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Posts posted by altcontact

  1. If the legalization of cryptocurrencies in India will happen. Then the next step is the release of your own cryptocurrency.
    Another question is whether the current government of India needs to create its own cryptocurrency.
    Without the interest of the authorities, the creation of a new cryptocurrency project is not possible.

  2. The official monetary unit in at least a few states will soon disappear, and then the country will be forced to switch to cyber money. Argentina and Venezuela are taken as an example.
    Despite the glory of Bitcoin, other cyber currencies will soon burst, as happened with dotcoms in the last century. But that percentage of surviving money will rise significantly in price.
    More and more companies are beginning to make payments to performers in the form of electronic money. Cyber money is likely to deprive state power of a monopoly on the introduction of its course.
    Updated government departments will be created that are responsible for regulating cryptocurrencies and preparing a new bill. As a result, this may start a new boom in the popularity of bitcoins and altcoins with a clearly defined advantage.
    Hundreds of crypto companies will appear, but most of them will not exist for long.

  3. Currencies supporting the cryptoeconomic infrastructure include, for example, ether. A feature of this blockchain is that it employs smart contract technology - algorithms that allow you to conclude and control the execution of transactions in digital form, without the help of intermediaries. The community believes that technology will find wide application in the economy, and therefore supports cryptocurrency by investing in it.

    For example, the RippleNet blockchain has its technological advantages, which creates the ability to carry out simpler and more efficient transfers of funds, which attracts credit organizations - banks such as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Bank of America and Credit Agricole are already introducing the technology, and recently they are cooperating with RippleNet announced in American Express. Against the background of this event, the price of Ripple cryptocurrency increased by almost 30%.

  4. In recent days, the Bitcoin exchange rate fluctuates regularly, then dropping below 8 thousand US dollars, then rising slightly above this mark. Almost all the pursuers from the world ranking follow this coin. Amid such uncertainty, traders suggest that the growth of Bitcoin will be associated with the halving of the main cryptocurrency.

    Halving 2020 should become a double of two similar processes from the past

    Traders build their forecast on the future dynamics of the price of “digital gold” based on studying the charts of 2012 and 2016. Then, at about the same moment, 6 months before the double reduction of the mining reward, the rate began to grow sharply. This process was a direct consequence of future mining reform, as was the usual reaction to an upcoming supply decline.
    The next halving of 2020 will be launched in the coming May. According to the logic that the Plan trader is trying to follow, the active growth of the BTC rate will begin no later than next November. This month will mark the beginning of a 6-month period before a key change in coin mining.

    Many experts agreed with this forecast that halving will become the tool that will spur market growth. A considerable part of them are convinced that now cryptoeconomics is in a funded phase, the completion of which will provoke the beginning of a positive course movement.

  5. The banking system in the world has developed over the centuries. This is almost no alternative way to carry out financial transactions. In any case, it was before the advent of cryptocurrency.

    Blockchain technology itself appealed to banks. And many of them are already starting to implement it. But the attitude towards digital currencies is rather negative. In world practice, there is a blocking of operations related to cryptocurrency. Some banks have banned the purchase of bitcoins with credit cards.

    Cryptocurrencies were created as a counterweight to the traditional financial system. And judging by the fact that their capitalization is growing, banks will have to start interacting with them sooner or later.

    At the same time, the income from investments in cryptocurrency can increase several times, in contrast to the traditional system of banks.

  6. 24 hour functioning. Transfer money to wherever you want, at any time without any difficulties. If you need to transfer money in the middle of the night on a public holiday, the funds will reach the recipient in a few minutes. You will not fix any delays, as in the banking system.

    The speed of financial transactions. Unlike traditional transactions through banks, cryptocurrency transfers are very fast. Transactions in cryptocurrency networks are very fast, compared to bank transfers.
    The reliability and security of cryptocurrencies is time-tested. Cryptocurrency networks use encryption algorithms that protect the personal data of users, as well as information about the transactions of network participants. Similar algorithms are used by the banking system, however, banks are often subjected to hacker attacks.

    The availability of cryptocurrencies. Registering a crypto wallet is very simple. It doesn't matter how old you are, what country you are from, what political and religious views you have. A few seconds and the account is open. The easiest option is to open an online wallet. The procedure takes less than a minute.

    Cryptocurrency is not controlled by the authorities. Cryptocurrencies are international blockchain networks, they cannot be controlled or prohibited. Decentralization guarantees the safety of any project and does not allow the state to ban or destroy the new system of exchange of values. Special services will also not be able to get inside the system, so users can transfer money without fear for their safety.

