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mr. chase

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Posts posted by mr. chase

  1. So many make mistake. But it can be reduced if we chec on daily base which thing i made i good and right. So with this we can check our mistake and corrct. So if we take specfic time for this thing and find out our mistake then i think our mistake can be reduce and we can follow rules. 

  2. Most of us want to earn moneyby any way. So don't make this type of person. So selection is so important, crypto is the only for which help and provide the opportunity of earning with any single investment. So don't waste time into other site. Work hard ob this forum and earn more with your good work. 

  3. Yes you are right, knowing about risk is important. Without you can't become good trader and investor. Everything have risk. But we can reduce it by some strategy. So for this start we need to learn about it and get knowledge about it. So with this we can minimize our risk. If we have proper knowledge thennwe must have chance to earn profit. 

    • +1 1

  4. I  appreciate on you content and your work. It is helpfull for all not for newbies. With movies we can learn many thing with proper knowledge. Because we learn more by visualizing. So i we seen these movies. So thank again for this content, because it all about forum. 

  5. According to me that countries in not condition to take and deal with bitcoin. So in this way some countries are ban. If they try to make his trade cycle then maybe it will start this thing and gain profit. But for this things countries try to want deals with bitcoin. So if they work hard then can unbanned. 

  6. Yes friend price of token has been decreasing day by day. So i think it to our mistake. We are selling our coin on daily base. So if we safe then it price will increase. So my friends don't sale your coin on low price and wait for till when price go high. With this we can earn more and it will help to increase price of token. 

    • +1 1

  7. Yes you are right, most of people just making post and making new topic. So it is our forum, so don't fear to make any topic. With this we can learn many thing which will help in my future. Most of New mumber make topic useless but i think it good he try to make, but with passage of time they will learn more thing and make usefull post. 

  8. Yes it reason of getting penalty. So when we make such post which will be irrelevant and not on rules and regulation, then we must get warning point. So make good and earn good. If you want to servive on this forum, so kindly make such post which give maximum knowledge about forum. 

  9. Yes i agree because most of time we spendour time on such coin which have no value. So before starting trading and investment we need to exect about a coin. Most of time we loss due to price down. So we try to sale and earn loss. So if any coin have legal aligation then no need to sale on less amount. So we can wait at the end, maybe price will high. When price go high then you can sale you coin and can earn profit. 

  10. Really i appreciate on this post. Because most of us face problem and try to solve himself, it good but take time to much. If we discuss to each other, then we can solve it easily. So i agree on that if we help to each other then can learn new thing and become good mumber to each other help, but in fair way. 

    • +4 1

  11. No doubt, we need to make a single post on the base of your research. Sometime we make post without knowledge and research. We think it would be great and get reputation. But it would be wrong and we can get negative reputation and maybe we can get warning point. So please make sure before posting new topic you must understand the topic and complete your research about topic and then post. With this you can get reputation and become good mumber of this forum. 

  12. Crypto is help full source and it give me chance to manage my expense. So it make me independent and give the reason of happiness. So it is gift and great owner for me taht I'm work and mumber of this forum. It my thought about cryptotalk. 

  13. I agree with you, because we most of time have our focus on money not on post. In this way we can lose our income. But if we make good content and usefull post then we don't need to worry about your money, because money will come to you automatically. But focus on good content and usefull post is important. Otherwise you can earn enough money for this forum. This forum prefer that guys  who make good post and make comment on usefull post. We focus on postingmoney will to you automatically. 

    • +2 1

  14. Yes it same condition all of us. Because we are earning and learning. It is the only forum which give you source of income. So i think it is great opportunity for us that we are spending our best time. So make good post and earn more as possible. It should be in one way if we have knowledge about different topic. So learn new thing and make forum batter with new and unique post. 

    • Useful or interesting 1
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  15. To be honest most of us nust here for money. They haven't concern with learning. So if we make mind to learn thing, then our can be good. But we are just think about our money not our post. We make post about why our post are deleting. But if we focus on how to learn and how to give new information, then it forum would be promote in good way. 

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