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Stopping loss is an advantage to who?

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I think all traders who use stop loss in their trades don't have the patience to practice trading 
Since you're a trader you're you'll get profit and losses as we know that the movement of the market volatile, sometimes the price is high and sometimes the opposite, but as you move down the price of course will rise maybe the same day or after several days. 
Then why do you use the benefit of stopping the loss, which, if the currency reaches the specified price, will inevitably lose? 
Why don't you just hang in there and make some money? 
For me, I don't use that quality. I've always been patient. 
How about you, buddy?

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the trick is in knowing how to use it and setting it on the correct limit

the market has its ups and downs  but sometimes there are a very huge bear run and if you are using a leverage trading you will lose all of your money 

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Yes I do not expect that this feature is good this makes the trader inevitably loser in the event of a drop in the price of the currency I expect that the best is to wait until the currency rises again and then sell

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1 hour ago, steve197 said:

the trick is in knowing how to use it and setting it on the correct limit

the market has its ups and downs  but sometimes there are a very huge bear run and if you are using a leverage trading you will lose all of your money 

Thanks for sharing, buddy. I talked about trading without leverage trading.
 It's true it has to be used to the right limit, but no one can predict how much the price will go.

1 hour ago, Moustafa said:

Stop loss is something very important for all traders because you can save your money from any dump and nobody can be a good trader without stop loss.

Let's talk trading without leverage trading.
 My friend. 
Why can't We trading without stop loss even if there was reflection in the price and a hard landing so our patience on the page a couple of days and the price 
Whether trading is leverage trading
It's too risky, and I never trade that way.

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25 minutes ago, Abo3laa said:

Thanks for sharing, buddy. I talked about trading without leverage trading.
 It's true it has to be used to the right limit, but no one can predict how much the price will go.

Let's talk trading without leverage trading.
 My friend. 
Why can't We trading without stop loss even if there was reflection in the price and a hard landing so our patience on the page a couple of days and the price 
Whether trading is leverage trading
It's too risky, and I never trade that way.

indeed you cant predict it for 100%

and here comes the experience to play its role

the good traders knows how to set it in a way they can protect the trade and their capital

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Sometimes we fall into the trap of using stop almonds, but sometimes it is the escape for us from continuing with the loss and coming out with a greater loss after long waiting and wasting time.

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You told many important things about trading if you buy some currency then it your responsibility to sell it on profit it you dont keep patience and sell your currency on lose then you dont give profit from trading this is an patience and knowledge full business every one is not make profits on investing his money and get the profits .

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13 hours ago, Abo3laa said:

I think all traders who use stop loss in their trades don't have the patience to practice trading 
Since you're a trader you're you'll get profit and losses as we know that the movement of the market volatile, sometimes the price is high and sometimes the opposite, but as you move down the price of course will rise maybe the same day or after several days. 
Then why do you use the benefit of stopping the loss, which, if the currency reaches the specified price, will inevitably lose? 
Why don't you just hang in there and make some money? 
For me, I don't use that quality. I've always been patient. 
How about you, buddy?

Using stop loss is a good thing to do, sometimes the market usually goes opposite way we predicted, and atimes we often go offline to do some other stuffs and without stop loss, you will just come back and meet zero balance in your account

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11 hours ago, Loly said:

إنها ليست مسألة صبر. يجب النظر في أمر وقف الخسارة بحيث يتم وضعه عند كسر قاع العملة ويجعلك تخرج من الصفقة قبل أن تأخذ المزيد من الخسارة.

If we assume that the age has arrived to me, there is a possibility to go back and get earnings again, even if it costs me several days, in case you didn't purchase with my money?

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 Patience is the key for a trader if you want to succeed because of this

The longer you stay there, the greater the chance for something to happen for your benefit.  How difficult it seems, the longer you last, the success seems more certain.

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On 1/31/2020 at 3:48 PM, Abo3laa said:

I think all traders who use stop loss in their trades don't have the patience to practice trading 
Since you're a trader you're you'll get profit and losses as we know that the movement of the market volatile, sometimes the price is high and sometimes the opposite, but as you move down the price of course will rise maybe the same day or after several days. 
Then why do you use the benefit of stopping the loss, which, if the currency reaches the specified price, will inevitably lose? 
Why don't you just hang in there and make some money? 
For me, I don't use that quality. I've always been patient. 
How about you, buddy?

Most traders out there have little fund to trade with. No one will want to wake up in morning and see zero balance as his account balance.

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On 1/31/2020 at 10:48 PM, Abo3laa said:

I think all traders who use stop loss in their trades don't have the patience to practice trading 
Since you're a trader you're you'll get profit and losses as we know that the movement of the market volatile, sometimes the price is high and sometimes the opposite, but as you move down the price of course will rise maybe the same day or after several days. 
Then why do you use the benefit of stopping the loss, which, if the currency reaches the specified price, will inevitably lose? 
Why don't you just hang in there and make some money? 
For me, I don't use that quality. I've always been patient. 
How about you, buddy?

