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  1. Hello Esteemed Forum Members,We are the team behind DoubleSwap, a cryptocurrency exchange platform, and we are excited to introduce our project to you.Here's what we have to offer: 250+ popular exchange directions User-friendly website design Streamlined order creation process (2 clicks - 10 seconds) A meticulously assembled team of professionals Key transaction criteria: Honest, Reliable, Fast, and Secure exchanges Competitive exchange rates Prompt customer support We are proud partners of esteemed platforms such as BestChange and KursExpert.You can find us on:Website: doubleswap.ruInstagram: doubleswap_cryptoVK: would be delighted to welcome you as our clients or subscribers.Looking forward to connecting!Best regards,DoubleSwap Team
  2. Офф сайт | Twitter | Medium | Facebook |Telegram (Russian official) | Telegram (Toobit Official) | Youtube | Reddit | Discord | Электронная почта: ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ Toobit – молодая криптобиржа, команда состоит из опытных специалистов в области ведущих интернет-компаний и блокчейн-компаний, таких как технические руководители продуктов, инженеры по исследованиям и разработкам, операторы бирж, трейдеры и другие профессионалы. Вот некоторые цели, которые команда ставит перед собой: Предоставить услуги торговли криптовалютой на уровне банка; Обеспечить честность и прозрачность транзакций, предоставляя при этом достаточную глубину рынка и ликвидность; Toobit также активно развивает технологию блокчейна и стремится создать справедливую, прозрачную и эффективную экологию транзакций, предоставляя пользователям безопасные, профессиональные и стабильные комплексные услуги по криптовалютам. УСЛУГИ БИРЖИ Toobit поддерживает несколько режимов торговли, включая фьючерсные контракты, спотовую торговлю и ОТС. Website – регистрация аккаунта Мобильное приложение: скачать KYC Для обеспечения безопасности и защиты своих клиентов Toobit имеет несколько уровней КYС: Уровень 1: Идентификация по электронной почте = доступ к базовым функциям; Уровень 2: Подтверждение личности = возможность использовать все функции биржи; Уровень 3: Является более продвинутым уровнем идентификации, который подразумевает более жесткие проверки личности, включая подтверждение дохода и места работы. Этот уровень доступен только для особых целей и требуется для выполнения некоторых сделок, включая снятие больших сумм средств. РЕФЕРАЛЬНАЯ ПРОГРАММА Реферальная программа Toobit – это отличный способ заработать дополнительный доход, просто приглашая своих друзей и знакомых на платформу. Toobit предлагает реферальную программу, позволяющую пользователям зарабатывать до 40% от комиссий ваших рефералов. АКЦИИ И БАУНТИ Биржа новая и активно развивается. Актуальные акции, активности и баунти программы будут появляться в комментариях под этим постом. А также, чтобы не пропустить интересное, следите за анонсами в социальных сетях. НЕМНОГО О НАС Штаб-квартира Toobit находится на Сейшельских островах, а члены команды работают из разных стран и регионов мира. Криптобиржа была создана лучшими разработчиками, бывшими членами команд других известных бирж. Листинг: Поддержка: Маркетинг:
  3. ▶️ Первое, что стоит понять при работе с криптовалютой — что является причиной полноценного изменения стоимости актива.(говоря «полноценного» Я имею в виду его движение в срезе какого-то промежутка времени: 2 часа, день, неделя и т. д.)▶️ Понимая фундамент, мы сразу движемся в верном направлении и предположении о том, куда пойдёт цена.▶️ Это база, которую стоит учитывать абсолютно всегда и на любом рынке: от криптовалюты до фондового рынка.=====================👋 Привет! Меня зовут Олег, и это мой проект The Sure, где Я делюсь своим 5-летним опытом работы с криптовалютой. Если вы наберёте в YouTube запрос «Как работают рынки криптовалют?» и откроете первые 5–10 видео по теме, то узнаете следующее: 1. Цена растёт потому, что много покупают и мало продают. 2. На капитализацию смотреть не нужно, т. к. она недостоверна и на цену не влияет.3. На рынке зарабатывают лишь «Маркетмейкеры», биржи, «Киты» и инвесторы. Трейдеры теряют. 4. На цену влияют лишь новости (фундаментальный анализ). (4.1. Уже в другом видео говорится, что новости не влияют, лишь трейдеры и закономерности рынка (технический анализ). )5. Рынок всегда зарабатывает на тех, кто теряет свои деньги (есть победитель и проигравший). На главный вопрос статьи отвечают пункты 1, 2, 4. По ним и пройдёмся. =====================1. «Цена растёт потому, что много покупают и мало продают».Если это утверждение верно, то цена всегда должна расти, когда покупки доминируют над продажами; и должна падать всегда, когда продажи доминируют над покупками.