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Muhammad Ammar

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About Muhammad Ammar

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  1. Yes, it's a good platform for students. I am also a student and work on this platform. I want to pay my expenses with my own money which I earn. Students have a number of needs including stationary things, mess expenses hence they could pay their expenses by earning money. So it's a good platform like a part time for students.
  2. The fear of taking risks may be holding you back in life. This includes mental strength, the mental strength will help you conquer that fear. You need to take risks, challenges yourself and try harder if you want to achieve success, grow stronger and become better. One more thing is that not all risks are good risks. You only want to take the calculated risks that can truly improve your life.
  3. According to my experience you can work on this platform by using public Wi-Fi because it is not prohibited in rules and regulations of the cryptotalk. It will not affect your target and performance. Be aware about the rules and regulations of this platform and if you confuse about this then you should get guidance from your seniors. They help you a lot.
  4. I would like to tell you some of the tips and skills which are required for this platform. First of all you should follow the guidelines, rules and regulations of this platform. You should good in English and grammar skills, your way of talking, your communication skills is also very important to be a good. You should write a informative, beneficial and positive contents which can be proved helpful for all the people
  5. Good communication skills is the ability to understand and manage your emotions so as to communicate effectively, avoid stress and overcome challenges and empathize with others. You are saying right that this platform develops good communication skills because we communicate with different types of people, share knowledge, give our experiences to others. We are dealing with different people coming from all over the world. Communication is the best way to introduce someone itself that how he treats others, how he communicate with people.
  6. Dear don't rush into it. When you begin take a few leaps everyday before you subtly and gradually increase them. First you post a few things then you should gradually increase the speed of posts and comments. Most important thing is time table and mind set you should set your time for this platform. You don't need to make elaborate preparations before taking it up.
  7. The anxiety of losing our dreams, the worries about the future make us weak in our life goals. When there is a fear of loss, it signals an attachment to the item that is at risk of being lost. The best option of come out from fear of losing everything you have achieved til now is courage. You should have the guts and the confidence to face the challenges of life.
  8. First most important thing is that we should change our mind set for success. Often what's holding us back on our road to success has nothing to do with skillset or financial backing and everything to do with mindset. One more thing is that we should get guidance from our seniors, we should not feel shame in recognizing that we need help.
  9. At first you may feel like you are wasting your time on this platform due to selection of useful posts that posts are not selected in useful part. But when you completed your first hundred useful posts the you will start earning money. Apart from money there is a much more to learn here such as information about different things, knowing about all over the world, interact with different types of people and knowing about the currencies. So, it's not a waste of time, every work requires time for perfection and excellence.
  10. In every business like trading etc risks have been involved so, you should be aware about the rules and regulations of the trading. For a better trading a good ideas, positive thinking must necessary. You should also get guidance from your seniors in this matter of trading. According to my opinion first you should start trading on a low scale so the chances of loss is minimum.
  11. I think everyone should focus on their own works instead of others work because deleting other's posts without any reason is not a good thing. We should achieve our goals by consuming time in our work instead of waste time in searching other's mistakes. It will also a bad impact for those who tease people without any reason.
  12. Yes dear you have hit the nail on the head it means you are saying right about this issue of deleting posts. You give us a beneficial, helpful tips I am very grateful to you. Most people use tough words in their post which most people cannot easily understand that posts. Other thing is that they don't care about the grammar mistakes, rules and regulations of this platform it will also a bad response for them. In the again I would like to say thanks to you for this useful information and tips.
  13. Yes, I am also give reacts to posts of people which is easily understandable and beneficial. Giving feedback is very helpful for encouraging people. We should also give reacts not for money but for our state of mind and other's hard work because people use knowledge, information in their posts when nobody react their posts they will lose hope.
  14. Success depends on the hard work. Everyone should follow their goal and work on it by gathering knowledge and skills. You are saying right that when one person post useful, informative contents then he will gain reward. We should collect useful information, knowledge about different things and use our language simple and easy then we will also definitely gain maximum reward. If our posts will be informative and beneficial for people then we gain a positive feedback from the people.
  15. First of all I would like to thanks you for giving us this useful information and giving beneficial tips of trading. We should evaluate our progress and cultivate good habits for better trading. I would also like to share some tips for trading. 1. Always use a trading plan. 2. Treat like a business. 3. Risk only what you can afford. 4. Always use a stop loss. Here are some tricks and tips of mine which according to my opinion much beneficial for trading.
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