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  1. Биржа Двухнедельный отчет (16 августа-31 августа) Раздел 1. ZB Token Тренд Согласно официальному анонсу биржи, 20 августа международная криптовалютная биржа сообщила о расширении списка активов, доступных для маржинальной торговли на платформе В частности, чтобы удовлетворить торговые потребности пользователей, торговля с плечом стала доступна для собственного токена биржи ZB Token (ZB) в парах ZB/USDT и ZB/QC с плечом 3x. В то же время запустила торговый конкурс “ZB Maker Trading Competition” с 21 августа, 16:00 по 28 августа, 16:00 (UTC + 8). Все пользователи, которые участовали в транзакциях с токеном ZB (ZB/QC, ZB/USDT, ZB/ BTC) или в торговом конкурсе мейкеров ZB, имели возможность разделить вознаграждение в размере 200 000 QC. 21 августа расширила сценарии использования внутреннего токена биржи в экосистеме ZB. Токен ZB может быть использован в качестве полного удержания комиссии за транзакции при маржинальной торговле ZB, а также открыт сейвинг токена ZB (крипто-депозиты с начислением процентов) на платформе ZB Savings. Больше информации в официальном анонсе биржи ZB. Напоминаем, что на ZB Savings доступен сейвинг в 23 криптовалютах, включая QC, BTC, USDT, FIL6Z, DOT и другие. Средства могут быть внесены и выведены в любое время. Пользователь начинает получать проценты на третий день. Самым важным фактором финансовых продуктов на торговой платформе является безопасность. Раздел 2. Биржа Тенденции 1. 22 августа объявила о запуске мероприятия “Депозит в популярные DeFi-проекты”, а также предоставил миллионы красных конвертов QC в качестве награды. Во время активности пользователи депонируют указанные токены DeFi на, и когда количество и сумма депозита соответствуют сумме приобретения, открывает торговые пары указанных токенов с USDT и группы горячего чата в мобильном приложении Горячие DeFi-проекты первой фазы: LINK, MKR, COMP, LEND, REN, CRV, CENNZ. Согласно правилам мероприятия, в настоящее время уже запустил торговые пары с LINK и LEND и провел чат-активность в мобильном приложении с раздачей красных конвертов. 2. Чтобы удовлетворить потребности пользователей, 25 августа объявила о второй фазе мероприятия “Депозит в популярные DeFi-проекты”. Горячие проекты второй фазы — это MKR, COMP, REN, CRV, CENNZ. 3. 27 августа, 16:00 (UTC + 8), открыла подписку Centrality (CENNZ) по цене 0,046 доллара США за CENNZ, что примерно на 43% ниже рыночной цены того дня. Пользователи могли участвовать в подписке в мобильном приложении в разделе ZAPP — DeFi Express. Сообщается, что сумма подписки превысила 200% через 10 секунд после открытия подписки. Раздел 3. Операционная деятельность 1. 17 августа в 11:00 (UTC + 8) в группе горячих чатов ZB APP состоялась AMA на тему: “Роль SWFT в будущей экосистеме блокчейн-платежей”. В AMA принял участие менеджер по маркетингу SWFT Пабло Мартин. 2. 18 августа в 19:00 (UTC + 8) в группе горячих чатов ZB APP была успешно проведена AMA на тему “Самый ранний предшественник DeFi: BTS — позволить каждому создавать DEX”. В AMA сессии принял участие Член Совета BTS JuXie. 3. 19 августа в 20:00 (UTC + 8) в группе горячего чата ZB APP была успешно проведена AMA на тему “Знакомство с UFC”. В AMA принял участие основатель Oak Capital Old K. 4. Недавно международная биржа цифровых активов и Deipool достигли сотрудничества для совместного построения децентрализованной финансовой экосистемы. Экосистема включает ZB Token (ZB), внутренний токен платформы (ZT) и стейблкоин QC (QCash), поддерживаемый, который подключен в экосистему кредитования Deipool через Deipool oracle. В это время пользователи могут получить займы на стейблкоины, такие как QC и USDT, путем закладывания цифровых валют с высокой ликвидностью, таких как ZB, ZT, BTC и ETH, чтобы увеличить ликвидность ZB , ZT и QC. 5. 27 августа в 15:00 (UTC + 8) в группе горячего чата ZB APP была успешно проведена AMA на тему “Centrality (CENNZnet) — Распространение технологии блокчейн в мире”. В AMA сессии приняла участие директор по маркетингу Centrality Николь Апчерч. 6. 28 августа в 15:00 (UTC + 8) в горячей чат-группе ZB APP успешно прошла AMA на тему “DeFi Rocks — Где следующее окно инвестиций DeFi”. В AMA сессии принял участие основатель DeFiner Джейсон Ву, главный операционный директор Fame Эван, инициатор Bridge Fans Мика. Регистрируйтесь на бирже: Скачивайте мобильное приложение ZB для Android и iOS! Подписывайтесь на русскоязычные каналы Твиттер: Чат в Telegram: Официальный сайт:
  2. Dear users, will launch two rounds of "DOT Special Purchase" from July 20, 2020 to July 21, 2020(GMT+8). The following announcements are hereby made: 1. Purchase time: From July 20, 2020 to July 21, 2020(GMT+8); 2. Purchase details: 3. Participation method: Use QC to participate in the special purchase on the DOT/QC trading page. The maximum participation limit of each ZB account in each round is 10 DOT. Specific purchase price will be announced before the event, please pay attention to the subsequent official announcement. 4. This activity is open to all except API trading users. Notice: To quickly and easily participate in the "DOT Special Purchase" activity, users are requested to upgrade the old version of ZB APP to the latest version: 4.2.3. To prevent network congestion, please complete the upgrade four hours in advance. Risk Disclosure: Digital asset trading is a high-risk way of trading, which may lead to some or all of the losses.Users are invited to participate with caution by carefully considering their experience in trading digital assets and their ability to take risks before deciding to buy or sell.The content of this announcement and other information on the ZB platform shall not constitute an investment recommendation, and the ZB Platform shall not bear any direct or indirect losses arising from reliance on such information.The ZB platform shall not undertake any liability such as guarantee or compensation for transactions. Thanks for your support!