Предлагаю посмотреть на Биткоин за последние 4 года:• На скриншоте — месячный график биткоина. Красные и зелёные прямоугольники — область, в которых цена на актив падала и росла. • Сразу под графиком — 2 линии, демонстрирующие количество покупок и продаж на бирже Bitfinex. • В самом низу — гистограмма, демонстрирующая доминацию покупок к продажам: если столбцы зелёные — больше покупок, если красные — больше продаж. Невооружённым взглядом видно, что рост не всегда совпадает с доминацией покупок, как и падение не всегда совпадает с доминацией продаж. Я не беру в примеры ленту сделок, биржевой стакан и кластерный анализ. Это сложные инструменты и работать с ними можно по-разному. Но суть остаётся та же:💎 Доминация покупок над продажами (и наоборот) не является фундаментальным фактором полноценного движения цены. Это лишь вспомогательный инструмент. =====================2. «На капитализацию смотреть не нужно, т. к. она недостоверна и на цену не влияет».Проверим быстро и просто: наложим график капитализации на график цены биткоина за тот же период.Видим, что капитализация в точности следует за стоимостью (или стоимость следует за капитализацией? 🧐)Рассмотрим ситуацию поближе: на графике 1 минуты совпадение почти 100%.Делаем выводы и идём дальше: 💎 Капитализация и цена двигаются вместе и одновременно — анализировать капитализацию в таком виде бесполезно. =====================4. «На цену влияют лишь новости // лишь трейдеры и закономерности рынка».Это две огромные темы, которым можно посвятить отдельные посты. Но пройдёмся кратко. Начнём с новостей. Новости — это глобальная информация, которая доступна всем в открытом доступе. На основе этой информации владельцы криптовалюты или трейдеры принимают решение последующих действий на рынке:• Если новость хорошая — актив скупают;• Если новость плохая — актив продают. Прошу обратить внимание, что Я написал именно действие по отношению к активу, а не изменение цены актива. Также, если новости фейковые или слишком частые (например, как это было с блокировками майнинга в Китае за последние 4 года), люди перестают обращать на них внимание.💎 По новостям в голом виде имеем: либо покупают, либо продают, либо ничего не делают. Количество покупок к продажам не является конечной причиной движения цены. Идём дальше. Трейдеры и закономерности рынка. Закономерности рынка — это теория вероятности. Мы предполагаем будущее движение цены относительно прошлого движения цены. Например, если за последние 4 года цена каждый раз росла после пяти дней падения — значит, и в следующий раз она будет расти после пяти дней падения. Говоря о теории вероятности именно в контексте движения рынка, Я могу с уверенностью сказать, что всё работает с вероятностью 50/50. Где-то больше, где-то меньше.Я проводил уйму времени за анализом рынка: от простых закономерностей по типу паттернов «пинбар» и «поглощение», до сложных торговых стратегий. Я программист, поэтому делал досканальные эксперименты и собирал статистику с огромного пласта информации (в моем распоряжении минутный график биткоина с 2016 года, больше 3.000.000 баров со значениями о цене и объёмах).Опять же, это огромная тема, которой нужно посвящать отдельные посты. Здесь Я затрагиваю её в контексте фундаментальной причины движения цены. Анализу графика цены посвящены бесконечное множество книг, курсов и обучающего контента. Это настолько обширная тема, что её можно сравнить с искусством и творчеством, где каждый видит что-то своё. (Можно ли анализировать искусство и творчество? 🧐) Если нет единой стратегии/формата работы с графиком цены, можно ли её считать фундаментом? Выводы: 💎 Новости и график (фундаментальный и технический анализ) не является основополагающим фактором полноценного движения цены в ту или иную сторону. =====================Что мы имеем? Если вы наберёте в YouTube запрос «Как работают рынки криптовалют?» и откроете первые 5–10 видео по теме, то… ни в чём так и не разберётесь. Вы получите знания, которые противоречат друг другу в каждом новом видео. Это может путать, вводить в заблуждение, выматывать и заставлять всё проверять на собственном опыте. Найти действительно полезный, практичный, понятный и достоверный контент очень сложно. Один из таких контентов сейчас на вашем экране. =====================Так что действительно влияет на цену?На что нам нужно смотреть, чтобы заработать?💎 На капитализацию. На доминацию одного актива над другим. На переливание денег из одного актива в другой. Стоит смотреть, куда сейчас текут деньги.За деньги Я буду брать доллары $. Возьмём для примера$ и раскидаем по Топ 10 валютам поровну. По 100.000.000$ на каждую.Если будем продолжать держать капитал на +- том же уровне некоторое время, то цена будет колебаться вверх-вниз на незначительные изменения за счёт денег трейдеров, что в сумме всего 1–2% от всей капитализации. А теперь мы перераспределим деньги: сделаем так, что у одного актива станет 500.000.000$, а у остальных девяти по 55.555.555$. Что станет с рынком? Что будет с главным активом и с остальными?Посмотрите на этот график:Сверху — график биткоина. Снизу — график силы изменения доминации биткоина над остальными активами: зелёный — деньги вкладываются в биткоин, красный — деньги изымаются из биткоина.💎 Когда доминация падает, когда деньги из биткоина уходят — цена падает. Когда деньги вновь вливают в актив — стоимость возрастает. Проверьте это на других монетах: ETH, XRP, XMR, DASH и другие. Откройте график данного актива, график капитализации, график доминации и сравните данные с другими монетами. Вы увидите, как текут деньги в реальном мире. Как уходят из одного проекта и приходят в другой. Доллар $ тоже имеет свою капитализацию по отношению к другим проектам. Поэтому анализировать его тоже непременно нужно. Пользуйтесь этой информацией, разберитесь, поймите, как работает и зарабатывайте на этом легко, просто и в удовольствие! 🧐=====================Я делюсь своим 5-летним опытом работы с криптовалютой. Это те наблюдения, которые не найдёшь в интернете просто и легко. 👉 Присоединяйтесь ко мне в Телеграм-канал:👉 Пишите мне по любым вопросам, Я открыт любому общению:
