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What cryptocurrency do you have in your portfolio?

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Chainlink is a token that has remained in rank 8 of the coin market cap and has a market volume of more than 3 billion dollars. The important thing about Chainlink is that it works with smart contracts and is an oracle that provides and connects blockchains with information from the real world.

Chainlink, being an oracle, connects chains that have smart contracts, which will help many people around the world.

I have Chainlink in my portfolio because being a good project I hope that in the future it will have a lot of value.


What do you think about Chainlink?
What is your favorite currency?

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8 minutes ago, pepesamo4 said:

Me gustan las criptomonedas. Me gusta la idea de ellos. Soy libertario y me gustan los mercados antes que la planificación centralizada. No creo que todo el dinero impreso por la Reserva Federal vaya a terminar bien. Probablemente por eso me hablan las criptomonedas.

A medida que madura el mercado de las criptomonedas, es importante incorporar algunos de los mismos fundamentos de inversión que la mayoría de la gente usa con acciones y otros tipos de inversión. La diversificación es un aspecto clave para invertir para reducir su rendimiento general ajustado al riesgo. Cuando pienso en las criptomonedas, creo que es importante crear un marco para la evaluación y luego usar ese marco para construir una cartera.

Criterios de inversión

Al invertir, es importante desarrollar un marco sobre cómo evaluar las inversiones potenciales. La criptomoneda no es diferente a invertir en otras clases de activos. Si desea que sus inversiones en criptografía alcancen la distancia, deberán hacerlo bien en las siguientes categorías:

  • Producto / Función:  ¿Poseen un nicho funcional? ¿Tienen un producto defendible y una funcionalidad única?
  • Tamaño de la comunidad / adopción:  ¿Tienen un seguimiento rabioso de usuarios? ¿Tienen una comunidad comprometida e interesada?
  • Tecnología / Foso:  ¿Resuelven un problema con un método novedoso? ¿Implementan tecnología interesante y defendible?
  • Incentivos alineados / gobernanza:  ¿Están los inversores alineados sistemáticamente con los incentivos? ¿Existen sistemas y procesos adecuados para la gobernanza? ¿Existe minería y / u otros incentivos o generaron todas las monedas a la vez?
  • Oportunidad de mercado:  ¿qué tan grande es el problema que se intenta resolver? ¿Cuál es el mercado total direccionable?

Usaremos una calificación no científica del 1 al 10 para cada uno de estos para evaluar varias monedas a continuación. (P / C / T / I / O) evaluaciones (por ejemplo, 10/4/7/3/7).   


Cartera de criptomonedas

Si está utilizando criptomonedas para una mayor diversificación de clases de activos en su cartera de inversiones, buscaría invertir en 3 a 7 criptomonedas. Recomiendo hacerlo por la misma razón por la que se diversifica en muchas clases de activos. Le permite disminuir el riesgo de exposición y mejorar su rendimiento ajustado al riesgo. Si desea analizar qué monedas no son correlativas, consulte esta tabla .  

Principales divisas: activos principales

Creo que todas las criptomonedas deberían comenzar con Bitcoin (BTC) y Ether (ETH). Bitcoin es el abuelo de todos ellos y tiene la ventaja de ser el primero en moverse. Ha demostrado ser la moneda utilizada como reserva de valor y tiene la mayor cantidad de socios / proveedores en el mercado. Ethereum ha incorporado la idea de los "contratos inteligentes", lo que permite gran parte de la innovación que vendrá en los próximos 10 años utilizando la tecnología blockchain. Al estar en el centro, Ethereum tiene una gran oportunidad de capturar valor. Tendría la mayor parte de mi inversión en criptomonedas en estas dos monedas.

  • Bitcoin  (BTC) ahora a $ 4,950 (9/10/8/10/9)
  • Ethereum  (ETH) ahora a $ 306 (10/9/10/9/10)

Monedas "zombis"

Tendría cuidado con lo que yo llamo monedas "zombis". Estas son monedas en las que pueden haber sido grandes o tener potencial en el pasado, pero el mercado ha hablado y no fueron elegidas.