    The use of cryptocurrency does not require the creation of expensive infrastructure. There are no intermediaries and taxes.

    • +2 1

  7. On April 23, 2011, Satoshi Nakamoto sent his last email:

    I began to engage in other projects. Bitcoin is in the safe hands of Gavin and everyone else.

    He transferred the source code to the Bitcoin repository and disappeared. Since then, Satoshi has never come into contact with anyone and has not expressed any opinions about Bitcoin - in any case, we do not have any “irrefutable” evidence of this.

    To get an adequate understanding of the role of Satoshi Nakamato, you should know that the source code of the Bitcoin project was first released in January 2009, nine years and two months ago. Satoshi left the project after two years and three months. Thus, he contributed to the project over a quarter of its life. It is important to understand that we are talking about the contribution. Although bitcoin arose thanks to Satoshi's ideas, cryptocurrency could not have been born without the support of others. The smartest people who were able to cope with the many difficulties in the growth of bitcoin were involved in this project. We are talking about such developers as Hal Finney, Gavin Andresen and Nick Szabo.

    Since Satoshi left the project, we saw a great many technologies, people, governments and companies that joined the project, contributed, helped, regulated and harmed. Since then, the needs of Bitcoin have changed, as have the needs of its users.

    Perhaps Satoshi would not have liked that Bitcoin is considered as a means of preserving value, since white paper talked about the "p2p system of electronic money." Let us recall that the genesis block includes the phrase “The Times 03 / Jan / 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” - the headline of an editorial in the British newspaper that the UK Treasury Secretary Alistair Darling was forced to consider new measures to save banks in conditions of economic crisis. There is an unequivocal indication of financial instability, the reason for which is banks. 
    Satoshi could appreciate how the people of Venezuela and Zimbabwe provide economic protection with Bitcoin. We do not know.

    Satoshi could say that bitcoin is not a reserve of wealth and should be considered and developed exclusively as a means of exchange and calculation. We do not know.

    Even if Satoshi was still involved in the project, even if he believed that on-chain scaling is the best option, then, having worked with other smart people, he could change his mind. We do not know.

    We do not know, because he (or they, if there is a group of people behind Satoshi) is no longer in the project. Satoshi left Bitcoin. He stopped contributing. He said that we will make decisions.

  8. It was expected that on January 15, 2018, the United States and China will sign the “first phase” of the trade agreement - and this will be the most noticeable step towards a rapprochement between them since the start of a full-scale trade war in July 2018. Since then, the parties have undertaken several rounds of mutual increases in trade duties.
    The trade war is fueled by a struggle to dominate technology, including 5G technology. She led an attack on Huawei

    The ups and downs of the US-China confrontation affect, among other things, stock indices and risky assets such as cryptocurrencies. The trade war is far from over: Since a significant amount of mining power is concentrated in China, Bitcoin may also be influenced by political maneuvers.

    The July 2019 agreement on the American limit on borrowing establishes the possibility of growth in new borrowings at the level of $ 320 billion by July 31, 2021. This means Washington’s course towards a gradual decrease in the growth rate of debt and double deficit (budget and trade balance. In this situation, the United States needs support from the PRC, China, in turn, needs the American market. This is no longer a trade war, it can be called building a new system of relations between For this reason, Bitcoin can turn into a stablecoin or an asset that will slowly increase its value.

  9. Cryptocurrencies can be an excellent means of investing if the buyer makes smart decisions and takes due diligence.

    Some of the largest cryptocurrencies have been around for almost a decade. In the following months, interest in cryptocurrencies continued to grow despite a fall in their prices, and investment stories began to raise many questions, questioning the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies.

    How secure are cryptocurrency investments?
    In short, a safe investment does not exist. There are some investments that are safer than others, but there are elements of risk in any investment. The volatility of cryptocurrencies over the past 12 months undoubtedly indicates a higher risk of losses, although it also makes these assets potentially very profitable. There is nothing to worry about buying and selling digital currencies if the trader understands this market and is responsible for his investments. A novice investor should think it over several times and better if he starts with long-term strategies.

    At the moment, there are many digital currencies, and they are very different. Before buying any cryptocurrency, it is important to study who created the coin, whether it is sold on secure exchanges, whether the asset has been carefully selected and whether it belongs to any well-known brand (which may be mentioned in the advertisement). Before deciding to invest your money, it is important to consider all of the above and conduct your own research.

