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  1. well, imo some faucets are actually worth your time! Interestingly I wrote an extensive post on this exact post a couple months ago. Here's a link for anyone that might be interested!
  2. SSFMEM This is my code. Dunno if I came on times for this but still thanks πŸ˜„
  3. If memory serves me right, my first crypto was Gridcoin. It's a really interesting project actually, that helps science go forward. I hold a nice big bag of it in case it ever takes of, although I highly doubt it XD
  4. I have mainly encountered two people that dont like crypto. One group is those that are just unfamiliar with them, so they are simply afraid of the unknown!' The other group is those people that think of crypto as get-quick-rich-pyramid-sceme scums..... In any case, when I encountenter any of them, I always try my best to convert them into... believers πŸ˜‰
  5. I prefer some of my favorites alts (e.g. BAT) and swing them for profit, with quite a bit of success up to now but I guess you are right.. I will give the investbox a try and see how it goes πŸ˜„
  6. I prefer to use cryptos but to be honest my clients usually won't accept them as a form of payment so I tend to use PayPal a bit more. They ga e me a good scare a long time ago when they had locked my funds but after sending a couple of papers they promptly unlocked them..
  7. If it fails, something else will probably replace it. The market is just to big at this moment for everything to wither and die just because BTC "failed",
  8. Yes, I have crypto atms a couple of times. Usually they have high commissions so it's better if you find another way to cash out your coins. But the occasional transaction here and there they are fine I guess!
  9. Who knows! I really wish though all this chinese fomo will start a new alt season. I have some nice bags I need to sell πŸ˜„
  10. Although I'd love to see Eos taking the #2 position, I don't see it happening. ETH is much more popular and I don't see it losing its position any time soon!
  11. I think it will continue doing as it does all these years. People consider it like the equivalent of silver for bitcoin, so it will most probably stay somewhere in the top 10 of coinmarketcap, with the occasional pump and dump here and there πŸ™‚
  12. Its a good place for noobs to make some free sats, unfortunately the payout is small. I guess the ones that were using it back when btc was much cheaper and hodled made a nice profit. Some years ago I think that site gave over 500 shats per roll which is not bad!
  13. In case you don't know, we still have 2019. Fix the title πŸ˜‚πŸΎ
  14. I am in the crypto game since mid 2016. I know of bitcoin since it started and every year I would tell myself... am too late to join the train. Until I eventualy did.. I just wish I had joined earlier, but aren't most of us? πŸ˜‚
  15. For bitcoin, I just use electrum. For other coins, either I keep em on an exchange or use the official wallets, especially when they pay dividends, like masternode coins do.
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