  4. ForusTOKEN It’s a BSC based BEP20 token, 1.5% or 2.5% Reward system for holders depending on the amount of each transaction, and each transaction has 2% burning. It will be purchased by centralized and decentralized exchange listing and the total supply is 10 billion. Why Forus ? Forus team is developing this project for everyone who believes in the power of blockchain technology and wants to make an impact on society by giving people more control over their data. Vision To be the most trusted exchange platform cryptocurrency excellence and customer experience worldwide. Purpose To create a competitively low cost, no scam, and globally accessible cryptocurrency. Forus goal Forus team believes that the project will grow with the suggestions and involvement of its community. Our goals is to improve the customer experience and gain customer trust through our services. Forus on Coinmarketcap, and token FORS is available on Pancakeswap, Cointiger, Coinsbit, Finexbox and Azbit CoinMarketCap - whitepaper - telegram community - website - twitter will be list on coingeko soon
  5. Hello! We present you a unique product - YourBunnyTrades, where in one place you will find everything that may interest you in crypto trading. YBT is a crypto ecosystem with innovative cryptocurrency trading methods. This is the place where cryptocurrency enthusiasts can find cryptocurrency trading tools gathered in one place. YBT is home to cloud-based high-frequency automated bots for cryptocurrency trading. You will find two types of bots here: X-bot - automated trading on the Binance spot market. MyBotGarage - automated trading on the Binance futures market. Increase your passive income with modern automated trading methods. Connect the world's largest and most popular cryptocurrency market, Binance, and start earning instantly. YBT is a one-of-a-kind platform for exclusive trading instruments. Don't waste time looking for indicators, just visit YBT and use products like Oracool and Wavemeter. OraCool is an extraordinary analytics tool for the Binance Futures Market. By analyzing huge amounts of data in various time frames, Oracool provides oversold and overbought results. It is connected to the Binance futures market and is updated in real-time. It monitors and collects data on USDT pairs. Using historical data and moving averages in different time ranges, OraCool reports which pairs are more / less oversold or overbought. Knowing that the pair is oversold can be a signal to open a long position, and if the pair is overbought, it can be a signal to open a short position. It is designed to be easy to understand for inexperienced and experienced crypto traders. Horizontal bars and dots show how much one pair is more / less oversold or overbought compared to others. Wavemeter - powerful trading tool for the Binance spot market. With Wavemeter, you can filter cryptocurrencies based on various metrics, timeframes, and technical indicators. Wavemeter is a service that displays Binance spot market pairs by assets in different time ranges, giving you live data in a table. With this tool, you will be able to see sorted pairs with different values. We have also collected the most popular crypto widgets for you in one place, where you can find out information about the price of cryptocurrencies, fear indicator, bearish versus bull market indicator, currency volatility over different periods: Fear & Greed index Running Line Heatmap Bearish / Bullish Technical Score Market Overview with top Winners/Losers YBT is a one-stop cryptocurrency trading platform with a unique and intuitive interface. It includes many features and tools that are suitable for both beginners and experienced traders. We have created the Academy of our products for you, where you can find out all the detailed information on how to trade bots, how to use Oracool and Wavemeter, or make the right decisions in which direction, and which currency is better to trade at the moment. We also have technical support in English and Russian, where they will answer all your questions. Subscribe to our telegram channel Visit our Youtube channel Our goal is to create a dedicated place under one roof where crypto enthusiasts can spend their time using our products to increase their income. We are constantly improving our products and you will be pleasantly surprised by the performance of our platform.