  3. Биржа была создана на базе биржи, крупнейшей биржей по объему торгов Ethereum и Ethereum Classic в Китае и четвертой биржей в мире по объему торговли BTC. Биткоин-биржа CHBTC была запущена в июне 2013 года небольшой командой программистов, во время мирового триумфа биткоина, и к 2015 году стала одной из крупнейших бирж в Китае. После выхода национального запрета, 30 сентября 2017 года CHBTC прекратила всю торговую деятельность в Китае и сосредоточилась на международном рынке под новым брендом, открыв представительство за пределами Китая.
  4. Биржа Двухнедельный отчет (15 июня-30 июня) Раздел 1. Биржа Тенденции Согласно официальному анонсу биржи, 22 июня биржа совместно с командой проекта GUCS запустила акцию “Скидка на покупку GUCS”. 24 июня в 19:30 пользователи имели возможность купить GUCS в два раунда со скидкой 90% и 95% от рыночной цены соответственно. 25 июня на бирже были открыты торги в паре GUCS/USDT. Раздел 2. Операционная деятельность 1. 22 июня в 20:00 Омар Чен, генеральный директор, выступил на мероприятии Blocklike, где ответил на вопросы пользователей относительно новых возможностей, которые доступны трейдерам на платформе и рассказал о ближайших планах биржи. 2. В соответствии с официальным анонсом , двенадцатый горячий чат в формате AMA состоялся 23 июня. Основатель проекта GUCS Брайан был приглашен поделиться опытом с пользователями в прямом эфире чата АМА в мобильном приложении 3. отпраздновали 7-ю годовщину и в период с 28 по 30 июня провели 3-х дневную онлайн-конференцию под названием “Новая инфраструктура, новые возможности”. Мероприятие включало 6 сессий АМА, более 10 000 человек посмотрели трансляцию каждой секции форума. В конференции приняли участие ведущие ученые, эксперты и лидеры отрасли со всего мира, в том числе CEO Roger Ver и CEO Cointelegraph Chinese Вадим. 28 июня открыл форум Омар Чен, генеральный директор ZB, выступив со вступительной речью, в которой он назвал причины устойчивого развития биржи Биржа имеет множество строгих функций контроля рисков и обеспечения безопасности. С момента своего основания в 2013 году торговая платформа ZB предоставляет пользователям по всему миру безопасную и стабильную среду. Ознакомиться с историей создания биржи можно в предыдущей статье. 4. Второй New Finance Summit Chain Plus успешно прошел 3–4 июля 2020 в Шанхае. Саммит был посвящен теме “Реструктуризация финансовой инфраструктуры нового поколения”, на мероприятие были приглашены эксперты и ученые в области финансовой индустрии, науки и технологий, а также ведущих практики совместно обсудить инновации и развитие Китая в новую финансовую эру блокчейна. На саммите выступили с речью руководители крупнейших бирж, Huobi и OKEx. Омар, генеральный директор, выступил с речью: “7 лет — это только начало”. Он отметил, что благодаря отличной команде, технологическим исследованиям и ориентации на продукт платформа достигает успехов, так например, внутренний токен платформы ZB Token был оценен как один из топ-5 биржевых токенов по доходности в 2019 году согласно исследованию CoinMarketCap, а биржа ZB была названа одной из ТОП-3 самых популярных криптобирж в первом квартале 2020 года.
  5. Обновленная ссылка на форму:
  6. Biweekly Report (June 15 — June 30) Section 1: Platform Trends According to ZB’s official announcement, ZB launches “GUCS Purchase Discount” activity on June 22. To thank ZB users for their support, ZB now launches “GUCS Purchase Discount” activity jointly with GUCS team, offering 1 million USDT worth GUCS. User can purchase at 90% discount and 95% discount of the market price respectively at 19:30, June 24. For more details please visit ZB official website. Section 2: Operation Trends 1. On June 22, at 20:00, Blocklike invited Omar Chen, CEO of ZB, to discuss the changes and insists of the seven-year-old exchange ZB. 2. According to officials, the twelfth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 23, founder of GUCS Brian was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “The new opportunity of inclusive Finance and blockchain”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Brian and Journey, ZB big customer director. GUCS is a professional digital asset inclusion financial service platform created based on blockchain technology, allowing users to enter the digital asset field with low threshold. Through the complete intelligent credit investigation mechanism on the GUCS chain, GUCS establishes a unified global credit investigation standard and realizes global financial integration, digitalization, transparency and standardization. 3. To celebrate the 7th anniversary, ZB organized “New Infrastructure, New Opportunities” and ZB 7th anniversary online summit, which was successfully held on June 28–30. The summit is a high-end brand conference customized for the 7th anniversary of started on June 28, 2020 and last for three days, with two forums each day.The summit is in the form of live streaming, and each main forum has over 10,000 person-times. ZB 7th anniversary online summit invited top scholars, experts and industry leaders from around the world, including Bitcoin Jesus Roger Ver and Cointelegraph Chinese CEO Vadim. On June 28, at the beginning of the first summit forum, Omar Chen, CEO of ZB, gave an opening speech, in which he explained the reasons for the steady development of ZB. “ZB transaction security has many strict risk control and security assistance functions;The core technologies of the wallet and hosting services are also at the core of ZB’s seven-year history, and our hosting services also serve many leading exchanges.” Since its establishment in 2013, ZB trading platform has been in safe and stable operation for 7 years, providing high-quality digital asset trading services to more than 10 million users worldwide. 4. The second blockchain New Finance Summit of Chain Plus was successfully held on July 3–4. ZB, Huobi and OKEx attended and delivered speeches to give industry insights as the head exchanges specially invited by the summit. Omar, CEO of ZB, was invited to give a speech: 7 Years, Just the Beginning. He explained that the key to ZB’s safe operation in the past 7 Years lies in its excellent team, technical research and product focus, so that ZB was rated as one of top 5 by CMC in 2019, and ZB was rated as one of the most popular head exchanges by Russian foreign media in 2020 Q1. The second Chain Plus Blockchain New Finance Summit in 2020, with the theme of “Restructuring a new generation of Financial infrastructure”, invited domestic cutting-edge experts and scholars in the financial industry and science and technology field and top practitioners to jointly discuss China’s innovation and development in the new blockchain financial era.
