power to it , we need to value that single solution to it

  11. Thats very true, TRX has one of the lowest fees there is out there , there is also a chance that the low fees to which you see around here is really important to grow with , there is a lot of work to be done on the network , the network needs to grow and it needs a lot of work to really define every single strength we have out there that is really important

  12. This is a puzzle to me , but some of the exchange providers which means even wallets then this would be that they get some profit from what you transfer that is really something you have to improve on and work as hard for there is a commission to which one is to really define that on and that is something you need to check there is a system fee but we dont get where this goes , and I mean 100 satoshi for example is the fee, and you realize that you have about 1Million transactions a day in bitcoin , that means about 1bitcoin a day in the same

    • +2 1

  13. I think my wish would be that the talk token would be stable , at 100 satoshis because at this point there is a lot of fear as to what is happening and we are even afraid that the talk token is going down but right now the best thing is to really be careful not to lose hope and pray for crypto currency and grow with it  , I want us to pray some day the coming days and make sure that we submit this forum to  the Lord for a blessing.

  14. And boy did we have an year 2020, this has been such a poweful year that is easy for us to grow on  and it has been also very tough bitcoin has seen the lowest and still jumped to the highest though this may be different and this not as bad but this is powerful

    • +1 1

  15. I would say that was in reediness to the whole system being valuable to the whole halving time this is what was suppose to happen but the truth is bitcoin was already declining and most people did not understand on what to do this is really important to work on that in that angle that is very important

    • Useful or interesting 1

  16. I love your idea and I never thought of it that way but right now , crypto talk is even trying to limit the number of people getting into the forum and this is something good because there are people who are trying to take it for granted but I really hope that we do have so many members that we even have advertisers coming in to try and take so many things, this would be something good for us

    • +4 2

  17. The truth is when you were here some years ago  , there are so many people who were trying to swindle the forum , they would take so many accounts and try to even copy and paste the whole forum its messages they would take other peoples messages, there are so many ways to which that was a problem and people lost a lot , so they checked and looked at where most of this IP were coming from and this mostly the spammers all came from the same countries and so the forum had to ban their countries to , and this is the reason all things have since changed.

  18. First of all , if you have something that ask for your money to be able to work with it there is a powerful source of your wealth that is able to be really a chance for you to lose some money and pretty fast so to me its important you look for that one thing that will have to idetify the mistakes that can cost you be careful and really keen when joining any program

  19. Yes you can , there is a lot of freedom here, there is a lot of work also to be done and there is a lot good work to process there is a lot of work to really define what would be the right effort to it  , so to me we need to grow and build that strong perspective to it yes we need to see that post and yes this space is not limited to any kind of person , we are all welcome

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