  6. I tried in this article to address some of my thoughts about crypto and its huge impact on people with disabilities. Hope you enjoy it🥰
  7. What is Thundercore? ThunderCore (TT) is a high-performance smart contract platform which allows for the running of decentralized applications (Dapps) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Thundercore promises low fees and compatibility with any app written for the popular Ethereum Platform. The underlying currency on Thundercore Network is TT, which is used as a transfer of value and for related gas fees on the platform. Thundercore attempts to Solve Scalability, allowing For Under One Second Confirmations. In the last couple of years, many blockchain projects have been working on scaling and improving network speeds. Until recently, it seemed nearly impossible to scale blockchains with big projects like Ethereum failing to do so. ThunderCore seems to have cracked it and may be on track to beating giants like Ethereum in scaling their platform. How To Make Money? Thunder earnings system is based on stacking tt currency or tether currency, so that you can mine these currencies by holding tt or thunder currency in thndercore application. To download and install the application, go to this link A Step-By-Step Guide To Using The App & MArket Money 1) Log in to the app and log in with your Google or Gmail account 2) Enter the TT Minning section and go to the bottom of the page and click on the Bind a Referrer option and enter the code XWWQKD carefully, then the Send button and then the OK button to increase the amount of currency collection speed for you 3) After entering the program, enter the Quest menu and get 2tt for free. 4) In the tt mining section, it will be added to your Wallet menu whenever you click the Claim button. In the home section, you can play with the amount of tt currency you have collected and increase your thunder token currency and earn more dollars. Note, the program works in such a way that you can mine by buying tt or tether currency and sending it to the thundercore program. The more currency you buy and save in the app, the faster the mining. To buy tt currency, you can go to huobi exchange. Note, The minimum investment consideration is $100. 5) After entering the huobi exchange, buy tt from the balances section (ِDeposit $ Withdrawal). 6) You can get the your tt wallet address from the wallet section of the Thunder Token section and the 'receive' button. Guide Links For You! 1) 2) 3) 4) I hope this article is useful & helps you!
  8. BHC - Billion Happiness, или миллиард счастья. Именно на такой проект не так давно я наткнулся в твиттере Компания Billion Happinness занимается изготовление одежды. А благодаря блокчейну собираются искоренить контрафактные копии своих трудов. Компания имеет собственный токен BHC Как и большинство новых монет, данный токен основан на Binance Smart Chain BHC появился 14 сентября 2020 года, на BSC с максимальным выпуском монет в 1 000 000 токенов В последствии 90% токенов было сожжено, тем самым общее число токенов сократилось до 100 000, что неплохо повлияло на рост монеты на рынке. За последние 30 дней монетка прибавила более 3000 % в цене на данный момент токен торгуется с отметкой 127 $ на известной платформе Pancakeswap - Coingecko Информация взята:
  9. I am not a financial or economic expert, but I have a respectable experience with digital currencies and I know many secrets that you may not know, the first of which is the bitcoin price and how much it will be after five or ten years and an answer I do not know because I do not see the future, but according to my humble analysis, Bitcoin is digital gold The demand for the currency is increasing a lot, and the current prices are an opportunity that we will not find in the coming years. So try to store a percentage of your daily earnings because my vision for the future is good.
  10. We are in an era when technology is dominant in all areas and we have to keep up with and benefit from all positive developments, and my advice to every beginner is to beware of cryptocurrency scams that take a general downward trend. Every slight rise followed by a big crash is a reason to burn your money. For me, real money is Bitcoin, and the future hides surprises for us with this powerful currency that will change the global financial system for the better, and do you think that there are alternative currencies that will have the same value as Bitcoin?
  11. How much adoption do you have in your countries? In my country you can pay from a coffee, to a breakfast or delivery with cryptocurrencies, even pay to buy hamburgers, tell me how much adoption they have in your countries? I think it is time that the companies we pay taxes to accept payments in cryptocurrencies or maybe they may be lagging a bit behind other companies, it is time to innovate!