  7. Объявление ZB о начале деятельности «Special API Trading» Уважаемые пользователи, Чтобы поблагодарить пользователей за их поддержку, ZB запускает ежемесячную акцию «Специальная торговля API» для не Китайских пользователей. Время: 14:00 1 Июля, 2020 -- 14:00 31 Июля, 2020(GMT+8) Правила 1. Пользователи, которые участвуют в акции «Special API Trading», должны зарегистрировать учетную запись ZB и пройти аутентификацию на основе настоящего имени, чтобы подтвердить IP-адрес. 2. Чтобы оплачивать комиссию с помощью токена ZB, пользователю необходимо внести/купить 100 токенов ZB на бирже. 3. По крайней мере должна быть совершена как минимум одна транзакция API и отправлена в форму Google (ссылка на форму: для подачи заявки на участие в качестве специального трейдера API (минимальная сумма для транзакции API составляет 10 USDT). 4. После подтверждения службой поддержки ZB будет отправлено электронное письмо, подтверждающее, что учетная запись ZB подтверждена. Напоминание 1. Эта деятельность не открыта для пользователей в Китае. 2. Документ API: Спасибо за Вашу поддержку! О нас:
  8. ZB‘s Announcement on The Launch of A ”Special API Trading” Activity Dear users, To thank users for their support, ZB now launches a one-month "Special API Trading" activity for non-Chinese users. Time: 14:00 July 1, 2020 -- 14:00 July 31, 2020(GMT+8) Rules 1. Users who participate in "Special API Trading“ activity need to register an ZB account and complete real name authentication to prove the IP address. 2. To enjoy the fee rate paid with ZB Token, user need to deposit 100 ZB tokens in the ZB account. 3. At least one API transaction was made and submitted to the Google form (Google form link: for applying to be special API trader(the minimum amount for an API transaction is 10 USDT). 4. After confirmation by ZB customer service, an email will be sent to confirm that the ZB account takes effects. Notice 1. This activity is not open to users in China. 2. API description document: Thank you for your support! About us:
  9. Summit Intro In June 2013, CHBTC (the predecessor of ZB) was established.In the following seven years of development, ZB has grown into the world’s top trading platform with more than 10 million registered users, creating a real and safe trading environment for users from more than 189 countries, bringing professional and more efficient trading experience. The summit is a high-end brand conference customized for the 7th anniversary of The conference will start on June 28, 2020 and will last for 3 days (June 28, 29 and 30). Two AMA will be held every day (10:00–12:00 am;15:00–17:00 PM) , six AMA in total.The Summit will invite top academics, experts and industry leaders from around the world.The Summit is in the form of online live broadcast, and the number of people in each main forum exceeds 10,000. Organizer Intro (ZB) is the world’s top digital asset trading platform. It has been operating safely and steadily for 7 years since its establishment in 2013, providing digital asset trading services for more than 10 million users.The average daily turnover is more than US$3 billion, and the transaction shares of mainstream currencies such as BTC, ETH, EOS, XRP and QC have been among the best for a long time. At present, (ZB) has opened spot trading, OTC trading, margin trading and loan financing, and three trading markets of QC, USDT and BTC. ZB token was issued in 2017. After nearly three years of ecological construction, it has served ten million users worldwide.According to the Liquidity index of CoinMarketCap, the international authoritative cryptocurrency market platform, (ZB) ranked 5th in global Liquidity, and ranked fourth In Coingecko similarweb traffic. Agenda: Forum 1(June 28, 10–12 a.m) Topic: How is the blockchain progressing under the “New Infrastructure” policies? Forum 2(June 28 3–5 p.m) Topic: In the second half of the year after Bitcoin halved, can the bull market be far behind? Forum 3(June 29 10–12 a.m) Topic: Can Ethereum 2.0 mortgage boost a technical bull market? Forum 4(June 29 3–5 p.m) Topic: The Rashomon Era behind the digital economy, let’s start with trading market Forum 5(June 30 10–12 a.m) Topic: Blockchain hotspots in the second half of 2020 Forum(June 30 3–5 p.m) The controversy of stablecoin and why QCash is the most widely used stablecoin in Asia?
  10. Lists VBTVBT deposits and withdrawals will be available at 10:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8)VBT /QC trading will be available at 14:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8)Details: VBT deposits and withdrawals will be available at 10:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8) and VBT /QC trading will be available at 14:00 on June 29, 2020(GMT+8).About VBT(VBT Token)VB exchange is a global digital asset exchange operated by vbtechnology Ltd registered in the Virgin Islands. Its platform business includes spot trading of digital assets, derivatives trading of digital assets, digital asset management, etc. VB network adheres to the concept of "openness, fairness, innovation and cooperation", and is committed to building a more open, fair, efficient and free digital asset financial service ecosystem for global users.More details please refer to Disclosure: All investments are subject to high market risk. Please make your investments very cautiously. The contents of this announcement and other information in ZB do not constitute investment advice, and ZB will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses arising from such information. ZB does not assume any responsibility for your investment.Thank you for your support!
  11. Biweekly Report (June 1 — June 14) Section 1: Token Trends 1. On June 6, announced that the repurchase of ZB Token (ZB) in the second quarter of 2020 is complete. In total, has repurchased 25,535,998 ZB Tokens and the repurchased ZB tokens have been burned. Up to now, there are totaled 1.44687 billion ZB tokens have been burned. ZB Token Burned Address: 1: 0x8c572469f25336c7fb962b8f98c8232329343274 2: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 Section 2: Platform Trends 1. On June 11, to thank users for their support, launches the “UFO Trading Competition” activity jointly with UFO community. During the activity period, users who participate in the UFO trading on will have the opportunity to share the award pool of 2500 UFO. To view more activity information please visit: 2.On June 14, released a new version of the APP, 4.2.2.The updates are as follows: (1) After the official website, the APP has also adjusted the order limits of each pair in currency trading and leverage trading. Please check the announcement on the official website for the specific adjustment; (2) Close the old version of financial lending and change it to ZAPP entrance; (3) Add the plan delegate function; (4) Upgrade financial management upgrade to surplus money financial management, increase [investment account]; (5) Add hot chat and trading pairs sharing; (6) Optimize the performance and solve the problems such as lag and flash back of some models. Section 3: Operation Trends 1. According to officials, the ninth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 4. Overseas operation manager of GST Evans was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “GST coin — break the traditional payment method”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Evans and Journey, ZB big customer director. GST is decentralized business application platform that breaks the traditional payment. 2. According to officials, the tenth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 9. CEO of Coin919 Liu Bo was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “Coin919 — How to buy low and sell high with grid trading?”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Liu Bo and Journey, ZB big customer director. Coin919 is a platform focused on digital asset management and quantitative trading. It was established in June 2017 and registered in Seychelles. It is committed to serving digital asset investors and building a first-class digital asset management platform. 3. According to officials, the eleventh’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on June 10. COO of Eric was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “ — making crypto usable in the real world”, and in-depth discussion was conducted between Eric and Journey, ZB big customer director. is built on a solid foundation of security, privacy and compliance and is the first cryptocurrency company in the world to have CCSS Level 3, ISO27001:2013 and PCI:DSS 3.2.1, Level 1 compliance.
