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Posts posted by glyk85

  1. Hey friend, i dont think its a great idea to encash your coins when the value just goes down. Wait for some more time and speculate the prices continuously, so we can understand the variations in price. There are more chances for the price of cryptocurrency to go up again, so wait for that and be positive. Its quite risky, but the gain you receive is worth the risk

  2. I think this is the reason as to why we need to get back to reading a lot there is a lot of work to which we need to level out and be sure to work hard for it there is everything right for us and we need to follow strategies that do work for us we need to enjoy working as hard for some of this systems and be good with it, there is a lot  of work to be done and we need to follow

  3. There are everywhere. If you're not really vigilant in the crypto world you'll go through a lot. Most of those scamers are really good in computing upto an extent where they make a fake wallet just to send to you so you give them mone

  4. Investments are not only measured by money, it is also measured by the capacities invested in a project or the knowledge invested in a research, all these investments are made in order to obtain a benefit, the benefit such as the investment can be monetary or of another nature

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  5. In my opinion, crypto is not a job that can make people get rich quick, crypto is a job that requires hard work and also patience to get rich. Nothing is easy in the crypto world, there are many difficulties and failures, all of which require a process. But there are some lucky people, they get rich quick because of the crypto world, most of us have to work hard which is not easy

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  6. Kyc is required by some countries to run a financial institution but it is not required from projects and I have seen bounties and even airdrops asking for kyc something that is against why we are using cryptocurrencies as we dont have to give our identity to somebody to transact

  7. There are many peoples who have fallen victim to many scams and in return all lost their money. For this purpose, strict actions are required along with awareness. You suggest good points, but I further want to add that we should share our bad experiences with each other so that we don't fall for the scam. And we must create a very strong password to secure our account

  8. Cryptocurrency can be used as a nation financial weapon but only when it is legalized to the citizens and by legalizing crypto government can be able to generate revenue from all Cryptocurrency users in the country and from that the economy of the country can also boost up, an example is Venezuelan president who created a coin called the petrol coin and it has been use by many citizens to buy petrol with the coin and other things

  9. I am not heard of manipopulation this is something that is not happen and at least for the top crypto that I am trade. How is this manipulation happens my dear? We are have hundred exchanges. Someone is in all the exchanges and buys a lot and waits for buyers to sell again and lower price? This is make very diffecult meaning

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