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About Majd27

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  1. My friend, you have to differentiate between digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, in this forum you get cryptocurrencies in exchange for creating useful posts. As for digital currencies, they are similar to real money and are managed by banks
  2. I do not think that Corona virus is the reason for silence in the forum because all people are at home and they cannot move or go to work or do anything, and therefore they will resort to the forum to earn money
  3. Yes, my friend, I agree with you a lot on this. When we write what we learn, it will lead to us remembering the information for a longer period. In addition, we must write down what we want and what is the goal that you want.
  4. Yes, my friend, I face this problem often. I always delete all the posts that I create. As for the comments, some are deleted only, and this makes me move away from creating posts and I am content with commenting and responding to posts only. I will try to adhere to your advice and create useful content
  5. My friend, the forum allows you to create 50 posts per day, but it pays you for 20 positive posts only. Therefore, you must write at least 20 posts per day and make your posts meaningful and useful in order for the members to give you a positive reputation. I wish you good luck
  6. My friend, many topics have been shared in this forum and it has become difficult to find a new topic to discuss and every day new beginners join this forum and ask the same questions and the same posts
  7. My friend, there are some investors in cryptocurrencies who have gained great experience with the direction of the currency price and predict its decline and decline, and this is necessary to ensure their profits, but nevertheless it cannot be accurately predicted because the prices of cryptocurrencies change very quickly
  8. If you want to start investing in cryptocurrencies, then you should start your investment in famous currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum so that you do not get deceived and fraudulent because the cryptocurrencies have become too many and some of them are theft and fraud, so you have to be careful
  9. My friend, of course, there are some people in this forum who create very distinct posts and comments, and on my part, when I like one of the posts, I give it a positive reputation when I think it deserves a positive evaluation.
  10. There is no specific device to be able to enter and work in this forum. You only need a good internet and a good browser like Chrome, then you will start working and make money. I wish you good luck.
  11. Yes, of course, you are right. Repeated spelling mistakes in your post will lead to the moderators deleting your post, so you have to train in the English language and make your writing good and free from errors
  12. Hello my friend, I think that creating new posts now is not that easy, because most of the posts now have become duplicate due to the large number of topics discussed in this forum, so you can suffice to respond to the posts and I advise you to create three posts per week
  13. Getting a positive reputation is not that easy. You have to publish new, unrepeatable and useful content, and be in a simple language that is understandable to everyone, make your comments constructive and useful, and do not write things outside the topic at hand
  14. Hello my friend, trading cryptocurrencies is not a complicated, difficult and risky matter, no, but all you have to do is caution and think carefully before undertaking any investment or trading process so that you do not suffer large losses
  15. Yes, my friend, of course, working in a group spirit is better than individual work, but you have to be careful in choosing people who you will trust, because some of them may trick you.
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