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  1. Présage⚡️Фьючерсные сигналы (USDT)⚡️Ежедневно 3-7 сигналов в лонг/шорт⚡️Технический анализ рынка ежедневно⚡️Вход/ Зоны Тейк-профита - Стоп-Лосса⚡️Поддержка 24/7⚡️Средняя ежемесячная прибыль до 700%⚡️Сигналы высокой точности⚡️Сигналы на основе TA и FAЦена VIP входа:Futures VIP канал: $25 (1 месяц).Futures VIP канал: $49 (3 месяца)Futures VIP канал: $89 (6 месяцев)Наша высокоточная группа по сигналам - это лучший способ зарабатывать деньги на финансовых рынках или увеличивать эффективность своего бизнеса. Мы работаем с самыми передовыми методами анализа данных и статистических моделей, чтобы помочь нашим клиентам принимать самые точные решения на основе самой актуальной информации.Мы имеем богатый опыт в анализе финансовых рынков. Наша команда состоит из профессионалов высокого уровня, которые постоянно обновляют свои знания и умения, чтобы оставаться на передовой технологий.Мы гарантируем высокую точность наших сигналов, используя самые передовые методы источников данных и анализа. Кроме того, мы постоянно обновляем и улучшаем наши алгоритмы, чтобы обеспечить нашим клиентам самую актуальную информацию и конкурентное преимущество.Купив подписку на нашу группу по сигналам, вы получите доступ к самой точной информации и сможете принимать более осознанные решения, которые помогут вам достичь ваших финансовых и бизнес-целей. Не упустите возможность стать частью нашей команды и начать зарабатывать сегодня.Даём бесплатный доступ на 3 дня.По всем вопросам пишите в Telegram.
  2. Пpoдaeтcя Бpoкepcкaя кoмпaния нa pынкe Фopeкc Cpoк cyщecтвoвaния: 11 лeт Дoля в бизнece: 100% Heмaтepиaльныe aктивы: Beбcaйт, Пpoгpaммный кoмплeкc MetaTrader4 Дoпoлнитeльныe дaнныe. Cpoк oкyпaeмocти: 6-8 мecяцeв Цена: 2 800 000 рублей (может быть больше или меньше в зависимости от выбранных опций) Дoпoлнитeльнo: Koмпaния пo пpeдocтaвлeнию бpoкepcкиx ycлyг нa pынкe FOREX. Лицeнзиoнный пpoгpaммный кoмплeкc MetaTrader 4.0. Hacтpoeнный и пoлнocтью гoтoвый к paбoтe вeб-caйт кoмпaнии. Boзмoжнocть coздaния нoвoгo Бpeндa в xoдит в cтoимocть, вoзмoжнocть coздaния и зaпycкa нecкoлькиx MT4 тopгoвыx cepвepoв. Пpoдaжa coбcтвeннoй фpaншизы. 11 лeт бeзyпpeчнoй paбoты нa pынкe c пoлoжитeльнoй иcтopиeй. Taк жe пpeдлaгaeтcя pяд дoпoлнитeльныx и экcклюзивныx ycлyг. Oбyчeниe пepcoнaлa. Пpи нeoбxoдимocти пoлнaя или чacтичнaя пoддepжкa и aдминиcтpиpoвaниe тopгoвыx cepвepoв. Oбcлyживaниe web пopтaлa, peклaмa и пpoдвижeниe вaшeгo бpeндa. Гoтoвый и yникaльный клиeнтcкий кaбинeт, мнoжecтвo yникaльныx фyнкций и дopaбoтoк в плaнe пpивлeчeния клиeнтoв. Oплaтa кpиптoвaлютoй, кapтaми, плaтeжными cиcтeмaми. Бeз дoпoлнитeльнoй интeгpaции эквaйpинг бaнкa в oфшope. Koмпaния oфициaльнo зapeгиcтpиpoвaнa Бeлизe в 2014 гoдy. Подробная информация о бизнесе Активы: Лицeнзии Cepтификaты Бaзa клиeнтoв Пpoгpaммнoe oбecпeчeниe Поддержка и обучение: Финaнcoвoe кoнcyльтиpoвaниe и пoмoщь Инвecтициoннoe плaниpoвaниe Плaн ликвиднocти Финaнcoвaя кoнцeпция Opгaнизaциoннaя пoмoщь Aнaлиз pынкa / cтaтиcтикa Opгaнизaция/yпpaвлeниe Aнaлиз paбoты cиcтeмы Mapкeтингoвaя кoнцeпция / Пpeдлoжeния Maccoвoe пpивлeчeниe клиeнтoвOбyчeниe и кoнcyльтaции Пepвичнoe oбyчeниe Oбyчeниe нa cтapтe oпытoм / Пapтнepcкиe coвeщaния Учeбa Бyxгaлтepия / Финaнcы Техническое oбyчeниe Желаете купить Брокерское оборудование Форекс, купить торговый сервер MetaTrader4 обращайтесь по контактам ниже все консультации бесплатны Возможна аренда торговых групп и счетов, аренда торговых серверов MetaTrader4 Бесплатный доступ к реальному торговому серверу MetaTrader4 Почта: salemt4srv(собака) Скайп: g.i.790 WhatsApp: +371 204 76695
  3. Слив счета - это не всегда трейдерская ошибка - часто это элемент стратегии по управлению капиталом, риск менеджмента, где стоп-аут используется вместо стоп-лосса. Зачем доводить до стоп-аута, если можно поставить стоп-лосс? Ордера "Стоп-лосс" брокер может исполнить с проскальзыванием или гэпом, в результате чего вы понесете убытки несколько больше, чем рассчитывали. В то же время , если вы вносите на торговый счет только лимит на одну сделку или серию сделок, то вы не сможете потерять больше ,чем размер этого лимита. Так же, ограниченный лимит средств на торговый день защищает трейдера от попадания в неконтролируемый тильт и слив всего фонда. Лимит потерь должен определять и выдавать риск-менеджер, который не участвует в вашей аналитике и торговле и не связан с трейдером никакими отношениями. Риск-менеджер - независимый контролер, следит, что бы трейдер не понес убытки больше, чем заложено в утвержденной торговой стратегии. Вопрос к читателям: Как вы контролируете максимальный убыток?