  12. Among the best sites that sell cryptocurrencies at a low price for traders🔥 website link : screen shot of my last transactions with this platform Offers more than 55% discounts in some currencies as well as they send your currency to you in less than 10-15 minutes Example They sell 0.13 ether for 0.002 Bitcoin 0.13 Ether=26 usd and 0.002 Bitcoin=19 usd so profit is 7 usd and if you want to increase your profit you can buy 0.71 Ether for 0.009 Bitcoin or 4.84 Ether for 0.05 another example They sell 0.71 Ether for 0.009 Bitcoin 0.71 Ether=145 usd for and 0.009 Bitcoin=85 usd so profit is 60 usd Note: 1 watch this video before doing any exchange with platform please word of thanks is enough
  13. Has anyone tried transferring litecoin from to any wallet? I have been trying to transfer mine since yesterday but it hasn't been going through. Can anyone help?
  14. Upcoming Airdrops Learn How To Claim Free Aeron and CryptoBonusMiles Tokens? Steps To Claim Free ARN and CBM Tokens?ARN and CBM Tokens Click to complete tasks: Airdrops Giveaway Download CryptoBonusMiles Airlines Loyalty Multi-wallet Application. Follow Aeron on Twitter. Follow the Instagram page. Follow the Reddit page. Retweet Aeron's tweet. Join the Telegram channel. Join the Medium page. Get up to 18 entries when you complete all tasks. Get an additional 3 entries for each referral. Resources
  15. Learn How To Claim Free Ethereum With Bynamic ? Steps To Earn Free Ethereum With Bynamic? Sign up on Bynamic registration page. Join Telegram group, make a post and fill this Application form ($0.10 in ETH per post). Check any bug in Bynamic Website like grammar, script, display or other and report it in this form The Bug Bounty Reward program (Reward from 1$ -1000$). Post about Bynamic including a few hashtags or share's Facebook page ($0.50 in ETH per post/share) and fill this Application form Tweet about Bynamic with a few hashtags or retweet tweet's Twitter page and fill this Application form ($0.50 in ETH per tweet). Create video reviews about Bynamic at least 2 min in any language (Reward from 2$ -20$). Submit a positive review for Bynamic on TrustPilot and fill this Application form (Reward $1 in ETH per review). You can check your participation status in this spreadsheet. Resources
  16. One of my friend lost nearly 2 bitcoin funds because of new wallets. Do not send funds to a new wallet unless it's proven to be credible and reliable. Some will do away with your funds and claim they were hacked. Some will even claim to give dividends for holding your crypto in their wallet, an example is plustoken wallet which was an obvious scam. Also, watch out for wallets apps which are fake especially when there is only a web wallet and the scammers take advantage of the situation to create fake wallet. What your thoughts about this.
  17. An anonymous Kraken crypto exchange customer said that a French bank refused to withdraw funds from the crypto exchange into his personal account. Bank Boursorama rejected two withdrawals on December 17 and 20 2019. Kraken said the bank had blocked transactions for several weeks. In a letter Monday (06/01), responding to a customer's request to transfer funds between Kraken and his account, Boursorama wrote, "We are notifying that, following a decision by the company, we will no longer accept requests to transfer funds to this account." Gregory Raymond, Capital journalist, who co-authored this issue, said that an operational error had occurred. The bank claims not to block transfers to the crypto exchanges. Raymond said the transfer to Kraken had reopened on Friday (03/01). Kraken's staff explained to Decrypt that Boursorama's bank account was blocked, but then Kraken began to receive transfers back from the bank. The anonymous customer made a withdrawal on January 6 and made it to his bank account. Responding to this, the customer said, "It is very worrying that I am not free to use my money as I wish. Boursorama refused the transfer without explaining anything, it took 20 days to just tell me they did not accept this account again. " The customer hopes that Boursorama can change their policies. If not, he will move to another competitor bank, German N26 known not to block transfers.
