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  1. This of course can happen, but not suddenly .. but gradually when trading is perfected in its full details, and also enables me to earn more money with the aim of starting with the special and ideal apocalyptic besides my work in trading and digital currencies...
  2. This question indicates a high ambition ... Unfortunately, this dream is very difficult to achieve. The reason for this is that this digital currency trading should be a personal opinion and an internal motivation, while if it is in school and university it will have a compulsory nature, and this is not in line with the world of digital currencies .. Also, there are some people who prefer daily work and business Desktop and this is also inconsistent with digital currencies.
  3. In my opinion, this issue is very far from realism and almost impossible, the reason is that bitcoin has gained its reputation and strength through trading and investments in the world of the Internet , encryption and converting it into a tangible physical currency will be difficult, especially since its value will be great .. Imagine with me that you Carry a bitcoin in your pocket, this is crazy and a big responsibility ... hahaha
  4. Thank you for this purposeful and beautiful question, Covid-19 has made people divide into two parts in the crypto world. The first section was afflicted with despair and fear, and unfortunately, they put out hope and persistence. The second section found a ray of hope in the world of cryptography as a result of the recession that prompted and stopped daily work, and this increased hope and persistence and made many people develop their skills in the world of cryptography and trading .. There is no impossible .. I wish everyone health and wellness, sorry For long
  5. This world is full of strange and sudden surprises, and the world of cryptocurrencies is developing day after day, and this thing is tangible for everyone. These results were not tomorrow, so they will surely appear the day after tomorrow with optimism ... good is coming
  6. There are a lot of people who have certificates and intelligence, but have poor chances of getting a job either because of personality or because of poor experience. As time progresses, we find that obtaining the job is more difficult, and working on the Internet is easier, and this constitutes fertile ground for all people, especially the unemployed, from here they can secure their daily need to eat and drink without being a burden on society.
  7. This is a beautiful dream, but I will speak from another point of view .. All investors in coding aim to earn money, develop capital, improve their financial condition, or realize a dream that needs money .. Therefore, there must be people working daily to provide for the requirements of the rest of the people. There are people who love daily work and going in the car or on transportation to work and earn a living. People are types.
  8. In the beginning, it must be emphasized that the idea is not impossible in the world of the internet and trading, this is a large world and constitutes a force for development with the passage of days. I expect that this currency will develop significantly during the coming days in general and in this year in particular, but the idea of it reaching 20,000 Dollars .. exclude it, but not impossible .. Sorry for the prolonged
  9. The more investment, the more important and trading, and hence the market value. We find all of the above and the development of time. The importance of Bitcoin is increasing, and the financial crisis today in the whole world has made many people turn to the Internet as a method of trading and investment. This is a good and tangible evidence. The results for online trading, especially in bitcoin, will be booming in the short term.
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