Stop loss is applicable to those who does a scalping and day trading but for us long term holders we does not use that kind of strategy. But to clear stop loss is actually beneficial to those who do scalping and to those who engage in binary trading. If they dont do stop loss then it is surely that within a period of time they will fail to hit a qouta.  But even though if they loss they will have the choice to wait for the chance of an increased in value so they can gain profit again.

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When you are trading without stop loss and leave the choice of getting out of the market in a loss you will not be able to get out because you will always hope the market will go in your direction, wich will leads to a bigger losses. 

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On 1‏/2‏/2020 at 08:55, Johirul019049 said:

من الأفضل استخدام وقف الخسارة ، وأحيانًا يتعارض السوق مع توقعاتنا. لا تستخدم هذا الزر لأنه سيضعك حتماً في فئة الخاسر.

If I use the stop-lose button, I'm definitely in the loser category. 
While if the market were to interfere with my expectations and lower the price of the currency that I bought and waited longer and the currency rebounded, I would have won instead of losing.

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I think when we are newbie on this adventure of cryptocurrency trading, we make many fails but over time we learned from our mistakes and then also we understand more and more that we need to control our self.

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10 hours ago, tienda said:

أعتقد أنه عندما نكون مبتدئًا في هذه المغامرة المتمثلة في تداول العملات المشفرة ، فإننا نفشل في تحقيق الكثير ، ولكن بمرور الوقت تعلمنا من أخطائنا ومن ثم نفهم أكثر فأكثر أننا بحاجة إلى التحكم في أنفسنا.

Of course, my friend, practicing any profession in life takes time to learn and master the work. 
Encryption is a big world that needs a good understanding and learning from the mistakes we make. 
Every peak has to go one step at a time.

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1 hour ago, ChromeFox said:

نحن بحاجة إلى توخي الحذر عند اختيار المشروع المناسب للاستثمار معه. لأننا إذا خبطنا ، فسننتهي بخسارة أموالنا في السوق عندما نواجه الاتجاه الهابط. نحن بحاجة إلى التحلي بالصبر للاحتفاظ بها لفترة طويلة حتى نتمكن من الحصول على قدر كبير من الأرباح.

Yeah, the same opinion I said in the sharing. 
I'd rather be patient with the currency when it goes down than come up with the option of stopping the loss, and when it goes back up, I feel remorse.

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1 hour ago, Pop70 said:

إيقاف الخسارة هي ميزة يجب على التجار ذوي الخبرة فقط استخدامها في رأيي لأنك تستخدمها عندما يكون لديك تمويل محدد واستراتيجية محددة للتداول وليس عندما لا تعرف شيئًا عن التداول ، لول

Yes, I agree, my friend. 
An experienced negotiator who can read a badge can identify the bottom of the top, so he can use a loss stop.
 Because he'd rather go out at a certain price than reach a much lower price.

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23 hours ago, Muraat said:

Stop loss is good because no body without stop loss can creat good objects.most important thing in crypto currency so people get facts about it. Yes it is advantage.


Yes you are right with stop loss we have the advantage.

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1 hour ago, CoinForCrypto said:

لا التجار جيدة التي لا تستخدم وقف الخسارة. حتى أنا استخدامها. لقد ساعدت حقًا وأحيانًا غير مفيدة لأنها قد تؤدي إلى وقف المكاسب. 

We can then say that the stop loss is a double-edged sword can stop your loss at a certain extent such as if the price plummets down may quickly get out of the page less losses depending on the price that you select 
And in return, if you use the stop-lose and the price goes up again, you may have lost some profits.

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What do you mean by that? Using top loss is a must thing to do if you're a good trader. Stop loss could save you a lot of possible loses in the future. If you're afraid that you might have some loses, stop loss is the right thing for you to use. Especially for day trader.

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On 1/31/2020 at 10:48 PM, Abo3laa said:

I think all traders who use stop loss in their trades don't have the patience to practice trading 
Since you're a trader you're you'll get profit and losses as we know that the movement of the market volatile, sometimes the price is high and sometimes the opposite, but as you move down the price of course will rise maybe the same day or after several days. 
Then why do you use the benefit of stopping the loss, which, if the currency reaches the specified price, will inevitably lose? 
Why don't you just hang in there and make some money? 
For me, I don't use that quality. I've always been patient. 
How about you, buddy?

This is best use when you don't have all the time to stay in front of you PC to trade. Imaging without stop lost and your away from home then when you came back your bank roll has been reduce to zero.

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2 hours ago, Gunhoo said:

ماذا تقصد بذلك؟ استخدام الخسارة العليا أمر لا بد منه إذا كنت متداولًا جيدًا. وقف الخسارة يمكن أن يوفر لك الكثير من الخسائر المحتملة في المستقبل. إذا كنت خائفًا من احتمال تعرضك لبعض الخسائر ، فإن إيقاف الخسارة هو الشيء الصحيح الذي يمكنك استخدامه. وخاصة بالنسبة للتاجر اليوم.

I already said stopping loss is a double-edged sword. 
Look at me, buddy. 
What if I buy a $ 1 coin and I want to sell it for $ 1.5 and set a $ 0.9 loss stop?
And if I hadn't fixed the loss stop, the price went down to $ 0.8, and then it went back to$1.5. 
I don't consider stopping the loss to be the cause of my loss.

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