  12. The eleventh “ Hot Chat AMA” launched by opened at 20:00 on June 10th. In this AMA, ZB has invited COO Eric to have an in-depth exchange with our host Journey, ZB big customer director and the community users, to reveal the project. It is known that Hot Chat AMA is an online live knowledge sharing program jointly launched by, Mars Finance and Jinse Finance. angels, including media, institutions, project parties, analysts, KOL and other crypto circle influenzers, are invited to share knowledge. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with more international well-known organizations and medias to hold AMA to help you learn more about the industry and field trends. Please stay tuned. The theme of this AMA is: CRO — Making crypto usable in the real world big customer director: Journey) Organizer: Co-organizers: GST, Jinse Finance, Mars Finance Communities support: Crypto.comhot chat group,100+ ZB Wechat groups, 50+ cooperative community support, other sub-stations WeChat communities, etc. Here are some of the highlights: Topic of the AMA: CRO — Making crypto usable in the real world 1. Host: Good evening everyone! Welcome to the ninth hot chat AMA! I am ZB’s big customer director Journey. Nice to meet you all. Today, we are honored to invite the Chief Operation Manager of CRO to share information about the project CRO. First of all, please let our guest say hello to everyone and briefly introduce himself. Guest:Thanks Journey! Hi everyone, I am Eric Anziani and I am very happy to be here today with the ZB community I hope you are all keeping safe in these challenging times. I am the Chief Operating Officer at and look after several functions, including Product, Blockchain, Strategy, Partnership & Sales, Growth, research and Data. I am very fortunate to have amazing teams that deliver outstanding products & services to our 2M+ customers across the globe. 2. Host:Can you briefly introduce Guest: Sure. was founded in 2016 on a simple belief: it’s a basic human right for everyone to control their money, data and identity. In the recent decade, those rights have unfortunately been eroded and are now clearly under threat. Blockchain technology, and the cryptocurrency built upon it, can provide people with the ability to regain control, control of their money, data and identity. That’s why at, we strongly believe that supporting blockchain technology will help build a healthier and fairer society for everyone. We are trying to help the world move in this direction by making cryptocurrency more accessible, spend-able and value-creating to everyone through our products and services. is built on a solid foundation of security, privacy and compliance and is the first cryptocurrency company in the world to have CCSS Level 3, ISO27001:2013 and PCI:DSS 3.2.1, Level 1 compliance. We also recently achieved ISO/IEC 27701:2019 Certification, the “Gold standard” privacy certification. We have focused our efforts in solving these 3 major customer pain points/needs: (1) Trading We addressed this with a) the App, the best place to buy, sell, send and track cryptocurrencies; and b) the Exchange powered by CRO. (2) Payments We addressed this with a) the MCO Visa card, a metal card with no annual fees and up to 5% cashback; and b) Pay (powered by the Chain and CRO), which enables users to pay and be paid in any crypto, anywhere, for free using their mobile phone. (3)Financial Services We addressed this with a) Crypto Earn which gives users the freedom to grow their crypto assets and earn interest. Users can earn up to 8% p.a. on cryptocurrencies and up to 12% p.a. for stablecoins. b) Crypto Credit which allows users to instantly get a loan by depositing their crypto assets as collateral. 3. Host: Sounds great. Can you briefly introduce the MCO Visa card and its recent news regarding the EU launch? Guest: offers five tiers of MCO Visa cards that feature no annual or monthly fees, 100% rebate on Spotify, Netflix and Amazon Prime, airport lounge access for select cards, no fee ATM withdrawals, tap-and-pay functionality, and competitive interbank rates. We recently announced that we began shipping the MCO Visa Cards to 31 markets in Europe, including all 27 EU member states, an addressable market of nearly 530 million people. is the only crypto card provider in the world offering cards in Asia, the full EU, and the United States. We have bolstered the regulatory compliance within the complex payments ecosystem and launched local communities supporting most EU local languages for better access to instant feedback and support. We have already seen thousands of reservations for the MCO Visa card from users across the EU and the app has reached top 50 in the Finance category in the UK, France, Italy and Spain. After the EU launch, we received green light for the MCO Visa card launch in Canada, we are currently preparing to roll out the MCO Visa Card program in Canada following launches in Singapore (Oct ‘18), United States (July ’19) and Europe (Apr‘20). For more information regarding the MCO Visa card, please visit 4. Host: We also noticed that is offering 3.5% credit card fee waived for buying crypto and up to 20% cashback on essentials like groceries and food delivery. With the current market situation, why did you choose to launch this campaign at this time? Guest:The global Coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone’s lives and economies have been hit hard. In these tough times, businesses that are in a fortunate position to be growing have a responsibility to give back. Hence we introduced three measures which we hope will make the next three months slightly easier for our users globally. (1) 3.5% credit/debit card fee waiver for cryptocurrency purchases in the App (2) MCO Visa Card — Up to 10% increased rebates for essential purchases (food, groceries and delivery). Please visit for supported brands globally. (3) Pay — Double rewards on gift card purchases of food delivery and groceries (Up to 20%) 5. Host: There are 2 tokens from listed on — CRO