  4. Are you an experienced Forex trader but do not have enough funds to get started Forex trading? If so, FTMO can be very helpful for you guys. They have announced the placement opportunity for the experienced traders in their FTMO Proprietary Trading firm from which traders will have the chance to get trading funds up to $100,000 USD. The entire process seems quite challenging but they also offer a guideline till the end to get started correctly. Let's see the process of how it works. Step:-1 FTMO Challenge At this stage, you have to take the trading challenges by setting risk Normal to Aggressive for multiple supported currencies USD, EUR, GBP, and CZK. They ask for the refundable fees according to the options you choose. Check the chart below. Step:-2 Verification At this stage, your results will be reviewed by the professional staff. The entire verification would take at least 60 days. Step:-3 FTMO Trader Once you get verified, now you are FTMO trader to earn 70% of profit which is real money. For more details, please visit their FTMO. Good luck guys, I expect your successful trading career ahead 😍 !
  5. The forex market is that type of market in the assests are staked as liquid on market. It's a truly global currency market which is open and providing service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, everypart of the world. Forex trading was not dynamic enough as now cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have added a fascinating new dimension to currency trading. In recent years, many forex brokers have begun to accept bitcoins for currency trading, with some accepting a variety of other digital currencies as well. These are the signs of merging of Forex Trading to the crypto world.
  6. На данный момент очень большое количество форекс брокеров являются очередными кухнями для заработка на глупых начинающих трейдерах. Многие рейтинги брокеров составленные всякими сайтами являются купленными, т.е. если брокер находится в топ-1 и имеет 5 звезд из 5 не всегда означает что все это заслуженно.
  7. Steps to trading _______________ 1.dentify supply and demand in higher timeframes using the factor 4 / factor 6 method. 2. Now Draw zones of support and resistance in lower timeframes or the timeframe you intend to trade in 3. Identify Higher Highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL) in uptrend (put dots) ; Buy at HL only since that is the impulsive move 4. Identify Lower Highs (LH) and Lower Lows (LL) in down trend(put dots) ; Sell at LH only in downtrend since that is the impulsive move 5. Avoid selling in uptrend in fact DON'T SELL, NEVER SELL in an uptrend. (Same applies to downtrend; trade along the trend and take impulse moves)
  8. The Forex market (forex market) is the place where foreign exchange is exchanged by buying and selling, and has started its work in the picture we know today since 1970 with the beginning of the float and the adoption of the free exchange rate. As a result, currency rates were determined by investors in this market depending on the supply and demand process. The Forex market has many advantages that distinguish it from other markets, most notably that it does not have an external authority and cannot be manipulated. Daily liquidity of 2 trillion US dollars as a daily trading volume, in a very fast movement of funds makes it unique from other markets such as the stock market. This makes the completion of trades in this market not more than a few minutes often. Continuous price speculations as a result of the different nature and quality of investors each investor has different intentions and some of them make a long-term investment and some of them make a short-term investment, which creates a market movement and constant price variation even if the spreads are not large but permanent, which makes the market very attractive to investors.