Sin embargo, tenga cuidado con estos 3 debido a su falta de una propuesta de valor única. Bitcoin Cash está tratando de ser la moneda para un medio de intercambio con sus tiempos de transacción más rápidos que Bitcoin. Esa es una posición endeble y la adopción por parte de los mineros se ha estancado. Ethereum Classic (ETC) se ha dejado en el camino y Ethereum (ETH) es el ganador de esa batalla. Se supone que Litecoin es "la plata del oro de bitcoin", pero hay muchas monedas compitiendo por esa ranura. Hasta que puedan demostrar que son la moneda dominante por ser un medio de intercambio (o algún otro valor único), no invertiría en ella. Tenga cuidado al invertir en monedas zombies. Pueden aumentar con el mercado total, pero en algún momento su valor puede caer precipitadamente debido a la falta de una propuesta de valor única.

Criptomonedas de plataforma

Existe un conjunto de criptomonedas que son plataformas centralizadas en sí mismas que intentan resolver mejor un problema utilizando la tecnología Blockchain. Ripple intenta abordar el mercado internacional de remesas de pagos. NEO proporciona una plataforma para extender contratos inteligentes mediante programación y NEM es una plataforma de tecnología blockchain para administrar y construir activos inteligentes. DASH tiene una comunidad de personas que intenta resolver los pagos digitales de una manera novedosa.

  • Ondulación  (XRP) a $ 0.25 (8/9/9/7/8)
  • NEM  (NEM) a $ 33.88 (8/8/8/7/9)
  • NEO  (NEO) a $ 27.70 (9/7/8/7/9)
  • Dash  (DASH) a $ 294 (8/9/6/9/8)

Criptomonedas anónimas

Hay varias criptomonedas dedicadas a brindar más privacidad en la transacción. Cada uno de ellos funciona de forma un poco diferente. Dado que la privacidad es un componente de venta tan importante de por qué usar criptomonedas, creo que uno de estos pertenece a su cartera.

  • Zcash  (ZEC) a $ 260 (10/8/8/7/8)
  • Monero  (XMR) a $ 63 (9/8/6/8/8)

Monedas de protocolo

Dado que estamos en las primeras etapas de la creación de nuestras aplicaciones descentralizadas y Blockchain, muchas de las primeras plataformas se centran en la capa de protocolo. En el futuro, más monedas se centrarán en la capa de aplicación específica, pero dado que necesitamos la construcción de la infraestructura Blockchain, invertiría en al menos una de estas monedas.

  • EOS  (EOS) a $ 0.60 (10/8/9/6/9)
  • IOTA  (MIOTA) a $ 0.55 (10/8/9/8)
  • MaidSafe  ( MAID ) a $ 0.40 (9/9/8/8/9)
  • Token BAT  (BAT) a $ 0.15 (7/7/8/8/8)

Otras monedas y fichas futuras para su consideración

En mi opinión, la siguiente lista de criptomonedas es especulativa ahora pero prometedora. Muchos de estos a continuación se centran en aplicaciones que se construirán sobre los protocolos de los que hablamos anteriormente. Probablemente dejaría de invertir en estos hasta que maduren un poco y hasta que haya tenido algo de tiempo para construir una cartera de criptomonedas central. Esté atento a estos:

  • Metal  a $ 7,90
  • Steem  a $ 1.12
  • TNT  a $ 0.07
  • Augur  a $ 19.34
  • DiezX  a $ 2.15
  • 0x  a $ 0.19
  • SENSE en TBD en noviembre de 2017
  • CRYPTO20 en TBD en enero de 2018

Se requiere más escrutinio

No invertiría en BitConnect porque muchos piensan que es una estafa . BitConnect todavía tiene una capitalización de mercado de $ 1,100,000,000 . Es difícil de creer, pero en realidad no existe ningún organismo regulador que lo haga cumplir y la gente está cautivada por su garantía de altos rendimientos. Todo apunta a que se trata de un esquema Ponzi. Caveat Emptor.   