and MCO. Can you explain the different use cases and the utility of each respective token? Guest: MCO is the utility token which is used to get access to the MCO Visa card and for additional benefits within the App. CRO is the native token of Chain enabling transactions worldwide between merchants and cryptocurrency users — seamless, secure and cost efficient. Users can pay with Pay and earn up to 20% cashback paying merchants online and offline. We recently integrated Pay to the Ledger online store, Ledger will now accept CRO, along with BTC, LTC, ETH and XRP through Pay. In the App, users can purchase major brands gift-cards and earn up to 20% cashback when paying with CRO. CRO is currently used as our Exchange token as well, users can enjoy trading fees discount by staking CRO on the Exchange, and also can participate in The Syndicate events — able to purchase popular coins/tokens with up to 50% discount. Stay tuned for our upcoming Syndicate events here — HOST: We’ve seen your recent news regarding the launch of the Non-custodial Wallet. Can you explain the difference between the App and the Wallet? We recently launched the Wallet, taking another step closer to achieving a full decentralised product offering. Through the Wallet, customers gain ownership of their private keys, allowing them to freely send and receive crypto directly on the blockchain. Key features of the Wallet, presented as a standalone mobile app: (1) Full Control — Users have full control of their crypto and keys. Easily import any existing decentralized wallet with a 12/18/24-word recovery phrase to the Wallet (2) Security — Private keys are encrypted locally on customer’s device, protected by a passcode, biometrics and 2-factor authentication (3) Flexibility — Send crypto at preferred confirmation speed and network fee (4) Convenience — Connect to the App to easily access the diverse crypto financial services offered by Wallet is a user-custodied wallet where you are the custodian. This means you get full access and control of your crypto private keys. You have complete legal and beneficial titles to your crypto when they are stored in the Wallet, unlike a centralized custodian on the App. You do not need a account to store, send and receive crypto in the Wallet. On the other hand, App is a crypto asset brokerage that acts as a custodian and stores your crypto for you. Through the App, you are able to instruct us to handle your crypto on your behalf, but you do not control the private keys to your crypto. What are the benefits? You can easily manage and exchange your crypto to fiat currencies without worrying about losing your private keys. Also you can enjoy quick access to our wide range of financial products to help trade, grow and spend your crypto. Please visit our website to find out more — Question session of community users: Live Questions 1. Can I understand Pay as Alipay in digital currency? Yes. Pay is a crypto payment solution powered by the Chain. We have integrated Pay with many online merchants including Ledger, Unstoppable Domains and Offline merchant acquisition will begin following the launch of our mainnet. We are working on launching the Chain mainnet in the near future. In the meantime you can visit to access Chain developer resources and get involved in our open-source ecosystem and contribute to upcoming releases. 2. As you mentioned users can receive up to 20% rewards with Gift Card purchases, can you tell us more details about it? Eg. Supported countries and merchants? Gift Card purchases supported by Pay is currently available in 35 countries including: · Argentina · Australia · Austria · Belgium · Brazil · Bulgaria · Canada · Czech Republic · Denmark · Finland · France · Germany · India · Ireland · Italy · Japan · Luxembourg · Mexico · Netherlands · Philippines · Poland · Portugal · Qatar · Romania · Saudi Arabia · Singapore · Slovakia · Slovenia · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · Turkey · UAE · UK · US We offer popular brands covering many different categories including food & beverage, grocery, fashion, games, airlines and many more. Users can pay with their preferred currency among CRO, BTC, ETH, XRP & LTC and get up to 20% CRO reward.
  13. Dear users, According to the notification from the FirstBlood team, FirstBlood has launched a new token Dawn (DAWN), and has started the swap of FirstBlood (1ST) tokens to new Dawn (DAWN) tokens. Once 1ST tokens are swapped, they will be burnt and removed from circulation, and users will hold Dawn token. At the request of the FirstBlood team, will support the swap of 1ST token and Dawn token, and will delist FirstBlood (1ST) trading pairs. The specific plans are as follows: 1. ZB will suspend the deposits and withdrawals of 1ST and 1ST/QC, 1ST/USDT trading from 2020/06/16 14:00(GMT+8). At that time, the system will automatically cancel the unfinished orders and the relevant assets will be returned to your trading account. 2. We will handle all technical requirements involved for our users holding 1ST in their accounts, users will get Dawn token automatically without any actions. 3. The opening time of the deposits/withdrawals and trading of Dawn will be noticed via announcement. Thank you for your support! ZB Global Team June 10, 2020
  14. Dear Users, The repurchase of ZB Token (ZB) in the second quarter of 2020 is complete. In total, has repurchased 25,535,998 ZB Tokens and the repurchased ZB tokens have been burned. Up to now, there are totaled 1.44687 billion ZB tokens have been burned. ZB Token Burned address: 1: 0x8c572469f25336c7fb962b8f98c8232329343274 2: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 The Circulation Information of ZB (ZB Token) are as below. 1. Total Supply: 653,125,002 ZB 2. Circulating Supply: 421,232,402 ZB 3. ZB Customer Protection Fund: 231,892,600 ZB 4.The Contract Address of ZB Token ZB Token Contract Address: 0xbd0793332e9fb844a52a205a233ef27a5b34b927 Customer Protection Fund Address: 0xe3ecccd6c67da25871fc5ff9a32a6f5c379167a6 Thank you for you support!
