Nurhosen2021 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Nurhosen2021

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  1. If you want to keep your phone safe, use a good keyliner. If you want to keep your phone safe and good, you need to use a good cleaner. There are many types of antivirus in the phone so a good cleaner is enough to remove the antivirus.
  2. You should be self-sufficient in the language of those posts. Because the post you do here will have a lot of people reading it. So you are asked to do it in pure beautiful language.
  3. People who post will like the features so the language of each forum should be highly valued so he gets the importance of each forum.
  4. I am trying to answer all the questions that have been asked of me. I have learned a lot through this website which is why they are asking me all kinds of questions. I am trying to answer that question. There is a lot more to learn from here.
  5. If a person wants to live in a society, then he has to continue exchanging transactions. Because people can never walk alone in society, if they want to walk in society, it should have cooperation. Then that person can be happy in social life. So people have to face transactions. Because no one can walk alone in the life of society, people face transactions with people.
  6. If someone is asked about a subject, he needs to be proficient in that subject. Because the judge who is asked about the subject does not have general knowledge then he gives a clear answer on that subject. Therefore, it is necessary to have knowledge about the subject on which the question arises. Then he will be able to give
  7. To become a businessman, you need to have all the qualities in him. He must have the idea of buying and selling. He has to show interest to satisfy the buyer. This business will be successful if it can satisfy the mind of the buyer. So the mind of the buyer must be satisfied first, so the mind of the buyer must be satisfied first. There must be a good relationship between buyer and seller. If a good relationship develops between the buyer and the seller then he will come to achieve success in a business.
  8. You need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. Because you have to be proficient in the questions we ask you. Then you can answer the question. For this you have to be proficient.
  9. Crypt Talk is a social website. Numerous people work and benefit from this social website.
  10. English is the international language. We have to give importance to English language. Because English language is as important for other countries, so this language has to be given more priority.
  11. Those who are working in a new way are being informed that you have to make at least 40 posts. And you are being specially told to save your ID. Because there is no shortage of hackers.
  12. Is it important to use cryptocurrency to collect something? Because if you put it in crypto talk, it is protected in a beautiful way.
  13. If we want to be safe about something, we have to be careful. In order to use something safely, we must have the right knowledge about the good and bad aspects of that thing.
  14. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. If you have patience, you can achieve success. So you have to have patience to do any work. If you are patient, success will come one day or another. Success is sure to come with patience. So every human being must be patient. Patience leads people to success. So every human being should be patient Success is sure to come with patience. So every human being must be patient. Patience leads people to success. So every human being should be patient Success is sure to come with patience. So every human being must be patient. Patience leads people to success. So every human being should be patient
  15. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. If you have patience, you can achieve success. So you have to have patience to do any work. If you are patient, success will come one day or another.
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