Kilishi - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Kilishi

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  1. Yes if you have a nice comments then your reputation is going to be greater but when comments are very poor you are going to have a less very reputation and poor.
  2. There are many ways that you can get banned by using many multiple accounts or posting irrelevant comments that does not correspond to a question,and the using country that is being banned from crytotalk.
  3. Everything in this life have it own risk aside but.because before you should be a successful man you to under goes a hard time so for that reason we need to be extra carefull and we always remind our friends.
  4. The crytotalk site is good for youth especially those who are employment after finishing there school they have no work to they find it very easily for them to earn money here in the platform.
  5. It depends the kind of environment you live in or what you can afford.but the best device and that is more comfortable is Android phone that you type very easily and you take very where along.
  6. All you to do is by following the rules and regulations of the platform,then secondly before making a comment all you do is to read the topic very well before making any post or comment, thirdly each time you did understand anything in the platform try to seek for advise or guide.
  7. Crytotalk currency is a platform that is mainly design for you to understand what the world is about and to learn and understand internet business or transaction.
  8. Yes in life there is a proverb that says no food for for that reason need to hustle for survived so that the family can be proud of you and whole the world that is why crytotalk is the way out for you to earn money.
  9. The question i Will to ask the senior is if someone want to withdraw the Bitcoin what are the step involved for someone to take.
  10. No there is no risk in crytotalk because is not something that you can give out money before you should be registered in the platform you only used your experience to earn money.
  11. Yes is additional income when you are try to know the important of crytotalk by posting relevant information and giving advice to the ones on how the important of crytotalk is to the humanity.
  12. Crytotalk has enlight and help people life out of poverty especially the youth that are employment in the society they have used this privileged to earn more money for survived.
  13. You to get carefully before scammer are very smart in the sense that they will drag you the wall because scammer have fraud many people in the society and do not exposed your password to everyone.
  14. Some times when you have a less word less then twenty word you can't be able to submit your comments altime you need like fifty words for to be able to submit your comments.
  15. Depending on how the admin have handled people in way and manner and the platform is moving smooth and clear and serving good to the humanity where the aim and objectives is being achieve.
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