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  1. Blockchain-based Services Network - что за зверь и с чем его едят? Во первых это государственный блокчейн Китая, поверх когорого L2 - расположился цифровой юань. Также этот блокчейн доступен и для коммерческих организаций. Сеть состоит из нод, владельцем которой вродебы как может стать каждый, причём за небольшкю плату. Hoды ceти cвязывaют 128 гopoдoв пo вceй cтpaнe, тaкжe oни pacпoлaгaютcя в 7 гopoдax зa пpeдeлaми Kитaя — в Пapижe, Cиднee, Caн-Пaулу, Cингaпуpe, Toкиo, Йoxaннecбуpгe и Kaлифopнии (гopoд нe был укaзaн). BSN - это экocиcтeмнoe явлeниe кoтopaе cтpeмитcя oбъeдинить paзличныe блoкчeйн-плaтфopмы, в тoм чиcлe Hуperledger Fabric, Ethereum, EOS, FICSO BCOS oт WeBank, Xuperchain oт Baidu и ChainSQL. Многие oт PolkaDot дo Cosmo пытались решить проблему кросс платформенности, а пocтaвщик тexнoлoгий для BSN Red Date утвepждaeт что всё уже работает) Так что мы думаем по этому поводу?
  2. Главный суд Китая признал бывшего сотрудника банка виновным в хищении миллионов юаней на покупку биткойнов. 33-летний Лю Лихуа(Liu Lihua) был осужден во вторник местным судом за хищение 1,85 млн. юаней (261 тыс. Долларов США) и мошенничестве с кредитными средствами клиентов на общую сумму 770 тыс. юаней (110 тыс. долларов). Все эти похищенные средства были инвестированы в bitcoin. По словам Лю Лихуа, он узнал о биткойнах еще в 2013 году и но начал инвестировать биткойны в 2018 году, увидев скачок цен на биткойны почти до 20 000 долларов в конце 2017 года. С начал он инвестировал 100 000 юаней, в последствии его инвестиции увеличились в 16 раз и превысили 1,6 миллиона юаней. Воодушевленный невероятной высокой прибылью, Лю Лихуа начал делать большие ставки на биткойн. В период с 2018 по май 2019 года Лю присвоил в общей сложности 1,85 млн. юаней, чтобы перевести на свои счета в биткойнах и покрыть личные расходы. Чтобы получить больше средств, Лю даже ложно присвоил банковские кредиты на сумму 770 тыс. юаней на имя своих клиентов. Оказавшись в кризисе, Лю Лихуа потерял 2 миллиона юаней в своих инвестициях в биткойны. Злоумышленника приговорили к двенадцати годам заключения и штрафу в 100 000 юаней. Так же суд обязал его вернуть все ранее хищеные средства.
  3. Eth site filtered in China. The massive firewall of the People's Republic of China, used by the government to monitor access to external internet sites, has blocked the largest public source of ethereum blocking data. On Monday, the Ethernet scan site became one of the most widely used Ethereum block explorer sites by IPs inside China. ▪️This is the first case where a blockchainer searches for firewalls and filtering networks.
  4. As you know, there is a panic regarding the coronavirus in China. We see some movements on world markets - including price of oil, gold, some say even cryptocurrencies. But would it be really disastrous as speaking of the influence regarding cryptocurrency environment fueled by the different factors than panic? The answer is not that simple. On one hand please remember, that for many cryptos, a lot of mining power is located in China. Many of them are located in less inhabited regions of the country, where there is a surplus of electricity there. As well, we should all remember, that electricity with its infrastructure is of critical importance to operate properly for the state itself, so even in worst case scenarios the hashrate should not drop because of the power shortage, what could cause panic. In the worst case scenario, we could observe the drops of the price of most of the cryptos, because of much lower hashrate (less safety of the network, increased risk of 51% attack) On the other hand, if the situation would turn bad, this could affect supply of mining equipment in mid term. How? If factories assembling rigs and producing their elements are temporarily shut down - then of course there will be no rigs available. As well, depending from decisions of authorities from other countries, there might be a temporary ban on importing all the types of goods from China. In this case the supply of new rigs will be limited, their price could skyrocket - just like in 2017, and hashrate would rise slowlier. Any thoughts from your side?