Portafolio de modelos

Una cartera modelo puede verse así:

  • BTC (35%) - Núcleo: moneda principal, activo de nivel 1
  • ETH (35%) - Núcleo: moneda principal, activo de nivel 1
  • XRP (10%) - Activo de nivel 2: Plataforma para remesas, diversificación
  • ZEC (5%): anónimo / privacidad, ZKP con caso de uso importante
  • EOS (10%) - Moneda de protocolo: construyendo sobre Ether, gran oportunidad de mercado, espera a largo plazo de 1 a 2 años
  • IOTA (5%) - Moneda de protocolo: creación de IoT, gran oportunidad de mercado, espera a largo plazo de 1 a 2 años

Tener una cartera de 3 a 9 criptomonedas optimizará su rendimiento ajustado al riesgo. Distribuir las apuestas reducirá su riesgo. Además, podrás poseer algunas de las monedas que aún no han tenido el mismo rendimiento que bitcoin y ether. Probablemente establecería un umbral mínimo de capitalización de mercado de monedas antes de invertir. Por ejemplo, no invertiría en monedas con una capitalización de mercado de $ 100 mm o menos.

Una nota final, esto NO es contenido imperecedero. La cartera modelo que se describe aquí puede no ser relevante en el futuro debido a la naturaleza dinámica del mercado y el panorama. Este es un mercado muy nuevo y espero muchos cambios rápidos durante el próximo año y más allá. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de tomar los principios descritos aquí y aplicarlos para el estado actual y futuro.

It is very interesting what you say friend. You are right, you have to take into account many factors when investing so as not to make mistakes.

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Recent week i bought some MINEX coin, i think it will grow up to 1.5 - 2$ and it will take only 1-2 month to reach that result.

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On 10/4/2020 at 11:28 AM, CarlosGM said:

Chainlink is a token that has remained in rank 8 of the coin market cap and has a market volume of more than 3 billion dollars. The important thing about Chainlink is that it works with smart contracts and is an oracle that provides and connects blockchains with information from the real world.

Chainlink, being an oracle, connects chains that have smart contracts, which will help many people around the world.

I have Chainlink in my portfolio because being a good project I hope that in the future it will have a lot of value.


What do you think about Chainlink?
What is your favorite currency?

ChainLink's value against the US dollar has gone through different stages. Since the end of 2017 when the cryptocurrency was launched until practically April of this year it has been moving in values around 0.5 dollars, with a peak of 1 dollar.


The technology behind ChainLink and its use as we have seen has significant potential to improve smart contracts. Currently ChainLink operates with smart contracts issued on the Ethereum network, although they indicate that in the future they hope to incorporate their technology into more cryptocurrencies.




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I have bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, chailink, theta, theter (usdt) and tron ... all those are my favorite currencies for which I see a very good future and now we are in time to buy to obtain good profits in the future

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I really like how you have your portfolio made up as for mine I have bitcoin, ethereum, polkadot, tetha, trust wallet token, binance coin and tron

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I dont know much about chainlink.

I had invested on few ethereum classics because it has a gareat history in past .It only costs 5$ now but it had reached nearly 50$ in the past So i thought its a good investment so i invested on few ethereum classics and hope for some profit in future.

I also invested on xrp .I also think xrp has a great future because its supply is cutting off in every transaction so that it will be worth a lot in future.

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I love Bitcoin and it is the number one currency and always the highest value. The demand for it is increasing and it is escalating, so keeping it is a good thing.

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30% in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is now interesting to buy, as markets have become uncertain due to the U.S. elections and the future policies of the new president. There is consensus that the quantitative easing program leading to a depreciation of the dollar will continue, which will have a positive impact on BTC. In addition, the first crypt currency is the market benchmark. I would allocate 30% of the portfolio for it.

20% in Ethereum. Ethereum is also worth buying. First, the project team is actively working on Ethereum 2.0 update and during the year at least the first stage will be implemented. Secondly, the coin and its network are used in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. If you believe in its prospects, this is an argument. For ETH, I would allocate 20%.

15% in DeFi. Now DeFi-tokens are among the most risky and promising in terms of coin growth. Among the strongest assets in this field we can single out Maker (MKR), Compound (COMP), Uniswap (UNI), Aave (AAVE) and add Chainlink (Link) to this list because it has a direct correlation with DeFi. An additional 15% can be distinguished on all of them.

20% to the altocoins from the top 50. 20% can be placed in a kind of "altocoin index". We are talking about the coins from the TOP-50 rating of cryptovolta by capitalization, which have a growth history this year: Tezos (XTZ), NEO (NEO), Tron (TRX), (DOT), Cosmos (ATOM), Stellar (XLM), Basic Attention Token (BAT) and others.

