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About pericor15

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  1. Bitcoin (BTC) es conocida como la primera criptomoneda digital de fuente abierta y peer-to-peer desarrollada y lanzada por un grupo de programadores independientes desconocidos llamado Satoshi Nakamoto en el 2008. Bitcoin no tiene ningún servidor centralizado utilizado para su emisión, transacciones y almacenamiento, ya que utiliza una tecnología de base de datos pública de red distribuida llamada blockchain
  2. What you mean is, that you sent BCH to your exchange deposit address, and you don't know what exchange it is? Only with the address it will be difficult to know. A suggestion. Look at what date you deposited in an explorer, and search on those dates by your email if there are any emails accrediting the deposit. If not, one by one you will be checking all the exchanges where you have an account.
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