  5. As the leader of cyber currency trading, China has made no secret that they intend to take control of the global market. To accomplish this feat they have come up with a clever solution; namely, the Chinese New Silk Road. The economic development of Asia Pacific will see a significant increase in online gambling across the globe. By all accounts, by mid-2020, over half of all worldwide cannabis exchanges are Chinese based. If this trend continues, there is no telling what direction the currency of the world will be heading. That being said: "There is no denying that the Chinese government has taken an interest in the world of gambling and online bitcoin gambling". Recently the Chinese government issued a statement warning that gambling websites were not legitimate. According to their understanding, these online websites were offering services that were akin to those of fered by online black markets such as the Silk Road. It was claimed that by allowing these websites to exist, the financial system of the people of China would be disrupted. This threat prompted the government to issue this warning. By understanding how the system works, a gambler should be able to understand why the Chinese government fears the concept of a decentralized payment system like that found with the traditional black markets. The Chinese government fears that people will start to withdraw from the banking system, which would cause hyperinflation. In an attempt to prevent this from happening, they believe that regulating the use of bitcoins, will prevent the phenomenon of hyperinflation. The only way for the Chinese government to make their fears a reality is for them to be able to control the supply of bitcoins through taxation. By putting a limit on the number of bitcoins created, they hope that individuals will be more careful when spending them online gambling or otherwise. The Chinese have a long history of internet black markets where illegal items are sold, such as drugs, guns, and stolen credit card information. The same tactics that would be used in these black markets could also be used online to ban online gambling. Therefore, if the Chinese government attempted to ban the transfer of bitcoins it would make the black market criminals very happy as they would not need them. Therefore, to protect their citizens they have issued a warning against the use of currencies associated with the black market. They do this to limit the availability of bitcoin to ensure that there are no losses incurred by the people of China and other nations that allow for the recreation of such currencies as the US Dollar, Euro, and Yen. These currencies are considered by the Chinese government to be highly dangerous because their values tend to fluctuate uncontrollably and they are known to be used by the hackers behind cybercrimes. They, therefore, believe that regulating these particular currencies is the best way to protect their people and prevent online gambling sites from being hacked. To make it clear to everyone that the government has issued a warning about the use of bitcoins in online gambling, there is going to be a clampdown on all transactions involving the said currency. This means that if you are interested in placing orders for gaming sites that accept bitcoins as a form of payment you will not be able to place the orders. This means that if you want to gamble on the black market using these currencies, you will not be able to do so. This, however, should not deter you from playing at online gambling sites that accept the currency. If you are just looking for excitement and want to place bets on the outcome of an online soccer game, cricket match, or horse race then you will be fine. If you are an avid enthusiast of the game and you want to try and leverage the potential of the currency but you do not want to risk your money then the only solution that is open to you is to go and register at a site that allows you to play with bitcoins. This is the only solution that is available to anyone who wants to take advantage of the potential of the crypto coinage. Many online casinos accept bitcoin and they have made the move to ensure that their clients can fully enjoy the benefits that come with the cryptocurrency. Many people around the world are still uncertain about the whole process of accepting bitcoins as a form of gambling payment online. They have not come to grips with the fact that this measure is being taken by the authorities to stem the tide of the rising popularity of bitcoin. To combat the fears and apprehensions that people have towards the currency you need to convince them that the online casinos that accept the currency will not cause them any loss of interest. This means that you have to reassure them that the increase in the availability of online casinos that accept bitcoin as payment will make their gambling experience a lot more exciting. Once you have done that you can be sure that the introduction of bitcoin into online gambling is well on its way to becoming a success story.
  6. As of now, China is in chaos because of the Coronavirus. As what i read in an article, bitcoin slumps 6% because of this virus, in the midst of chinese new year. Does this virus really affect bitcoin? Any insight?