  15. Dear users,In order to improve the effective liquidity of the trading markets and users' trading experience, is expected to add the Minimum Order Amount for trading pairs on exchange trading and margin trading at 15:00 on June 8, 2020(GMT+8). Users who use API trading please pay close attention to this adjustment and then use the latest updated API documents on the official website. Please change your own program in advance to prevent errors after the official launched.If you have any questions or suggestions about this adjustment, please contact at Minimum Order Amount details for trading pairs are as follows:Trading PairsMinimum Order AmountMinimum Order ValueZB/QC0.01 ZB50 QCBTC/QC0.0001 BTC50 QCETH/QC0.001 ETH50 QCXRP/QC1 XRP50 QCEOS/QC0.01 EOS50 QCXLM/QC0.1 XLM50 QCLTC/QC0.001 LTC50 QCUSDT/QC0.0001 USDT50 QCADA/QC0.1 ADA50 QCDASH/QC0.001 DASH50 QCNEO/QC0.01 NEO50 QCETC/QC0.01 ETC50 QCXEM/QC0.1 XEM50 QCDOGE/QC1 DOGE50 QCOMG/QC0.01 OMG50 QCZRX/QC0.1 ZRX50 QCQTUM/QC0.01 QTUM50 QCBTS/QC0.1 BTS50 QCICX/QC0.01 ICX50 QCAE/QC0.01 AE50 QCBAT/QC0.1 BAT50 QCGNT/QC0.1 GNT50 QCSNT/QC0.1 SNT50 QCHC/QC0.01 HC50 QCUBTC/QC0.001 UBTC50 QCBCD/QC0.001 BCD50 QCINK/QC0.1 INK50 QCTV/QC0.1 TV50 QCBCX/QC1 BCX50 QCBTH/QC0.001 BTH50 QCLBTC/QC0.001 LBTC50 QCHLC/QC0.1 HLC50 QCBTP/QC0.001 BTP50 QCBITCNY/QC0.01 BITCNY50 QCTOPC/QC0.1 TOPC50 QC1ST/QC0.1 1ST50 QCSAFE/QC0.001 SAFE50 QCQUN/QC0.1 QUN50 QCBTN/QC0.001 BTN50 QCTRUE/QC0.01 TRUE50 QCCDC/QC0.01 CDC50 QCDDM/QC0.01 DDM50 QCHOTC/QC0.01 HOTC50 QCEPC/QC0.001 EPC50 QCBDS/QC0.01 BDS50 QCGRAM/QC1 GRAM50 QCHPY/QC0.1 HPY50 QCBTM/QC0.01 BTM50 QCMANA/QC0.1 MANA50 QCMCO/QC0.01 MCO50 QCKNC/QC0.01 KNC50 QCEOSDAC/QC0.1 EOSDAC50 QCKAN/QC1 KAN50 QCAAA/QC0.1 AAA50 QCPDX/QC0.1 PDX50 QCSLT/QC0.1 SLT50 QCPAX/QC0.0001 PAX50 QCBRC/QC0.1 BRC50 QCBCHABC/QC0.001 BCHABC50 QCBSV/QC0.001 BSV50 QCVSYS/QC0.1 VSYS50 QCGRIN/QC0.01 GRIN50 QCTRX/QC0.1 TRX50 QCXMR/QC0.001 XMR50 QCB91/QC0.01 B9150 QCETZ/QC0.01 ETZ50 QCHX/QC0.1 HX50 QCLVN/QC1 LVN50 QCCRO/QC0.1 CRO50 QCGUSD/QC0.0001 GUSD50 QCUSDC/QC0.0001 USDC50 QCDNA/QC1 DNA50 QCLUCKY/QC0.01 LUCKY50 QCKPG/QC0.01 KPG50 QCXWC/QC0.1 XWC50 QCUFO/QC0.01 UFO50 QCZB/USDT0.01 ZB10 USDTBTC/USDT0.0001 BTC10 USDTETH/USDT0.001 ETH10 USDTXRP/USDT1 XRP10 USDTEOS/USDT0.01 EOS10 USDTXLM/USDT0.1 XLM10 USDTLTC/USDT0.001 LTC10 USDTADA/USDT0.1 ADA10 USDTDASH/USDT0.001 DASH10 USDTNEO/USDT0.01 NEO10 USDTETC/USDT0.01 ETC10 USDTDOGE/USDT1 DOGE10 USDTOMG/USDT0.01 OMG10 USDTQTUM/USDT0.01 QTUM10 USDTBTS/USDT0.1 BTS10 USDTGNT/USDT0.1 GNT10 USDTSNT/USDT0.1 SNT10 USDTHC/USDT0.01 HC10 USDTPAX/USDT0.0001 PAX10 USDTBTH/USDT0.001 BTH10 USDTLBTC/USDT0.001 LBTC10 USDTCHAT/USDT0.1 CHAT10 USDTTOPC/USDT0.1 TOPC10 USDTENTC/USDT0.1 ENTC10 USDT1ST/USDT0.1 1ST10 USDTTRUE/USDT0.01 TRUE10 USDTCDC/USDT0.01 CDC10 USDTDDM/USDT0.01 DDM10 USDTGRAM/USDT1 GRAM10 USDTEDO/USDT0.01 EDO10 USDTMTL/USDT0.01 MTL10 USDTBCHABC/USDT0.001 BCHABC10 USDTBSV/USDT0.001 BSV10 USDTTRX/USDT0.1 TRX10 USDTTUSD/USDT0.0001 TUSD10 USDTXMR/USDT0.001 XMR10 USDTLEO/USDT0.01 LEO10 USDTETZ/USDT0.01 ETZ10 USDTACC/USDT0001 ACC10 USDTLVN/USDT1 LVN10 USDTTSR/USDT0.1 TSR10 USDTXWC/USDT0.1 XWC10 USDTGUSD/USDT0.0001 GUSD10 USDTUSDC/USDT0.0001 USDC10 USDTDNA/USDT1 DNA10 USDTLUCKY/USDT0.01 LUCKY10 USDTHNS/USDT0.01 HNS10 USDTLTG/USDT0.1 LTG10 USDTUFO/USDT0.01 UFO10 USDTZB/BTC0.01 ZB0.0001 BTCETH/BTC0.001 ETH0.0001 BTCXRP/BTC1 XRP0.0001 BTCEOS/BTC0.01 EOS0.0001 BTCXLM/BTC0.1 XLM0.0001 BTCLTC/BTC0.001 LTC0.0001 BTCADA/BTC0.1 ADA0.0001 BTCDASH/BTC0.001 DASH0.0001 BTCNEO/BTC0.01 NEO0.0001 BTCETC/BTC0.01 ETC0.0001 BTCXEM/BTC0.1 XEM0.0001 BTCDOGE/BTC1 DOGE0.0001 BTCOMG/BTC0.01 OMG0.0001 BTCQTUM/BTC0.01 QTUM0.0001 BTCBTS/BTC0.1 BTS0.0001 BTCHC/BTC0.01 HC0.0001 BTCTRX/BTC0.1 TRX0.0001 BTCTRUE/BTC0.01 TRUE0.0001 BTCBITE/BTC0.001 BITE0.0001 BTCEPC/BTC0.001 EPC0.0001 BTCGRAM/BTC1 GRAM0.0001 BTCKAN/BTC1 KAN0.0001 BTCVSYS/BTC0.1 VSYS0.0001 BTCThank you for your support!
