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About lydasaway

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  1. That's why it is not advisable to do trades if you actually don't do have time to check it regularly or you don't consider reading the chart or the news before investing to specific altcoin. That happens to each and every traders since today's market is unreadable. The price reacts negatively or positively depending on what type of news comes out that will bring impact in the market and how those traders / investors reacts to it
  2. Honestly speaking, I believe that it will still exist after a decade starting from this year. People can go back to this thread (hopefully it won't be deleted) so that we will see on how huge the adoption will by that time.
  3. I don't know, maybe the best thing to do for us is just wait till it happens. We don't need to pressure ourselves because this bearish market has really taken a big toll for all of us. So if the bull run happen next month, then good for everyone. But let me remind everyone that the price we all wanted to see will not happen overnight. It will take months or even years before we can finally see another all time highs in the horizon. So let's just sit back and relax and wait for it to happen, eventually we will reach there.
  4. I prefer to use bitcoin, I dont have much knowledge stock market even my friend ask me to try it and I just focus in my works to be done in bitcoins world that's why I don't have enough time to take some time with stock market and it is easy for me to explore bitcoin in a few weeks that also lead me to put some investment in some coins that I use to make some big earnings at home.
  5. I really don't understand why Bangladesh is against bitcoin though, there's a lot of Asian nations who are into bitcoin and those who have been into it are getting huge amount of profit up to this time. You are just very unlucky mate, because some of your neighboring countries are enjoying it, you guys are hiding in the closet away from the prying eyes of the government.
  6. Bitcoin and ethereum will be the main cryptocurrency, which all are guided by. Moreover, since bitcoin has recently become stronger, it can be assumed that ethereum will grow faster, and it can be held more, but everyone must solve it himself.
  7. The future is the digital world. The blockchain is the future, at least for the next few years. The development of technologies is advancing at a rapid pace. I am sure that the cash and therefore also the FIAT currencies will be paid off. From my point of view, there can only be state crypto currencies. What role the BTC can play remains to be seen.
  8. The future is the digital world. The blockchain is the future, at least for the next few years. The development of technologies is advancing at a rapid pace. I am sure that the cash and therefore also the FIAT currencies will be paid off. From my point of view, there can only be state crypto currencies. What role the BTC can play remains to be seen.
  9. I think before we decide to buy on an online website, we need to make sure that the online store was really trustable. So we don't have to afraid if they will trick us although they can do that with ease. After we can get the right information about the website, we can continue to buy a product from them.
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