  10. You can make a short list of assets that may be promising in 2020. Approximate growth can be within 3-5 years.
    1. The first option is Bitcoin. A lot of positive things have been said about him, who are interested can see in my other posts.
    2. Second token: TRX. One of the most promising coins. The project team is actively developing it, which confirms the regular update of the crypto asset. The token switched to its own blockchain and became a fully independent digital asset.
    The project acquired BitTottent really exists.
    3. Third Asset: Ripple (XRP). The asset is undervalued and has a high chance of growth. The main advantage of the asset is the convenience of transactions, a huge number of partner companies due to which many investors see prospects in the development of the project.
    4. The fourth asset: EOS is a competitor to Ethereum, which is confidently gaining ground. Buterin and his team are not having the best of times, as investors temporarily stopped paying attention to Ethereum. EOS solves one of the main tasks - scalability, due to which it can easily bypass Ethereum
    5. Cryptocurrency NEM. The idea of this asset is already applied in the foreign accounting system. That is why the likelihood of development is extremely high. Developers make every effort to create the perfect solution for the banking sector.
    In 2019, the team implemented a new engine (Catapult), thanks to which it became possible to work with banking institutions. The NEM coin is constantly changing for the better, which indicates its potential growth in the near future. A large number of investors and large players in the cryptocurrency market prefer this asset.
    6. Cryptocurrency BNB. Binance Coin has become one of the fastest growing coins of all time. Its popularity is directly related to the exchange, which occupies a leading position around the world.
    7. Cryptocurrency - Verge. The team is constantly improving the project so that the coin is constantly in demand. The team focuses on anonymity. Thanks to which the coin has a strict distribution and protection against attack 51%. Today, the project is available on all popular exchanges. And the news about him is constantly talking about constant development.
    8 The Stellar Lumen project is a fork of Ripple, which resolves all known problems of cryptocurrencies. Developers understand the advantages of this platform, due to which they are finalizing their own solutions that allow expanding opportunities;
    IBM itself announced the interaction with the platform. The largest global corporation not only helps with cash injections, but also shares its experience in the development and improvement of individual functionality;
    The ability to recognize an asset and introduce it into the banking sector. The project allows you to solve significant banking problems. Due to which it receives positive feedback from the owners of major corporations.
    9th asset of Litecoin. An old time-tested fork of Bitcoin, which is an advanced copy of it. Significantly different in minimum fees, as well as transaction speed.

    • +4 1

  11. In order to inherit Bitcoin, you need to make a complete list of crypto addresses.
    The main feature due to which many users love cryptocurrencies is the level of security and anonymity. The basic version of Bitcoin allows you to transfer funds, almost instantly, funds from one account to another, indicating only the wallet number.

    In addition, every Bitcoin user stores information about all transactions in the system, which means that faking data is incredibly difficult. In addition, hacking this or that "wallet" at the moment is not possible. If only to steal the user's private key.

    If desired, no one will know that you generally have a similar digital asset.

    How to pass Bitcoin by inheritance - the next step is to determine the circle of people who will get Bitcoin.
    By the time the inheritance is transferred, bitcoin can go up even further, which will make your investment a very attractive item on the inheritance list.

    Most likely, your family will be the first on the list. But nothing prevents you from transferring your assets to any other person.

    Of course, the secrecy and anonymity of Bitcoin is against the heirs. Therefore, you have to think about such a question in advance.

    Next, you need to choose the method of transferring access to the digital wallet.

    What options do you have for Bitcoin transfer?
    The first is to write a will. Next, transfer access in advance, or send assets with a delay.
    Remember that the crypto-wallet number alone will not allow heirs to access it. Password is required. Be sure to consider the entire procedure for transferring the asset in advance.

  12. Depending on your abilities, you can try several options for earning.
    Mining is the mining of crypto coins. After creating the wallet, you can proceed to the generation of electronic currency. Mining can be both costly associated with the purchase of special equipment, and online - using the mining platform.
    Many freelance aggregators allow you to pay for your work in cryptocurrency.
    Investing is the most familiar way and affordable for everyone. Opening deposits in any top cryptocurrency also allows you to get a good income. Therefore, the topic of investments in cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular. Many hype projects accept deposits in crypto coins. But when participating in such projects, it is important to remember the high risks with similar high-yield programs.

