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About mistertruthful

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  1. моя цель - познакомиться с самой криптой и начать ее использовать в будущем,чтобы с нее заработать. крипта становится все больше и больше популярной, уже уверен что через 5 лет каждый 10 человек будет владеть тем же битком, поэтому сейчас самое то время ,чтобы изучать крипту,чтобы потом от нее получать пользу
  2. в крипте я думаю легче обмануть, особенно новичков, которые не так давно начали пользоваться криптой и пока не слишком скептичкски относятся к всяким новым проектам. к тому же в крипте скам все больше развивается и поэтому никто не застрахован от обмана.
  3. i am a student and i find this forum very helpful because it got me really deep into crypto. i want to start earning money and i have already started investing and i have already got some money from crypto and i will surely keep learning and being into crypto because i don't consider it as a waste of time but a good education
  4. i am student and i can say that a lot of my friends including me are interested in crypto because they know it is a future and a way of earning money. we like talking about crypto and most of my friends are really going to buy some crypto in order to sell it when it will be high. it is actually very motivational to learn crypto when you have friends who are interested in it as well
  5. it is very important especially for beginners when they just start to buy or invest in crypto. because if they loose too much they loose the motivation and any sense to go forward and they give up crypto. if you invest everything in crypto it can be really harmful for you and thus it is better to start from a little amount of money
  6. in any field not only in trading the worst enemy is you. because everytime we have to fight against our laziness , procrastination and sometimes with our negative believes and thoughts. if you realize that you are the only one who makes obstacles to get success you will get motivation and work harder , it really works for me because i know that almost everything depends on me.
  7. anyway patience is still important because if you hurry and want to earn as soon as possible you will fail. trading is not a field where you have to hurry , it is the field of analysis , taking risks and making mistakes and sometimes repeating them over and over again. but still patience is important as it helps more to realize when you have to sell or when you have to hold more
  8. может и быть выходом но поступок глупый. торговать тем что взял в кредит - большой стресс и много беспокойства все ли будет хорошо что в итоге приводит к тому что можешь совершать неразумные и опрометчивые решения из за которых можешь потерять даже эти деньги и потом становится еще хуже. если уж торговать то лишь частью от своих денег
  9. представляю самый худший сценарий того, если во мне заиграет азарт - что уйду в огромный минус и ни с чем не останусь,и это мне помогает избавиться от всякого азарта. стараюсь не сидеть на бирже когда у меня плохое настроение или если весь день проходил неудачно так как понимаю что и на бирже облажаюсь.
  10. the thing is that a lot of new traders hurry too much in order to get at least a little bit of benefits from trading and thus they fail. trading is not a field where you have to hurry and make decisions too fast as trading is analysis and learning and following the news to be aware of what could happen. thus it is important for everybody to realise that being in a hurry is not a key for success at trading
  11. surely you have to study. if you want to become good at something and earn money from it you surely need to go deep into studying and trading is not an expectance. if you don't study your success is influenced by your luck only which is very rare and doesn't last more than one time. combine studying and practice in order to understand more faster and learn your and other's mistakes
  12. start investing in ethirium because i am sure it will grow soon and there is a chance to get a benefit from it. but if you are new to crypto i would advise you to start from bounty and airdrops . firstly you can earn from them and secondly you will learn how to use and deal with crypto before investing
  13. if trading is your part-time job you will not have a high income from it because from my experience you have to spend much time for trading if you want a lot of benefits from it. if it is your hobby only your income will be not really satisfying because you take less risks as you are not ready for them. if trading is your full time job you have to take risks because you don't have a choice and thus you will earn more by that.
  14. in my opinion trading can't make you rich but it will let you to have enough money to make your own living. i know a lot of people who were found of trading but they didn't do it for a long time. most of the traders leave it after couple of years and start investing. the reason is that trading is too stressful and if you want a lot of money you must take more risks as if you are not risky you will not be satisfied with your earnings. surely trading is a good place for money but i doubt it can make people rich
  15. тем временем биток и эфир продолжают расти, с середины января наблюдался спад цены , но вероятно, это была коррекция и сейчас мало-помалу биток и эфир начинают снова набирать обороты. есть прогнозы ,что биток будет в лучшем случае 100к в этом году а эфир должен подняться в 8 раз и стоить 10к, будет надеяться на это и следить за изменениями
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