  18. Over the past 90 days, the search for the keyword "Bitcoin Halving 2020" increased dramatically on Google globally. The rapid increase began on December 14, 2019 with search scores reaching 52 points, then skyrocketed to 100 points on January 4, 2020. The score far exceeds the previous achievement, which is 20 points on October 8, 2019 ago. By country, Austria (100) ranks first as the country that conducts the most searches for the keyword "Bitcoin Halving 2020". Under Austria there are South Africa (76) and the Netherlands (75). The keyword "Bitcoin Halving 2020" is closely linked to the search for "Bitcoin", with an increase reaching 180 percent in 30 days. While "bitcoin superstars" increased by 650 percent in the same time frame. Bitcoin Halving is expected to fall in May 2020. At that time, Bitcoin rewards to miners will be reduced by half from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. It will also affect the amount of supply of Bitcoin to the market or in other words Bitcoin will be increasingly scarce. Based on the previous Bitcoin Halving, the price of Bitcoin rose one year before and after halving occurred. This next halving is expected to be the trigger for the next Bitcoin increase far exceeding US $ 20,000 per Bitcoin.
  19. It is not a great secret that banks do not like cryptocurrency. Those of us who are involved in it and watch things closely know it is a threat to their very existence. For this reason, banks are doing whatever they can to cut people off from it. Andreas Antonopolous just had the ability to accept credit card payments on his website cut off by his payment processor because he accepts crypto on there (in addition to being one of the leading speaking proponents of it). Thus, we see companies involved in cryptocurrency receiving the same treatment as those involved in cannabis and adult entertainment. Banks across the globe are stopping people from buying cryptocurrency using their charge cards or bank accounts. This started in 2017 and keeps growing. Now, we see a bank in Denmark taking it to another level. This is one of Europe's 20 largest banks and it decided to bank all 30,000 employees from buying cryptocurrency. The bank claims that cryptocurrency is too risk for employees due to its unregulated and volatile nature. Nordea Bank even had their policy upheld in court. This means that the employees of that banks are banned from owning cryptocurrency. Of course, banks and politicians long maintained that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is used for illegal activities. While the true statistics reveal that only a small percentage of transactions are illegal in nature, this does not stop the rhetoric. I guess it ultimately comes down to the fact that Nordea, along with the other banks, does not like the competition when it comes to illegal activities. In the United States, fines to the banks since the last financial collapse exceeded $250 billion. Yet people believe that cryptocurrencies exist solely for illicit activities. The reality is banks are going to do whatever they can to keep their system in place. They have fared very well doing basically what they wanted while the regulators were always a few steps behind. Cryptocurrency gives people an option which enables them to opt out of the current system. Since it is still in its infancy, the banks have a small window which they can try to hold on. After that, the proverbial horse is out of the barn, never to return. Once there are hundreds of millions of people involved, there is no turning back.
  20. When you see a huge drop in a coins price, people will sometimes blame it on whales that are dumping on the market. Whales are people or possibly a group of people working together to hold a large percentage of that coin and can use this to their advantage to manipulate the price of a coin to the desired price. Typically when this occurs "weak hands" will start panic selling so they can buy back into the coin at a cheaper price. Not always does his tacit work in the whales favor. If you been in the crypto world for awhile now i am sure you have heard of the term "Whale". The whale is the biggest creature in the ocean and for the most part can over power just about any other fish, so in crypto we refer to people or groups that have a large percent of a coins volume a whale. Coins that have a smaller total volume are a lot easier for a potential whale to manipulate. Whales will use a tactic called rinse and repeat, this method can be extremely profitable to a whale if timed right. The holder with a large percentage of that coins volume starts selling off lower then the market rate, which in turn causes people to start panic selling. Then the whale will watch and re-buy back in when the price of the coin reaches a new low. Then just repeats this process accumulating more wealth, more coins, and more control over that coin. Another way a whale can manipulate the price is by using buy and sell walls. If the coin drops people will generally start to buy in at a lower price and sell when it reaches a higher price. Makes sense. A whale has to have the actual funds to create the walls on the exchange. They can stack up either buy or sell walls and watch the price when it hits exactly where they want it then BOOM the wall disappears because they have canceled that large buy or sell order. There are actual real huge buy and sell walls that are not manipulated by whales. So you have to be careful, Don't get dumped on Whales don't always buy coins the traditional way through exchanges they can use Over the Counter Trading or Dark pools. This way they can buy vast amounts of a coin (if available) without it being noticed by the public eye. If you are a potential Whale you don't want the general public to notice your very large buy order all at one time. This would send signals to others that its getting ready to be manipulated. The great whale of 2014 caused an event where a massive liquidation of bitcoin where sold at 300 dollars a piece. Which was a supply of 30,000 bitcoins totaling 9 million dollars. People assumed this was going to crash the entire crypto market at the time, but to many people's surprise the buyers ripped right through the sell orders and the coin rose to $375 dollars. Here is a picture of the massive sell of So remember if you bought into a quality coin and believe in its community and tech, don't let weak hands deter you from staying in the game. Thousands of people have lost millions of dollars because of panic selling. If you get involved playing with a whale and your trying to make huge gains this picture related will be the only lambo you will have
  21. Login To Your Backoffice And Press The ADD FUND Button To Deposit Funds Into Your HYDRA AI Bot Once you press the Add Fund button , second screen will open where you choose the amount you want to deposit in USD and then it will show you Bitcoin Deposit Address... Minimum Is $100 And Maximum Is $100,000 Per Account Once you transfer the exact amount of bitcoin , it will immediately show you 1 blockchain confirmation and once 6 blockchain confirmations are done , your package will be activated Refer to the screenshots below  They have limited number of founder packages from normal founder packages to Diamond Founder packages ! You can see the benefits in the backoffice once they are gone , they are gone Make sure you get them while they last Click Here To Get Started Now Regards Admin P.S For Any questions , contact admins in Telegram Profits On HYDRA will start 7 days from now and also first coin burn will happen in 7 days and then will be hourly leading to hourly price increase of HODL Token... Leverage the next 7 days to position yourself tohighest possible position you can and also get your teams positioned at highest possible levels so from first day itself you are making lot of HODL tokens passive !