  13. Fiat or fiduciary money is the usual means of payment, ordinary paper bills, money on our bank cards, which we use daily. They are presented in different forms: paper banknotes; metal coins; non-cash money. The state is engaged in the issue of this money.
    Oddly enough, but the fiat type of money is also called unsecured. Why? Yes, because for this money there is currently no provision for either gold or other precious metals. It used to be for each banknote provided for a specific amount of gold. Fiat appeared in circulation as an alternative to commodity-secured currencies. Today, all that fiat holds on to is people's trust and state guarantees. The state has proclaimed that it is legal tender in its territory and citizens are required to obey.
    In recent decades, fiat is represented mainly by electronic money - there is no need to print paper banknotes.
    Less than 10% of all fiat money is cash. The rest of the money is digital money in bank accounts.
    Fiat is a legal tender that the state has recognized as such. - Cryptocurrencies are currently not legal tender in all states. Moreover, the regulators of most countries are still trying to limit them. Fiat money has a physical expression - paper notes. Cryptocurrencies work on the blockchain, exist only in the digital world and have no physical equivalent. Fiat currency for each country is mainly its own and it is issued by the state. Cryptocurrencies are global, decentralized currencies that are mined primarily through mining. There are no geographical or political boundaries for them. Fiat currencies are subject to inflation and may depreciate over time, since their issue is not limited by any framework. Digital currencies most often have a release ceiling. For example, Bitcoin will have a total of 21 million coins. And therefore, their value will only increase over time, and inflation will not threaten these coins. - Large financial institutions are behind fiat currencies. To receive or send money, we use intermediary banks. At the same time, we send cryptocurrencies directly to the recipient - here intermediaries are not needed. This has both its pros and cons. Will bitcoin or other cryptocurrency replace fiat money? Today it is definitely difficult to answer this question. In the near future is likely not a substitute. But over the course of a decade, perhaps there will be a cross between the current electronic fiat and cryptocurrency.

  14. If you are thinking of doing this alone, then be prepared for the fact that this is a long and meaningless process. I started with this, but only wasted my time. The only way to make money such a project is the attraction of referral traffic. Your referrals will be able to constantly increase your income. Only the scope of referral traffic is not accessible to everyone. Skills and experience are required. Traffic search is a separate “science”.

  15. Now. when bitcoin has already passed all the expected lows and again prepare for records. Here we can recall a good example of the story with John Perpont Morgan - “When a shoe polisher begins to be interested in stocks, it is urgent to leave the market”
    He sold all the stocks just before the great depression. After talking about promotions with a shoe cleaner.

    We hope that with Bitcoin everything will be different.
    We know that bitcoin and the blockchain system are one. At the same time, cryptocurrencies that do not use blockchain have now appeared. Blockchain is just the first and not entirely successful technology for cryptocurrencies, which greatly limits the number of operations per unit of time.

    For example, a Visa carries out 50,000 operations per second. And bitcoin at its peak carries out 400,000 operations per day. Of course, forks are carried out, but ... While bitcoin is growing, other crypto assets appear that have more advantages.
    For example, you can look at Tether and IOTA.
    The advantages of Tether (USDT) are that it is a cryptocurrency whose exchange rate is almost always equal to 1 US dollar. The increased interest in it can be attributed to the desire of investors to save their money.
    The second example is IOTA. This is not a blockchain system at all. Yes, of course, this is also a data chain, but its construction is based on other principles. The name of this technology is the technology of directional acyclic graph (Tangle). Unlike Bitcoin, this method of transactions makes them fast and free. Thus, IOTA makes a lot of free transactions. Also, the IOTA system is made for the interaction of existing mobile devices and smartphones, smart bracelets and other similar devices that have at least some computing capabilities. Why is this project not to replace the super-slow-moving systems?

    • +5 1

  16. For myself, I earned a plan where to start earning on cryptocurrency. I think that it can be useful to others as well.

    1. The first and most important thing is to register yourself crypto-wallets.
    2. The method chosen for yourself is suitable for processing on cryptocurrencies.
    3. Test your earnings system.

    We can be sure that it really has a certain value and impact on society.