15% in stackcoins. The remaining 15% should be reserved for steblcoins. This amount will be used to reduce the risks of volatility and quick rebalancing in case of a sudden change in the market situation.

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I have many coins in my coinbase wallet coinomi I have some fractions of bitcoin ethereum litecoin I also have several ethereum tokens in coinomi with some value and others that have no value I also have trx xrp chp I have done well this year in the world of cryptocurrencies

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I exchange most of my eth and other alt coins to btc and invested in yobit miners because I wanted to keep my existing btc balance. So technically I only have btc in my porfolio right now, but I am planning to buy some chainlink sometime soon to add to my porfolio. 

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Currently in my portfolio I have currencies such as BTC, BNB, TWT, LTC, ETH, TRON and Doge I also have BNB (bep20) and bep20 tokens such as CAKE and BAKE thinking of acquiring other cryptos such as XMR, XRP and DOT to have one well composed to my liking

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compared to continuous ripple. so let me say two words on ripple and stellar. To be included in the ripple system, it is necessary to get approval from ripple's center. In other words, it is not a coin that the public can use whenever they want. stellar, on the other hand, is decentralized and built on a system that is accessible to everyone without approval. It will replace ripple in the medium term for ease of use for these and other reasons.

The crypto money I believe will come, which will both earn and become widespread for transfer and payment purposes.

When it comes to future coins, steles still come to mind. It is an subcoin that is likely to become popular in the future after bitcoin.

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I don't have any chainlink and I don't think that it can grow more than what it is today. I just don't find a reason and it has become very popular in short time, meaning it can lose all this popularity as easy as it got there. I know it helps by connecting some feeds in real time and in decentralized way, which is great, but is this only what it does and is this valued at billions of dollars?

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I only have Bitcoin in my portfolio, anything else I don't consider for long term except from just a few days. It has served me well so far and I have only profited this way, I also avoid buying altcoins when their price has done 500% in a year and also I avoid anything that is not in the top spaces for too long.

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Chainlink works with smart contracts and connects blockchains with information from the real world has significant potential to improve smart contracts could have a good future.

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I am traded Chainlink for some time. It was profitable but I never expected it can held $20 and of course sold and bought again a dip it did when I was found it actually had support. I am think it is a coin held so high now only by traders. I am not see this haveing long term value.

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This chainlink seems to be having a good future ahead which will offer it holders oppotunity to earn some good profit later on but currently my best Cryptocurrency remains litecoin and ethereum because they offers me opportunity to earn some reasonable profit while trading in cryptoworld, and for everyone reading this i recommend you to give litecoin and ethereum a trial of investment or trading because they fluctuate a lot.

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Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple are the currencies I use a lot. I think its value will increase even more in the future. It is useful to evaluate.

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I have wtc, sand, for, ankr and long term cro, eth. I expect good earnings from all of them. With the start of the bull season, we will see flights in most crypto currencies, hopefully my portfolio will be included in this upcoming coin list. The market is very risky now, but it is very difficult to get somewhere without risk. I get very excited and enjoy every time I do a transaction.

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I personally have BITCOIN STELLAR LITECOIN in my cold wallet to store in the long term since I believe that these three cryptocurrencies have great potential therefore it is the one that interests me the most personally
A big greeting to the whole community and good luck to everyone

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I think there are many cryptocurrencies to deserve to be in the portfolio, but always those coin who are popular and with bright future. In my case actually UI have Bitcoin, Ripple XRP, Stellar XLM and also some Tether USDT. But also is possible I will add to my portfolio Ethereum ETH.

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4 hours ago, tienda said:

but always those coin who are popular and with bright future

Yeah you are right @tienda, If you want to invest in coins with bright future then the coins at the top of the market are best for trading ,Like Bitcoin Etherium ,Ripple ,USDT and many more as you mentioned .These are less risky coins because  many people are doing trading in them they are buying and selling them everyday so less risks .While if you do trading of risky coins in which only few traders are interested then you will be at risk of loosing your money.



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in my portfolio there are some bitcoin, ethereum, eos, litecoin, dash, monero and I have recently invested in jrt and pnt, chainlink I have not yet decided if it is a good investment, but I am following its developments with interest





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I am a fan of speed and low commissions, when it comes to making transactions, so my portfolio is mainly based on coins that fulfill that vision and that in turn have a future ahead of them, for which I can mention XRP, TRX and Nano all process thousands of transactions in seconds with very low commissions, I also keep some BNB in my balance, since they can be worth a lot in the future.