  22. Ripple vs Stellar Which of these projects/coins do you think will have a better future? If possible, explain why you think so or what are your assumptions based on?
  23. NashCash is a coin, which should enable fast and anonymous payments inside and outside the internet. outside for example at terminals or customer cards. We have technologies like QR or NFC for this. Specifications: ✅ PoW algorithm: CryptoNight Lite V1 ✅ Protocols: SECOR, RingCT, CryptoNote, LWMA, WHM ✅ Max. Supply: ~ 48 million (about 10% premined for Tests, Development Giveaways and so on) ✅ Decimals: 8 ✅ Block Reward: Smoothly varying recursion Relationship, starting at about 10 NaCA per Block ✅ Block time: 60 seconds ✅ Difficulty: Renewed targets on each block ✅ No Ico we do not rest and develop ourselves constantly (with the help of our community). If you would like to be a part of our growing community, come to us in 👉 Discord or 👉 Telegram 🌐Some Links: Official Website: BlockExplorer: 🔨Pools: Official Pool: Merged Pool: Other Pools: 💰 Exchanges: NashCash is contantly trying to improve and increase market value, Without investors we seek to pay low listing fees and grow our project slow and steady Nanu Exchange: TradeCX : Coingecko: we are coin coinpaprika, blockfolio and delta too Downloads: NashCash command line tools: Linux Windows macOS NashCash GUI Wallets: Linux Windows Windows with Miner (recommendation) macOS NashCash Mobile Wallet for Android (google playstore) For a fast start into the world of NashCash we suggest the: Webwallet
  24. Introducing TERA PLATFORM TERA is a platform for developing applications in a decentralized network. Programs can manage and transfer any digital values, including coins and tokens. This platform allows you to build a world economy without borders. The network is built on a highly reliable blockchain Protocol with PoW consensus. It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us to mine TERA, a coin that offers solutions for issues of existing cryptocurrencies, namely centralization, transaction throughput, transaction speed, confirmation times, transaction fees and general usability and difficulty of integration into existing payment and financial systems. We have managed to create a blockchain with 1 second block time, 8 seconds for full confirmation of transfer and zero fees. On top of that TERA blockchain is capable of throughput of 1000 transactions per second while retaining all praised blockchain features and bringing huge possibilities for further development and seamless integration with existing infrastructure as well as with new emerging technologies. Specification Name:Tera Consensus:POW Algorithm:TERAhash (sha3 + Optimize RAM hashing) Max emission:1 Billionn (TERA) Reward for block: Reward for block befor 43 mln blocks: 1-20 coins, depends on network power (one billionth of the remainder of undistributed amount of coins and multiplied by the hundredth part of the square of the logarithm of the network power). With a block of 22.5 million, the power for the reward is limited to a constant of 43. Reward for block after 43 mln blocks: <=1 coins (one billionth of the remainder of undistributed amount of coins multiplied by constant) Block size:130 KB Premine:5% Development fund:1% of the mining amount Block generation time: 1 second Block confirmation time: 8 seconds Speed:from 1000 transactions per second Commission: free of charge Additional Information Cryptography:sha3, secp256k1 Protection against DDoS:PoW (hash calculation) Platform:Node.JS Smart contract language:Javascript Wallets:Windows - src & setup; MacOS, Linux - src only Network launch:01.07.2018 12:0:0 (UTC) Mining launch:UTC "2018-07-24T15:33:20 Links Website: Bitcointalk ANN: Repo: 1) 2) Installing full node from setup on windows: Light wallet: Mobile wallet for Android: Google play: Web wallet: Docker: Tools: DApp editor: Explorer: Online Node Map: Tera Decentralized Exchange: Top Miners: Supply of TERA: API: API-2 (for Exchanges): Constants: Docs: White Paper: DApps Paper: DApps FAQ; DEX-Guide: BTC for DEX: Social Media: QQ: Twitter: Blog: Discord Invite Link: Telegram: (German) Telegram: (China) Telegram: Exchanges: Bitalong Qbtc Citex ChaoEx vbitEx BitCola MXC BigOne HotBit Hubi VGATE Roadmap Smart-contracts – October, 2018 Decentralized forum – November, 2018 Decentralized stock exchange – November 2018 Web wallet - December 2018 2019 Android/iOS