    1. The first action. We create our own wallets to start working with cryptocurrency.
    Better to start with online wallets. Internet connections. But it is created in a few minutes. Be sure to remember that, as a rule, crypto wallets cannot be restored if you lose your password and other login information.
    You can choose from the most famous options:
    * Blockchain (for storing Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cache);
    * Myetherwallet (web wallet for Ethereum and tokens compatible with the ERC20 protocol);
    * (designed to store Dogecoin).
    It is often written that it cannot be used as a cat. My personal experience shows that the exchange is the most effective way to store cryptocurrency funds.
    For example, you can choose the Yobit exchange to store cryptocurrency. The advantages are also that you can directly work with exchange transactions directly. Exchange work and reputation make it possible to stop the choice on it.
    * As a multi-currency wallet, you can register with Cryptonator.
    * There are options, for example, CoinPot, in case you are going to start collecting satoshi using free taps.
    * The hardware wallet option is the most reliable, but it is frightened off by its complexity and the need to buy it. One of the famous Ledger Wallet (supports 25 cryptocurrencies and costs up to 100).
    BitBox (from 100 to 200 euros, weighs only 25 grams)

    2. We will start earning. If you have only options without investments, this means that we start by examining the information on obtaining cryptocurrencies with free taps, and study programs for working with airdrome and bounty. An interesting mining is in stock now. Perhaps you have experience with those users who receive new members.
    If you want to start with an investment in training and education, you need to choose the most reputable and successful mentors and get training from them. Or for a long and painstaking study on free materials on the Internet.

    3. After studying any of the options for making money on cryptocurrency, we will definitely test the system. All that you saw is action. What worked before may no longer work now. Or it works differently.
    The main thing is that you work in the field of cryptocurrency. Build connections and meet specialists in this field. Gradually, you will be able to focus on this and earn good profits.

  17. If you have a really significant amount of bitcoin, you first need to think not about how to increase it or where to invest. First of all, it is necessary to save the existing cryptocurrency.
    To do this, you need to decide what proportion of assets you intend to keep unchanged. This part of the reserve will grow slowly along with the growth in demand for the crypto asset. But, you have a guarantee of the safety of investments.
    You can use any of the password managers to save passwords. Or you can use Word or Excel.
    Copy your data to several external drives, as well as to the cloud. The cloud must be checked periodically, because if you do not use your account for a long time, it can be reset.
    As an additional guarantee, it is better to rewrite everything on plain paper: all the necessary credentials and passwords.
    It is impossible to recover lost passwords from a bitcoin wallet. Assume that it is possible in the future when using a quantum computer, it will be possible to pick up a lost combination of passwords. But, now this technology is not available, which means it is not possible to rely on it. It is better to prepare in advance for a possible loss, it is best to also make many copies of valuable information.

  18. Almost all cryptocurrency projects have their own representative page on the Twitter information platform.
    The effect of a message on Twitter is equal in strength to the output of an emergency message in a well-known print publication. Currently, print media and their power of influence have switched to electronic social networks, which are able to instantly convey the necessary thoughts to any active audience.
    If you have such an idea, it means that it appears among analysts and the management of the Twitter project. They are now in a position where they allow everyone to earn on their platform, while they themselves miss this opportunity.
    Perhaps the Twitter leadership is now monitoring the situation with the Facebook social network. If the cryptocurrency of the libra is still accepted by the fiat community. Maybe we will see the cryptocurrency of the Twitter project.

  19. It is possible to really increase the volume of your investments, acting according to a previously developed plan. Part of the investment you need to invest in already known cryptocurrency assets. This is the top 5 crypto coins.

    Another part of the investment can be invested in the investment mechanisms of the yobit investbox exchange itself. The exchange has been operating for quite some time. And its credibility and performance has been proven over the years of successful activities.

    It is necessary to carefully monitor new airdrops. Very often, a new project is announced, which, for the sake of popularizing its ideas and a set of potential users, gives out for free (bounty) a certain amount of cryptocurrency assets. You can get free tokens yourself and invite friends and acquaintances who will become referrals and will bring additional income.

    Now the cryptocurrency of the Yobit is distributed - Yoda. This coin is registration in the amount of 700 coins. For each friend you get 400 coins. The will be exchanged on January 28 for other cryptocurrencies. To receive it you need to launch the Telegram messenger bot -

    Also, if you act carefully, working on the signals of famous traders, you can earn guaranteed up to 15-60% per month. Some trading experts do not give signals, but simply overview information on the alleged movement of funds in the cryptocurrency market.

  20. There are many ways to store cryptocurrencies. All of them are associated with the creation of a cryptocurrency wallet online. Almost every project has its own mobile version. Also, many cryptocurrency exchanges now have their own fully functional mobile version. Already now you can go to the AppStore or Google Play to download the suitable version of the crypto wallet.
    For example, these applications: Blockchain, Coinbase, Сryptopay. As well as cryptocurrency exchange applications.
    Cryptocurrencies are rapidly gaining popularity, and more and more often you can hear about them among ordinary people. More and more companies are starting to accept payments in bitcoins and other popular coins, as users need simple and convenient access to digital assets.
    Mobile wallets are becoming increasingly popular: unlike hardware wallets, which require a computer to connect, mobile wallets users can access digital resources from anywhere and anytime.
    Their main feature is ease of use when checking the balance on the account or transferring money.
    I noticed for myself that, unnoticed for myself, I began to use the mobile application of cryptocurrency exchanges, namely, a crypto wallet, like a wallet, which I use to pay and receive cryptocurrency funds.