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    • CryptoNews of the Week     - As expected, on April 20, the fourth halving occurred on the bitcoin network at block #840000. The reward for mining a block has been reduced from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. It's worth reminding that a halving is the event that reduces the reward for mining new blocks in the bitcoin blockchain by half. This event is encoded in the code of the first cryptocurrency and occurs every 210,000 blocks: until the mining of 21 million coins, presumably in 2040, when the cryptocurrency's emission will end. The fourth halving will ensure that about 95% of all bitcoin emission is mined, with approximately 99% of all coins mined by 2033-2036. Following that, the emission will gradually move towards zero. Economist and author of the cult book "The Bitcoin Standard," Saifedean Ammous, congratulated the crypto community on the halving. "For the first time in history, people have a form of money whose supply increases by less than 1% per year. [...] The harder the money, the slower its supply increases, the better it retains value in the future, and allows for planning and securing the future," he wrote.   - In the days following the halving, there was no increase in volatility. The price of bitcoin slowly and lazily moved upwards, reaching $66,000 at the time of writing this review. It seems that market participants are frozen in anticipation of who will start buying or selling the main cryptocurrency en masse. However, the founder of venture company Pomp Investments, Anthony Pompliano, believes that within 12-18 months, the coin is likely to first undergo a correction and then rise to $100,000 with chances of reaching $150,000-200,000. "At the moment, the probability of a decrease is quite small. [...] I see no reasons for the rate to drop below $50,000. I think we have already crossed this Rubicon," the entrepreneur believes. Pompliano recommended buying gold to those looking for capital protection from the fall and the first cryptocurrency to those aiming to increase their purchasing power. "After the previous halving, the first cryptocurrency appreciated eightfold despite volatility. Name any other asset that has shown such high returns over a four-year cycle," he stated, revealing that he invested about half of his personal funds in the first cryptocurrency.   - Analysts at QCP Capital believe that bitcoin optimists will need to wait at least two months before assessing the impact of the recent fourth halving. "The spot price has only grown exponentially 50-100 days after each of the previous three halvings. If this pattern repeats, bitcoin bulls still have weeks to build a larger long position," their report states.   - According to Bitfinex experts, the post-halving supply restriction will stabilize the price of the first cryptocurrency and may contribute to its growth. "The decrease in the pace of bitcoin issuance after halving, which will amount to $30-40 million per day, sharply contrasts with the average daily net inflow of $150 million into spot ETFs. This underscores a significant demand and supply imbalance which may contribute to further price growth," the Bitfinex report indicates.   - A sharp increase in transaction fees on the day of the halving gave Euro Pacific Capital president and "gold bug" Peter Schiff another reason to declare the failure of the first cryptocurrency. On April 20, amid the reduction of the block reward, the average size of fees in the network jumped to a record $128.45. Experts largely linked this to the hype associated with the event around the launch of the Runes protocol. "The cost of completing a transaction now stands at $128, and its processing takes half an hour. This is another reason why bitcoin cannot function as a digital currency. The costs of using it in this capacity are disproportionately high. This is a failure," Schiff declared. (And he was wrong. Shortly thereafter, the rate dropped nearly 73% to $34.86.) In the comments, users asked the well-known gold advocate how much it would cost to safely deliver a pound of precious metal around the world. An estimate ranging from $800,000 to $2.3 million depending on the method and speed was voiced. "Remind me, how much does it cost to transport a gold bar to the other end of the world in half an hour?" Jameson Lopp, co-founder of Casa, sarcastically remarked about speed. Schiff responded that it didn't matter since people no longer use precious metal as currency.   - Speaking at a pre-election rally in Michigan, Robert Kennedy Jr. announced to the attendees that if he is elected President of the USA, every American will have the opportunity to review any budget item. "I will move the entire US budget to the blockchain, and we will have 300 million observers over it. If someone spends $16,000 on a toilet seat, everyone will find out!" he declared. The presidential candidate believes that taxpayers have the right to know exactly what their money is being spent on. According to the politician, blockchain and cryptocurrencies should help the USA remain a leader in innovation and maintain the financial freedom of its citizens. Robert Kennedy Jr. had previously supported bitcoin, stating that the first cryptocurrency takes financial control away from the government and the monopolistic banking system.   - The crypto exchange CoinEx has put up for sale the first satoshi mined after the halving. Buyers can place bids in bitcoins on the auction page. A satoshi is one-hundred-millionth of a bitcoin (0.00000001), and the organisers of the auction hoped that collectors would pay several tens of millions of dollars for this "epic" coin. However, at the time of publication, the highest bid is only 2.5 BTC, which is about $165,000, although this price exceeds the value of one ordinary satoshi by 250 million times. The auction will end on April 26. The exchange will notify participants of the results via a message on the website and by email.   - Fidelity Digital Assets, a leading issuer of one of the spot BTC-ETFs, has revised its mid-term forecast for bitcoin from positive to neutral. The reason for the departure from optimistic views is several worrying trends in the crypto market. Fidelity analysts noted the growing interest in selling from long-term bitcoin hodlers. A large percentage of profitable addresses is currently noted in the report. This means that holders may want to lock in profits and start selling BTC. On the other hand, on-chain data also indicate that small investors continue to accumulate the first cryptocurrency. Since the beginning of the year, the number of addresses holding at least $1,000 in BTC has increased by 20% and reached a new all-time high. "This trend may indicate the growing proliferation of bitcoin and its acceptance among 'average' users," Fidelity notes.   - Investments in bitcoin by "new" whales have almost doubled the indicator of "old" major players. These assessments were shared by the CEO of CryptoQuant, Ki Young Ju. The expert attributed to the "whale" addresses not associated with CEX and miners with a balance of over 1000 BTC. The "new" category includes owners of coins "aged" less than 155 days; "old" exceed this term. Specialists at CryptoQuant examined the dynamics of the 7DMA ratio of the SOPR indicator applied to these categories of investors and made conclusions similar to those of their colleagues from Fidelity. The elevated metric value showed high profitability of "old" hodlers compared to "newcomers," which could lead to the formation of price peaks. Analysis of the current situation also speaks of the need to exercise caution in anticipation of possible corrections and increased volatility. Recall that earlier, specialists from JPMorgan noted that digital gold is in an overbought state. And CMCC Crest co-founder Willy Woo warned that if bitcoin falls below $59,000, the market risks entering a bear phase.   - Representatives of the initiative group of cryptocurrency supporters want to convince the Swiss Bank board to add bitcoins to the CB's reserves. The meeting on this issue will take place on April 26, where the concept of supporters of digital gold will be presented. In their opinion, such a step will strengthen the independence and neutrality of the state. Including BTC in its reserves, Switzerland would show the world that it has an independent financial policy from the European Central Bank. Recall that back in 2022, the initiative group recommended the country's central bank to buy bitcoins for 1 billion Swiss francs (about $1.1 billion) instead of German government bonds, but the regulator ignored this proposal. However, now everything may change. Recently, Switzerland has been providing the most favourable conditions for the development of the cryptocurrency industry, which is why the government of El Salvador even opened its office in the country to jointly develop initiatives related to bitcoin.   - Christian Langlois, also known as Bitcoin Sign Guy, made headlines in 2017 when he displayed a notebook page with the message "Buy Bitcoin" behind Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. At that moment, the FRB Chair was testifying about the state of the US economy. This image instantly spread across the network and became one of the symbols of the emerging crypto industry. For his act, the 22-year-old intern Langlois was disgracefully expelled from the hearings. But after this episode was broadcast on television, enthusiasts sent seven BTC to his crypto wallet to thank the young man for his bold move. Four years ago, Christian sold 21 copies of the notable sheet at an average price of 0.8 BTC each, thus earning an additional 16.8 BTC. As a result, his total earnings reached 23.8 BTC, which is more than $15 million at the current rate. And just a few weeks ago, Langlois was offered another 5 bitcoins for the original, but he refused to sell the sheet. Nevertheless, Christian liked the idea of further monetizing the self-created object of "artistic and historical heritage," and he decided to sell it at an auction. The winner's name will be announced late in the evening on April 24 at the New York snack bar Pubkey, and the young man plans to direct the proceeds to finance his startup, Tirrel Corp. At the time of writing the review, the sheet is offered for $140,000, but the auction is not yet over. 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