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Ch Ayyan

What kind of topics could be popular.

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Good definition be being popular and but if you don't have proper guide you can't make it here and so study the pinned post and in this forum you also should followed the guidelines.

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I completely agree with you, as for me, the topics that attract me are those whose content discusses a serious topic and I can benefit from it and not just a publication aimed at earning money

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The theme is informative and interesting and meaningful because you may create a lot of themes include only what is coin, and its value and things like that, but I think the best theme would help others in getting more knowledge such as how to profit

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I am new on this forum.I am making our posts useful and helpful to other member.I am working very hard to earn money and gain knowledge.it is real and trustfully.thia for is good for earning and learning at the same time.

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We have to focus on topics about the cryptocurrency market and its changes and other useful information
With a simple way to explain it attracts members

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The popular topics contain new material and information that could attractive so many people. Try to learn more about cryptocurrency and make a useful topics with innovations and great idea. Also a topic should be easy to understand even for beginners, So that topic will become so popular.

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I think you should write something distinctive and not repeated in the forum in order to get interest, then you have to choose a title that attracts other members. Besides, you should write in a clear and understandable language, my warm greetings.

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Well, the topics that are simple and have relevant information on it and conveys a good message for the well-being of forum users and are useful are considered to be more popular. If we focus on creating quality and useful topics in the forum, we can have good reputation scores, and it would help us to move forward and develop our career in forum.

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I think the topics that will be popular are the easy topics that belong to this forum in terms of Privacy Policy and things through which to avoid blocking.

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My friend I want to tell you that if you become famous on this forum you should to create the topic according to the the situation of the forum and one thing more I want to tell you that that is very beneficial for you to get the reputation on your post

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I think that the most common topic here is for the member to find a feature within the forum or the platform or the member can solve a problem in the forum in addition to the posts related to the Bitcoin currency market and the updates that compliment it

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Basically post are popular and hot on the forum, when exactly it's a friendly and very interactive as this might cause more and more people wanting to correct and gain information about their knowledge about such posts. And it has to be very brief and precise on the information it's talking about

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Well said fellow! the choice of topic is the basic fact .The heading attracts the reader most.Contants must be related to the topic other wise reader gets angry if details are not related to the topic. 

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With the progression of days, the passage of time, the development of the forum and the expansion of the number of participants, we will face more questions and mistakes that need answers
In addition to suggestions that can create a beautiful discussion style and show some constructive opinions and ideas that we can take in order to develop this forum

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Yes you are right. We have to make such easy posts that can answer everyone . Everyone who make posts have to use easy words. 

So everyone have to follow these steps and make such posts .


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I think topic will be hot and much popular which help others to learn anything.Topic should contain logical information which help others to get knowledge. 

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I am a beginner on Cryptotalk.So I follow the beginner section much.I have noticed that those posts which contain important information and useful for the members become popular and get much reputation.

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I think that there are many topics and posts that attract others, so the published topic must have useful, valuable, new and understandable content in order to get the responses of others and a positive reputation

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Thank friend, you show guideline how to we can make good post. I'm new here ,so i don't know much about cryptotalk.  But i would like to read other post which give me new information about any thing which i want to get for solve issue relevant to different topic.

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The kind of topics which will be popular are those topics that are really meaningful and educative that will attract the interest of the entire members of the forum which will make them have the courage of commenting on them that will also increase them in knowledge and experience 

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I believe what people what to hear is the latest information trending or what is happening in the world. In the world of crypto currency people care more about the value of the crypto currency and the latest rich people that have invested in it .

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Your words are useful and topics must be included on more than one principle for beginners, from the basics of work, the correct ways to survive, and all that matters to them to become successful and experienced about any developments that occur and tell us about their experience and tell us, as beginners, the risks they faced and we must avoid them

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In order for the topics to be popular, we must focus on increasing our knowledge.  When we gain knowledge, the content of the topics will improve, and we will gain more reputation and popularity.  I advise everyone to use their time to read everything that is useful in the field of digital currencies, trading and correct investment methods, so that the topics become more popular.

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Thanks. You said an urgent matter. I agree with you. I can give you advice on this. I joined here a few months ago. I got a lot of ideas here. In fact, a post can be popular, if you make it with your own intelligence. Basically, all members of this forum work through their own intelligence. If you can create a good initiative, the type of post that will help the other side gets popularity. As a new member, the forum needs to know the rules.

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You can follow little suggestions to make your post hot attractive and most replied. 

1. Try to create a genuine post.

2. Check the global news and try to correlate your post with it.

3. Take time to make a quality content post.

4. Don't repeat the post if once published.

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