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About Ram96

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  1. Yes dear, the more your posts, the more reputation you get, but to get a good reputation, your topics must be of interest and give others the benefits and knowledge about cryptography and cryptocurrencies.
  2. Everyone here dreams of getting rich, but first you have to be rich with useful information about encryption and how to deal with deals so that you do not commit any foolishness and then have money and collect it to get rich and have many deals and of course I aspire to become rich
  3. Keeping currencies inside the portfolios does not increase or decrease them, but the prices are the ones that give big profits or losses, but you cannot say bad because in the future their price may rise and you may achieve good profits and in return you can lose so you have to put a section and invest a section in the short term even if the price falls, it is not You have lost a lot and if I go up, you will have made good profits
  4. I have been working here for only a short time and I liked the job very much because I first started gaining good experiences and information about cryptocurrencies and their wonderful advantages and have made some money and I am really upset because I did not hear about the forum since its inception and did not enter it until late
  5. I entered the field of cryptography several months ago and I loved working in the field of cryptocurrencies, and I have had enough experience in this field. If governments allow the use of encryption, I will be one of the first users and promoters of it.
  6. In fact, the cryptocurrency cannot be chosen as a primary income source now because the government is fighting it, and this increases people's fears in dealing with it. Therefore, they put crypto as a secondary income source, and for you if it is authorized and allowed, you can adopt it as a basic income because it is of high and good earnings.
  7. Encryption is useful to all of us, and also students benefit from coding. If they work here, they will gain good knowledge about coding because, perhaps in the future, he will study coding in universities and also has a benefit in covering their study expenses because it brings good profits.
  8. There are scammers here, but they can hide their identity because of the privacy of the forum and this is what helped them in their fraudulent operations and they can steal your money from you without knowing their identity and through an unfair exchange you send the currency to them and they do not pay it and they disappear and you cannot know them
  9. You can buy bitcoin at any time you want, but it is preferable to buy it when the price drops in order to make good profits when its price rises and you want to sell, and you can buy some currencies that have a good future in order to benefit from them and get good rest, such as Ethereum
  10. I entered the field of encryption two or three months ago, and I learned about it from a close friend of mine, and after he told me about the advantages of encryption, its usefulness and the extent of its necessity in the near future, I liked to go through this experience.
  11. To get positive interactions and good reputations, you must write good topics related to coding, its advantages, and the forum. When writing topics, you must have understood the rules of the forum and search for the topic you are thinking about if it exists. Do not publish it.
  12. The cryptocurrency market is a relatively volatile market, and it rises and falls very quickly and its price is fixed a little. If you want to buy cryptocurrencies, you only have to wait for the price to drop at that time you buy the currencies, and if you want to achieve good gains, you wait until the highest price for the currencies is announced and you Sell to win well
  13. I started working on this forum not so long ago and I haven't traded yet. I work to earn a good amount of money, but some friends have traded, and some of them have won hundreds and others have made a big profit from cryptography and I am trying to get a good profit from this encryption
  14. Recently, the cryptocurrency buzz has started and working with it, and some governments have opposed it and worked to fight it, but it will not be able to eliminate it because the cryptocurrencies have become very popular with people and they deal with it comfortably, but we cannot adopt these cryptocurrencies because there are some sectors that you cannot work with, but you need Except for coins, so we can not approve cryptocurrencies at all, but they can be partially approved
  15. Learning and understanding are essential in any business that you want to do. The cryptocurrency is a new currency and we must understand the rules and foundations on which this currency is based in order to facilitate dealing with it and become more smooth.
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