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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Порекомендовали данный обменник. Сегодня попробовал, менял солану с выводом на тиньков. Прошло все быстро и чётко. В будущем ещё воспользуюсь
  2. Хороший обменник, недавно его открыл для себя, сделал пару обменов, в итоге могу сказать, что все прошло без задержек и я доволен. Дальше им буду пользоваться
  3. Да к черту их, и тот форум. С таким подходом и отношением их форум долго не протянет
  4. Странный форум, меня там забанили, хотя я бы не сказал, что сильно нафлудил) 30 сообщений за 3 дня написал
  5. Забыл тут отписаться. Токены получил, результатом доволен. В будущих кампаниях от БМ обязательно приму участие
  6. The most important is to create the project that is necessary for people to be in demand.
  7. Community is very important for every project. It is necessary to get support of community.
  8. Now it is very difficult time for all the markets. Many people stopped investing at all. But after the fall will be a restore of the market.
  9. A lot of new projects appear and it is necessary to check everything to know their advantages.
  10. Without promotion it is impossible to survive. So promotion is necessary.
  11. Now many people carefully monitor the market to buy tokens of new and prospective projects for the best price.
  12. Now many people constantly monitor the market to find the most prospective projects and buy their tokens for the best price
  13. It is very important to communicate and interact with community to know the demand in the product and its tools.
  14. NFT now continue to be popular and attract attention of users. It is necessary to monitor the market to find the most prospective projects.
  15. The rise is good. But is is not too big. May be it just a temporary correction.
  16. In spite the fall of the market it is necessary to continue to develop a project to offer people more useful opportunities and tools.
  17. Community plays an important role in the life of every project. And it is necessary to support community.
  18. It is necessary just to wait for the rise. Many people thing that soon it will be a rise.
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