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Muneeb ali

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About Muneeb ali

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  1. I was always interested in earning so finding an alternate way of earning was my free time hobby then I saw a video on you tube in my suggestion from there I got the basics and started developing interest
  2. It is true that from reading we gain knowledge and knowledge helps in many ways of life but without experience knowledge is nothing and experience comes through practical work or experiments so we should apply our knowledge to gain experience
  3. I will advice beginners not to try short cuts and copy paste comments of others write comments based on your knowledge and research and read the rules of the forum carefully firstly
  4. I hope all of you will be enjoying good health. My advice is firstly read the forum carefully then answer it according to your intelligence don't copy paste others comments this will save you from getting banned and you will develop your independent skills and will get reputation too
  5. Firstly we should read the rules of the forum so we can understand the disciplines of the forum. We have to give related and useful information about the topic and the ratings and the type of information depends the amount of payment added to your account
  6. Buying vehicles with cryptocurrency is easy in countries which accepts cryptocurrency we can exchange the coins which we have in our account with the vehicle
  7. As the section name shows this forum is for beginners. The beginners should work here to get experience then they are free to explore others forums too. My advice is simply start from here
  8. As we all know that Corona has affected everything many businesses are ruined but in my aspects there will be no effect on Corona on cryptocurrency because it's digital we can operate from anywhere either from home or anywhere
  9. In my view cryptocurrency is the modern age currency and we should admit that those countries in which cryptocurrency is banned believes in old eras and have old mindset
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