  9. Друзья, слышали ли вы что-нибудь про Automata FX торговую платформу? в интернете ничего про неё нет, принимают крипту, которую раздавали примерно год назад GCU, хочу закинуть попробовать поторговать, не знаю насколько они честные. Ваши отзывы пожалуйста
  10. Приветствую господа трейдеры. Лично я зарабатываю с помощью торговых роботов на Форекс, так как у них нет эмоций и они строго следуют правилам. Вы можете получить целый набор из роботов абсолютно бесплатно, просто став моим партнёром. Для этого нужно будет открыть счёт у брокера, которого я скажу и пополнить депозит на рекомендованную сумму, для каждого робота есть свои рекомендации. Можно даже центовые счета. Кого заинтересовало данное предложение переходите на мой КАНАЛ в телеграм. Там будем появляться актуальная информация. Всем профита!
  11. In this post, as the title says, we are going to touch on what emas are in Trading, I particularly do not like to use graphical indicators, if I use Fibonacci but more than that I no longer use, now exponential moving averages are used in the Forex market to help us with further confirmation on the chart. But in what way? The emas, It shows us that you made the graph in the past, since these are divided by temporalities and normally an Ema from the smallest is used in a temporality of eight and that Ema would show us what has happened in the past eight days. The market as such is fractal if it makes a movement in the past it can do it in the future, therefore the week if it is learned to use them and the movement in the past is detected, This will help us to detect movements in the present, Now it should be noted that the emas also function as supports and resistances, and if they are correctly configured they tend to have a success of 65% to 75%, as the market says it is not perfect so I recommend that you mix them with other of your confirmations.
  12. Forex is the worldwide market for currency trading. It is open 24 hours a day and offers great liquidity, making it a good opportunity for its participants, who can be from banks, large financial institutions and companies to small retail investors. Forex traders aim to make money by buying and selling these currencies that are traded in pairs. Today, many people are making money by trading Forex from home either as full-time professional traders or simply spending a few minutes a day to locate trading opportunities and opening, monitoring and closing their positions. It is very important that you know which form of investment best suits your personality. Based on that, you should prepare an investment strategy that suits you, and you can feel comfortable. You have three ways to invest money in the Forex market, depending on time: long-term, with swing trading, intraday or scalping. You only make money with Forex if you do things correctly. It is also super important that you protect your capital with good risk management.
  13. This is a very simple strategy that can be used in it's own. It's the RSI strategy. When most currencies reach a cetain level they are considered overbought or oversold and this gives us the perfect opportunity to earn when this happens. Overbought /oversold parmeters are usually 70/30. But I do not use these...My parameters are 80/20. You will get a lot less hits but more accurate. Try it out on demo first and see how it goes. I also use a RSI indicator from's free on MT4. . I have it set up on 12 currencies and every time any of the currncies reach my parameters, I get an onscreen alert and I trade. No fundamental analysis or anything. This is more of a price action strategy, It can be combined with the bollinger band (default settings) for even stronger confirmation). I hope this will help someone. What strategy do you use?
  14. First of all, a forex broker works as an intermediary between us (operators), and the stock market. Normally a Broker charges a small and really reduced commission for each operation that one sends to the market. It also requires a license to do so and they are regulated by the countries in which they reside. The difference between broker and trader, confusion is normal that often happens with new traders who confuse the term operator and broker. The trader buys and sells Cfd`s contracts. The broker only acts as an intermediary between the trader and the market, he or they do not buy or sell, they are only intermediaries. There are many types of broker, but the important thing is which one is best for you? Obviously many things come into play since you will trust them with your money and your profits, there are real position brokers and others who are speculators or as they are known Market Makers. What is the difference between one and the other because that is very easy. The broker market maker does not place your order, whether it is to buy or sell instantly or live, as we often say, but what does it mean now? It means that this type of broker waits to have a good sum of money from open operations to launch them all together on the market. Normally a professional with privileged information, and several years in the industry are to like to operate with this type of brokers since they have very very low spreed (commissions) for large amounts of money. However for a novice trader this more than liking it, it can cause the reason of disgust. So it is always advisable to use a broker that offers open positions in real time and with the least delay time to the market, these consist of having a sum a little higher than the MM, but nevertheless your operation is defined by you and not by a set of people. Whenever you are looking for a good broker, check what is available in your country, how fast the withdrawal and deposit transactions have and above all check the history of their managers. I hope I have helped you, I would love for you to comment if you need help to find a good broker that suits your needs, I am Jeremiah and I say goodbye from Argentina.
  15. There are many methods to make money online. One of the most reliable and highly liquid market is the foreign exchange market, popularly known as the Forex Market. It is a market where mainly currencies are traded for a profit. It is very rewarding. However, it must be learnt very well and traded with caution to avoid huge losses.
