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Posts posted by Rambizzy

  1. I think the rehab in Scotland got concerned with their own revenue and decided they need to attractclients with a higher income: for some reason they don't treat ordinary casino gamblers (because they are poor and always lose everything to the last penny in the long-run). 


    Besides, drug addicts also don't represent the wealthiest part of the nation.

  2. Куда намного ужаснее тот факт, 

    что многие путают (а точнее не различают) цифровой юань, созданный на базе блокчейна, с не-государственными авторскими блокчейнами! Вот что сейчас нужно различать!


    Кстати, это не шутки, так как если китайцы в поднебесной тоже не различают этих двух абсолютно разных философий - то (уже сейчас! У них времени на самообразование не осталось) их прижмут к стенке.


    ... подумаешь, всего-то разница между свободой и вечным рабством на кону.

  3. In my life I consider it pointless to rely on luck as it does not prove to secure my independence (especially financial) long term. 


    It is true that some lucky players who got in time onto Bitcoin mining back in the days managed to secure some serious wealth, but I am not one of them - and it is not a consideration - it is facts.


    There is no point to whine about it now - life goes on and we have to watch new opportunities coming our way.

  4. My prime choise is to roll-out a blockchain start-up, and I would prefer to have taken part in the actual coding of the project.

    As for now I am carefully studying different blockchains and hope to come out with an idea that will be playing a role of either a bridge between blockchains, or something completely new and to this day unheard of, unthought and unimaginable. Something mind blowing and bone twisting so that the whole World will be saved with one press of a button!


    See you on the other side of the matrix!

  5. CoinBase имеет также как и Yobit - дополнительный функционал, помимо того, что является биржей - она платит за обучение азам некоторых известных блокчейнов: ты просто смотришь уроки - и получаешь токены.

    Следующий момент - их сайд-проект GiveCrypto - эксперимент по приёму и передаче пожертвований в криптовалютах и перкнаправляют они их не куда-нибудь, а в Венесуэлу, проводя целый комплекс кампаний и исследований. 

    В общем - двигают прогресс вперёд!

  6. I think that kind of future will come much faster, if we are quick to act now and start taking out and implementing crypto in the 'real world'. 

    And we already have the tools that can bring us closer to this crypto-adoption and secure us in that future.


    For example, there should not be any reason why you cannot as an entrepreneur (if, for example you have an e-commerce store) start accepting crypto payments. Especially now it is so easy to start your own online store using Shopify or Woocommerce, where there is an option to integrate crypto payments in one click of a button. Yet we still don't see this happening.

    • Useful or interesting 1

  7. Only security is my number one priority. No transaction even at a speed of light can replace robust security.


    This topic reminded me of the issue that some banks have... Believe it or not, but the biggest Russian bank's online service doesn't differentiate (consider) between the upper-case letters, and the lower-case letters in user's passwords!!!


    So if my password is: "iLOveYoUmUcH", and a hacker tries the password "iloveyoumuch" - the bank's system will let him into my online-bank! How more ridiculous can it get?


    To the quiery on why does the bank allow such faults, their support has the best answer I heard so far: "It is convenient for the users' usability"...

  8. В случае тех, кто майнит на Proof-of-Work алгоритмах - то другого выхода, кроме того как обналичивать для оплаты электроэнергии, у них нет.


    Как альтернативу этому - достойный способ и оставаться в майнинге, и перестать обналичивать - это перейти на стейкинг!


    А так, для меня - однозначно выводить ровно столько, сколько необходимо для приобретения насущного - и не более, а то так перехода на крипту и не случится.

  9. Теоретически, если технология Lightning Network для Биткоина так и не найдёт своего применения (это вряд ли, но уж слишком долго она внедряется в массы), то, опять таки, в  теории - Ethereum может вполне обогнать Биткоин по капитализации в далёком будущем.


    Но если Lightning начнёт применяться для микро транзакций - то Биткоин перестанет быть просто "цифровым золотом" и Эфир с Биткоином будут идти наравне.

  10. Те, кто изначально серьёзно относился к крипте, но по какой-то причине, в моменте, именно эирдроп привел его на этот форум, а не просто тот, кто пришёл из-за раздачи и только ради неё - останется 100%.


    Более интересный вопрос: сколько из тех, кто пришёл изначально "за халявой"... сколько из таких ребят в прлцессе реально заинтересовались блокчейном и криптой. Моё предположение ~5% таких ребят продолжат свой путь в блокчейне, т.к на форуме можно найти много нужной информации.

  11. My first ever earned cryptocurrency was Bitcoin that I received as a payment from one person.

    Next time I.encountered crypto was when I started to mine PRIZM coins on Prizm wallet using the Paramining technology, which is unique and belongs solely to the Prizm blockchain. 

    Working on Proof-of-Stake algorithm - new coins are minted right on one's wallet.

    Thats what got me into crypto space solid this time.

  12. What do you guys think about creating a separate board for the Lightning Network?


    In my opinion it is the technology that can give the father of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) a new life and take the whole crypto space to the next evolutionary stage.