  21. A very clear example of a pump. A fairly effective way of selecting funds from more gullible and inexperienced investors. Usually such a sharp increase in value is provoked by special activity in chat rooms. Organizers of pump groups in advance many days before the pump gradually buy the necessary coin. On the daily chart of trading activity, this can be seen as a flat or slightly upward line consisting of columns of purchases and sales. Green Color (purchases) barely exceeds total sales. The preliminary pump must be hidden from prying eyes. A cryptocurrency is selected, which is at its minimum price level. At the same time, the crypto asset should not be completely unknown, which may cease to exist tomorrow.

    Can I make money with a pump?
    If you just saw in the chat that somewhere the cost of the crypto asset is growing sharply, most likely you are the goal of this pump. The main thing is to rekindle your feeling of how possible your super-profit is leaving you (FOMO).
    There are options for a long pump and you can really make money on them, sometimes the pump lasts for days. But this is very rare. They earn money on this, but only if you are ready to lose the entire amount of investment in the pump. You can allocate a few tens of dollars and participate. This type of asset trading is more likely a lottery.
    The next option for earning money on pumps is joining a pump group. In this case, you should already have experience working on the exchange. You will be given an advantage of 1-2 seconds. A message will arrive in the messenger and during this time you will be able to buy and sell the amount of cryptocurrency you need, which goes through the pump stage.
    Requirements for you in this case:
    1. Plan ahead what profit you are aiming for. If you planned to get 5% profit and sell the asset, then you should have enough self-control to do this. Even if the value of the asset in the future can grow several times.
    2. It is necessary to own the technical means of quick purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies on the exchange (various types of trading robots, bots are usually used). Manual trading will help you little. Even if you manage to buy the asset at a good (low) price, most likely you will not be able to manually sell it at the scheduled time.
    3. Sometimes a group requires its members to distribute active chat messages about the growth of cryptocurrency.
    The probability of earning in this case increases if you seriously approach the whole process and prepare in advance and prepare an assistant who will help you if something goes wrong.

  22. Accepting payments in bitcoins is the fastest way to receive funds.

    I had heard and read about this before, but I didn’t fully understand it.

    Recently I had to worry that my sales of my digital goods in one of the well-known electronic sites were closed to me. Technical reason - credit card has expired. I received a new Credit Card. Changed all the data in the Paypel system and on the trading floor. At the same time, the necessary funds were written off from the card for confirmation. But due to the "slowness" of the support system, my digital goods store remained inoperative for almost a month. The opportunity came to help accept payment in bitcoins. This is a really convenient way.

  23. Thank you for message. Very often I saw similar options for "advertising." You must be very careful.
    Quite often, emails come in asking them to check their access to the crypto wallet account.
    Another way to part with your own cryptocurrency is to use a cryptocurrency pseudo distribution with fake pages, real-life crypto projects.
    Crypto assets can be accessed using a hidden script embedded in an archive file that you downloaded somewhere.
    Also, when downloading files, it is possible to use the resources of your operating system to extract cryptocurrency to the owners of the miner.

    • +4 1

  24. In 2050, Bitcoin owners will be interested in accumulating it even more than now. Cryptocurrencies by this time will be created quite a lot. But the attitude towards Bitcoin will become the same as we are now referring to the old Coca-Cola stocks. It will rise in price not only because of its usefulness. The price increase will be due to its fact of its primacy and the "ancient" component, although now it is difficult to understand and apply to a virtual asset.

  25. Some 30-33 percent of the cryptocurrency needs to be invested in more stable and top-end cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, ripple, lightcoin.

    The next part of the investment can be invested in more risky cryptocurrencies, but also already previously known. For example, limit yourself to a list of the top 25 cryptocurrencies.

    The remaining third of the investment package can be used either for trading on the cryptocurrency exchange independently, for example, by signals. Or go through training and keep track of newly emerging crypto assets. New assets can both bring profit and turn into a dummy. The most profitable and safe option is to invest in various new crypto projects.
    Some of these projects have already brought their investors tenfold profit.

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