Wallets Creation of IDE for DApps development Creating DApp for anonymous payments Research to increase transactions with sharding up to 1 million tps Creation of financial instruments for actions on tokens: futures, options, pawnshops DHT technology support Domain name support (.tera) Gateway to the decentralized internet (web3) 2020-20xx Building an economy without borders on the TERA PLATFORM Full node & Mining Attention: To connect to the network, it's better to have a public IP address. Installation instruction: Requirements The Terahash algorithm based on sha3 and optimized RAM hashing function. At least you need a strong CPU (>4 Cores) and a lot of RAM (>8 GB). Good combinations of Cores / RAM are: 04 Cores /// 08 GB RAM 08 Cores /// 16 GB RAM 12 Cores /// 24 GB RAM 16 Cores /// 32 GB RAM For example: The Intel i7-4770K CPU have 4 cores and 8 threads. Starting the wallet Wait until the synchronization is complete - the green message Synchronization complete should appear. Below, when you start first time, two fields will appear: name and adviser. Enter the code of the adviser (if you have one), enter account name and click the Create button. After about 8 seconds, the account creation transaction will fit in the blockchain and you will have an open account where you can mine the coins. Solving connection problems 1. Check the presence of a direct ip-address (order from the provider) 2. Check if the port is routed from the router to your computer 3. Check the firewall (port must open on the computer) Referral mining program In the first year of the network work (when the number of the block is in the range from 2 mln to 30 mln), the referral program of mining works. If the miner indicated an adviser in his wallet, then he gets about twice the size of the reward, and his adviser receives a one-time reward. Thus, at the beginning of the action of the referral program, the emission is roughly tripled. Technically, an adviser is an account number. Any account can become an adviser, provided that it was created more than 1 mln blocks ago (i.e. approximately 12 days). In order to smooth out the emission curve, the award for referral mining is multiplied by a factor that assumes a value from 1 to 0. The factor takes the value equal to 1 at the beginning of the program and smoothly changes to 0 at the end of the program (up to 30 millionth block). Transfer your coins "bank like" The coins are kept in accounts by analogy with bank accounts. The accounts are numbered from 0 sequentially. The zero account number is for system account, to which initially 1 bln coins were issued. To create new account you need to send to the network special transaction ACCOUNT_CREATE where you need to specify a public key of the account owner and unnecessary characteristic “name of account” (a line with length up to 40 bytes). It is advisable to specify the name to check the correctness of the account number input when sending the payment. Test Network Default values: port:40000 httpport:8080 Launch: sudo node set-test httpport:8080 password:SecretWord sudo pm2 start run-test.js
  25. BAT is a coin I’ve seen doing really well recently, it’s UP over 4% today, I wondered is this just a pump or is it because of really good tech associated with the coin? 🤔 So I decided to try out their Brave browser technology today and see. 👍🏼💯 You can tell if someone is using the Brave browser designed by BAT or Basic Attention Token as you can see a Red Lion in the top right hand corner of the screen: I’ve been using it all day as I’ve been writing articles and posting on the various internet sites I like and I have to say, it’s Really Really FAST! It does a great job of blocking ads and tracking devices, which means websites load a lot faster. The only downside is that some websites end up looking super basic, like Twitter, as a lot of the functions are reduced, check out this pic: Compared to this one on Safari: But if you ask me, I don’t really mind because it is just So Quick! I much prefer the speed it works at compared to the lack of functions and features it actually blocks. What do you guys think? Ive only been using it for one day, has anyone used it longer and having good results? Bad results? Conclusion Todays bump in price is because BAT and the Brave browser work really well! Go BAT, I’m definitely more of a Fan now. Peace! ✌🏼☮️
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