    Yet, Lightning Network is severely underrated and its development seems to be "a whole separate process", which deserves taking a close look at and a thorough analysis.


    What do you think?

  13. Самый главный "симптом" - отныне я брезгую фиатными валютами :)


    Лично для меня приход в крипту увенчался "падением в кроличью нору"... началось моё увлечение криптографией, приватностью и анонимностью в сети. Это уже не симптомы - это изменение в образе жизни.


    Начал изучать веб-программирование, познакомился с блокчейн старт-аперами из разных стран. 





    • Useful or interesting 1

  14. А вот это уже серьезная заявка на популяризацию - во-первых до сих пор остающейся без внимания революционной Lightning Network!


    Эта технология дала второе дыхание... даже Новую Жизнь биткоину и потому - криптоиндустрии в целом. А установлено Lightning кошельков всего-то ничего.


    Ну и сам факт интеграции этого чуда в Твиттер, да еще и на сайты... Это очень крутые новости. Если сейчас взять и прикинуть, что каждый юзер Твиттера синхронизируется - то это одним махом решён доселе кажущийся невозможным к разрешению вопрос о популяризации Биткоина как средства для повседневнх микро-транзакций. Браво!

  15. На форуме не хватает самого главного - это раздела для идей в сфере блокчейна.


    Возможно у многих светлых голов форума сидят нереализованные мысли и видения, в какую сторону двигать прогресс криптоиндустрии.


    Присутствуют ли вообще программисты на языке Солидити, для разработки на ERC-20? Есть ли идеи для старт-апов?


    Для этого, по-моему, нужен целый раздел, где мы сможем находить единомышленников и приступать от разговоров к действиям...

  16. "Our experiences consist of mistakes that we make in situations which we will never again encounter." - if you apply it to life, you may see that it is one sad truth about making mistakes.


    And this theory is proven by the fact that even big players constantly make mistakes... and it is just a matter of being able to cover these mistakes with even higher profits :)

  17. I have noticed some exact topics amongs different languages and we certainly must involve everyone in discussions of some of the important topics, since not everybody can speak and express thought in English.


    The discussion must be open to all! The only funny thing is, I think, - the fact that a discussion of the topic in one language will have the people involved arrive to different conclusions, than the other group, speaking a different language.

    • +1 1

  18. Is your question addressing whether YoBit themselves may lose your money somehow? The answer in NO.


    But when we talk about a centralized exchange - how do you physically expect it to be invulnerable to hackers' attacks? It is a risk of CEX and you have to face it and deal with this issue yourself - simply have a secure cold wallet where you can transfer your BTC to!

  19. My country's lack of proper and sound regulation is caused by the obvious lack of concrete knowledge of blockchcain technologies and its applications.

    The system runs, it seems - on autopilot. Even if there are individuals amongst authorities who can provide expertise and advise on the implementation of crypto - nobody is willing to stand out and speak. 


    • +1 1

  20. As someone as sceptical about all centralized exchanges as I am - I would like to literally take my words back and say that "no centralized exchange made equal" LOL.

    With the diversity of functioning tools that this exchange gives (not just some tools, but tools to REALLY help you earn income from the comfort of your home) - I am really surprised, not gonna lie.

    This CEX beats all DEX any day!

  21. The most valuable thing here is communication with like-minded groups of people, who willingly share their knowledge on various possible methods of working online (outside of Yobit platform). 


    And when it comes to Yobit itself and the opportunities that it gives us to earn income, like earning satoshis for posting on the forum - then one thing to realize here is that the rewards are made IN SATOSHIS, which can in fact turn out to be x1000.... in some time in the future (if you dare not to withdraw them)

  22. Without a doubt, decentralized ones are better due to their robustness.


    But centralized exchanges still remain the necessary part of the crypto space, as we are not yet transitioned to full-time use of crypto assets and may not be for the long time to come.


    Creating a centralized exchange start-up holds certain risks in that sense, when you can launcg a DEX and be calm.

  23. The idea that we ourselves will start to implement attacks once we obtain the access to quantum computers on systems, which we have spent.decades creating and making more robust (blockchain) seems very worrying, but there is a possibility that "one of us" can do such a thing, as human nature is unpredictable.

    Imagining blockchain before the threat of quantum comouters, makes me see blockchain as something very fragile, indeed.

    Let's hope that cryptography programmed by quantum computers will get up to date in terms of resistance.

  24. Apart from rejnvesting - I bought my house in Cuba and a car in Russia from one russian Bitcoin marketplace, which lists luxurious goods and sometimes services and accepts Bitcoin only.

    Besides, the Telegram account that I have - I purchased for BTC. 

    It would be amazing to see more and more digital goods being sold for BTC online. It's about time...

  25. I try my best to solely focus on open-sourse software. The amount of spying apps that are present in Google Play / App Store is infinite.

    As an example I would like to recommend basic alls, such as NordVPN (to be switched on all the time!), Camera Blocker (an app that blocks OTHER apps from having an access to your camera). Some apps have as their dafault setting the right to literally "watch you", without asking for a permission.


    For crypto - Exodus.

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