  7. Chinese President Xi Jinping made a statement last year that blockchain systems would be integrated in financial and industrial sectors of the Chinese economy and that they will play a big part in every national economy of the world. This remark alone made Bitcoin's price rise by $3000 in just a day. Central Bank of China is preparing a digital coin in the form of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). The name of the Chinese digital version of the yuan is DCEP (abbreviation for Digital Currency Electronic Payments). It is a Central Bank Digital Currency, the first of it's kind to be publicly released and actively been tested in many Chinese Cities. The video below explains what are the Chinese government expectations from this. For the most part, it will have to do with tracing transactions. The Chinese government will be able to know how the money was spent, where they began, and where they ended. The digital yuan will be issued on mobile wallets and they can be loaded from the bank and users will be able to transact with their mobile wallet. Bank of China has explained that the DCEP digital yuan coin won't operate on P2P model. Transactions won't be anonymous and they would require authorization from the centralized banking system of the country. All transactions will be traceable and their authorization along with the state of the wallets will be under total government control. For sure we can say that paper-cash will be over soon and this is the beginning of a transition to a completely digital era of finances. Many opportunities will arise and many new businesses will appear. The use of blockchains creates transparency but the centralization of finances to any government will be an issue that only decentralized cryptocurrencies as Bitcoin might be able to counter.
  8. The China government confiscated $ 4.2 billion in cryptocurrency (BTC and ETH) from PlusToken pyramid organizers. In particular, 194k BTC was withdrawn, more than 1% of the distribution at the moment. The government ordered the sale of all seized crypto assets, more than $ 4 billion will go to the state treasury, to finance state projects. Since the date or how the sale of these funds will be made is unknown, it is rumored that it will be a totally public auction where anyone can capitalize all these cryptocurrencies Currently we see how the market is in a bullish margin and this news despite being announced 3 days ago has not had an effect on the price of bitcoin. Will these actions of the Chinese government be one of the reasons why bitcoin cannot break the resistance in the coming days? Therefore what do you think the effect of this auction will be in the future?
  9. China has updated its cryptocurrency projects rankings consisting of 37 crypto projects The rankings are published by China's Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID), under China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and are updated in the interval of two months. The Top 5 Crypto 1. EOS 2. Tron 3. ETH 4. IOST 5. LSK Bitcoin sadly doesnt makes it to the top 10 rankings. Bitcoin climbed to 12th position in the ranking. The last rankings were affected by the Corona Virus pandemic in which Bitcoin was ranked in the 14th position. China being the center for Cryptocurrency movement has some influence over the direction of the movement. These rankings published by China's governmental institute can be a valuable piece of information while trading and investing. The rankings are based on Global Blockchain Technology Assessment Index. The index ranks Crypto projects in Three subindex. The basic technology subindex - 65% Innovation subindex - 20% Creativity subindex - 15% See the full details of the ranking here : SOURCE
  10. Today, I read a news in about Ethereum in China. It is said that Chinese government has used its firewall to block one of the most prominent source of ETH blockchain data which is wesbite. This censorship has started since October 30, 2019 and now Chinese users can't access this website with their Chinese IP addresses. This is a bad news because it seems that it is possible to ban or limit crypto activity by blocking some websites and making it hard for most crypto users to stay active. This is a fight between centralization and decentralization in China. It is still unknown why this censorship has been done. I think this is another attempt to control cryptocurrency. ETH users in China can still use other websites but this website was a useful source for them. Source:
  11. The Chinese construction bank is recognized for being the second largest bank in the world, holding this position for years, this in turn belongs mainly to the Chinese state, however it is allowed to act with some stock market freedom. His first movement within the technology surrounding the cryptomoneds, occurred in 2018 when the Bank decided to renew its internal and interbank transaction platform, it is estimated that its investment over the 50 billion dollars, in the creation of a block chain. However, this was not the last, news identifies this bank as a born investor in small mining projects that included both BTc and ETH in the Republic of China. After all the aforementioned, this Wednesday, November 11, the board of directors reported that part of the debt will be offered, evaluated at more than 3 billion dollars, where the Fusang exchange house of Hong Kong origin will play an important role, due to its work of issuing tokenized securities. It was also reported that this debt can be purchased through Bitcoin and USDT, the initial public offer will be 50 million that can be canceled using BITCOIN, the minimum purchase that can be made is 100 usd and a return of 1% is estimated annual. I have a question, for the forum users, do you consider this to be an approach from the Chinese government to Bitcoin? If you have an opinion about it, don't hesitate to share it.
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