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Everything posted by vermigerous

  1. But i think bearish market is the best time to buy cryptocurrency. I also hold top coin like xrp ripple on my wallet, hoping for it to increase its price and earn much more in the future.
  2. I think this may be good but this requires more work in the side of the administrator and moderators of cryptotalk forum, i think they much know how is cryptotalk to run.
  3. We cannot say such words like that, we just have to trust an continue what we are doing. Maybe in the future the cryptotalk would be more improved.
  4. Upgrade is fundamental in cryptotalk forum. I think its because of the massive numbers of members posting here and surfing into this forum that makes the website a little bit laggy or slowing dowm ita servers.
  5. I also read about this mate, a sms sign that is higlighted with black color indicates that you already commented on it. The grey ones are thread that you have quoted and lastly, black and white sms sign indicates you haven't yet commented on it.
  6. A post that makes sense, i think we need a post luke this to show improvement in our cryltotalk forum, and to really clean the mess here. Its a good way that we ahould report spammy or inappropriate post, rather than make another topic about it.
  7. Yes, i also think that if a topic is deleted, for sure it is spammy or repetitive post topic here in cryptotalk forum. We should review first what we ought to post.
  8. Yes, absolutely we need to have a section for local boards with different languages, because there are so many members here comes from a different country, while some of the members doesn't really good at english speaking, then it's so good to have a local boards.
  9. Maybe the administrator and the moderators knows more how to deal with this. It's ok to report copy/paste works here without asking for other payment for it.
  10. Yes you're absolutely right. If we want to save some post of members here in cryototalk, we could bookmark the link actually, or save the link to a notepad.
  11. Yes great thing about cryptotalk forum is that whenever you browse to other site, when you go back it shows your reply and it is not deleted, save draft thing is very uaeful here in cryptotalk forum.
  12. Good idea, however i think we don't have the decision for this. I think it's the administrator and the moderators who has the right to make the logo thingy.
  13. Maybe i'll go for out of confidence, and also avoiding to get warning points that maybe my post was not that good and not beneficial. So im just too careful.
  14. It is just normal for a forum that has many percentage of reply post than the amount of topics made. This is just an indication that only few peecent of members are making topics thread than posting comments or replies.
  15. I think sometimes the cryptotalk forum might slow down due to the system that many users are online and transmitting in this forum that's why i think it alows down a little bit. But nevertheless the cryptotalk forum always back to normal pace.
  16. Yes you're right, giving reputation seems to be priceless, however not post should've been given a good reputation, we only should give those post that are beneficial and also we cannot please people to like our post.
  17. Yes it is really frustating, so that's why we need to refrain from replying or posting with short words only, it is not counted, and also we shouldn't reply far from the topic because out of topic replies leads to deleting of our post.
  18. Grammar and spelling matters and it is necessry to have to post in this forum. If we posted a wrong grammar or wrong spelling maybe the moderators and admin would definitely think that we have not give effort for making such post, so we should spell it correctly.
  19. As for now, they have not used yet, but i think that reputation points are use in the future when cryototalk have been upgraded i think.
  20. I think there would be no extra reward as of now for the won member here in the forum. However i think your account would be known and get such reputation by the admin and moderators.
  21. Maybe in the near future cryptotalk would have these sections that gives additional earnings like going into bounty campaigns and signature campaigns.
  22. As of now i think the total members are 210,160 this february 17, 2020. I think the numbera multiplied in a short time. I am very glad that cryptotalk would get popular so soon.
  23. Thanks for this advice, i tottaly agree that we should be picky on what we are supposed to post. And also we should refrain feom commenting or posting non sense topic so that our post wont be deleted.
  24. Great idea. I think the moderators and administrator of this forum has already plan to do this thing in the near future. We just wait for the update.
  25. I agree with you. If we ought to post for something, we should search for it first in this forum in order to refrain from repetitive post and may not lead to our account from getting warning points.
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