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Posts posted by babaji

  1. This is an incredible post. To see the man himself, explain the problem and provide a solution. And a solution, that is perfect in every sense, and a product Bitcoin that is also perfect.  I, do know that bitcointalk was created by Satoshi himself... but this is beautiful 

  2. The biggest strength of crypto is also is biggest weakness. Private keys, if used properly is the most secure system, and practically cannot be hacked, but if you loose it, then there is no other way to unlock your crypto wallet. Dont loose your private key or share it with anybody. 

  3. Better logic says, that a coin with low volume is to be avoided. But there have been instances, when a very low volume coin turned out to absolute diamond. I personally dont deal with low volume coins, but if you have excess money, there is no harm if you put some in coins you believe in, even if it has low volume. 

  4. No one does, its the blockchain which is a huge decentralised ledger. It is autonomous, that is the beauty of blockchain, it runs on millions of computers all of the world, that is connected to the internet. The technology is such, that when a miner solves a block, it is added to the blockchain, thereby securing its uniqueness of cryptocurrency. The miners are just people who solves the transactions. The transactions is tracked and recorded by the ever growing blockchain. Just think when Blockchain has its own AI. 

    • +1 1

  5. That is the problem with technology. As long as it is in developing stage, there will always be flaws that can misused. Bitcoin or blockchain is no different, but please bear in mind, it is still work in progress. Eth is figuring out, what kind of mining algorith it wants to work on. Some of the most brilliant minds, do become hackers, and they can cause real trouble, and sometimes, one of those brilliant minds becomes Satoshi Nakamato. 

  6. I certainly don't have any coins left from the previous high. I have a bit now, but that is nothing to be boasting about. I could have sold at 19k, but then who is know what will be the peak. Frankly, if Btc doesn't break the previous high in this bull run, i would be highly disappointed. I predict near about 25k to 30k and thats when I would sell.

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  7. I dont particularly like the idea, that we should follow each other and like each other post. I am more about, genuine post being awarded and not because we are each other followers. This is not what the creators of CryptoTalk had in mind, when they started Cryptotalk.

  8. How can we help improve the forum. The answer is simple yet it hard at multiple levels. Forum can only boast about the quality of post posted by its posters. If you want to help improve the forum, just make sure, everytime you post, you deliver quality. Here comes the hard part, quality is not something that will be achieved easy. It needs a lot of effort, hardwork, research etc. 

  9. Bitcoin has more chances of it being adopted now, then it ever had. Although covid-19 brought loom and gloom over world economy, for bitcoin because of its virtual presence, covid was more good news than bad. Most financial organisation are accepting btc, more and more investments are coming in, governments, are changing their mindset, and the general public is also more interested about bitcoin, then just asking, when will I be able to pay for my cup of tea with bitcoins. 

    • +3 1

  10. The major difference between btc and ltc is the fees while doing transaction. Ltc is much cheaper then btc, so for smaller amount of transfer, ltc is first choice. But nothing beats btc, if the volume of transaction is much higher. If Btc is Gold, Ltc was created to be the silver. 

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  11. I do not know if CryptoTalk saved lives, but I do know that, with the pandemic came lockdowns, and lockdowns means reduced economic activity. So most people tried to earn online, and what easier way to earn money, that post in CryptoTalk. It helps you to stay home, and avoid the virus by not going outside, so I guess, CryptoTalk did save lives. 

    • +3 1

  12. Well you can always invest in Yobit investbox. You can use arbitrage, to make money on the side. And you can always trade. You can also get involved in masternodes, and sell your profits and earn money. If you are regular in CryptoTalk, you can earn money from posting and use it in yobit and earn extra money. There are many options that the crypto world offers. 

    • Useful or interesting 2

  13. Well actually you don't, however you need to be smart enough to use any translation service simplest being the google translate option. Not everyone is well versed in English, and that shouldn't limit you in your online earning career. Just learn how to translate, and you can easily create topics in English. 

    • +2 1

  14. As per my knowledge,  the reason for cryptotalk balance to transfer to yobit balance delay, is because since a lot of satoshis are paid out, sometimes, the paying wallet runs out of satoshis, and they have to refill it. The meantime, when the wallet is empty, and the time till the wallet is filled, there is no transfer of satoshis, and hence we face the problem. 

  15. You can definitely get rich with crypto. Do I know someone personally, no I dont, but there are just too many of them posting videos on youtube. But just for discussion sake. Eth was near 100$ a few months ago, but lets take 250$, and now it is around 600$. So any one who had invested x amount would have double and made more. Is it enough to make him rich, no, you get rich, when you can repeat the process multiple times. 

  16. I have posted more than I can count. All my post have been deleted, and that is the reason, why there are not many new topics to post in. I don't understand, why they keep deleting threads, and as long as they keep doing it, we won't have new threads to post in.

    • +2 1

  17. Bitcoin did fall down around 3000$ from a all time high second only to the 2017 high. There are multiple reason why bitcoin rose to 19300$, because paypal is in it and there are multiple investment companies coming into it. So its more likely this set back is just a trap, and the price will jump and will go up to 25k, but then it is just my own speculation. 

  18. I believe if you are old member, and had the opportunity to correspond to their post and indulge in debating with them, you would be more poised to give your analysis or compare between then and now. I am pretty old in this forum, and personally I don't see much up gradation of the content. Further, most old member are still here, and they still post. And some who were banned, are here as well, with different id I suppose.


  19. It is always good to have a good grasp of the topic you are discussing, but you have to be more careful about not going off topic. Sometimes, you might not be as knowledgeable as you want, but you can still post, if you know how to work around the topic and write proper grammar. You need to be on topic, not off topic and put as much as you can, and hope that someone think it is worth 1 reputation. 

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