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  1. Note: This was published on the WillWam Blog in September. Some circumstances may have chanegd Cryptocurrency is volatile. There’s no getting around that. But as a crypto trader and miner, this coin caught my eye. It’s called LightBit. An easy-to-mine, Proof of Work currency (it is also rumored to launch Proof of Stake possibilities later this year). This particular coin catches my eye, because (like some other coin recommendations I’ve made in the past) it is CPU mineable. In fact you can only mine it with your CPUs. So why is this better than your run of the mill brute force coin? For starters, it’s energy efficient. ASIC, GPU, and even server farms create a huge amount of C02. In fact, Bitcoin alone generated about 20 megatonnes in 2018 according to this Guardian article. Not only is LightBit clean and energy efficient, it is profitable. Mining LightBit through pools like HashPex and SkyPool make easy payouts to your LightBit wallet. And yes, unless you have a beefy CPU, it’s dangerous to go solo. Currently, extremely profitable, and we haven’t even looked at the future PoS option. Lightbit is also friendly to almost any CPU (ARM CPU software is still being compiled). I’m mining with a really old Intel Duo processor, and it’s achieving a decent 350 H/s. In a day, I’d already earned almost a dollar in LightBit with the Duo and about an hour of i7 mining from my test laptop. So we’ve got ecologically friendly algorithms, good support for all CPUs, some nice pools, and I can’t stop mentioning PoS software. What more could you ask for? Here’s what you can ask for. A coin that is listed on a number of exchanges, and a listing CoinGecko. Take that plus a sleek website design, and you’ve got the ideal coin that is LightBit, plus a rising 100 satoshi price. LightBit has a strong community! Join the Discord! Developer Donation Addreas (LITB): LKM9WurpjcX6k5mfhCWotjdWoreV63MVEA My LITB address (support the blog): LdCNiRXeXaLFQ7vC9PgpBiXE99t9zyNao2 Thanks for reading and supporting the incredible developers at LightBit. If you want to see more like this, subscribe to willwam.com
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