  16. Biweekly Report (May 18 — May 30) Section 1: Platform Trends 1. To provide users with better service and liquidity, the following adjustments are made to the “Market Maker Program” at 14:00(Hong Kong time) on May 20, 2020. (1) The requirements and rate of lv1-lv15 level remain unchanged, with the lowest reaching to 0 for Maker and 0.025% for Taker (pay with ZB Token ).The transaction volume requirements and fee rate remain at a low level in the crypto space; (2) Users of LV 16-LV 20 can be upgraded to’s special market maker. Special market maker enjoys lower transaction fee rate, low-interest lending on the platform and more exclusive services for big customers.At the same time, the platform will carry out more detailed assessment requirements for special market maker. For details of more special market makers, please contact: 2. According to officials, to repay our users, ZB Loan launches a “50% off interest of time limited” activity. The event time is 12:00 (HKT+8), 20 May 2020–12:00 (HKT+8), 30 June 2020. During the activity, all orders placed by users under [ZB APP / Official Website]-[Loan] can enjoy a 50% off interest rate, and the loan interest rate after the discount is as low as 0.02%. 7.5% annualized interest rate, 90% pledge rate, fast arrival, borrow and redeem at any time. By mortgaging digital assets, users can exchange them for QC or USDT. Mortgaging QC or USDT can also be exchanged for digital assets, including USDT, BTC, ETH, LTC, EOS, quickly to the account, borrow and return at any time. 3. According to, on May 14, launched stablecoin QC savings management product, the yield return as high as 14.5%. savings product currently contains 19 currencies including BTC, USDT, ETH and XRP. There is no minimum amount limit for savings. The revenue will be calculated from the second day, and it will arrive at the account on the third day. Users can deposit and withdraw at any time. At present, 5623 users have participated in QC savings management. Section 2: Operation Trends 1. According to officials, the eighth’s hot chat AMA was successfully launched at 20:00 on May 18. Huang LianJin, co-founder of Metaverse DNA and expert member of the Blockchain branch of the Chinese Association of Electronics, was invited to share on the live broadcast. The topic of this in-depth dialogue is “The technical features and future value of DeFi”, and in-depth discussion was conducted from the aspects of blockchain technology and security, DeFi application and DNA public chain technology. MetaverseDualChain network system is on the ETP security base chain to develop a parallel, anchor DNA through the fast chain, to solve the scalability problem.The double-chain system uses DPoS consensus mechanism, lightning network technology and three-layer node governance model to build a benign community ecosystem. 2. The third open class of was successfully launched at 20:00 on May 20 in ZB APP’s hot chat group and YiZhi broadcast.This open class is titled “Small fluctuations in bitcoin make big changes!” invited the big V capital with firm offer experience to give an in-depth online explanation of the capital trend behind the recent surging bitcoin price fluctuations. open class is a high-quality blockchain popular science class created by users. It invites well-known industry analysts and kols to analyze a series of investment methodologies in combination with national policies and market trends, so as to help fresh users easily realize large profits and various advanced strategies. 3. On May 21, held a creative pizza day activity on its official Weibo account.The participants took short videos that included pizza elements and “looking forward to…”,, and post on Weibo. Participants who win the top five votes in the voting process will be rewarded with ZB tokens. 4. The third open class of was successfully launched at 20:00 on May 27 in ZB APP’s hot chat group and YiZhi broadcast.This open class is titled “Bitcoin price’s midline is about to turn!” invited the big V capital with firm offer experience to give an in-depth online explanation of a turning point in bitcoin’s recent development. open class is a high-quality blockchain popular science class created by users. It invites well-known industry analysts and kols to analyze a series of investment methodologies in combination with national policies and market trends, so as to help fresh users easily realize large profits and various advanced strategies.
  17. ZB' s Announcement on Delisting of FN/USDT and FN/QC Trading Pairs Dear users, Due to the Filenet technology community plans to conduct full node related technology upgrade tests from May 29 to June 1, 2020, at the request of the Filenet Foundation and the Filenet technology community, will suspend Filenet(FN) trading at 08:00 on May 30, 2020(GMT+8), and has suspended the FN deposits. will officially delist the FN/QC and FN/USDT trading pairs at 14:00 on May 30, 2020(GMT+8). At that time, the system will automatically cancel the unfinished orders and the relevant assets will be returned to your trading account. FN holders are requested to withdraw their FN assets to a supported wallet or other platform as soon as possible. will suspend FN withdrawals at 14:00 on June 30, 2020(GMT+8), please make arrangements in advance. For details, please refer to the notice of FN team:
  18. #ZB Starts The Tenth Vote for Listing ZB will officially start The Tenth Vote for Listing at 14:00 on May 26, 2020 (GMT+8) The projects eligible for this round’s community vote are: Syscoin (SYS) Telcoin (TEL) Gstcoin (GST) Dear users, ZB will officially start The Tenth Vote for Listing at 14:00 on May 26, 2020 (GMT+8). The winning projects of this round will be listed on for trading. The community can participate by voting with ZB Token. The projects eligible for this round’s community vote are as follows (in no particular order): 1. Project Name: Syscoin (SYS) Official website: 2. Project Name: Telcoin (TEL) Official website: 3. Project Name: Gstcoin (GST) Official website: Voting Details: 1) Voting Time: from 14:00 on May 26, 2020 to 14:00 on May 28, 2020 (GMT+8) 2) Voting Rules: The projects in the voting list do not sell the token share. Therefore, this round of voting will not offer project token for purchasing, and the vote will not have token rewards. Please carefully consider before voting. aims to select projects that deliver not only innovative technology but also wide community support. ZB users use ZB Tokens to vote, and the project that gets more than 2,000,000 ZB votes will be eligible for listing. For projects that meet the listing requirements, ZB Tokens will not be returned. If the projects fail to meet the listing standards, then no project will be listed. In such a case, the ZB Tokens used for voting will be returned after the voting deadline. The qualified projects will be listed for trading in the order of reaching the requirements. Users can support more than one project, and the vote can't be canceled. Once the voting is officially started, you can Click the link to enter the voting page: Risk Disclosure All investments are subject to high market risk. Please make your investments very cautiously. The contents of this announcement and other information in ZB do not constitute investment advice, and ZB will not be liable for any direct or indirect losses arising from such information. ZB does not assume any responsibility for your investment. At the same time, for voting projects, ZB only verifies the basic information such as team KYC and conducts commercial evaluation of the project. When voting or participating, you need to have sufficient investment experience and ability to withstand risks. ZB are not responsible for any of their business activities that may cause risks. If the project has a clear law prohibition at your location, please send us an email to inform us that ZB will block its token for users in the designated area, and may even delist the token and provide all necessary legal information assistance. Thanks for your support!
  19. Hello, all countries are allowed.
  20. На многих биржах интегрированы подобные "Vip" системы, просто реализованы немного иначе. Возможно не обращали внимания😀, биржа была долгое время в топ 10 cmc по объему.
