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Posts posted by abigailf

  1. We must set goals every day, this helps us organize ourselves in a better way in our lives. We can consider a daily routine for the forum, dedicate a few hours to research, others to reading and other hours to participate in the forum, I promise you that with this you will improve a lot in a few days.

  2. Something that also attracts the public is that cryptocurrencies is a job that you can do from home, the problem is that you don't have a secure salary as with a normal job, but if we take it as a job and dedicate certain daily hours to crypto It can be transformed into one, the earnings depend on the place where we work and the knowledge we have, so it is good to always be investigating.

  3. Excellent post friend, one of the most complete I have read, many pages promise free money and many people fall into that temptation, we do not realize that they exchange money for time or for an activity in our networks.
    We must be clear about our objectives, not just look at money blindly, here in the forum we can learn many things about cryptocurrencies and that is the most important thing, we can improve investments among other things, that will help us make money instead of losing it .

  4. You are right that there are many people in the forum asking how to make money or creating repeated topics, but analyzing it we can see that they are newbies who come to the forum and are still shy to create topics, make mistakes and make mistakes, therefore it is not bad that ask that kind of thing here in the forum, but you should start reading the other sections in order to understand different topics and be able to create quality topics.

  5. Very good advice for all those newbies, we must adhere to the forum rules, it is very important that new topics are in the section that corresponds to them in order to avoid repeated topics, we must be sure of the topic that we are creating so that it is not eliminated of the forum, the optimal thing is that it is a topic that can be discussed in order to attract the participation of other members.

  6. Good morning, in my opinion this forum is a community of members who share their knowledge, therefore to contribute to the forum you must interact with the other members, here you can get many topics about cryptocurrencies, therefore all those questions or suggestions that If you have said topic, you can formulate them, with that you help that topic grow in information in order to improve, it can interact both by creating a topic and just answering. It is the ideal forum for those who want to enter this world or expand their knowledge.

    • +2 1

  7. Excellent advice my friend, I agree with you on the point of not betting everything, it has always been helpful that all money I earn from an investment, business, among others, I only use 70%, I keep 30% to save. What advice would you give someone who has been trading for a long time but has not generated a profit?

    • Useful or interesting 1

  8. We should look for those topics that have potential at first glance, not only should we pay attention to old topics, there are many new topics that are good and of quality, but for the simple fact that it is a new topic, not much attention is paid to it. As for the way of commenting, I always try to comment on something that helps the publication, something that contributes to make that topic grow.

    • +2 1

  9. Something essential in the forum is to follow the rules, it is as you say to make them part of our time in the forum, because thanks to that an order is maintained.Can you imagine the number of publications that would have less than 100 characters that would not say anything interesting ? If we want the forum to grow we must help each other, support those good posts, follow the rules, and stay as a community.

  10. I suppose that those people who give up is because they lose hope, because they come with the idea that they will make money overnight, but it is not like that, cryptocurrencies take time, dedication, studies, research, we can not expect that only Let's buy a coin and we'll earn money for it as if it were luck.

  11. I agree with you, I have already mentioned the same in several topics, we should not come up with the idea of only getting money from the forum, that is wrong, on the contrary we should see the huge library we have here, good information about cryptocurrencies and in large quantities, it can spend time reading about investments and that will help you earn more money, you can find many topics and many members who dedicate their time to share their knowledge and experiences.

  12. Not at all, my friend, it is not a waste of time, the knowledge that we can obtain is not a waste of time, even from mistakes you learn, let's take the example of the forum, that we dedicate at least 1 hour of the day to just read something without doing publications, some people would think that that was a waste of time, not at all, in that hour you dedicated something to your mind at rest to learn new things.

  13. Of course you will get benefits in the forum my friend, you will have information about cryptocurrencies, how to differentiate them, the types, investments, and many more topics. The forum will pay you after 100 publications, if you dedicate a good time to the forum you can make good profits and take advantage of your free time.

  14. I think that these networks have prohibited them due to the amount of scams that have emerged, there are many sites that take advantage of this by pretending to be another website, simply discreetly change the domain or some other things, they should allow them of course, but first do an investigation to be sure that the site is legitimate.

  15. The reason is that many of these pages are linked to the laws of their country, for example Venezuela, it is a country that currently has many restrictions from different countries due to its government, I have friends in that country who do not have access to pages like Coinbase .

  16. Many of us have gone through that situation friend, it is fortunate to find CryptoTalk as soon as we enter the world of cryptocurrencies, since for someone who is just starting out, they can learn a lot here, there are too many pages that make you waste your time doing tasks, but what we don't see is that time is something that cannot be recovered.

  17. The forum is a good start for those who are starting in the world of cryptocurrencies, you can get any type of information, there are topics that are dedicated to instructing newbies, you can even start applying that knowledge when the platform begins to pay you, but the most important thing is the amount of knowledge you can find here, I consider it one of the best forums.

    • +3 1

  18. Clear friend that you can earn money in the forum, but not only if you do a little research to find any topic of your interest, the platform pays you after 100 free topics, after that you can exchange for almost any currency on the yobit platform or exchange it to dollars, hope you have a good experience on the forum.

  19. Good morning friend, you should do a study first of all, investigate everything you can about cryptocurrencies, learn terms used in the forum and other things, there are many sections in the forum where you can inquire, you will find information about trading,, investments, tokens, etc. Hope you get a lot of knowledge in the forum.

  20. I do not think that they are all a scam, there are many tokens that have been good, for those who do not know the tokens are those new coins that are not yet on the market, the creators of said tokens to get their currency to enter the market must have movements of said currency, that's where the so-called "Airdrops" come from, coins that give away so that there is movement of said currency, of course there is nothing that guarantees that this currency enters the market.

  21. Of course, continuous reading gives us knowledge, even if it is a topic that we do not understand anything about, constant reading helps us understand those unknown things, this forum offers us many opportunities, I have got topics dedicated to perfect cryptocurrency terms for newbies that take a short time.

  22. Friend you should be aware of the forum rules, you should not make comments or topics with less than 100 characters, find out well about the topic before making the publication in order to create a good topic, use simple words but without taking away information from the topic, good day a greeting.

    Friend you should be aware of the forum rules, you should not make comments or topics with less than 100 characters, find out well about the topic before making the publication in order to create a good topic, use simple words but without taking away information from the topic, good day a greeting.

    • +3 1
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