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Abdul Sami

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About Abdul Sami

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  1. My dear fellas! Greed is a cure that leads to many other sins. If one person is greedy it cannot have peace and and propsertiy in his wealth. And fighting our fear leads us to the bravery and encourage. As said taking no risk you cannaot take big decisions
  2. YES, crypto talks enhances our speaking skills. As by giving our thoughts on various topics our speaking as well as knowledge is also increasing day by day with the help of crypto talk!
  3. EXPERIENCE IS ALWAYS GREATER THAN RANK. if onw is applied to a higher rank it may not be able to give good result due to lack of experience. If an experienced person is given a work it can proposer and may give you with expected results. Experience is always be considerable before starting any work
  4. Yes it will be widely accepted. As per modren requirements, modern era needs modern currencies. It seems like they both will be very demanding in future becuase of thier significance value and acceptance in all of theh developing countries. We are hopefully waiting for these values to be get comon in people
  5. AOA Dear ! I am beginner here but still i know a little bit about a trader and trading ... A trader is the one who trades and the whole process is known as the trading .. A good trader can be a life saving for us because a well educated trader tries to trade much more better then a immatured.
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