  21. Telegram|Medium|Coinmarketcap|Twitter|Facebook|Linkedin|Reddit|Steemit Что такое ZB? ZB Exchange - одна из самых надежных платформ для торговли цифровыми активами в мире. Основана в 2013 году, уже более шести лет пользователи находятся в безупречной среде торговли с наивысшим уровнем безопасности. Биржа с гордостью применяет самые строгие отраслевые стандарты листинга для обеспечения высокого качества обслуживания пользователей. Это уравновешивается усилиями, направленными на то, чтобы первыми в списке оказались абсолютные наиболее инновационные проекты. ZB был первым в Азии, кто включил в список ETH и EOS, и стремится продолжить эту традицию совершенства. Все инструменты, которые ожидает опытный трейдер, включая маржинальную торговлю, OTC, криптокредиты и многое другое, есть платформе. ZB Exchange является вашим домом для обеспечения безопасности активов, глубокой ликвидности и возможностей. Преимущества ZB: Веб-трейдинговая платформа ZB имеет два интерфейса: простой и усовершенствованный. Последний, с точки зрения трейдерОВ, кажется одним из лучших в крипто-валютном пространстве. График отличный, есть трендовые линии, ряд индикаторов технического анализа и многое другое. Защита пользователей на самом высоком уровне, как и на большинстве топовых бирж. Мобильные приложения также доступны для iOS и Android устройств. ZB поддерживает следующее: Обмен: Спотовые операции - это конверсия между цифровыми активами с использованием одного цифрового актива в качестве учетной единицы для покупки других цифровых валют. теперь поддерживает торговлю более чем 80 цифровыми активами в режиме реального времени. Маржа: Маржинальная торговля - это производный финансовый инструмент для спотовой торговли. Пользователи могут заимствовать цифровые активы у других пользователей, чтобы настроить кредитное плечо, которое увеличит доходность при одновременном принятии на себя риска больших убытков. Фиат: ZB предоставляет внебиржевую торговую услугу для решения проблемы кредитных сделок между двумя покупателями и продавцами и улучшения сохранности средств. Вы можете быстро торговать несколькими валютами, совершая внебиржевую торговлю. Инвестиции: Одалживайте свои свободные цифровые активы пользователям маржинальной торговли, чтобы заработать проценты. Платформа гарантирует низкие риски и высокую доходность. Займ: Ставьте цифровую валюту для заимствования стабильных монет или ставьте стабильные монеты для заимствования цифровых активов, это позволяет выводить средства и поможет вам разумно распределить свои цифровые активы. Taker/Maker комиссия 0.20% и 0.10% если вы платите ZB. Биржа разделила аккаунты на разные VIP-уровни. Каждый уровень имеет свои преимущества. Каждый VIP-уровень может быть повышен. VIP-аккаунты обладают такими преимуществами, как низкие транзакционные сборы, эксклюзивная квота на покупку UP, поддержка VIP-клиентов и другие эксклюзивные привилегии. Telegram|Medium|Coinmarketcap|Twitter|Facebook[/size]|Linkedin|Reddit|Steemit
  22. Telegram|Medium|Coinmarketcap|Twitter|Facebook|Linkedin|Reddit|Steemit What is ZB? ZB Exchange is the one of world’s most trusted digital asset trading platform. Established in 2013, ZB customers have enjoyed over six years of flawless trading and security. The exchange proudly applies the industry’s strictest listing standards to deliver a highly curated user experience. This is balanced with efforts to be first listing the absolute most innovative projects. ZB was the very first in Asia to list ETH and EOS, and strives to continue this tradition of excellence. All the tools a sophisticated trader expects including margin trading, OTC, crypto loans and more are avilable on the platform. ZB Exchange is your home for asset security, deep liquidity, and opportunity. ZB Advantages: ZB’s web trading platform has two interfaces: simple and advanced one. The latter seems like one of the best ones in the cryptocurrency space, from a trader’s point of view. Charting is great, there are trend lines, a number of technical analysis indicators and more. User protection at the highest level, like most top exchanges. Mobile apps are also available for iOS and Android devices. ZB Exchange Supports The Following: Exchange: Spot transactions are conversions between digital assets, using one digital asset as a unit of account to buy other digital currencies. now supports real-time trading of more than 80 digital assets. Margin: Margin trading is a derivative financial tool for spot trading. Users can borrow digital assets from other users to configure leverage, that will increase returns while taking on the risk of large losses. Fiat: ZB provides OTC trading service to solve the problem of credit transactions between the two buyers and sellers and improve the funds security. You can quickly trade multiple currencies by OTC trading. Investment: Lend your free digital assets to margin trading users to earn interest. Platform guarantees low risks and high returns. Loan: Stake digital currency to borrow stablecoins, or stake stablecoins to borrow digital assets, allowing withdrawal and which will help you reasonably allocate your digital assets. Taker/Maker Fee 0.20% and 0.10% if you pay with ZB. The exchange has divided the accounts into different VIP levels. Each level comes with its own benefits. Each VIP level has to be upgraded. VIP accounts comes with benefits like low transaction fees, exclusive UP purchase quota, VIP Customer Service Support and other Exclusive Privileges
  23. Биржа открылась совсем не недавно, пожалуйста, для начала узнайте, прежде чем утверждать)
  24. Всем привет! Вышел полноценный обзор маржинальной торговли, взгляните на него, и если вам будет интересно, можете воспользоваться возможностью получить бонусный баланс! Второй сезон маржинальной торговли BW идет полным ходом, его одобрили все пользователи с момента его запуска. Общее количество участников превысило 200 тысяч, охватывая более 20 стран. BW собирается запустить второе событие во втором сезоне. 【Участвуйте в бета-маржинальной торговле, чтобы выиграть пробный бонус 10USDT】 Зарегистрируйтесь на бирже: (кликабельно) а. Примите участие в бета-маржинальной торговле во время мероприятия и выиграйте более 10% прибыли за один раз. Пользователь может написать в DM администратору сообщества telegram и получить пробный бонус 10USDT. б. Каждый ID может участвовать только один раз в день. с. Пользователи должны заполнить KYC до участия в мероприятии. Полученный пробный бонус можно обменять, но не отозвать, а получить прибыль. д. Время: 10:00 по МСК 14 декабря 2019 г. до 10:00 по МСК 14 января 2020 г. е. Корректировки события подлежат официальному объявлению, а окончательное право на интерпретацию принадлежит Примечание: ежедневные награды ограничены. Первым прибыл - первым обслужен. WeChat: BWglobalsupport2 Телеграмм: @BW_MY_ALICE
  25. Совсем нет, все развивается полным ходом, на данный момент биржа заручилась высоким уровнем доверия и является одной из лучших.
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