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ak khalifa

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About ak khalifa

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  1. hmm yeah ok mu dear friend the websites you are going to give your identity without knowing about the work don't go ahead for work even if you do some research . not for today . by dear
  2. my dear friend that's means that the estimate is that crypto talk was created maybe 4-5 months? So we can say it is still new. In regards to the funds, perhaps they have some strategy that they used to pay that's all my heart.
  3. that's topic is Do you know about Dice Airdrops??. that's means dice what's the reasons of it and why no value of it. I hope these tokens has some value in future. Is we can do trade with these token that's all my friend
  4. Some advices for the beginners. that's means completing your 100 first posts. You can complete them according to your time table. It's your responsibility to follow the rules of this forum and do hard work for this forum. Give respect. that's all
  5. that topic is Yobit password and login forget. and that's will appear for you and inside it is an empty box you must place the email inside it and press send and then a message. that's all my dear friend
  6. Some reasons of topic and comment deleting that's topic means addition to repetition or if the post is less than 100 characters. These are the reasons for deletion. Everyone should read the forum rules properly. that's all
  7. "My late start in the world of Bitcoin" that's means term digital currency, the purpose of its creation, and the areas of its use, but in later lessons you can talk about how it is made and the technology of blockchain and electronic wallets, then later . that's all
  8. hmm yeah that's means term digital currency, the purpose of its creation, and the areas of its use, but in later lessons you can talk about how it is made and the technology of blockchain and electronic wallets, then later . that's all
  9. Giving negative ratings won't solve the whole problem that's means to suggestions and corrections and giving them a negative reputation and maybe they can leave the forum. So I think we need to encourage . that's all
  10. thank you my friend for providing this supportive topic for us...as a beginner i have not enough knowledge about cryptotalk..so it is very possible for me making mistake in this platform..so i really really need help from others members who have good knowledge about this forum.
  11. that's topic is If real currencies can be used as digital currencies . that's the means currency: the second most popular encoded in addition to the speed and ease of its transactions and its average price as it can be bought and traded easily in addition to that it is that's all
  12. that's topic is If real currencies can be used as digital currencies that's means it has been stopped because if every currency cam be used anywhere then that can create a lot of mess. But with the growth of the world and. that's all
  13. yeah my dear friend you should be tactful and if you want to post something or wonder about something, it must be infrequent so as not Your post is deleted, and your comment must contain at least 100 characters, . should be tactful and if you want to post something or wonder . that's all
  14. that's means information how to bring any website in our home page, I think most of android users know this feature but who really don't no this feature then this topic useful for those memb. that's all . to visit the forum by using mobile phone because all that time i didn't know about that. Thank you so much, though for now a, etc
  15. hmm yeah that's is very important topic that means. obtain money in order to secure his basic daily needs, but with the advancement of time and the development that takes place, we need more than one source of income that earns us money and provides us with additional gains Permanent and through my research and the help of some friends I got to know that's all.
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