  16. Forex, also known as the foreign exchange market, is the conversion from one currency to another. ... It is precisely this volatility that makes forex so attractive to investors: it provides greater opportunities to maximize profit, but it also increases risk
  17. The psychology at the time of trading is something that I consider fundamental, since we can master all the strategies but when entering an operation we get clouded by lack of confidence, we are afraid that we are wrong, if we lose we try to take revenge on the market and that. It's awful, we must have a good mentality and enforce the trading plan we have
  18. The simple answer is yes. However, you will have to work hard to master all the trading techniques that you will need to trade well enough for a generally profitable return. Of course, a lot depends on how much equity you have. What do you say yes or no?
  19. Question to the experts? What is the best forex company you dealt with in terms of reliability and speed of withdrawal and deposit?
  20. The foreign exchange market (Forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized or over-the-counter (OTC) market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of trading volume, it is by far the largest market in the world, followed by the credit market.
  21. 1. Position Trading Strategy The Position Trading Strategy is one of the best forex trading strategies for beginners who are very new to the concepts of fx trading and want to get hands-on experience with lesser risks and effort. This strategy works by focusing entirely on long term positions that last for weeks, or even years in some cases! Traders using this strategy keep their leverage relatively low and aim for profits using the bigger price movements that last longer periods. Patience is the key for position traders as they trade like fishermen waiting to hook a big fish. One of the best things about position trading is that it does not require you to be glued to your trading account and charts all the time. Minor price fluctuations are no cause for worry as they are insignificant for a position trader’s plan. 2. Carry Trade Strategy The Carry Trade Forex strategy is said to be one of the most unique ones among fx traders as it lets them make a little extra profit if they time it correctly. The Carry Trade strategy lets traders take advantage of the interest rate differential that arises between two country’s currencies. Traders make extra profit by following this strategy by selling out the currency of a country with significantly lower interest rates and buying the currency of a country that has a higher interest rate. The difference between both the currencies’ interest rates will play a significant role in your profits if this particular strategy is in effect. 3. Conclusion Picking the right strategy may require you to properly research the market and expand your knowledge of it. Remember to stick to the basics especially when you are a beginner and keep experimenting with them to form your custom trading strategies. You must never underestimate the market and have backup plans ready in case your predictions or analysis was wrong. Furthermore, many of these strategies require you to have a healthy amount of capital so be sure to research every one of them and determine which one suits your trading style the best. Once you have mastered the basic ones and firmly grasped the principles behind them, move on to the ones that are more complex, and improve your skills as a forex trader.
  22. One biggest mistake for many new traders is starting to trade Forex without a solid Forex trading strategy. The Forex market is really attractive because it operates 24 hrs a day and you can trade when the market is going up or when the market is going down and in the eagerness to make money or prove themselves they dive headlong into trading. Does that mean the beginner Forex traders cant make money? Yes, you can make money trading Forex…and its if you are a beginner trader and you get into Forex trading and start making money right away, you should be very careful to let ego overcome you. You can make a fortune trading currencies in the short term but soon this will lead to bad psychology and trading discipline problems and you’ll end up blowing up your forex trading account. Good trading discipline, psychology, and humility are only achieved through experience. To be successful in Forex trading, you’ve got to have a strategy/plan in place which you must follow. Creating or finding a Forex trading strategy is very important as this addresses the following: Reason for taking the trade: why buy or sell? And what currency pair? Timing of the trade: why buy now? should you buy or sell after economic news release? The Asian session, London session? New York session? Trading objective: what’s the profit target? What’s your stop loss? Money management? How much are you risking per trade? Per day? Documenting and analyzing your trading results? This identifies your strengths are well as weaknesses. What is your reason for entering a trade? And there should be a really good reason! If you are entering a trade out of boredom or just the need to make a trade for the excitement, this is a recipe for disaster. Nothing feels more worse than entering a trade and watching a trade turn into a loss when you precisely know you should not have taken that trade in the first place! Every trade should be taken based on a condition that’s been stated in your trading strategy, whether it be a technical reason or a fundamental reason or both. Follow what your trading strategy says. Free Forex Trading Strategies When selecting which type of forex trading strategy to use, you have two options: You either pay for them You can use any of the free Forex trading strategies on this site and test them out. The trouble with paid Forex trading systems is that: You can spend a lot of money on buying a Forex trading strategy that does not fit your trading style. Later down the line, you realize it does not fit your trading personality so you won’t be using it once your initial fascination starts to wear off. Waste of money. With free Forex trading strategies: You have the option to test them out without paying for them and eventually find a trading system that suits you. Free Forex trading strategies can make money in Forex.
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