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Maintenance paradigm in my trading

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As the first fundamental function We refer to the very old function since man populated the planet Earth and this is "Preserve the Resource You Use" as an example of beginning; those external and internal agents: (wear, heat, efforts, study, frustration, advances, body energy) that tend to deteriorate or improve the process. To save this point we use the study and discipline that define the proper functioning of these assets: Your ability to produce money with passion.

The second function, and notoriously the most strategically relevant, lies in ensuring that the asset fully develops the function (Service) that the operational context requires to do that asset and generally this part is usually heavily neglected by yourself since you have no strategies Consistent to be at all times investigating and solving those links of low reliability in your technical decisions or certain of taking psychological actions.
This day-to-day reality I detect in my work as a market operator, for example: The trader with more than 10 years of experience says he has "High Availability of the equipment" and on the other hand the "Low Reliability" of the same assets with which you work to do trading. Two divergent points of view that are summarized in the following sentence "So that I wish to have an asset available at 100% to be put into operation if when I require that 100% reliability be obtained from it, I cannot develop it", intense not?
The great Internal opportunity that we have in front of us, is to satisfy this business need, to solve the reliability problems within the operational context, which if in doubt, after studying critical equipment, will give us a competitive advantage that will support our strategic advantages aligned with our vision. of the business.

The important thing about this Philosophy (which has its respective Taxonomy) is that we are basically neglecting the chains of reliability in production processes, because our vision is focused only on the care of the machines.
If you take this philosophy to decision making, you run into the same situation, just take your time to create an example of a paradigm, it usually happens a lot when you are going to operate in the market, excluding the issue of machines.

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Your topics are great, but they have a great philosophy and it is difficult for everyone to understand, I did not fully understand how to maintain trading, I understood that with the many variables that get prices and markets we must develop trading strategies according to the variables that happen. I hope I have understood you correctly.

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For you to maintain your position in trading you must always learn more about crypto and analyse the movements of the market, there's a lot of things you need to do when trading you just need to be patient when it comes to this situation. 

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On 10/15/2019 at 1:24 AM, Donslens10 said:
As the first fundamental function We refer to the very old function since man populated the planet Earth and this is "Preserve the Resource You Use" as an example of beginning; those external and internal agents: (wear, heat, efforts, study, frustration, advances, body energy) that tend to deteriorate or improve the process. To save this point we use the study and discipline that define the proper functioning of these assets: Your ability to produce money with passion.

The second function, and notoriously the most strategically relevant, lies in ensuring that the asset fully develops the function (Service) that the operational context requires to do that asset and generally this part is usually heavily neglected by yourself since you have no strategies Consistent to be at all times investigating and solving those links of low reliability in your technical decisions or certain of taking psychological actions.
This day-to-day reality I detect in my work as a market operator, for example: The trader with more than 10 years of experience says he has "High Availability of the equipment" and on the other hand the "Low Reliability" of the same assets with which you work to do trading. Two divergent points of view that are summarized in the following sentence "So that I wish to have an asset available at 100% to be put into operation if when I require that 100% reliability be obtained from it, I cannot develop it", intense not?
The great Internal opportunity that we have in front of us, is to satisfy this business need, to solve the reliability problems within the operational context, which if in doubt, after studying critical equipment, will give us a competitive advantage that will support our strategic advantages aligned with our vision. of the business.

The important thing about this Philosophy (which has its respective Taxonomy) is that we are basically neglecting the chains of reliability in production processes, because our vision is focused only on the care of the machines.
If you take this philosophy to decision making, you run into the same situation, just take your time to create an example of a paradigm, it usually happens a lot when you are going to operate in the market, excluding the issue of machines.

I did not understand your whole concept but I think you are asking about making good decisions while trading. And always try to make decisions on the reality of market. Never focus on making many decisions just make few good decisions to follow.

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Adjustments and maintenance of your trading strategy must be carried out and developed from time to time in order to achieve better and guaranteed profits


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Maintaining and modifying your strategy is a must in order to keep abreast of new updates and continue to make a profit as well as address some errors.


Life is great and enjoy it

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On 12/7/2019 at 2:20 AM, Hamk said:

Very useful post, also it is a guide to achieving important things in trading. Thanks bro for the enlightening

That post really helps especially those newbies or some person who don't know things regarding that. 

Because of that I learned that maintaining and modifying our strategy  is a must thing to do. 

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On 4/6/2020 at 3:28 AM, Dark_Sky said:

That post really helps especially those newbies or some person who don't know things regarding that. 

Because of that I learned that maintaining and modifying our strategy  is a must thing to do. 

Maintaining and modifying our strategy in trading I think is the most important key words mentioned in his article other than that I couldn't understand the whole concept.

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Problem-solving is the thing through which humans have developed this planet, as Einstein says:" I am not very smart, I spend more time solving problems ". and this applies to old and modern issues, scientific and literary, human and technological.

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